Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 118: will not give up treatment


When he saw that Sammy was sane and was sitting on the bed holding the Dragon Slayer Sword...

Mickey knew that he was sold by Teacher Bai Mao, but he didn't know how much he was sold.

Now, when I think back to all the ambiguous words of that dead fat cat, 'I've made him that... ready', 'It's really not a good job, and I don't have the face to stay', 'Or I don't know How to face you... ', there is no lie, but it really has a deep meaning, turn it over and over, and the word 'trap' is written everywhere.

Canned cat food!

Eat shit!

The underage Little Fire Dragon was so angry that his face flushed red, and his heart, liver and lungs were aching.

But Sammy didn't seem to be very angry. Instead, he looked at him with a very strange look and asked, "What medicine do you want to give me? Tell me!"

Mikey didn't even want to answer.

But looking at the cute little round faces of humans, his heart softened, and he simply said nonsense in a fit of anger: "The medicine that turns you into a mouse will turn you into a mouse if you eat it."

Sammy raised his eyebrows and concluded simply: "Cool!"

Then, he deliberately put on a letter, and suggested very fearlessly: "There is no need to secretly take this fun drug, you can try it directly for me, I have never changed into a mouse. "

Who has turned into a mouse

Can you believe something so unscientific

Michaelon suddenly suffocated a little.

He was guilty and ashamed about the drug use, and wanted to hide it from Sammy, but now, Sammy seems to believe his nonsense. "I lied to you."

Sammy looked at him blankly.

Under this kind of gaze, Mickey finally began to give up on himself: "You already know and ask, but now, I don't believe that the fat cat will keep me a secret! He must sell me clean, otherwise, he will also If you can't wait to say goodbye to me overnight, if you say you want to leave, I just ask him to help me find something for me to sleep with you... "

In fact, Sammy, who didn't intend to take it too seriously, couldn't help coughing and tried to interrupt.

But Mikey was probably too aggrieved by the cat, and he took the opportunity to complain in a series: "You only know that I want to give you medicine, so do you know why I want to give you medicine? Like you? Do you know how hard I am learning the way humans fall in love every day? Do you know how sad I am that you don't respond every time I try to suggest you? (Sami: Uh... I don't know) , do you know that I have prepared the marriage agreement, just waiting for you to sign it? Do you know that I have purchased a pre-nuptial training course worth 100,000 yuan online... "

"Wait, pre-marital training class? What?"

"Teaching a lot, how to get along with your partner's family, how to deal with emotional changes after marriage, how to communicate rationally when encountering a mistress, and so on."


Looking at the serious and diligent look of a certain dragon, he really couldn't bear to tell him: 'What kind of shit is this pre-marital training class that sounds more unreliable than Teacher Bai Mao'.

But no matter whether it is reliable or not, Long's learning attitude is still very correct.

Mickey cried a lot about his hard work, and then broke his fingers and began to tell about Sammy's daily evil deeds, why he didn't cherish the fruits of his labor, and distributed the love dinner given to him to the people in the crew to eat (Samy). Mi: Isn't that the children's package that I bought? Why go to buy a trip is considered the result of labor); when he talks to him, he just plays games (Sami: But I'm not interested in discussing the types of highlights) ;What is it that two people play football, but they have to call a bunch of people in the crew (Sami: Shouldn't we call a few more people when we play football? Why don't two people just play tennis)...

In short, Mickey concluded sadly: "You don't value me at all, you don't like me, you don't love me at all."

Sammy couldn't understand how he suddenly changed from a victim to a perpetrator. He was the one who was almost drugged, but now, just because he was not as good at crying and making trouble as Mikey, he was about to become a victim. The accuser - it's not fair at all!

What can I say

Being so liked by the dragon, Sammy is still happy in his heart, especially this dragon is a very enthusiastic and frank type. He never hides it. , people always have a feeling that the whole person is soaked in a large bucket of hot water, and the whole body is warm and dizzy.

At this time, Mai Qilong complained for a while, and after venting his negative emotions, he began to feel guilty again.

So, he started to return to the previous topic, and deeply reviewed his thoughts that he should not have a crooked way, and "I really didn't plan to do anything. If Teacher Bai Mao didn't take the initiative to come up with bad ideas, I would just think about it." He threw the pot, and finally, asked softly, "Sami, will you forgive me?"

Sammy wasn't particularly angry.

After all, Maiqi, who looks tall and strong, is actually a 200-year-old baby dragon. I don't know what to do in the future, but at least now, there are not so many sloppy intestines in my stomach. He stepped into the big hole dug by the white cat in a daze.

After all, if he really wanted to hurt someone, where would he use medicine

As long as the dragon's strength is stronger than that of humans, what else can't be done

But as Mickey always defends to the 'Dragon Slayer' - I'm a good dragon, I won't bully humans, and I won't just destroy towns and rob princesses.

Therefore, every time Sammy holds the Dragon Slayer Sword, it is just to scare and frighten the dragon. Occasionally, when the dragon does something wrong, he helps the dragon to deepen his impression and let him know what behavior is right in the human kingdom. Yes, what behavior is wrong.

But unexpectedly, this time the situation seems to be a little different.

The underage Little Fire Dragon behaved as if he had been greatly wronged, and confided all his negative emotions in one breath.

"Uh, am I really being mean to dragons?" Sammy couldn't help but reflect on himself.

Then, he found: "It seems a little too much..."

Sammy frowned and began to recall the past moments of his relationship with the dragon. It seemed that most of the time, it was Mickey and the dragon trying to express the emotion of 'I like you so much', while he was always immersed in work most of the time...

Well, ignoring the fact that he was carrying the Dragon Slayer Sword to scare the dragon, he really seemed to pay little attention to the sensitive and fragile inner world of a certain dragon.

However, having said that, why is a dragon so sensitive to a girl's heart

But no matter how girly the dragon is, it doesn't seem to be the reason why he doesn't care about the dragon.

Moreover, they are still couples who have confirmed their relationship.

Sammy felt a little mixed for a moment.

Michaelon was not happy.

He drooped his head, looking like a dog who was kicked hard for no reason, frustrated but helpless.

Sammy, who always thought that Mickey was still an underage dragon, and could play with him every day, felt a little guilt when he saw this.

He was annoyed that he hadn't discovered Long's careful thinking earlier, and he was always bullying, teasing, and joking about Long all day long.

However, just as he silently reflected on...

McGillon mustered his courage again.

He raised his head, looking expectantly, and stammered softly, "Sami...I know I've done something wrong this time, but...can you seriously think about me...our...that..."

Sammy relented.

Not just go to bed.

Although Mickey is a minor and a dragon, prepare for Plato early!

But it's okay to sneak a little bit of the forbidden fruit every now and then, right

Sammy put down the dragon-slaying sword.

Sammy beckoned to the dragon.

Sammy pretended to be calm, with red tipped ears: "Okay, okay, you come."

Mikey was refreshed.

Mikey is elated!

Mikey doesn't though.

But Mickey had seen the human network little movie in advance.

Mikey jumped up.

Mikey didn't respond.

Sammy: ? ?

Mikey: Woo-woooo...!

Ten minutes later, Mickey dragon nestled in the corner of the bed, swallowing little sparks with an unrequited look on his face.

While holding a wet towel, Sammy pressed all the sparks that were accidentally spilled out to prevent the hotel from burning down; while holding his mobile phone, he called Uncle Heilong Deen, the senior of the dragon race, with a worried look, because this matter was related to Mickey. It's also related, so I specially opened it up: "... Well, that's basically what happened. No, no, I'm not sick... I didn't eat anything... I didn't mess around... We are all healthy... Anyway, I don't know how. It's true, but it's just... no way..."

End with the last sentence!

Mikkiron on the side once again covered his face, and let out an 'Ow' screaming in disgrace.

But no way.

In the human kingdom, if you want to ask questions about dragons, you can only find the only adult dragon you know.

As for Black Dragon Deen's mood...

He was woken up by the phone in the early morning, and when he answered the phone, he was greeted with such a thing that made Long speechless. He was so full of lies that it was beyond words, so he had to explain with a blank face: "I'm sorry, after all, I'm not a doctor either. ,actually… "

Silently swallowed the humiliating words 'I am still a dragon at the head'.

After being silent for three seconds, Heilong Deen was angry and annoyed, and he simply fired the map cannon: "Maybe the fire dragon is not good at that, soaking in the volcanic magma every day. He dumped it, and when I look back, I will introduce you to a few single black dragons!"

Mikey is crying!

In fact, Sammy, who was very protective, was so angry that he immediately hung up the phone.

Listen to this man, no, is it what the dragon said

In the face of his fellow clan who encountered difficulties, he didn't know to lend a helping hand, and he spit out such vicious words!

It's unbelievable!

Mikey was a little insane by the words.

He burst into flames uncontrollably, crying and saying, "Sami, are you breaking up with me and looking for another dragon?"

Sammy definitely didn't break up because he was afraid that this dragon would also pull himself into a *** like Anderson in the movie.

He sincerely didn't want to be separated from the dragon he liked, so he calmly said to the dragon: "Listen, Mickey! If there is a problem, we will solve the problem, if we are sick, we will treat it, and everything is not at the last moment. And , even if there is no way to solve it in the end, I will not be separated from you. You think about our previous relationship, and we didn't go to bed, but haven't we always been very good? In fact, I like you just like you Like me, you can imagine, if something happened to me, would you leave me? If not, then... me too!"

Michaelon stared at him blankly, and a small bright red flame spewed two centimeters from his nose.

Sammy turned a blind eye to this, and held the dragon's hand fearlessly: "No one, or the dragon's life is smooth sailing."

"We have no choice but to face it bravely," he said earnestly.

At this moment, Mickey's heart was filled with countless love and respect.

He felt that his soul had been sublimated, and the human beings in front of him were shining bulinbulin. Then, the light also shone into the dragon's heart, allowing him to regain his courage to face the bleak dragon life: "Sami, don't worry, I won't give up treatment!"