Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 1: Netizens' help


Dear Sammy,

How are you

I haven't contacted you for a long time (my dad is reluctant to pay for the electricity bill, I can't continue to contact you online), I miss you very much.

But to tell you the truth, I've been having a bad time lately.

After my dad got his new lover home, he wanted to kick me out.

You know what, Sammy? I'm going to be homeless and penniless.

It sounds a bit exaggerated, but it's true. My dad also stole all my savings... including what my mom left behind and what I've worked hard to save over the years. Place! Have! All stolen. I was very desperate and not reconciled. I immediately wanted to get it back, but my dad beat me up and knocked out two of my teeth. Although it grows out quickly, it hurts. Alas, I'm not an adult yet, so I can't beat him.

I have nowhere to go now, dear Sammy, can you take me in for a while

I am very good, so I can switch to a vegetarian diet instead of meat. I don't want to wander around, I'm not an adult, and I can't beat anyone. Moreover, when my mother was alive, she also told me that it was very dangerous outside, and that people would kill me if I ran around. I don't want to be killed, I want to wait until I'm an adult to beat my dad up again, and then, tit for tat! grab! Light! he!

You will definitely take me in, right? Please do not refuse.

Because I can't find any friends to turn to anymore... only you!

Looking forward to your reply

your loyal friend Mikey

Sammy was stunned when he saw the email.

After racking his brains for a long time, he dug out a little memory about this Mickey from the deepest part of his head—a netizen he met five years ago!

Five years ago means - no contact for at least five years.

For most people, five years is a long time.

Even people with the best memory will feel strange when recalling someone they met five years ago.

Who would respond to a netizen asking for help five years ago? Or on the premise that the content of the email looks so nonsense.

Well, Sammy will.

Sammy has been an amazing person since he was a child. He is very loyal and selfless to his friends.

Say so!

If one day, there are only two small potato chips left in his hand, and there are friends around, then, no matter how hungry he was at that time, he would generously share it with his friends.

So, after receiving such an unintelligible email, anyone who reads it will ignore it and delete it in the trash...

The loyal Sammy replied without a second thought: [No problem, brother, just come! My address and contact number are XXXXX.]

This is such a big deal!

When Sammy's two brothers learned about the incident, the responses were all:

"Sami! Are you okay with your head?"

"Are you sure it's not a scam?"

"Maybe it's a prank."

"I don't approve of you running to meet strangers and taking them home. It sounds stupid."

"Sami, don't give me a chance to see your name in the social news."

"My stupid brother!"

But Sammy ignored them.

Even if there is a 99% probability of being deceived, even if there is a small real probability of 1% left, you should lend a helping hand. This is called a friend!

Sammy was determined not to change again.

So, after eldest brother Duke and second brother Dunbar looked at each other silently, they both saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Little Sammy is too credulous." Duke sighed, sighing in such a low voice.

"To a guy who is still in his twenties and still firmly believes that 'the dragon is real', 'our ancestors were dragon slayers', and 'he is the next dragon slayer chosen by heaven', we still What can you expect from him?" The second brother Dunbar also complained expressionlessly.

"Tell me, why do I don't believe the bedside stories my grandparents told, but you don't, but Sammy does?"

"Because he's an innocent little angel..."

"Don't lie to yourself, he's not at all!"

"Then tell me."

"The little golden retriever who wagged his tail at the bad guys?"

Even though Sammy's two brothers were heartbroken for Sammy...

But Mickey, who received Sammy's affirmative reply, that is, the netizen who wrote the email for help, was overjoyed.

He was afraid that the other party would repent and quickly ran to book a ticket, and then sent the booked flight number to finalize the matter.


"Yeah! Yeah! I'm going abroad!!" Mai Qi couldn't help cheering.

He opened his mouth wide, and the sulphur-flavored high-temperature flames involuntarily sprang out from his nose and fangs, almost setting the cave where he temporarily lived on fire.

Yes, Mickey is not human!

He is a juvenile male fire dragon with pale reddish-golden scales, beautiful and bright.

Since all dragons like shiny things, he has a particularly gorgeous appearance since he was a child.

But unfortunately, his mother passed away not long ago.

In the dragon race, the father has never been responsible for raising children.

Mickey lost his protector.

In the dragon clan, where the weak eat the strong, his situation has plummeted.

The former Long Jian Long Ai has naturally deteriorated.

When protected by their mother, the dragons are like this: "My dear, please let me touch your beautiful scales lightly, please?"

When there is no mother's protection, the dragons are like this: "Anyway, you have so many scales on your body, and they will grow in the future. Now you can pull out dozens of them for me, don't be so stingy!"

Dragons and dragons are not so friendly.

In the face of a juvenile dragon that has not yet grown, is weak, and has lost its protection, the surrounding dragons are no longer just watching from a distance as before, but staring at his beautiful scales, all looking for opportunities. Grab a few slices for collection.

I don't want the whole dragon to become a collection of other dragons;

I don't even want to be caught by Bielong and pull the scales bald...

Mickey resolutely decided to leave here and find another habitat.

That's why he wrote an email to netizen Sammy for help.

Although the human kingdom is not a good choice, in the dragon kingdom, Mickey can't find a dragon who can take him in without coveting his beautiful scales.

But don't look at what he wrote 'Dear Sammy, my good friend' in the email.

But in fact, he has no confidence that he can ask for help successfully.

Therefore, it was somewhat unexpected for the dragon that Sammy could agree so neatly.

Mickey even thought to himself: "Did Sammy, a human netizen, have any bad intentions towards me?"

It can be seen that the golden-red juvenile dragon is still a little wary of things like 'dropping gold coins from the sky'.

But he only looked down uneasily for a little while.

Because, after spreading his big wings, flying to the water to drink water, and just looking at the reflection in the water for a few times, all the unease of the juvenile fire dragon immediately faded like a tide, and the strong self-confidence once again burst into a burst: "Look, Thick, long, and powerful tails! Look, the big wings that cover the sky! Look, the beautiful scales that glitter! Look, the beautiful sharp horns! Look, even the big fangs are shining white!"

Mai Qilong raised his two front paws and held his big head intoxicatedly, swaying from side to side, facing the water, twisting his stout body to and fro, and accidentally cracked a tree next to him, but he was completely stunned. Unconsciously: "You are so beautiful! You are so beautiful! You are so beautiful! Mickey, you are the best in the world! Good! Look! The dragon! Who wouldn't love you?! Everyone will fall in love with you!"

All doubts are answered: "Sami has a crush on me for a long time."

So, Mickey calmed down again, bit his thick lower lip with his fangs, and praised himself for being charming.

The author has something to say:

Jiyou: How is the preparation for the new text

Me: It's fine, it's fine, it's my normal state.

Jiyou: What is your normal state

Me: After procrastinating for too long, dawdling until the last moment, panicked, dizzy, confused... Posted the article.

PS. Write a bland text for fun, it won't be too long. I personally hope that 100,000 words can be finished, the inspiration is the advertisement that popped up, what about the Dragon Saber, haha

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