Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 78: Little book


At the beginning of July, Qin Rou received two sample picture books from the publishing house, as well as 30 published picture books for children and baby sharks.

She was a little dumbfounded, the traffic between the island and the inland was so dumb at this time, because of the typhoon and the weather, in many cases, the ship transportation was delayed.

By the time she received the sample booklet, it would have been officially published on Xinhua Bookstore.

It is not yet known what will happen to sales.

This was a surprise. For the time being, Qin Rou didn't show it to the two cubs. She brought a few copies to the kindergarten and showed it to Principal Wu Min.

Director Wu Min flipped through it, "This book is really good."

"This children's picture book is more suitable for children aged three or four. These pictures are beautiful one by one. The story is simple and educational. There are many games behind it, and a paper-cut game, a chess board? Really good …”

Wu Min picked up the two picture books in front of him, and carefully flipped through them page by page, "Why are there holes in these pages for children to touch? Yes, little guys like to touch them with their fingers." touch these things...”

Qin Rou watched along with her. She also held a small shark picture book in her hand. Compared with other things, she loved the baby shark in her hand. Every time she saw it, she was cute, stupid, obedient, and greedy. The little sharks I eat always remind me of the two baby sharks at home.

In the office, the two adults read children's picture books with great interest.

"Wait until September, our kindergarten will also display these picture books for the children to read and play with."

"This little baby shark is very childlike. Although the story is simple, but the brushes are cute, I couldn't help but be fascinated by it. This little baby shark is so cute when he acts like a baby with his mother..." Although these children's picture books are more It is suitable for children to read, but as an adult, Wu Min, the director of the kindergarten, especially likes the baby shark story in another stick figure.

Although the baby shark baby Qin Rou's drawing is simple, she uses the brushstrokes of modern comics, which is more cute and cute. The round body of the little shark looks more like a chubby little tadpole beside the mother shark, with black peas eyes. The shark's fin is also soft, and its round body lies on the mother's head, back, and tail in various ways, acting coquettishly and cutely. It is obviously a small shark, but it is like an annoying fly that cannot be driven away. .

It is visually cute and cute!

In front of the "outer fish", it will open its sharp-toothed shark's mouth again.

In short, it is cute, fierce and cute, the daily adventures of baby sharks.

"How many copies do you have? Leave this one to me. I'll take it back and show it to my daughter."

"I'll buy yours at price."

"It's okay, director, just take it, there are quite a few at home."

"No, how can this work? You can't start with this one. After you give this book, what will happen next? People will ask you again, should you give it or not?"

"Believe it or not, once I go out, other teachers will ask me for a copy."

"Although it's a matter of a few cents, you will feel uncomfortable if you have more."

"That's fine, the director ordered it from me."


Director Wu was right. As soon as she went out, she showed it to several teachers, who also said they wanted it. These days, who doesn’t have children at home, especially young children, who are making trouble at home every day? , if there is a picture book for them to read, it can also pass the time, so that adults can feel at ease and save trouble.

Most parents in this era do not have the requirement to cultivate children's reading habits since childhood, but they instinctively feel that letting children read picture books is conducive to their growth.

Qin Rou said to bring them five or six books.

"There are no more. I can only go to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy. I don't know if there is a Xinhua Bookstore in Lucheng here?"

There should be ones from Guangcheng, but on their island, I don’t know if they have been shipped over by now.

Qin Rou went to Xinhua Bookstore to ask, and they said they would have it in the middle of the month.

The clerk of Xinhua Bookstore looked at the book in her hand, "Is this the book? When it comes, I'll buy one too. It looks interesting to me."

"Who drew it, what a coincidence."

Qin Rou blushed, thinking that I drew it.

It's also the lack of various entertainment activities at the moment. Everyone has never seen such a cute cartoon, and has never experienced such a style of painting. That's why they are curious about her baby shark. After all, everyone likes cute things .

Mr. Chen Yubai's painting style is exquisite and sophisticated, and the things he draws are more in line with the painting style of this era.

After coming out of Xinhua Bookstore, Qin Rou felt a little relieved. Judging from the current adult readers, the picture book is still somewhat attractive, but I don't know how the sales volume is.

Let's hope it all sells out, although the plan is to self-publish at first, but who wouldn't want to make more money

If Mr. Chen's picture books can sell thousands of copies, he can earn a few hundred dollars in the future. Although from a modern point of view, a few hundred dollars is not much, but for now, it is not a big deal. small amount.

It's good if you can make money.

Qin Rou's proposal to have Mr. Chen come to paint is also with the idea of making money for her sister's family. The Chen family has already planned to settle down in Qiongzhou Island, and recently they have to solve the problem of moving into the household registration.

If the household registration can be completely transferred to the village commune here, they can be allocated a part of the fields and homesteads.

Chen Mian works as a teacher at the school. Many of the students in the school are children of poor farmers nearby. He teaches well and has gained a lot of popularity. Although the village head and secretary here are also poor, they can help coordinate the work of moving in .

On Qiongzhou Island, although the natural conditions are good, it is too closed and backward. In addition, it is currently the frontier of coastal defense. Generally, the educated youths who come from several big cities in Guangdong Province cannot accept the environment. Many educated youths have escaped in recent years. , Even if you die in the sea, you have to run, as long as you run successfully, you can go to another prosperous island.

Few educated youths are willing to stay, and most of them have found a way to leave. Some foreigners are willing to settle here, and the locals do not welcome or reject them.

As long as most members agree, the Chen family can move in.

After moving in, you can share a small piece of land to build a house. It is a sum of money to buy materials to build a house. The Chen family is also struggling with this money. The brother-in-law’s family is too embarrassed to ask sister Qin Rou to borrow money, so they have been saving privately. .

It's not easy for Qin Rou to take out the money directly. It is better to teach someone how to fish than to give him a fish. The money he earns with his own ability is easy to spend. She wants her sister to live in a solid brick house.

Soon, just wait a few more years, wait a few more years, life will be easier, and the south will be developed.

At that time, I am afraid that many people will go to Nanyang again.

Guangcheng, Xinhua Bookstore.

Bei Shuyun is an employee of the non-staple food factory. She came to Xinhua Bookstore to buy books today. She likes to read some novels and comic books on weekdays.

As an adult, I feel embarrassed to tell outsiders that I like to read comic books, but Bei Shuyun just likes comic books. "above.

She can save money on food, but she has to read comic books.

Bei Shuyun picked out the comic book she wanted to buy, and when she was paying at the cashier, she was about to take the money, but she saw the clerk in charge of collecting the money put a book together and put it aside.

She glanced at it casually, and saw a cute "big-headed fish"? ?

The contents inside seem to be paintings, too.

The clerk settled the bill for her: "Anise."

At the moment, a comic book is only a few cents.

Bei Shuyun was not in a hurry to give the money, but said: "Can I read this book?"

"You were watching this just now?"

"You read it, you read it." The female clerk's face was a little red, and she didn't know why, but she just read this kind of "children's book".

The little shark inside is really cute, and there are a lot of introductions to marine knowledge. I saw a lot of interesting marine life and marine environment. They are obviously a coastal area, but she doesn't know much about the ocean bottom.

Because people in this era, even if they were born near the sea, generally seldom go out of their villages, and at most go to the county, let alone a little further, to see some kind of sea.

Even in Qiongzhou Island, a village a little farther from the sea, although they live on the island, many of them have never seen the sea since they were young.

In this era of underdeveloped transportation, local farmers generally do not migrate. Only educated youths, veterans, workers, and those who actively responded to national construction and moved to the barren frontier areas will carry out long-distance population migration.

Bei Shuyun picked up the book, opened it casually, and immediately saw the bulging baby shark. She thought this little fat-headed fish was very cute, with a gray body and white belly, small peas and small eyes, and the short shark fin was very cute .

She couldn't help but read on. Although the story is simple, the style of painting is really cute, which makes people like it at first sight.

"Cough—" the clerk coughed and reminded: "This is suitable for children aged two to four or five. This is a newly arrived children's book. I have a little niece at home who is just the right age, so I will read it. Open it and have a look, I plan to buy it home and show it to her."

Bei Shuyun was also a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "I also have a little nephew at home, I want to buy a copy for him to read, where should I put it?"

"It's over there, and there's a children's picture book next to it. Would you like to read it together?"


Bei Shuyun went to find two books, she flipped through the sample books, and decided to buy both, one for her little nephew and the other for Little Shark, as a little book for herself.

"These few books, help me settle together."

Back home, it happened that the third brother came up with his little nephew. He was a three-year-old boy. Usually when he came, Bei Shuyun had to be careful about her little book, for fear of being snatched away by this little bad guy, or torn.

A little boy of this age likes to tear up books, and she has torn several books by him. Now that she is very experienced, she must hide her books well.

"Little aunt, are you back?!"

"You went to buy a comic book? I want to read it, I want to read it!!!"

Bei Shuyun was upset, but this time she remembered the two books she bought, so she gave the two picture books to her little nephew Bei Baoshan.

Bei Baoshan first saw the naive little squirrel gnawing coconuts in the children's picture book, and couldn't help screaming "Wow wow wow".

"Fish! Fish! There are fish!!"

Later, these two books were still taken away by her little nephew Bei Baoshan. Bei Shuyun sighed and decided to go to Xinhua Bookstore to buy two more copies the next day.

The next day, I just went to the bookstore to buy, when I received a call from my sister-in-law, "Where did you get the books that Baoshan brought back yesterday?"

"It's at Xinhua Bookstore, what's wrong?"

"He took the book to the kindergarten today. Many children rushed to read and play. They snatched all his books and tore them to pieces. Now he is crying at home, clamoring for books. .”

"Did you buy it at Xinhua Bookstore? How much is it, okay, then I'll go and buy another one for him, that's all, don't cry, it's just a book—"

The clerk at Xinhua Bookstore yawned, and saw a middle-aged man come over and ask, "Is there that one? It's a book for children with a little squirrel on the cover. What fish are there..."

"The one you mentioned is sold out."

"Sold out? Why is it sold out?"

"Because there aren't many copies here, and we have to go to urge them to get them in stock."

The publishing house was very surprised, "Sold out so quickly?"

"Add printing, then prepare to add printing."

"This parent is quite willing to buy it for his children?"

After all, this is a children's book. Parents who have no money will not buy books for their children. Compared with toys, these are not a lot of money. If children like them, they will buy them.

A thousand copies were sold out.

Two thousand copies were also sold out.