Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 100: Get married every day if you like


Animal Protection Society investigators finally left the set.

The credit belongs to Teacher White Cat.

Although it has been questioned as professional due to too many documents, it is true after all.

When the two investigators received a call from their superiors asking them to withdraw from the set and stop interfering with the filming, the two people looked at the white cat in shock and it was so funny.

Of course, at their level, the reality of the world should not have been discovered.

But a cat suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, took out a certificate, and immediately received a call from his superiors, asking them to cooperate with the cat's opinion, and was also asked to give up the job at hand. Members remembered it for a long time.

However, none of that concerns Sammy.

He considers himself an ordinary director. His daily task is to find inspiration and organize everyone to work together to make a good movie. Except for having a dragon as his lover (???), other places are no different from ordinary people. Therefore, it is a very real situation to encounter some idiots who can't explain clearly at work. It's a bit like walking on the road and seeing a piece of dog shit blocking the way in front of you. Although you don't get angry, you can't step on it with one foot.

Fortunately, those investigators who found fault were just a small episode for the crew.

After the third day that Mr. Baimao was on the crew, the matter was completely resolved, and everything returned to normal. No one was sneaking around and asking all kinds of inquiries; no one saw the animal anymore and rushed up to try to check whether there was any on the animal. Bruises from abuse; no one goes to the crew's makeshift restaurant to check whether all kinds of meat are legal, etc.

Everything is going in a good direction.

At that time, the atmosphere of the whole crew was very relaxed.

Sammy's first thought was to 'call Brother Qi to make a movie'.

Therefore, most of the crew and actors have worked together at least once. Even if they have never worked together, they are acquaintances who know each other well. Naturally, they will not be as restrained and polite as when they first met. Get together and have some fun.

At the beginning, Michaelon participated in their colorful water gun operation. The water gun was loaded with a kind of paint water and sprayed with each other, which made him colorful.

But soon no one played with him.

No one likes to play games where they must lose.

Mai Qi obviously looks like the kind of person who doesn't exercise, but when he moves, he is so agile that no one can hit him with a water pistol. retaliated overwhelmingly.

Someone also took a video of this scene and uploaded it to the Internet.

If it weren't for the water guns in the video, netizens would almost think that it was a movie clip, the result after editing special effects later!

Dodge, hide, run, jump, shoot!


So much so that netizens agreed that [Mickey Dragon is a sprint champion/shooter/assassin who was delayed by acting].

At the same time, they also thought: [With this skill, why not act in action movies? ]

There are indeed some Hollywood directors who specialize in action movies, and they have sent invitations one after another, asking Michaelon to audition.

The manager, who had been intimidated by Michaelon, looked at these invitations with pain and joy.

On the one hand, the people under his command have finally made a fortune; on the other hand, these invitations are all earned by the artist himself, and have nothing to do with his own manager.

At the same time, entertainment does not forget work.

The performance of the actors during the filming was also quite satisfactory to Sammy.

However, the person (Dragon) who fits his heart the most is Mickey!

This untrained juvenile fire dragon has a unique sensitivity to the camera, probably due to the instinct of some animal, so he can always find the position and posture to show the best visual effect in the camera, and, in many Move quickly in front of the camera, in one go.


This dragon is really more and more able to speculate on the thoughts of human beings.

During the filming process, Sammy just said the first half of the sentence, and Mickey already knew the second half of the sentence.

Therefore, many times, rather than saying that he has thoroughly thought about the role of Anderson in the movie, it is better to say that he has grasped Sammy's mind.

He played so well.

So many people said later: [Mickey is playing Sammy in all of Sammy's films. ]

This evaluation is very unfair to an actor.

But Mickey will probably be very happy, because such a statement gives him a sense of 'you have me, I have you'.


It's not uncommon for a dragon in the passionate period to have any messy thoughts. .

As for Mick Lee...

With his superb acting skills, Sammy has always been satisfied.

But as always, he was a tough nut to crack.

If Michaelon has no opinion on anything, Sammy does what he says and does; Mick Lee is the other extreme, no matter how big or small, whether it is difficult or easy, he is super opinionated. If you want him to do something, you must first convince him.

Interestingly, Sammy is also not one to compromise easily.


In the interval of filming, the agent of the big star once arranged an exclusive interview with reporters for him.

On the one hand, it is to brush up his exposure to avoid losing his sense of presence in front of the public, and on the other hand, it also helps the crew to promote the movie indirectly.

However, after finishing the interview with Mick Lee, the reporter looked at his watch and found that there was still time left.

He just asked one more question: "In your opinion, what kind of person is Director Sammy?"

Mick Lee first showed an unexpected expression, as if he did not expect such an unexpected problem.

But soon, he habitually said in the usual way: "Director Sammy is a good director who deserves the respect and trust of actors..."

After all, it's just a random question, and the reporter doesn't really care much about the answer.

But hearing this standardized answer, he couldn't help but laugh.

Not malicious.

It's just an instinctive reaction after hearing a very familiar official cliché.

But the laugh seemed to touch Mick Lee.

He couldn't help laughing too, and decided to stop being polite and say the truth: "Well, Sammy is a director I've always wanted to fight."

"Protest?" The reporter was a little surprised.

However, due to time constraints, he did not hear more detailed stories on the topic of 'resistance'.

It can be officially filmed in the crew.

This kind of struggle between the two is not uncommon for everyone.

For example, there is a scene about Professor Hansen, the character played by Mick Lee who mistakenly thought that he was secretly in love with student Anderson. After some painful hesitation and struggle, he strengthened his confidence and determined to overcome all difficulties, regardless of difficulties and obstacles. to accept the other's confession.

During the filming, Mick Lee was very emotional, grabbing Mickey's arm and reciting lines aloud, expressing his willingness to be with him.

Too much, Sammy thinks.

He stopped, telling Mick Lee, "It kind of spoils the mood of the whole scene, you have to lower the intensity of the performance."

Mick Lee was initially unconvinced.

But when he ran to stand with Sammy and watched the scene on the screen, he was silent.

Apart from that, there are some small details.

For example, "Professor Hansen is a very straight-forward person in his bones. Even if he breaks the shackles on impulse, he rushes to find Anderson, determined to accept his confession. But when he saw that the door was closed, his first reaction was absolutely Instead of slamming into the door like Mick Lee did, he would choose to knock on the door first, some behaviors are engraved in the bones, and it is difficult to change easily."

Mick Lee was particularly surprised to hear this.

He said directly: "Bullshit! When people are excited, they can't be so restrained."

Sammy replied, "Nothing is impossible."

Then, really enough, the two quarreled for more than an hour!

All the crew members stood there bored in a daze, waiting for the two to finish arguing.

In the end, they compromised with each other and gave each other a step. They knocked on the door, but after knocking on the door, they could still break in.

There are countless similar quarrels, all of which belong to positive and healthy normal discussions, in order to make the film perfect.

Therefore, although there were many quarrels, the friendship between Sammy and Mick Lee gradually deepened.

However, everyone in the crew really enjoyed it.

But every time at this time, Mai Qilong will show a face of 'you can't do this to me' playful expression.

"Sami, do you really love me?"

The underage fire dragon asked softly.

"Mickey, I'm busy right now!"

Sammy drew the sub-shots in the notebook and answered very busy.

"I know, but you really don't love me anymore!"

Mai Qilong began to choked: "Mr. Bai Mao said that human beings like to empathize."

Although it is suspected that this dragon is installed.

But Sammy raised his head and decided to calm down a little: "Um... I should still love you."

The choking sound disappeared immediately.

Michaelon asked cheerfully: "Then let's discuss the time to get married!"

Does this sound familiar

It seems that you have proposed marriage so casually before

Sammy is still confused about this: "Huh?"

"Okay? Promise me." Mai Qilong asked in a low voice.

"Not good..." Sammy didn't mean it at all.

"Okay?" Michaelon continued to request without giving up.

"Not good." Sammy still felt that the dragon was joking.

"Okay?" Mai Qilong once again stretched out the dragon's claws to push the human.

He also made a ruthless promise: "If you promise, I can give you some of the most beautiful dragon scales."

Sammy's little round face couldn't help but smile: "Okay."

After he received the dragon scale, he immediately told Mai Qilong: "From now on, we are married."

Michaelon was happy at the time.

But a few weeks later, he found out he had been duped.

When a human being gets married, it doesn't end with a single word!

- Sammy, I'm getting married!

- Oh, are you getting married today too? Okay, how many dragon scales are you going to give me this time