Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 101: An emotionless killer


At one point, the Mickey Dragon was roared by the Sammy dragon, but there was nothing he could do.

He thinks that he has paid too much for love, so that he is not willing to give up easily.

However, Sammy was completely indifferent in the face of his state.

This looks super good on the surface, but in fact the ruthless little round face praised him in front of everyone in the crew, with a tone like reciting the text: "Mickey's feelings are in place! Yes, in this scene, Andrei (Mickey's character) is like this, unwilling but dazed. Hold on to this emotion, and then when he slams his head against the wall, his inner emotion should be very intense…”

It's quite intense.

Mai Qilong, the iron-headed baby, accidentally knocked down the temporary background wall.

"Props group!"

An assistant hired by Sammy shouted angrily: "Wall, how can the wall collapse? What kind of tofu slag project, even if you have to rush work, you can't handle it like this, right?"

The innocent props team hurried over and started emergency repairs without complaint.

But during the repair process, they were puzzled: "Wall, how can this wall collapse."

Mai Qilong, who was in trouble again, hid without a word.

As for damages

Who has seen Long go out to pay

A dragon is an existence that can clearly remember the smell of the eight generations of the thief's ancestors when a gold coin is stolen.

However, it is also based on money.

Michaelon eventually gave up on getting married.

Because after understanding the whole process of human marriage...

He was horrified to discover that human marriage actually costs money.

It costs money for registration documents, money for taking wedding photos, money for weddings, money for going out on a bloody honeymoon!

As a juvenile poor dragon with little savings, Mickey didn't want to spend the family business he finally saved on this kind of thing. If he had so much money, he would like to spend it all to buy all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, and then put them all on the bed, and let himself roll happily with the sweet and crisp sound of gold and silver jewelry colliding with each other. .

Marriage can cause property to shrink.

After considering this situation, Mai Qilong finally stopped mentioning marriage.

Sammy was not used to it again.

More than 20 days are enough to help humans develop a new habit.

A certain dragon asked me to marry him every day, although he didn't want to agree.

But when Long stopped proposing, it seemed as if something was missing around him.

So, one day, Sammy made up her mind to give positive feedback.

He gave Long a ring that he liked very much, and said seriously: "Mickey, if you still want to get married when you are an adult, you don't think that I was a skeleton back then... I mean, at that time, uh... I promise."

Mikey was moved to tears.

"Sami, you're so good!" He stared at the ring with burning eyes: "You actually gave me a gold ring... God, it's so shiny."

- What gold ring

- Why can't I remember that I gave the gold ring

Mickey took the yellow ring and found that there was still a line of small characters engraved on the ring.

He looked carefully with the dragon's superb vision, and saw the words on it: "Ring of the Dark Knight, Speed +15%..."


While curious, Mai Qilong followed the fire dragon clan's habit of identifying metals, opening his mouth to form a small flame.

As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire.

However, the yellow ring that is not real gold turns black all of a sudden.

"Wait, this, isn't this a gold ring?" Michaelon was very excited.

"What kind of gold ring? You are not ordinary? This is the ring of the dark night knight!" Sammy was surprised: "How can a gold ring be as fashionable and fun as a knight's ring!"

"Where is fashionable and fun!" Mickey held up the ring that was blackened by the flames, and was very collapsed.

First, he was emotionally deceived, and the gold ring was lost; second, the ring that Sammy gave to symbolize future marriage was burned black, and he was about to cry: "What the hell is this, what material is it? "

"Uh, you can understand it as a game peripheral," Sammy explained.

He raised his hand, showed a silver ring of the same style, and talked with a bright smile: "Look, this is the ring of destiny knights in my hand, defense +15%, two knights are life and death in the game, Except for the color and function, the rings are exactly the same style, just one white and one yellow, er, now it's okay to have one black, one white and one black, just a pair, in short, I like it very much."

What's there to like about this thing!

It's not real gold, and the flame turns ugly black when it burns!

Stupid people have no correct values at all!

Michaelon was desperate for this.

Unfortunately, small round-faced humans are not inherently considerate.

He does not lack money to buy gold rings, but for him, the ring of knights around the game is much better looking than any gold ring, and it is more worth buying.

Michaelon had no choice but to be sulking as always.

It's not that he has to have a gold ring to be happy, but he was too happy at first, but later he found out that he was wrong and a little embarrassed; other than that, he was annoyed at himself, annoyed by his mindless actions, that he had put human beings in the wrong place. The small engagement ring I sent was burnt black.

Sammy was a little disappointed, too, but not as elated as Machiron.

He originally wanted to share the story of the Dark Knight and the Knight of Destiny with great interest, but the dragon showed no interest, or rather, no one seemed to be interested...

When I desperately want to get rid of Se, there are no interested people around.

What a great sadness.

Mikey sighed helplessly.

He simply turned around and ran to instruct the props team to build a temporary set.

On the other end, after a while of sulking alone, Michaelon finally died.

Because when I think about it carefully, when the dragon first came to human society, he was alone and without support. Isn't it because of free food and free living in this little round-faced human's home that he could gradually settle down? It is also the generous and generous manner of the little round-faced human being that slowly attracted the attention of the dragon, and the feelings have been deepened step by step to the present.

Xiao Huolong thought about it this way, and he couldn't continue to be angry.

He is so, so, so fond of his own human beings, whether it is a good place or a bad place, in short, they are all the same.

Moreover, the white cat teacher said:

A good dragon must always be extremely tolerant to his partner. Even if he is caught with a face full of flowers and a small fish is taken away, he must always endure, endure, and endure more, otherwise, the spring will be difficult to bear... Wait, Why is spring so hard? What about winter, autumn, summer? Why does Teacher Bai Mao always say some strange things that no one can understand.

Mikey was no longer in a daze.

He raised his head and looked back and forth, looking for traces of humans.

Sammy was standing in the middle of a pile of temporary sets, talking to Nali, who had finally finished the work of the last crew and immediately came here non-stop to join the group.

Now, Nali is already his royal supporting actress. The two have cooperated many times, and they have a good understanding. There is no need to say more.

But before the shoot, the way the two of them stood in the middle of the set and had a conversation was just too much fun.

Not only did Michaelon find it interesting, but even the photographer bought a photo of the two of them.

As a female star and actress, Nali naturally always keeps her elegant and beautiful figure.

Therefore, her dress is very formal, a professional suit, full of the charm of a mature woman.

But Sammy is standard otaku dress.

He has green hair, is still wearing a T-shirt, shorts, flip-flops, very casual, and has a naturally small round face. He doesn't look like a director, but he seems to have gone astray. Vocational middle school students.

Such two people standing together are simply standard - big sister and little gangster.

Mickey couldn't care less about being sullen, and suddenly turned into a lemon dragon!

However, both Sammy and Nari are the type who are serious about their work.

Sammy is an immersive job. Once she does what she likes, she can't control herself. She must do her best before giving up. Nali is a strong professional. In diligence and hard work, and cherish every performance opportunity.

Therefore, the two of them exchanged a few words and immediately entered the working state.

Lemon Dragon stood watching the scene, sour and sour, and he felt bored.

However, seeing Sammy directing the entire crew and strategizing the way he is really handsome and imposing.

After Mickey, a girl with a serious heart, looked at it for a while, his eyes almost turned into peach hearts.

Sammy is still struggling with the style of the film.

He wants to keep a serious tone for this film, which is a little bit of reality. Don't always be so funny, because funny and funny may make people too lazy to think. On the contrary, serious things can always arouse people's deep thinking, but Maybe it's the directing ability and my own style, it's a bit difficult. A lot of things that look serious, in his shots, always have a sense of playfulness, like some kind of black humor.

OK, OK! !

After several attempts, Sammy reluctantly gave up on the original idea.

Of course, the tone of seriousness remains the same.

But the intermittent little humor may give the film a greater enjoyment...

However, no matter the style!

Sammy still likes to make movies. After his dream of slaughtering dragons is shattered, probably only movies, a place where he can create a new world by himself, can allow him to freely immerse himself in the imaginary game world and have fun.

But there are always people who want to drag him out of this game world.

Sammy doesn't like all studios, not just the Kerry brothers, because every time a movie isn't finished, the studio's promotional plan comes out first.

This is how this industry is. It pays attention to seizing the opportunity, marketing in advance, increasing exposure, and occupying the market.

At this time, they will also ask the crew to hand over some kind of posters, trailers, etc. It doesn't matter whether the movie is finished or not!

So, the first trailer that Sammy handed to the propaganda chief is just the beginning of a minute and a half.

He named it "Andre's Diary".

The video was shot with DV, and it was shaky and not tall at all.

Then, Mickey stood in the center of the screen.

At this moment, the shooting angle of DV is very confusing, which can be called a death scene.

But even the rough picture can't hide the uniquely handsome appearance of this little fire dragon.

But in the face of everyone's attention...

He stared blankly ahead.

The narration sounded abruptly: "My name is Andre, and I am an emotionless killer."

Lens transitions.

I saw a few bound mice struggling desperately on the table, and made a miserable squeak.

The shots are shifted again.

The emotionless Andre raised the fruit knife!

The author has something to say:

Andre: I am a four-pigeon killer, I have no feelings!