Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 79: Mapo tofu


"It's selling well?" Qin Rou was pleasantly surprised when she received the call, and she asked a few more questions in detail.

"It's sold out, now it's time to print!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Rou's heart was still beating wildly, because the book sold better, and the tone of the people from the publishing house was much better, and they said that it would not take long to transfer the money.

"Great, I'll bear with it for a while, and when the money arrives, I'll tell my sister the news."

"No, I just can't hold back!! I'll go to my sister's house immediately."

Qin Rou didn't go home either, and rode a bicycle to her sister and husband's house, and she wanted to tell them the good news.

At this moment in the Chen family, there happened to be a man visiting the Chen family. He was Chen Mian's former junior high school classmate, named Tang Jiafu. His grades were not very good when he was studying. He was not as good as Chen Mian before, but now he is doing well in a factory. This time I will come to Guangcheng on a business trip. Knowing that Chen Mian is now on a deserted island, I followed a newspaper photography team from Guangcheng to visit relatives and friends on the island.

Tang Jiafu has now become arrogant in front of Chen Mian. He opened his sleeve and revealed a large piece of Shanghai stock market watch. Since he bought this watch, he now has to grab his wrist when he sees people to show it to others. And his big belt, which shows he's having a good time.

"Chen Mian, Chen Mian, it's an old classmate, look at you now, you've ended up like this."

"A good college student, now working as a primary school teacher on this deserted island, still lives in this kind of house."

"Didn't your wife's younger sister marry a military officer? Why didn't she help your family..." Tang Jiafu said anxiously, thinking to himself, reading, what's the use of reading? It's like Chen Mian, no matter how good he is at reading, he's not as useless as he is now.

Even if his brother-in-law is an officer on this small broken island, what's the point of being an officer? At the beginning of the year, there was also a naval battle, which was even life-threatening.

"I'm living a very good life now, very satisfied." Chen Mian didn't want to argue with him. Over the years, he had heard a lot of ridicule from others, and Tang Jiafu's words made him feel at ease.

Tang Jiafu laughed at him: "You just have to be stubborn, the times have changed, you should stop sticking to your old ideas."

"In my opinion, reading? Reading is useful. Now that my son wants to read, I won't read to him. I will encourage him to tear up the book and read a shitty book."

"Chen Mian, you really didn't want to be like me back then. Don't read so many books. If you read too much, you will lose your head, and you need to be transformed like you are now."

Chen Mian said lightly: "Reading is useful, at least it can also satisfy the spirit."

"Satisfied with the spirit, do you really think that you are full of love and drink water? Let's go on with your life first, you just talk about you, a poor teacher, how much money you can make a day, your dad, your dad used to be arrogant, hehe University teachers, your salary is high, but you just can’t be used to it, those who learn knowledge don’t deserve such a high salary.”

"Does he still make money day by day?"

"Is your family's life difficult now? Did your father, and those old students before you come to see you? Are you short of money? If you are short of money, I can lend you some."

"I just came in and paid fifty cents to your son. You haven't seen how bright his eyes are. This is fifty cents. I bought a pair of small leather shoes for my son for a few—"

At this time, a person trotted in from outside. Chen Mian turned his head and found that it was his daughter Chen Juanjuan. She threw a piece of fifty cents in front of Tang Jiafu, "My brother doesn't want your money!"

Followed by her younger brother Chen Jinghua, Chen Juanjuan said loudly: "My brother and I are originally stupid, and it is easy to become a fool if we don't study!!"

"Brother, stop talking to idiots from now on!!"

"When you see a fool, you hide."

Tang Jiafu's complexion changed, "You child, how do you talk?"

"How do you teach children?"

Qin Mian also came over with tea at this time, she said brightly to Tang Jiafu, "I'm really sorry, this is a child taught by a girl in the mountains like me, he's a little ignorant, please bear with me."

"Because I haven't read any books and don't have much culture, the children I teach don't know how to be polite in other people's homes, and they don't even know how to be polite in my own home."

"That's why I asked them to read more books. If they don't read well, it would be too vulgar to go to other people's houses to play tricks in the future. It would embarrass the family and be their parents. It would be shameful to live in this world."

Tang Jiafu's face turned red when she accused Sang and scolded Huai, "You—"

"The people in your family are really stubborn, you will die poor on this broken island in the future."

"If you have a good relationship with me, your son can arrange to work in a factory in Guangcheng if you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars."

"If you don't go to the factory, are you really going to feed the fish on this broken island?"

"How much money do you get teaching for a month, and you're still in this thatched cottage—"

Chen Jinghua said: "I will not go to the factory. When I am old, I will join the army, and I will defend my family and the country."

His words startled the people around him, and Tang Jiafu immediately laughed when he heard his words: "You have thin arms and thin legs, you are as black as a monkey, you are still going to join the army, you have the strength to run Is it like a scholar like your father, no wonder it was said in the past that you are a scholar who is useless."

"You are still a soldier, take a pee and look in the mirror."

Qin Rou heard Tang Jiafu and Chen Jinghua's words outside, and she walked in and said, "Why can't my little nephew be a soldier? At this time, technical talents are most needed, even the big soldiers must learn to read and write. Not to mention being in the navy, Jinghua, have you seen your uncle’s book at your aunt’s house? The book on ships contains a lot of knowledge in mathematics and physics. If this person is not smart and does not study, he will not understand it. I can't learn it either."

"Auntie!" Chen Juanjuan and Chen Jinghua called her.

Qin Mian was also surprised when she saw Qin Rou, "My sister, why did you come here at this time?"

"Sister, I'm here to announce the good news at your house. The publishing house remitted 500 yuan, and it was all for Mr. Chen."

"What, five hundred dollars?"

"The manuscript fee for publishing a book."

Qin Rou looked at Tang Jiafu, and continued cracklingly: "You look quite strange, are you a friend of our brother-in-law's before? My brother-in-law's house is about to build a new house, do you want to stay and help?"

"You look as strong as a pig. Do you work hard in a factory? We just need people like you to carry bricks and mud when we build a house."

"The hard work is not the same wherever you do it. You are all fighting for construction. If you are positive in your thinking, then stay and work. We can't eat pork on this island, and you can eat fish as you like. "

Qin Rou looked at Qin Mian, "Sister, where does this person work? He looks like he just dug coal out of a hole. He can't see the light all day long, so he can't speak brightly."

Qin Mian laughed, and Chen Mian laughed too. Tang Jiafu was ridiculed one after another by their family members, and was kicked out of the Chen family with an ugly face.

"Sister, you still have to build the house quickly, especially the gate, so that no one dares to come into the house."

Qin Mian smiled: "Come on, I'll scold the other, anyway, I'm different from your brother-in-law."

Chen Mian sighed, "The two of you are the best at running on people."

"You don't dare to say it—" At this point, Qin Mian stopped speaking. She looked at Qin Rou and changed the subject: "Amei, what you said just now is true?"

"The five hundred yuan is my nonsense, but the publishing house is really going to send money. I don't know the exact amount, but there must be several hundred yuan."


"of course it's true!!"

"It's great, it's great!!!"

"That was drawn by my grandfather!!"

"The people from the publishing house over there also asked Mr. Chen if he would like to draw a comic book. If he draws a few pages of cover, he can make a little money."

Qin Rou is just asking tentatively.

Nowadays, those who are engaged in art, calligraphy and painting, many of them are relatively noble, pursue artistry, look down on mundane things such as comic strips, and are unwilling to paint. Many art students who are learning painting now hold their noses to give People draw comics to earn some living expenses, and the money they earn buys paint and brushes to support themselves.

Mr. Chen has stopped painting for a long time, and no one knows whether he is willing to start painting again.

The members of the Chen family were all happy when they heard the news. Chen Jinghua and Chen Juanjuan cheered, and Qin Mian said excitedly, "This relationship is good. When the money arrives, we will split it up. Thanks to your idea. Wait until the money arrives. When the father-in-law comes back, I will tell him the news."

"It's a good day today, let's chop some meat and eat it,"

"A-mei, you just stayed at home for a meal. I'll cook pork and stew vermicelli, and the two of us will have mapo tofu. You haven't had it for a long time, do you miss it?"

Qin Rou: "..." Ma, mapo tofu

"Sister, I'm an announcer, and my voice doesn't like spicy food very much."

"That's fine."

Qin Rou had a meal at her sister's house and met Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen's mentality has calmed down a lot in the past few years. When he heard about the cover of the comic book, he also agreed to draw a few.

After agreeing, he asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, comics. In the past two years, there have been more books on the market, much richer than before."

Several people in the Chen family didn't want to discuss this matter very much.

"Jinghua said he wanted to join the army?"

Elder sister Chen Juanjuan smiled and said: "He just said, how can you join the army when you are a kid?"

"So what if I don't join the army? Wait a few more years. Instead of serving as a soldier, I want to go to the countryside to be an educated youth." Chen Juanjuan and Chen Jinghua are now 12 years old. Educated youth, now that he and his sister's family are like this, he will definitely not be recommended for college.

Going to be an educated youth, a lot of people are related, and they will come back to the city after a few years. Chen Jinghua is like his father, he can read books, but he can't get along well with others, and he doesn't know how to make troubles. He went to be an educated youth. As a junior high school student, he could only do nothing in the village and could not be a village cadre, let alone go to college through this recommendation.

"My sister and I are going to junior high school, but I heard that there are not many classes in junior high school and high school, and there is nothing to learn in school. I heard many people say that they don't want to go to school. A labor force returns home. Helping the family work, we can get a few pieces of land now, work hard for a year and get some dividends, and wait a few years when I am old enough to join the army... "

"Jinghua, why do you think so?"

Chen Mian and Chen Yubai fell silent.

Qin Rou said softly: "Juanjuan and Jinghua should study hard now, maybe when you finish high school, you can go to university."

"Is it really possible? Now universities have to recommend it."

"But the people recommended now don't necessarily have a high level of education." Qin Rou said in a low voice: "As you said, if you don't study much in junior and senior high schools, how can you learn real things in college? In the future, for the development of technology and culture, That requires real talents to research and build, and I think the way of selecting talents will change in the future.”

"Maybe it will be two or three years. You are still young, so study hard first, and then wait another three years."

Qin Rou smiled and said, "Let's say three years. You can look at it after three years."

I played table tennis a few years ago, and the bridge in Shencheng was the only way to go inside and outside. In the past few years, the diplomatic situation has changed rapidly, the environment has improved, and the external development also started from the south.

"Okay, I will finish junior high school in three years' time."