Raising Babies in the 70s

Chapter 90: Why


When returning home from work, Zhouzhou and Dumpling had a lot of fun, holding soap, toothpaste and toothbrush in their arms, just like two little squirrels holding pine cones.

"Zhouzhou and Jiaozi should brush their teeth well and take good care of their teeth." Qin Rou told them, when they came to work today, these two little boys got candies from their uncles and aunts by showing off their cuteness.

"Yeah." The two brothers nodded together.

Qin Rou pushed the bicycle and walked with them, but the two little guys said they couldn't hold them anymore after walking for a while.

Qin Rou put her things on the bicycle, rested on the spot with the two little guys, and begged for a coconut leaf from a passing child, or rather, she exchanged candy with the child.

She asked the two brothers to walk in tandem holding coconut leaves.

Zhou Zhou and Dumpling might also think it was fun, they happily listened to their mother's words, and held the coconut leaves together to circle around the mother under the tree.

"Mommy mommy… "

Qin Rou was eating a fruit candy by herself, and felt that the two little guys under the leaves really looked like two little mice.

A flash of memory flashed in her eyes, remembering that when the two little guys were still in their mother's womb, she and Lu Yan carried such a coconut leaf back home.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Zai Zai has grown so big.

After resting for a while, they continued walking again. All three of them wore oversized straw hats, and Qin Rou was wearing light, loose sunscreen clothes made by herself. On this island, no sunscreen is better than physical sunscreen. When outside, There is no need to pay attention to any image.

Over the past few years, she has accumulated a lot of experience in sun protection, not only sun protection clothes, but also sun protection sleeves and sun protection gloves. Of course, an umbrella is the best.

An umbrella and a beautiful little straw hat are the most suitable. Generally, everyone living on the island, whether it is a local islander or a foreign educated youth, must have a lot of straw hats and bamboo hats at home, and they have to wear a hat when they go out. hat.

Sometimes when the wind is strong, there will be many funny scenes of chasing hats, especially among educated youths. The hats owned by beautiful educated youths are also more beautiful, and of course, they are easier to fly.

The little straw hat that Qin Rou wove herself is very beautiful, simple and generous, and has the feeling of a beach vacation. The disadvantage is that it is easy to fly, so just tie a strap on the chin.

When the wind is strong, don't care about whether it is beautiful or not, just press your head and keep the hat.

It’s not convenient to open an umbrella when the wind is strong. An umbrella can break your skeleton. It’s as scary as squeezing the subway in Shencheng. Qin Rou once squeezed a crowded subway. After getting off the subway, she held a The umbrella he was wearing was broken.

She also took sun protection measures for the cubs. The skin of the two cubs is like her and his father, and they are not easy to get tanned.

The sun this month is not so hot anymore, but Qin Rou still covered them with a little straw hat, and she pinched the bulging baby's fat face under the hat.

"Mom is bad, hehe..." the pinched cub smirked.

Qin Rou asked them to sit on the crossbar in front of the bicycle, and the other sat on the back. Today, there is a small children's chair installed on the back of the bicycle. Qin Rou reminded: "Hold on, don't fall."

The two pups nodded together.

After pushing for a few steps, Qin Rou couldn't help but said: "Mom pushes you very hard."

The two stocky little guys are no longer light, thanks to the fact that the bicycle is strong enough at the moment.

Zhouzhou thoughtfully said: "Go with mother."

Xiao Jiaozi also agrees with her brother.

"Okay, then let's go together."

It happened that the sky was cloudy again at this moment, and the two cubs followed their mother like ducklings.

Qin Rou walked slowly on the road with them.

"It's Xiao Qin."

"Announcer Xiaoqin."

"Here, freshly picked coconuts, let the two babies have a taste."

I met a villager I knew on the road, and gave the two cubs a small coconut and bamboo straws. Zhou Zhou and Jiaozi drank sweet coconut juice with the small coconuts in their arms.

Many villagers here know Qin Rou, even if they don't know her, they are familiar with her voice.

People in this era are very hospitable. Coconuts and mangoes are not valuable things. They rush to pick the fresh ones and give them to people first. Otherwise, they have to feed pigs if they can’t finish them.

The two cubs hugged the coconut for a while, the weather was not too hot, and there was a comfortable wind blowing, walking on the road like this seemed extraordinarily leisurely.

But the little cubs around me can't calm down. They chatted a lot with many uncles and aunts today, and after drinking coconut juice, they couldn't stop babbling, "Mom, it's New Year's Eve gone."

"Yeah, it's the Chinese New Year." Qin Rou originally thought that these two little piglets wanted to cheat their mother for snacks again.

Speaking of Chinese New Year, we must eat a lot of delicious food.

Who knew that little dumpling said first: "Mom, is it snowing?"

"Auntie's books are snowing."

There will be no snow on Qiongzhou Island, and the cubs will not be able to see the snow. "You have to be in the north to have snowflakes. Grandpa and grandma stay on Jiaodao, your hometown, and there will be snowflakes during the Chinese New Year in winter." .”

"There are monkeys on the mountain, why are there no wolves, why does mother tell the 'wolf is coming' story?"

"Because my mother used to stay in Bincheng, Liao Province. There are wolves in the north, grasslands, and sheep and cows grazing in groups. We are now on an island in the south. Mr. Wolf, who eats children, probably has never sailed across the ocean. The sea came to the island."

"Why don't wolves come to the island by boat?"

"Because Mr. Wolf may not like the climate here, and no one took him to come by boat."

"Why why?" The two children have started to ask why.

Qin Rou finds it annoying to be asked, how do I know why? But he had to think along the lines of the cubs' problems.

"Because Mr. Wolf feels hot. It is an animal with a lot of hair. If it goes to Guangdong Province, it may lose its fur. Zhou Zhou and Dumpling don't want to wear thick clothes when they are hot, right? Right? I like kicking the quilt. small dumplings?"

Asked by the two cubs, Qin Rou, who grew up in Guangdong Province, couldn't help but think about it, it seems that there are lions and wolves on the mountain, it would be a little strange, even if there are wolves, they should have less fur For wolves that are thinner, as the saying goes, oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and wolves born in Huaibei are oranges.

Animals in Northeast China can grow mink fur coats, but how can animals in Qiongzhou Island, Guangdong Province grow mink fur coats

— hot to death.

But what is more inexplicable is why are the cockroaches and mice in Guangdong Province so big? Cockroaches can fly...

Qin Rou has seen the little mouse in the north, it is really super cute, especially the little mouse in the north on the curtain posted by the sand sculpture netizen, it really looks like a baby mouse, and the mouse in the south, you don’t think it is cute, you see it on the road A big rat, scared out of his wits.

On their side of the mountain, rather than being afraid of wolves, jackals, tigers and leopards, the various snakes on the mountain are the most terrifying, and there are a lot of snakes on Qiongzhou Island.

Qin Rou had seen snakes in the deep city before, as for the hot girl Qin Rou's memories of being on the mountain... I can't bear to look back, you must be careful when you go up the mountain in summer, maybe the fallen leaves on the ground are coiled snakes, comrades.

Who hasn't accidentally stepped on a snake

Experienced people can tell the difference with the naked eye. On the mountain, you need to use a stick to probe around, so as not to accidentally step on the snake. If you step on it, run away.

People who are good at spotting snakes and snakes with the naked eye are probably also creepy. People sing and kiss everywhere. Maybe you will be snakes everywhere when you go up the mountain in summer, or it would be more pleasant if your eyes are not so good.

Looking through the previous memories on the mountain, Qin Rou found that there are also sources of Gu, which is easy to catch corpses. For example, there are more snakes, insects, rats, ants, and centipedes, and there are some mysterious and powerful old ladies on the mountain.

Many old ladies on the mountain are hidden peerless masters, and Qin Rou can find several of them in her memory. Don't look at them in their seventies and eighties. When they are walking fast on the mountain, they are better than many young people.

There is also a magical skill of catching poisonous snakes by hand! ! ! !

I guess I have lived enough. Anyway, when I met a poisonous snake, I would just reach out to grab it, and then I would show a mysterious smile to my grandson with my backhand: "Today is an extra meal."

It must not be that she is afraid of snakes, but that snakes are afraid of her.

"When Zhou Zhou and Dumpling go up the mountain to play, be careful of snakes and snakes." Qin Rou is very afraid of snakes, and she has a psychological shadow on snakes and snakes, so when she comes to Qiongzhou Island, she buys snake repellent powder first, pay attention Anti-snake.

It was also caused by those sand sculpture friends in the circle of friends in the past. A big brother in her circle of friends was bitten by a poisonous snake at home. After being bitten, the big brother still remembered taking out his mobile phone to take a close-up photo of the snake, and even beat the snake to death A venomous snake, even when he was being treated for serum in the hospital, he had to send countless photos with his own journey in his heart.

Qin Rou saw his circle of friends at the time: "..."

There is nothing better than entertainment until death, but it is indeed a narrow escape.

"Mom, where are grandparents?"

"It's on Jiaodao, my hometown in Lu Province."

"Is that also an island?"

"That's a peninsula, a peninsula is, uh... Three sides facing water? One side is connected to land..."

After returning home all the way, Comrade Xiao Qin was really bald when asked by the two little bastards, no wonder the popular science book for the children was called "One Hundred Thousand Whys", because these little stinky bastards just like Ask mom and dad why.

"Mom...why why why?"

The more the youngsters come into contact with society, the surrounding natural and social environment, the more problems they will have, just like the epistemology of Marxist philosophy we learn, people exert their subjective initiative, understand the world, and transform the world.

But why are so many stacked together, parents will really be bald when asked.

After returning home, the child's father, Lu Yan, had already returned. Qin Rou threw the two little guys to his father, thinking that you would deal with your sons.

"Mom is going to cook." I would rather cook than be asked questions by my son.

When she finished cooking and came out, Lu Yan had already taken the children to do handicrafts. I don’t know which comrades gave me small bullet casings, which can be made into aircraft, tanks and cannons. Who doesn’t have some small bullet casing crafts at home

There is also a serious military song called, I will send you a small bullet case.

"Okay, let's all eat."


"You can eat more Zhouzhou and dumplings, eat stronger, so as not to be robbed by monkeys."

People in the family are most active only when they are eating.

After dinner and after taking a shower, Qin Rou lay on the bed and thought wildly. Perhaps because she was asked a lot of questions today, she couldn't help but think of more things, thinking of airplanes, mountains, seas and lakes, and where she once went Ganqing and Tibetan tourism, and what the tour guide said about altitude sickness, she once trotted for a while with a suitcase at an altitude of four or five kilometers, and found that she was really out of breath.

It is really cool to go to places with high altitude in summer, the sun is very strong, and the air is cold, but if the altitude is too high, survival will hurt the body.

It seems to say that if you climb the altitude steadily from low to high, it is not easy to get altitude sickness. If you are flying directly by plane, it is easy to get high altitude sickness.

Qin Rou felt that she was really funny, why did she suddenly think of Gao Fan, haha, if she didn't think of Gao Fan, did she still think of the beautiful and weird toilet in Tibet

After taking a shower, Lu Yan pushed open the door, he went to hold the little fox on the bed in his arms, smiled and kissed her forehead.

Qin Rou looked at the handsome man in front of her, raised her hand and tapped his nose. She couldn't help but feel possessed by the two cubs, and asked him, "What's the altitude of Jiaodao?"

Lu Yan turned to her and asked, "Do you know what altitude means?"

Qin Rou thought that I am not a primary school student, you ask me such a simple question, "Isn't the altitude just above sea level..." Um, wait

Lu Yan looked at her and said nothing.

"The reference point of zero altitude is at..."

"What do you say?"

I see.

Qin Rou threw herself into the child's father's arms after a painful experience, and suddenly thought: "My child's father, I'm going to Xinhua Bookstore to buy "One Hundred Thousand Whys."

Prepare it, and let the children look it up for themselves later.

"Buy them in advance for the kids."

Lu Yan looked at her with a smile, and said in support: "Buy."

"One Hundred Thousand Whys" in this era is a bestseller. "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in the 1960s and 1970s can be said to be at the forefront of the book sales rankings. There are currently three editions.

One is the first edition in 1961, the second is the second edition in 1964, and the third edition in 1970, which is "One Hundred Thousand Whys" currently on sale at Xinhua Bookstore

It was only after arriving at Xinhua Bookstore that Qin Rou discovered that the third edition of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" had twenty volumes.