Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 113: Loving you will kill you


Sammy has to admit that he loves Mickey's.

Before that, he never dreamed that he could have a dragon (because he was slaughtering dragons while dreaming).

Mikey has appeared!

It's a bit vulgar to say this, but he really is like a beam of light that completely illuminates Sammy's boring life and fulfills half of Sammy's dreams (all dreams should be to see the real dragon and kill the dragon).

So, although due to character reasons, Sammy may not be able to appear particularly enthusiastic.

But he's not one to be stingy with expressing his emotions.

So, when the two cats on the screen began to act affectionately…

Sammy approached Mickey enthusiastically, imitating Professor Hansen's tone in the movie and asked, "Mickey, have you kissed?"

However, how can dragons understand human tastes

Mickey gave him a puzzled look, and said honestly, "We just kissed this morning, did you forget?"

"Oh yes."

Sammy thought for a moment that there was nothing wrong with what he said, and then fell silent.

However, as a dragon, Mickey has excellent eyesight and can clearly see the subtle expressions on human faces even in a dark movie theater.

So, even if he didn't understand why Sammy suddenly asked this question, he couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed when he saw the other party's round face and looked very shy, covering his face with his paws, Continue to be honest: "However, if you want to kiss me now, you can."

Sammy was elated.

It's just that Mickey said it too directly, and he was a little embarrassed, so he whispered: "Wait until we get home."

"All right."

Mikey answered with a little disappointment.

At the same time, the audience in the cinema looked at the two protagonists on the screen, and a smile appeared on their lips.

Most of the emotions in the world are interconnected. When Anderson and Professor Hansen carefully contacted, tested, approached each other, and finally depended on each other, the green and clumsy feeling made them feel better. The audience couldn't help showing a look of memory on their faces...

But good times are always short-lived.

The two of them were driving aimlessly and wandering all the way, which seemed to be dashing, but in fact, there were many unrealistic places.

For example, the most important one is the source of the economy.

At the beginning, the two of them must have carried money with them, but over time, no amount of money will be spent.

As a result, the quality of life inevitably declines.

The most typical one, one day, they didn't want to continue sleeping in the car, it was cramped and uncomfortable, and it was always unsafe on the side of the road, so they decided to go to a small hotel for one night, but they didn't expect that the rest in their pockets. Money, can't even pay for the worst room.

In the end, the innkeeper kindly arranged for them to be accommodated in a utility room.

There wasn't even a single bed in that small utility room, only two shabby mattresses were barely used as beds, and there were some junk piled around randomly, such as broken furniture, scrap newspapers, old magazines, etc...

In the middle of the night, the two of them turned off the lights and lay on the mattress, planning to have a good night's sleep.

But they woke up from the dream just after sleeping for a while, because both of them felt something crawling on their bodies.

So they turned on the lights and found that the house was full of cockroaches.

The elderly Professor Hansen from a good family showed obvious fear and confusion; in comparison, Anderson was much calmer. He rolled up the newspaper and started photographing cockroaches.

Facing this circumstances…

Even Mr. Killer, who has no feelings for him, can't do anything about it.

But Anderson was reluctant to admit defeat.

He resolutely abandoned the useless weapons and newspapers, chose to pick up the lighter, and then persevered in chasing the cockroaches with the lighter! burn! burn!

Professor Hansen stared at this scene dumbfounded and tried to stop it a few times, but it was useless.

The shy but innocent student image he had in mind was slowly shattering, replaced by this one in front of him, who was burning cockroaches with his eyes fixed on fire, and his eyes were frantic and morbid.

In the end, the poor professor lay back on the mattress weakly, and silently endured the crawling of the cockroaches, ignoring Anderson, who was still battling with the cockroaches, and began to hypnotize himself to sleep quickly.

He was looking forward, looking forward to the end of this nightmare after dawn!

However, this is just the beginning.

After that, things like that started popping up.

What kind of car broke down halfway, trekked under the scorching sun, and almost got sunburned; looking for a place to work to make money, because it is a temporary worker, I can only do manual labor; I have been hungry all day, but I only make enough money to buy expired hot dogs; He settled down in a new place and lived his life seriously, but found that Professor Hansen had been convicted by the police for kidnapping, kidnapping, etc., because of the incident of 'running away with Anderson', and he was also wanted...

Professor Hansen was about to collapse.

But Anderson's attitude remains the same.

With his unusual mental state, this Mr. Killer is super-adaptive and able to deal with all external problems.

He can ignore the deficiencies in material life, and the hard life is not enough to knock him down, just as he is eager to burn cockroaches with a lighter, in his heart, these are not tribulations and hardships at all, but more boring than the once boring school life Much more fun.

But Professor Hansen is growing increasingly depressed.

His mental state has always been a little depressed. Before, he was impulsive, and under the instigation of Anderson, he went on the road inexplicably. Now, in the difficult and poor life, his mood is getting lower and lower day by day. Finally, one day, after a heavy rain, his heart disease worsens. He caught a cold and fell ill.

Anderson finds a way to buy medicine, find a comfortable hotel for rest and hot water supply...

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten that the reason why he eloped with this person was to kill him, and instead he took care of him wholeheartedly.

Professor Hansen's illness has been slow, but the two people's money has been spent.

So Anderson went out and robbed a woman.

Nali, who has worked with Sammy many times, played the woman.

It was a prostitute, Lana, who was looking for a better chance because she was getting older.

But in the process of being robbed...

Lana recognized Anderson as the young man who had taken the patient to the hotel.

So, the experienced woman told Anderson calmly: "There is no need to do such a thing (robbery)."

She said that as long as Anderson could promise not to hurt her, she could help get a doctor who can see a doctor without an appointment, as well as help pay for medical bills and medicines.

Anderson did not refuse, and soon reached an agreement with her.

So, with Lana's help... Professor Hansen's condition finally improved.

Another two or three weeks passed in a flash.

Professor Hansen made a complete recovery.

During this time, Lana, who has been eager to help, became their friend.

Anderson still doesn't like to communicate with people very much. He often sits on the side and listens to Professor Hansen and Lana chatting.

Everything seems to be finally on the right track.

A comfortable and peaceful life, and normal social interactions...

Under such circumstances, Professor Hansen's mood was much better.

Seeing him like this, Anderson wanted to leave several times, but he held back and said nothing.

But a few days later,

When Anderson returned from work, he was stunned to find that neither Professor Hansen nor Lana had disappeared.

The plot has progressed here, and the audience already has a bad premonition.

Moreover, whether it is the original trailer or some leaked on-set gossip information, it is also revealed that the tone of the movie is not comedy.

But the imagined huge tribulations, ups and downs, or fierce conflicts have never appeared.

Therefore, everyone can't help but gradually relax, thinking that the trailer and those gossip are not credible, the former may be a gimmick, and the latter may be more nonsense.

So, when those tiny little conflicts, little problems, little quarrels, little dissatisfactions start to appear between the two protagonists...

Although the audience was not so comfortable watching it, they didn't feel anything special until now!

Anderson stood blankly at the door.

At this time, the room was empty, the windows were not closed, the curtains were blown back and forth by the wind, and all of Professor Hansen's supplies were missing.

The sun is gradually setting, and the light in the house is getting darker.

But Andre's standing posture has hardly changed, and his body has become a little stiff. He really couldn't understand what was going on in front of him, and he was full of doubts.

However, although he didn't understand it, the audience from God's perspective could see it clearly.

The tiredness and dissatisfaction on Professor Hansen's face from time to time; Lana's eager look when she looked at Professor Hansen; and Anderson's foolish look sitting on the sidelines, being excluded from the topic countless times, but unaware... These are all Saying one thing - he was abandoned.

At this point, the camera specifically gave Anderson a close-up.

Compared with the indifference of killing mice and the excitement of burning cockroaches, his expression at this moment is confused and lonely, and he is rarely as helpless as a child.

All the audience could not help but sigh silently.

Next, Anderson was determined to find Professor Hansen back.

He first went to the destination where the two of them agreed to go, but he didn't find it; then, he went to the place where the two of them were 'falling in love', that is, the first kiss, but he still couldn't find it; he continued to look back and went to When the two of them eloped, he still couldn't find a few places where he had fun along the way; in desperation, he had to return to the original point...

Still nothing, but bumped into his father.

This father, who had never cared about him since he was a child, asked him to stay and live his life according to his duties. He chose to refuse without hesitation, and left again desperately.

In the end, Anderson found it—Professor Hansen, who returned to his hometown with his wife Lana.

Love can never reach reality.

No amount of passion will be wiped out by the trivialities in life, and then, learn to compromise.

Anderson stared blankly at all this, and suddenly remembered the Andersen fairy tales he had heard when he was a child.

At the end of "The Daughter of the Sea", the mermaid princess could not have turned into foam. She only needed to insert a knife into the prince's heart and let the prince's heart bleed on his legs, and then he could turn his legs back into fish tails. back to the sea.

That's right!

Kill him and everything will be restored!

kill him!

Anderson clenched the knife.