Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 105: Buzzing trivia


Things were resolved quickly.

With the chirping of fire trucks, raindrops splashed…

The heavy rain that Sammy had feared would affect the shoot was long overdue.

The rain, combined with the efforts of firefighters, quickly extinguished the burning house.

Then, as everyone watched in amazement...

Like no one else (Dragon), Mickey was wrapped in a small blanket distributed by the fireman, and followed a fireman out alive. Except for the missing clothes, his whole body was not injured, not even a single hair was injured. .

Except for Sammy, who knew the identity of the other party's fire dragon, who had already expected this.

Everyone in the crew was amazed, and there were discussions: "Is it okay with such a big fire?" "Really, there is not even a broken skin." "Mickey is too powerful!" "Oh, it's not amazing, it's Fuda Great life!" "That's right, Fu Da has great life."

"How are you feeling?"

At this time, Sammy squeezed past the crowd and asked with concern.

Mickey smiled at him stupidly, with a look of aftertaste: "Yes, I haven't had such a comfortable hot bath in a long time."

Then, he paused and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, just a few minutes after I was comfortable, cold water (rain water and water from the fire hose) was poured in the middle. Sammy, I am so pitiful!"

The surroundings were instantly quiet.

After a while, everyone in the crew burst into laughter, thinking it was a joke.

funny laughing...

They thought about it again, in the situation that was so dangerous and could be burned to death at any time, Mickey could maintain such an optimistic and humorous attitude, and couldn't help being awe-inspiring (Mickey: No, there is no danger at all).

So, in some interviews with reporters later, these witnesses praised Mickey from beginning to end, what is calm, calm, calm...

All kinds of nice words are piled up on him, and each one is the truth from the heart, because: "I have never seen anyone who can be like him (Mickey) in death. After escaping, I can still happily chat and laugh with people (Mickey: I either didn't have me or took a hot shower)."

But that's all for the future.

At the time, a rather bizarre thing happened.

A paparazzi of a gossip tabloid, maybe the newspaper he works for is going to close down, and he wants to take a risk; maybe he is greedy himself, no matter what happens, and wants to make big news; maybe... He doesn't have that much Complicated thoughts, I just want an attractive news too much.

In short, before Mickey came out and stayed in the burning house, the paparazzi urgently called the newspaper office.

It is unknown to outsiders what kind of discussions they went through.

It was only shortly after the call, while the firefighters were still busy putting out the fire...

The newspaper's media account has taken the lead to publish the so-called urgent news on the Internet that ' star Mickey tragically died in a fire'.

The world of Hollywood is full of lies and deceit.

Sometimes, actors and stars will even make up some absurd stories to attract the public's attention in order to maintain their own sense of existence.

But these stories probably don't have the exaggeration of Mickey.

Because, he was 'deathed' directly.

Sammy has always had a laissez-faire attitude towards the media.

First, as a director, he always thinks that he belongs to the people behind the scenes. There is no need to stand in front of the stage, and naturally there is not so much media attention to him. Second, he has super psychological quality, and always has his own firewall. Cut off all kinds of gossip in a timely manner, and don't care what others say.

On the other hand, as the film's investors, the Kerry brothers, although they noticed a little sign.

But the two of them have always been very happy to pay attention to this kind of thing, not to mention that Mickey is not dead, if Mickey is really unfortunate to pass away, they may use this to make a lot of hype, and then sell the 'posthumous work' for a sky-high price! Therefore, they can keep silent now, and not follow some unscrupulous media to make trouble together, which is already a very face-saving approach.

For the above reasons.

The crew was terrible at public relations, so to speak, a total mess.

As a result, the unresponsive external public relations team has not yet made any decision.

The ridiculous rumors that 'Mickey died in a fire' have been circulating all over Hollywood.

Interestingly, although Mickey is handsome, he has hardly any special development in his career because he is a house dragon and has been lazy for a long time. In other words, in a place like Hollywood, he's not a top actor at all.

Of course, Little Fire Dragon doesn't care much about it.

But as soon as the news of his death came out, everything changed overnight!

In the past, the outside media who scolded his vase all changed their tone and sided with him, praising him for his talent, praising him for being jealous of talents, and praising him as 'the most handsome man in Hollywood'!

Mikey is amazing!

It's a pity that it was fired as a deceased person.

Alas, human beings are so incomprehensible!

Xiao Huolong once again sighed with extreme doubt: 'If you don't cherish it when you live, it's worth it when you die? '

If in an age where news dissemination only relied on paper media, such 'deathed' news would be really credible.

But now we have entered the Internet age.

Disinformation can be easily broken. .

Therefore, Sammy decided to use his Twitter account to post a photo of himself and Mickey later. There must be time on the photo to prove that it was taken now, not before, and then put a note next to the photo: [Fool Shut up, we are alive and well! ]

However, just as he imagined it well...

Sammy's parents and brothers all called.

The second brother Dunbar spoke on behalf of everyone worriedly and said, "Brother, are you all right?"

Sammy asked back, "What's the matter? What can I do?"

Dunbar reluctantly explained on the other end of the phone, "Uh, you know. Our mom doesn't use the Internet much... So, she just accidentally saw the '" crew on a newsstand. Buried in Fire' headline, and then, the dead list has director Sammy Griffin, starring Mickey... you know? She almost went mad on the spot."


-Also the whole crew died in the sea of fire!

- This is a bit too immoral, isn't it

- What kind of hatred, what kind of hatred!

-Other newspapers are only dead Mickey (Dragon).

—This newspaper directly killed the entire crew? ? !

Next, Dunbar rambled on a bunch of 'be careful', which was equivalent to nothing.

Sammy didn't hear a word.

He was really angry. He never cared about these rumors in the past, but this time he didn't bother to study what to tweet slowly, so he went straight to a lawyer and took those comments a little too much, especially the one who said that their entire production crew All the tabloids that died in the fire went to court.

And, about a week later, to dispel those rumors and to prove that everyone on the crew is still alive.

Also for the pre-promotion of the movie...

Sammy rarely brought the whole crew and went on TV together.

They were on a talk show that had been around for about twenty or thirty years.

This year's host Tom is very famous.

So, as soon as he came up, he asked: "Sami, I heard that your crew has all died in the fire!"

—Wait, there is no such problem in the script!

— Also, what kind of shit problem do you call this

- All are buried in the sea of fire, then you see! look!

-What are we in front of your eyes? soul

Sammy's eyes were round, and his face was puffed up.

To be honest, it looks a little like a little frog, and a little cute.

Michaelon looked very interested next to him, and wanted to reach out and poke it.

As for what to say about 'prove that he is still alive', he was not particularly concerned.

As a result, dragons are in human society, and no relatives will worry about themselves;

Second, he really doesn't understand the laws of how human society works. For example, in Long's view, whether it is life or death, it is his own business, and has nothing to do with others. But human beings don't seem to think so. Whether they are alive or dead, they have to inform everyone. Long doesn't understand why this is necessary!

But no matter what Long could figure it out, he still couldn't figure it out.

The talk show has officially started.

The host Tom is actually a nice guy, patient and compassionate.

The reason why I asked the first question just now was actually making myself act as a villain, directly showing the worst situation in front of the audience, so that everyone can take a good look and realize the random fabrication. The consequences of rumors are so annoying.

After finishing the topic of 'fire' and making it clear that everyone in the crew is safe and sound, and then entering the topic of the movie...

The host has become much more normal.

"Director Sammy, can you briefly introduce?"

The host asked patiently: "About, what kind of story is mainly told about this "Love You Will Kill You"?"

Good question!

Sammy excitedly replied, "It's mostly about a killer!"

—Wait, director, I remember that you made a romance movie

- Yes, there is love!

- The killer

—Yes, there are killers.

— So, a killer love story

—Yes, there are killers, and there is love!

Sounds like what this is all about!

It's a mess, even if you don't want to reveal the plot, it's too exaggerated!

The host looked puzzled.

But soon, he realized that Sammy was not trying to avoid leaking the plot at all, nor was he doing some grandstanding to get attention, but he probably really thought so.

The program was completed on schedule.

However, the host later gave a friendly suggestion: "Next time! Next time you promote a movie, don't go there yourself!"