Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 117: The white cat teacher talks about principles


Mickey was very satisfied with Sammy's line in an interview, 'I make a movie just to make fun of Mickey'.

He was secretly proud in his heart: "My human must love me madly! At first, I pretended not to want me to play the leading role, but what about now? It's a leak! It was just to make fun of me in the first place, oh, human beings The duplicity is also cute."

So, during that time…

Mickey chased the white cat every day and shouted, "Teacher, teacher, help me think of a way."

I have nothing to do all day long, and from time to time, I still play tricks in the movie. The white cat teacher, who earns enough money to buy canned food, stands on the edge of the table, enjoying the excitement of being at a high place, while posing a pair of experiences Strong winds and waves, experienced and calm look.

Then, it licked its paws one by one, squinted the corner of its eyes and meowed twice, which meant 'what's the matter, what do you want me to do'

Mike asked, "Do you know how to get Sammy to sleep with me?"

Teacher Baimao was almost shocked by such a shameless question and fell off the table, thinking he heard it wrong: "Excuse me, do you say it again?"

Mikey asked again.

Teacher Bai Mao, who has always been super confident, finally encountered a problem. He felt that he probably couldn't help much in this regard.

But this little juvenile fire dragon seemed to be staring at it trustingly, as if 'it believed everything it said', which really made the cat hard to say that it couldn't do it.

"Would you mind being more specific?"

Teacher Baimao swears that this is definitely not out of some kind of gossip, but wants to understand the cause and effect of things first before conducting specific, reasonable and scientific analysis.

Mai Qilong has not lived in the human kingdom for too long, and he has not been infected with the bad habit of human beings who are not honest in everything and like to go around in words.

So, when he heard Teacher Bai Mao's question, he immediately talked a lot about BlaBlaBla, focusing on saying that Sammy fell in love with him at first sight, goodbye, and proposed marriage after seeing him (Sami:?), by the way to show off (accidentally Burned black by himself) the love ring (the ring of the dark night knight), in the end, they are a pair in the sky, and a pair in the ground, not to mention a good match.

Teacher Baimao's eyes turned round and round, and he really couldn't figure out whether this dragon came to consult and find answers, or to abuse a single cat.

He couldn't get the point at all, but he didn't want to show his timidity, so he meowed a few times quietly: "Since you two are so good! Since he likes you so much! What are you asking me for?"

Mikey let out a long sigh, lost in thought.

Then, he asked Mr. White Cat a question: "What would you do if you met a cat you liked?"

Teacher Baimao replied indifferently: "... send it dried fish?"

Mickey rolled his eyes: "What else?"

Teacher Baimao thought: "...Catch mice for it?"

Mikey: "What else?"

The white cat teacher racked his brains: "Lick it, bury it together, sleep with it, fight with other male cats for it?"

Mikey started thinking about changing teachers.

"Don't do that, you're asking the wrong way at all."

Teacher Bai Mao hurriedly explained: "You like humans, not cats, so the way we get along with cats doesn't suit you at all."

It makes sense.

Mickey re-arranged his thoughts: "Actually, this is the case. I can be sure that Sammy loves me very much. We kissed and hugged each other. Later, we talked about marriage and living together forever, and then..."

Teacher Baimao eagerly asked, "Then?"

Mickey replied: "The problem is here, there is no more! At first I didn't understand the operation mode of human physiology. After all, I am a dragon and I am not yet an adult, so I don't think much about reproduction. But recently After researching through the Internet, I found that humans are different from dragons, and humans are in the breeding season 24 hours a day."

Teacher Bai Mao couldn't help but licked his paws and sighed: "Yes, the ability of human beings is quite scary."

"But then it's weird."

Mai Qilong fell into deep distress: "Since Sammy is in the breeding season every day, why does he never ask me to solve it?"

"Maybe there's someone else outside of him..."

The white cat teacher said quite irresponsibly.


"I'm with Sammy every day, and he can't have anyone else, or another dragon," McKillon vowed.

"Then... maybe he can't."

"It's impossible. I secretly saw his medical examination form this year, and he is very healthy."

"Could it be..."

Teacher Bai Mao had to consider the worst possible outcome: "Doesn't he love you?"

"Nonsense, he loves me so much!"

Mikey immediately retorted: "He gave me a ring, kept the gift I gave him by the bed, and wrote me love songs..."

"What? Write you a love song?"

As a single cat, Teacher White Cat is deeply stimulated.


Mikey sang, "Who is it? Who is it? The tail is big and long, the limbs are thick and strong, and the fangs are sharp and bright..."

Teacher Bai Mao couldn't help but want to vomit: "It sounds really disgusting for cats... I mean, envy."

Michaelon was triumphant: "After all, Sammy loves me so much."

"Okay, then find another reason."

Teacher White Cat had no choice but to say so.

But all the possibilities were denied by Michaelon, and there was really no reasonable reason to think of it.

It can only guess: "Maybe Sammy is slow or shy by nature, and you have never been aware of this because of your young age. Therefore, no one (Dragon) between you has ever taken the initiative to do something to break the gap. . . . If that's the case... Next, I think, you should try to give him a hint."


Mai Qilong asked for advice humbly: "How to hint?"

Teacher Baimao thought for a while and then lay down on his side.

Then, it shook its fur to make the hair all over its body more fluffy and soft, and then stretched its soft body, stretched out a big plush paw forward, and put on a very lazy and charming posture, the big cat His eyes were still innocent and innocent: "Is that so?"

Mickey couldn't understand it at all, so he pondered: "Where is this initiative? It didn't work to imitate the paw last time, it looks even more unreliable."

So, he asked impatiently, "Do you have any other good ways? It's about time, come up with the best way, don't hide it."

Teacher Bai Mao has been indifferent for many years, so what is the best way.

But finally a (stupid) student trusted him so much, he really didn't want to destroy his great image of omnipotence, so he had an idea, first withdrew his big plush claws, squatted uprightly, and then, He stared at the little fire dragon with a serious look on his face.

I have to say, the cat's serious look is still very intimidating.

Mickey took two steps back subconsciously and asked cautiously, "What do you want to say?"

Bai Mao teacher showed an exaggerated expression on his face: "I do have a better way, but my life is fair and upright for cats, this method is a bit immoral... But after all, if you don't care about teachers and students, I feel in my heart. Sorry; alas, but if I leave you alone, it goes against my principles of being a cat."

Mickey couldn't figure out what other principles were needed to be a cat.

Therefore, he laughed heartlessly, and said very unconscionable sarcastic words: "Aren't principles meant to be broken?"

Teacher Baimao sighed: "This student has been taught in vain."

But since they all opened their mouths, it still agreed to help, and said sneakily: "I'll go to the human-faced octopus in a moment and ask for some medicine. Their family can know, and even the medicine to turn a human into a human. Wait. When you're back, you can bring it to Sammy."

Holy shit!

Michaelon was shocked: "Drugs... so good! Uh, I mean, so immoral?"

Teacher Bai Mao raised his paws in dissatisfaction and pinched the whiskers on his lips: "That's not a problem."

Mai Qilong rubbed his hands: "How can I live up to the painstaking efforts of the teacher?"

He actually threw the pot to the teacher!

Teacher Bai Mao couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, and looked at this student who made Mao's heart feel disgusted, and even had a terrible impression of the dragon family.

On the other end, it is so leisurely as Mai Qilong, able to think wildly all day long.

Sammy has been doing some boring but necessary socializing with the Kerry brothers.

The Kerry brothers didn't rush to ask 'can you make money' this time, but they had another goal - to get the movie an award.

However, if the film festival wins the award and then releases it, it will undoubtedly attract more attention to the film. From this perspective, it may be for money.

But in any case, the plan has to be carried out step by step.

In order to achieve this goal, Sammy had to accompany them to visit the judges, to promote his films, and from time to time to participate in some posturing banquets. Many people in the industry speak for the film, thereby expanding its popularity.

These are potential game rules for Hollywood.

Sammy is not sociable, most of the time he doesn't care whether the movie can make money or not, and he is not used to the shallowness and snobbery of the Kerry brothers.

But Rosie, his longtime friend, had this to say this time: "You gotta have some work ethic, Sammy. No matter how annoying the Kerry brothers are, they all put in a lot of money, and we do things with money. Principles must be adhered to, but there are some insignificant points, and there is no need to be rigid, and occasionally you should cooperate with the work to save face.”

This makes sense.

Moreover, Sammy trusts Rosie a lot, so this matter is settled.

The process is actually not that pleasant.

It feels a bit like the sales industry.

Maybe some people are very good at selling things, but Sammy is obviously not very good.

He often took the movie to the screening, and after the show, he began to stand in a daze.

At that time, there was a well-known Italian director named Pierre Paul.

The director is over forty years old, but he still maintains a stylish and stylish figure, with thick and thick dark brown hair. Although he is not handsome in a place like Hollywood where handsome men and women gather, he is also quite charming.

That day, Sammy followed the Kerry brothers to promote the movie, and went straight up to stop him and asked in a very light tone, "Would you like to watch "Love You Will Kill You"?"

Director Pierre Paul actually knows this young director who has been very strong recently.

But he didn't intend to buy it: "I'm not free."

But it is said that this sentence can't be regarded as a concluding remark at all.

Because most people who want to sell their movies won't stop there, at least have to pester him for a few words.

Therefore, based on past experience, the Paul director has made up his mind that no matter what Sammy says, he will not agree.

But what I didn't expect was...

The young director just asked that sentence, and after that, he stood and went silent. When he raised his head to look at him, he also looked up at himself, and the two faced each other, staring blankly.

Director Pierre Paul immediately became interested.

He temporarily changed his mind: "I'm not free now, but at night."

Sammy immediately said: "Okay, then you can watch it at night!"

Maybe he also felt that his attitude was perfunctory, and he added: "Don't worry, you won't regret it after watching it."

Pierre Paul couldn't help laughing.

There have been several such promotions.

And the magic is that the success rate of each sale is not low!

The Kerry brothers were really dumbfounded.

The two of them were puzzled in private: "Why is Sammy able to sell the movie without three sentences in total, we talked for two hours, and threw the bills out, in exchange for a sentence of 'Let's put it there. , have time to watch'."

Obviously, they don't understand.

Filmmakers may often compromise with capital and the market for money, but from the heart, when they really deal with them, they are definitely more willing to meet peers who can understand each other with them, rather than know nothing and return. A businessman who always wants to blindly command.

These efforts have not been in vain.

On the night of the awards, the Kerry brothers believed that they had attracted enough judges to win the prize.

So, when the host starts to read the list of winners...

They were more excited than everyone at the scene, and they whispered excitedly: "Look! Best screenwriter, maybe we can get this, let's make a good start first."

please! Who would dare to be so sure before the host announced the winner!

If not, how embarrassing

Sammy was particularly embarrassed, thinking that the two brothers were really stupid.

He couldn't help leaning over to Mickey's side, trying to stay away from the brothers.

Michaelon was still a little nervous at the moment.

He was only thinking about what Teacher Bai Mao said, 'Let's take advantage of the award ceremony tonight', because 'No matter if the award ceremony is awarded or not, the hotel will not be chaotic, and it will naturally be easier to start', so, even Legend has it that there may be gold trophies made of 24K gold that are ignored.

At this time, the host announced the best screenwriter award.

Unfortunately, they have nothing to do with Sammy.

Sammy was calm.

But the rest of the crew couldn't help showing a little bit of disappointment.

However, the Kerry brothers began to get excited again: "Sammy, Sammy, best director! It's the best director! You might be the best director!"

- Who can guarantee this!

- Please shut up!

Sammy moved closer to Mickey.

He wanted to be as far away from the two brothers as he could.

At the same time, Mai Qilong noticed that humans were constantly approaching, and his heart was up and down for a while.

He narcissistically added: "Sami really loves me so much, I can't wait to get close to me on this occasion..."

At this time, the best director has been announced again!

I don't know if the Kerry brothers are a pair of bad stars.


Best Director isn't Sammy either!


It seems that this year's session is to accompany the run.

Thinking of this, Sammy breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was disappointed, he didn't take it to heart.

But the Kerry brothers began to lower their heads and whispered and discussed again: "Why not?" "Didn't the previous judges say the movie was very good?" "Is it polite?" "No, everyone is still saying polite words. ?"

Sammy was speechless.

These two people are really funny. Even if they have a closer relationship with the judges, in the judging, it is impossible for everyone to give awards just because they have a good relationship!

Most of the judges are just polite to people on the surface, making everyone think 'it's great, he's on my side'.

But it's really time to judge, it's not what it should be!

At this time, the host began to read the list of winners of the Palme d'Or.

Brother Kerry suddenly froze, and whispered from the side: "Sami, Sammy! We understand, you are going to take the Palme d'Or this time!"

What a shame!

Sammy turned his head unbearably: "Shut up! I can't win the prize!"

However, at the same time, the host's voice sounded: "The winner - Sammy Griffin "Love you will kill you"!"

So, be caught off guard!

The spotlight and the camera turn at the same time.

Sammy turned his head and shouted so clearly on the big screen.

Although he couldn't hear the sound, the close-up shot was so high-definition that many people could still see the mouth shape of what he just said.

- Shut up, I can't win the prize

This... is to slap yourself in the face, right

For a time, the audience applauded and laughed again.

Sammy froze in place.

The host blinked and let out an unnamed exclamation of 'wow'.

Then he laughed and joked, "I'm sorry I let you down this time, Sammy."


Sammy walked onto the stage with a blank face and his first words were: "I wish there were more disappointments like this."

Everyone laughed again.

However, this result is really unexpected.

Before that, Sammy always felt that Mikey's success rate for winning the Best Actor was higher than his success rate for winning the Palme d'Or, but he never imagined that when he won the award, Mikey lost to an old man. Play bone.

However, awards are sometimes really about luck.

What's more, the dragon Mickey doesn't seem to care much, and is currently in a state of distraction...

Sammy looked over a few times, but couldn't think of anything else to say.

He was standing on the podium. After saying the words just now, his mind was a little blank, mainly because it happened suddenly. In the end, he had to start thanking a large group of people, including Mikey, Rossi, and the Kerry brothers. , as well as a lot of staff in the crew, even the white cat teacher, and finally, parents and brothers.

After finishing speaking, there was nothing else to do, and people were directly pulled backstage to take pictures with the trophy.

Then, there is the press conference.

Then, it's this congratulations, that congratulations, all kinds of social interactions, you come and I go around politely.

By the way, there is also a celebration dinner.

This evening, there are limousines coming and going, champagne and beauties everywhere.

After the toss and dizziness, it was already early morning.

Sammy couldn't take it anymore and decided to go back to the hotel room and get some sleep.

But just halfway through, he was stopped by the elusive white cat teacher who appeared out of nowhere.

About ten minutes later, Mai Qilong, who had a ghost in his heart and was anxious in his heart, finally received the message from Teacher Bai Mao.

The white cat teacher waved his paws confidently: "Everything is done, you go directly to Sammy's room, I have let him that... er, ready, you know, as long as you want... things can be done!"

Mickey was both guilty and excited, and the whole dragon didn't know how to thank Teacher White Cat.

He made a promise on the spot: "Don't worry, teacher! I will treat you well in the future! I have as many cans as I want!"

There was a look of relief on the fluffy face of the white cat teacher: "You are a good boy if you have this heart."

Then, it sighed and reluctantly said: "Mickey, you can go now, I'm leaving now! After all, this thing is not very good, and I don't have the face to continue to stay, otherwise I really don't want to. know how to face you..."

Michaelon was reluctant.

Micron was grateful.

But thinking of Sammy still waiting for him in the room...

The dragon's heart flew, and he couldn't care about Teacher Bai Mao!

He had to swear again, promising to buy the best canned cat food for Teacher White Cat.

Then, the dragon left behind the white cat teacher and rushed to Sammy's room impatiently.

Teacher Bai Mao stared at the background where the students were moving away, his whiskers moved, and the corners of his lips drew a curved arc.

Next, it shook its tail, spread its four legs, and ran away quickly.

On the other side, Michaelon's mood at this moment is extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he is full of gratitude to Teacher Baimao, and at the same time he is secretly excited about what is about to happen. On the other hand, he also knows that this behavior is not right, so he is very guilty and guilty. To be more intimate, to break the invisible barrier between one person and one dragon, so I am full of contradictions and entanglements.

Under such complicated emotions, the underage Little Fire Dragon took a deep breath.

He gathered up his courage and chose to open that Pandora's door.

But unexpectedly!

In the door, Sammy was sitting on the bed, dressed neatly, holding the dragon-slaying sword that he hadn't seen for a long time, and staring at him with a bright eye: "I heard you want to give me medicine?"

Mikey: …

Teacher Bai Mao, who had already booked Uber for a long time, was heading for the airport and planned to go abroad for a while.

At this time, it had already got into the car, and the whole cat was squatting upright on the back seat of the car, staring solemnly at the scenery outside the car window that was rapidly receding backwards, and silently said in his heart, "Student, , the teacher will teach you the last class, and it is absolutely unacceptable for you to do rape and criminal things, no matter how big or small, and no matter what the reason is!"