Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 83: radish


Xue Guixiang's neck and face were flushed by the words, and she wanted to rush over to make a move, but was stopped by the soldier on guard, who was also very helpless at the scene in front of her, "Let's talk to the leader together, and ask the women's director to adjust …”

Another woman next to her said: "Then go together, she doesn't care about her own children, bullying other children's children is nothing."

"Hey, you young people, you have to go online for everything, and our family doesn't want any broken books, and I have to rush to send my children to kindergarten..." Xue Guixiang didn't dare to make trouble anymore, and the leader really made trouble Where to go, their family is not good, here is different from the village, the daughters-in-law here are all family members of military officers, big and small, it is useless here, even the family members of the leaders can’t make trouble, so many people are watching , she said in a humble tone: "Zhuang Zhuang, grandma will take you there by bike."

Zhuang Zhuang slapped Xue Guixiang's leg, and said arrogantly: "Then hurry up."

Zhuang Zhuang is also a bully and fearful child. He knows that his grandma is useless when he encounters difficulties today. He doesn't blame others, but his own useless grandma.

Xue Guixiang carefully coaxed her Zhuangzhuang to leave. Although she had a strong voice in front of outsiders, she was extra careful in front of her grandson.

She coaxed her little ancestor to leave with all kinds of greetings.

Seeing this scene, Qin Rou suddenly remembered the scene she saw when she was eating noodles at the entrance of an elementary school. It was also a pair of grandparents eating noodles in a noodle shop. Maybe to save money, she ordered a bowl of wonton noodles. The grandson However, at the age of elementary school, he had already developed a fat head and strong ears, and a big belly. Even the elementary school uniform could see the outline of the fat on the chest.

The grandson sat across the table and ate heartily. He ate wonton noodles. The noodles in clear soup were sprinkled with chopped green onions, which looked extraordinarily attractive. It was just after school in the evening, and when he was hungry, his grandma was sitting opposite and swallowing hard. Drooling, smelling the aroma of the soup, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she begged her grandson very humblely to let your grandma have a bite of the soup...

She begged several times, but her grandson didn't even lift his eyelids. His face was so fat that his eyes became slits. He just squinted at his grandma with the slits, and continued. Eating your own wonton noodles slowly like a Maitreya Buddha.

This scene has always left a deep impression on Qin Rou. The grandson even disliked his grandma several times in a flat tone, which she can't remember clearly.

— It is best for them to bear the grandchildren who are spoiled by themselves.

Qin Rou and Sun Zhiqiu sent the children to the kindergarten together. Sun Zhiqiu originally wanted to send the children to the second class, but now he decided to send his son and Zhouzhou Jiaozi to the first class together.

"My child has a bully personality, so let him study with younger children." Sun Zhiqiu sent her child to the first class, not Zhuang Zhuang's class, and she felt more at ease now.

"Mom..." Zhou Zhou and Jiaozi gave Qin Rou the little shark picture book in their arms.

The two of them decided not to take them to kindergarten.

Qin Rou hugged the book into her arms with a smile, kissed the faces of the two cubs, and sent them to the first class.

As soon as they entered the class, the pair of brothers who looked exactly the same were immediately surrounded by crowds.


"Looks like it!!"

"Which one is the elder brother and which is the younger brother?"

Director Wu Min came over and had a chat with Qin Rou, and praised: "These two children in your family are really beautiful, and they look so good."

"In the future, there must be more daughters who want to marry into your house."

Qin Rou had a brief chat with her. After leaving the kindergarten, she had to go to work. After this day, she couldn't help but worry about the two cubs in the kindergarten. After all, they were still too young.

I don't know if I can get used to the life in the kindergarten, how do I get along with the children

When I went to pick up the two little guys in the evening, the cubs happily threw themselves into their mother's arms, and Qin Rou felt relieved.

It seems that the cubs have already opened up the way to the kindergarten. However, after four or five days, Zhouzhou and Jiaozi stopped going to the kindergarten.

Qin Rou asked them, "why don't you want to go?"

"I don't want to! I don't want to!"

The two children just shook their heads without speaking.

Later, Qin Rou went to the kindergarten to inquire about it, and found out that it was... carrots. The kindergarten ate carrots for two days at noon, and the two cubs who didn't like carrots broke their defenses.

Kindergarten is good, although it is fun and has friends, but refuses carrots.

Qin Rou: "..."

Their little cub didn't lose in the shyness of the kindergarten, but he lost in two radishes.

"Eat radishes at home too."

"No more radish, no more radish!"

"No more radishes!"

It’s fine to eat radishes at home, but why do you still have to eat radishes in kindergarten? The two little guys protested seriously.

"Okay, okay, if you eat radishes at school in the future, let's not eat radishes when we go home, okay?" Qin Rou thought that radishes are not so bad, why do the two cubs in their family hate radishes so much.

"Don't eat carrots in Yuanyuan!"

"Not going to the garden."

"How many radishes did you pull out mom?!" Speaking of this, Qin Rou really wanted to investigate the past digging actions of these two little bastards.

These two little bastards are also thieves. Because they hate radishes, the fruit and vegetable seedlings they both knew and deeply remembered were radish seedlings. Qin Rou planted radishes in the yard several times, and they were all picked up by these two. The little guy drove the excavator to pull it out.

The two of them excavated with precision, paid close attention to it, and resolutely did not allow carrots to be left in the yard.

Pulled and planted, pulled and planted again, Qin Rou really couldn't laugh or cry, and finally sent a lot of radish seedlings to the head of the next door.

No matter how many radishes you pull, it will not destroy your mother's determination to grow radishes.

"If you don't go to kindergarten in the future, my mother will take you to grow radishes at home. Let's plant radishes on the terrace, carrots and white radishes, the little radishes are so cute."

"You will be radish babies in the future, and you must defend radish."

Growing radishes at home? Grow radishes at home

In the cubs' world, it's worse than the end of the world.

Still want to defend the radish? They just want to kill the turnips.

Zhouzhou and Jiaozi shook their heads frantically: "If you don't grow radishes, you don't grow radishes..."

"How nice it is to grow radishes. Mom will make radish steamed buns, radish dumplings, braised radish, sweet and sour radish, radish eggplant, vegetarian fried shredded radish, diced radish, sliced radish..."

No no no no! ! !

Qin Rou looked at the two of them with her hips on her hips, "Do you want to go to kindergarten now? Brother, let me tell you first."

Zhou Zhou said: "Go to the kindergarten."

Xiao Jiaozi pouted, pulled off his pants, looked at his brother with a look of traitor, and finally said aggrievedly, "I'm going to kindergarten too."

My brother went to kindergarten, so he will also go to kindergarten.

"We're going to kindergarten, and we also want to grow radishes. Mom will show you how to grow radishes, okay?"

No! good!

The brothers hugged each other and refused! Say no to carrots!

Qin Rou thought to herself, I'd be kinder to you. Head Zhang next door planted a lot of bitter gourds. After you eat one of the bitter melons grown by head Zhang, you'll know how delicious the radishes your mother gave you are.

Looking at these two cubs, Qin Rou thought that they would definitely not want to play the game of defending radishes. If they wanted to sing, they would definitely like to sing about pulling out radishes, pulling out the radishes that their mother planted one by one and throwing them away.

"The bitter gourd from Uncle Zhang's house next door has grown. Do we want to eat radishes at night, or the bitter gourd from Uncle Zhang's house?"


"Let's have a radish."

Compared with bitter gourd, the brothers still decided to want radish, so there is nothing to hesitate about.

Brother Jiaozi added another sentence: "Let's make radish dumplings. The dumplings need radishes."

After eating boiled radishes in the kindergarten, the two brothers now feel that the radish and shrimp dumplings made by their mothers seem to be less unacceptable.

The children's life in the kindergarten was smooth and stable. In November, the sister and brother-in-law's family was going to settle down and build a house in Dajiao Village. Qin Rou took the two children to see the new home of the sister and brother-in-law.

At this time, the publishing house had already remitted two sums of money through the post office, one part was 800 yuan for the children's picture book, and the other was 500 yuan for the little shark. Qin Rou originally wanted to spend 20 to 80 yuan for the children's picture book, after all, she was only I came up with an idea, the main thing was Mr. Chen's painting, but the Chen family refused to agree, saying that it would be five or five points, but after discussing it, it was four or six points.

Qin Rou earns 820 yuan at a time, which is more than a year's salary, but this is not a good way to continue to make money, because it may not be able to repeat past victories, and she is not a professional painter, mainly selling With an idea, the first book of many authors is often the pinnacle of creative inspiration, that is, the pinnacle of their debut, which brings together all the experience accumulated in the past. If you want to copy the past later, it is more likely to be a follow-up, so it may not be able to get readers. recognition.

Forget it, Qin Rou doesn't insist on this matter.

In Dajiao Village, the piece of homestead that the Chen family was allocated was not considered good. Of course, as outsiders, they would not allocate land with treasured geomantic omens to outsiders. The Chen family was satisfied with this piece of land.

It is a high-lying place. Of course, houses are generally not built in depressions. The Chen family plans to build a small two-story building. The main body will be a brick house, and two or three wooden houses will be built on the side. Qin Rou helped We planned the design sketches together, and when the temperature was right at this time, we asked people from the village to help build the house together.

Country people build houses very quickly, and usually they don't need much wages, but they have to manage enough food. Qin Mian asked his sister Qin Rou to ask for a lot of salted mackerel, and steamed rice for the workers. They ate to their heart's content.

"Sister, you are here."

When Qin Rou brought the children to play, most of it was already built. Zhou Zhou and Jiaozi went to play with a few cousins on the mountain. The little ones just couldn't stay idle, and Qin Mian stayed in a temporary wooden house In the village, this log cabin was temporarily used as a kitchen to cook for the workers. Qin Mian also brought the sewing machine here to help the people in the village sew and mend.

Qin Mian stepped on the sewing machine and talked to Qin Rou: "My sister, you should also buy a sewing machine."

Qin Rou smiled: "I don't know how to use it."

"You can use it after you learn it. Women are naturally good at using it. Look at who's girl, don't all girls like to have such a sewing machine when they get married?"

"You can still embroider beautiful fishes on your son's clothes, why don't you know how to use a sewing machine? You can learn it, and make clothes for your son by yourself..."

Qin Rou was also a little tempted when she heard it. Maybe it would be more convenient to have a sewing machine at home. After these two little children went to kindergarten and elementary school, their clothes and pants were easy to be scratched. She couldn't always come to her sister's house. Mend clothes.

As for making clothes for children... Qin Rou really doesn't trust her tailoring skills. Although her hands are fairly delicate, she feels that making clothes is not something that can be done casually. She sews some colorful and cute little patterns for children , she just needs to trace according to the drawings, and the rest... Cutting clothes looks simple, but if they are crooked, it will be a waste of fabric.

Qin Rou is also very distressed about the cloth now, and is reluctant to waste cloth. There are few cotton cloths, and it is not easy to buy good quality fabrics. The domestic production is small. Only big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou can buy and sell good quality shirts. It is said that it is a Clothes are hard to come by. A few years ago, there was a stampede incident in order to grab a denim shirt, which resulted in casualties.

Fake denim collars are still popular in cities now, because they can’t afford too much denim fabric, but they want to pretend to be cool, pursue fashion, and pretend that they have several denim shirts in rotation, so all the denim fabrics they buy are made of denim collars. Fake collars, worn under coats, pretending to have a lot of fine shirts.

On their island, fake collars probably won't become popular, because they only wear one piece of clothing on weekdays, so they can't make fake collars, and they can't take off their coats when they wear fake collars.

Don't look at it is seven or eight years, but no matter what age, young people's pursuit of beauty can't be suppressed. Qin Rou occasionally goes to Guangcheng, and she can see herself perming her hair in private and wiping some strange hair Oily young men, do you think these young men are girls? Most of them are really not, there are more half-grown men in their teens, there are many young guys with short hair who perm their own hair and get a big scar, and there are also miserable young people who smear strange machine oil on their hair and have to shave it all off.

When Qin Rou saw it, she could only say one thing, you really dare to do it, no matter what age you are in, there are young people who belong to that era.

But now that the atmosphere is not open, such a young guy will also become the object of criticism in the eyes of the public for his indiscretion.

Thinking of this, Qin Rou was a little worried, thinking that when my son grows up, he probably won't become a youth who kills Matt. It's unlikely that a youth who kills Matt, but sunglasses and flared pants seem to be popular in the future... Qin Rou tried to imagine, Substituting their brother Lu, my God, I still can't imagine.

But if you wear swimming trunks and sunglasses to go to the beach, you can still imagine this picture...

"If you buy a sewing machine, your sister and I will personally teach you how to step on the sewing machine."

"Okay." Qin Rou agreed, "I'll pick out a sewing machine when I have time."

The two sisters were chatting, when they heard crying outside, Dumpling cried and threw herself into her mother's arms, followed by her brother Zhouzhou.

"Ben was robbed, wow wow..." His little fish was robbed.

"Who snatched it?"

Brother Zhou Zhou said: "It was snatched by a monkey."

The eldest sister Chen Juanjuan was also very helpless: "It was robbed by monkeys on the mountain."

Qin Rou: "..."

Now your mother can't go to the monkey's parents to argue.