Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 112: Happy eloping all the way


Perhaps the pressure during this time was too great, and Professor Hansen's psychology may have reached a limit that he could bear.

And Anderson's proposal just matched his eagerness to escape and leave here, so he agreed impulsively.

But less than ten minutes after driving away...

He regretted it again.

"this is not right."

He parked the car on the side of the road, hammered the steering wheel in frustration, and said, "Sorry, I can't do it... It's so irresponsible to walk away with you."

Anderson couldn't help but stare blankly, his eyes full of incomprehension.

But Professor Hansen's feverish brain has gradually calmed down at this time.

He began to think and worry: "Anderson, thank you, but you're not like me. You're still too young to know what you're doing."

"I know, I'm still a killer!"

Anderson replied in his heart while looking over inexplicably, just wanting the other party to drive quickly...

In fact, when Professor Hansen was driving before, he had been unable to hold back.

Repeatedly rubbing the knife in his sleeve with his hand, various images of Professor Hansen's death continued to emerge in his mind, such as lying on the seat with his neck cut off, bleeding heavily, or smashing his head hard on the steering wheel On, dead restless...

After thinking about it to the fullest, he began to think about where to start.

Based on the principles of prudence and safety, I finally made up my mind - wait for the car to drive a little further and a little more remote!

But who knows, without waiting for the car to drive further and more remote...

Professor Hansen decided to drive back!

Anderson: You are kidding me! !

He was stunned that the hunting plan was completely disrupted.

But this guy who claims to be a killer is not good at talking. After stammering a few unconvincing words to stop him, he had to go back with the insistent Professor Hansen.

However, as a dedicated killer!

On the way back, he still wanted to save him again. He didn't give up his murder plan easily, trying to find a more suitable place to start.

But when he wanted to start again...

Professor Hansen made a sudden stop!

Anderson was startled and looked at the policeman who stopped the car in the middle of the road.

He thought to himself, "What's going on? I'm ready, but I haven't killed anyone yet!"

As a result, the police really came to arrest people.

It's just that they didn't catch Anderson, the 'killer', but to catch Professor Hansen.

Anderson's father called the police.

He claimed that Professor Hansen abducted his son.

At this time, Professor Hansen, who had exposed his sexuality, was a bit pushy, and his reputation was bad to a certain extent.

Now, old accounts have not been cleared, and new accounts have been added... Moreover, with the crime of 'abduction of juveniles', the policeman's attitude was very bad when arresting people, pushing and shoving without mentioning, and scolding endlessly, Said a lot of insulting words.

Professor Hansen's expression is a kind of repressed patience, and his eyes are still a bit numb.

Obviously, he was used to being discriminated against.

Anderson stood there stupidly, as though he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

He wanted to talk and explain that he was not 'abducted', but the police didn't give him that chance at all.

The audience looking at the screen finally stopped laughing at this time.

They looked at the screen worriedly, worried about the innocent Professor Hansen.

On the big screen, the police had pushed Professor Hansen head down into the car at this time, and grabbed his hands from behind with handcuffs.

He also said a lot of scary things, like 'I heard you like men, that's great! ''The boys in H-block in the prison are going to love you, make sure to enjoy your shower time in the future' kind of nonsense.

The audience became more and more angry, staring at the screen, eager to rush in and beat the cheap policeman.

But what I didn't expect was...

The next moment, the police rushed out.

To be precise, it fell abruptly.

But after he fell, he revealed his back...

Anderson holding a large rock.

Professor Hansen turned his head and looked at him in shock.

Anderson still had the same blank expression, but his eyes were a little blank.

At this time, the camera turned to the policeman who fell to the ground, and then quickly switched to Anderson and Professor Hansen.

Back and forth two or three times, the atmosphere is very strange.

Finally, Anderson moved again.

He ran over quickly, took out the key from the policeman's pocket, and helped Professor Hansen open the handcuffs.

The audience couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in fact, everyone also knows that the crime of assaulting the police is not very light, and things have become more complicated.

As a result, Professor Hansen, who had planned to go back, had to take Anderson on the road of 'elopement' again in the chaos.

Along the way, except for the issue of sexuality, Professor Hansen, who was very quiet most of the time, started to lose control of his emotions obviously. He kept talking. , constantly repenting and blaming himself, never taking Anderson away from home, going back to the problem of keeping a distance from Anderson and so on.

During this time, Anderson was silent as if he didn't exist.

He seemed to be listening carefully, but in reality he was full of annoyance: [As a killer, I only stunned him with a stone (referring to the police), what a shame! Still inexperienced, if it was a mouse, I would never make such a low-level mistake. Next, I still have to practice hard..."]


Thinking of this, Anderson couldn't help but turn his head to look at Professor Hansen who was driving, and then—Professor Hansen cut his neck and spurted blood.JPG, Professor Hansen fell on the steering wheel with blood on his head.JPG, Professor Hansen was in the exploding car .JPG… The three images flashed back and forth in my head quickly.

At this time, Professor Hansen's self-confessional nagging finally ended.

He was confused and melancholy, like a lost child.

Calm was restored in the car.

Because I drove on the road without a detailed plan and purpose at the beginning, and I drove back in the middle, I encountered the police blocking the road, which delayed a lot of time. Therefore, at night, the two of them could only choose to sleep in the wild.

Obviously it's not a big deal, but Professor Hansen began to apologize desperately.

Now it seems that whenever he encounters something, he will subconsciously attribute the error to himself.

If it were a normal person, he would have been apologizing to him for this kind of non-stop, and he would be disgusted by the endless reflections.

But Anderson is not a normal person either. He is a 'killer of emotions', so he listened blankly from beginning to end.

Only when the night falls,

The emotional killer quietly got up, took the knife in his sleeve, and was excitedly ready to kill~~!

The music was disturbing again.

The audience watched this scene with worry and a little fear: "Shouldn't it be really killed?"

To everyone's surprise, even Anderson,...

Professor Hansen was walking step by step towards the depths of the river, trying to commit suicide.

Anderson, who was eager to kill with a knife, was stunned.

He had to rush up: "... stop! Don't die!"

The movie theater burst into laughter.

The audience was almost amused by the dramatic turn of events.

-To be alive can one be killed.

- When people die, don't they have to kill

The logic is very strict!

Anderson works hard to save lives!

The plot seems more absurd and bizarre now.

But some viewers finally saw a little bit of meaning.

In addition to being different in sexual orientation, Professor Hansen, who abides by the law, fulfills his duties, and can be called a good person at other times, is discriminated against and forced to commit suicide by the so-called normal people in the society;

And a man who was obviously mentally abnormal, regarded himself as a killer, and regarded Professor Hansen as his prey, and wanted to kill him wholeheartedly, but began to want to save him.

Anderson managed to pull Professor Hansen back from the water.

Another failed murder.

What follows is a relatively warm drama.

The seemingly mature, but fragile-hearted Professor Hansen and the seemingly innocent, but mentally ill Anderson have no way to go home for the time being, so they can only drive forward.

During this period, Professor Hansen began to have a tendency to depression due to prolonged depression.

In order not to let his prey die by suicide, Anderson had to clumsily find a way to let him live optimistically and firmly.

So, during the long journey, they are no longer busy on the road, but really try to enjoy life.

Watch the sunrise and the stars together, go shopping together, and find street food together...

Sometimes, driving can't find a place to stay.

They set up a fire and chatted and drank beer.

Professor Hansen tolerated Anderson's unusual behavior and a series of behaviors without emotional intelligence;

And Anderson never cared about Professor Hansen's nagging every day, and his self-pity with the explosion of negative emotions from time to time.

Obviously they got together by accident.

But at this moment, they seem to be a bit of a match.

No discrimination, no accusation, no abuse and slander.

The two people's travel, there are no ups and downs, every day is flat, but there is an indescribable warmth and sweetness.

A smile gradually appeared on Anderson's face.

The melancholy of Professor Hansen is also fading day by day.

One day, Professor Hansen suddenly smiled and asked, "Anderson, have you ever kissed?"

Anderson still had a blank expression and slowly shook his head.

But this time, no bloody picture of 'Professor Hansen was killed.JPG' flashed back in his head.

The two are getting closer...

The camera turns to a green lawn not far away, where two cats are snuggling closely together, their fluffy heads twitching and licking each other's fur with their pink tongues.