Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 30: Special cast members of the cast


Casting officially came to an end when the role of Arboretum consultant Stry was finally settled on Wolff.

All the main characters in the film have their own attribution.

Before the actual shooting, Sammy deliberately called the actors to his home and held a script discussion.

The purpose of this is to…

On the one hand, it is to allow actors who may not have known each other before to get to know each other and get acquainted with each other, exchange contact information, and facilitate future work cooperation;

On the other hand, it is to allow everyone to discuss and study the script in more detail.

During this process, actors can also take this opportunity to ask some questions about the plot and characters, and the director will answer them in as much detail as possible.

At the same time, the director can also take the opportunity to explain some of the shooting scenes he wants and explain his own directing philosophy, so that when it comes to the official shooting in the future, he can get more tacit cooperation from the actors.

So, this meeting could go on for a long time.

Everyone has to sit in a circle, and you read the entire script word by word.

After everyone has figured out their roles, they can choose one or two plots from the script and rehearse on the spot.

This is also a break-in opportunity provided by the director on his own initiative for the actors.

However, due to the different personalities of the actors.

This part has not been able to please everyone.

Some people like to rehearse a few times before shooting to avoid mistakes when shooting;

But some people think that if there are too many rehearsals, it is easy to reduce their expectations for the plot and the passion for the performance, which is not conducive to the official shooting.

So, specifically whether to rehearse, who rehearses with whom, and how? It all depends on the situation!

It all depends on the director to coordinate the overall situation.

As for why the meeting was set at Sammy's house...

Quite simply, in order to save money on renting a venue.

As a result, Herbert, played by Sheriff Leonard, Nali, played Mrs. Leonard, Melissa, played Laura, a bad girl, and Wolf, played by Stley, the consultant of the botanical garden, and other actors. , all came to Sammy's house early in the morning.

They were still a little restrained at first, and they sat scattered in the living room, looking down at the script carefully, silently thinking about the roles they played.

On the contrary, probably because it was his own home, Sammy seemed a little too relaxed at this time.

Nali and Wolf, who were still familiar with him, looked at this little director who was always strict and serious at work, and showed his lazy side at home so rarely: wearing a blue-green nightgown (I thought it was white when I bought it).

That way, it looks really... like a round-faced doll and a pretty little girl.

Thinking of this, Nali and Wolf looked away at the same time, embarrassed to stare at people any longer.

Next, everyone almost talked about the script in a small talk.

During the period, everyone expressed their opinions and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

No need to be specific.

She and Sammy are already very familiar with each other, and they communicate frequently these days, and when they basically talk, there is nothing unfamiliar.

The other actors...

Herbert's character is calm and taciturn, but he is extremely diligent. He has already turned over the script many times, and the lines are memorized, but he has always been pondering. Now, when I have the opportunity, I quickly and politely raised all the questions that I couldn't figure out before;

Melissa is a bit introverted. I don't know if she knew that the way she won the role was not open and aboveboard. Therefore, she was always a little worried about what other people said. Participate in discussions.

It wasn't until I heard someone discussing topics related to my role that I began to whisper.

But Sammy could see from her few words that she had done her homework, so she nodded secretly.

On the other hand, Wolf was blindly worried at first, full of worries about 'I offended the director, will the director trouble me'.

But when he found out that the answer was 'no', he immediately relaxed.

However, once relaxed...

This guy showed his true form and turned into the one with the most problems.

He can always come up with all kinds of questions to ask from all angles.

And, behind every question this guy has, there's a subtle 'I want to make fun of myself' insane hint, which makes Sammy annoyed and amused.

But on the whole, this script discussion meeting was quite successful, and the basic purpose was achieved.

The actors each have a certain understanding of the roles they are going to play; they are also familiar with the entire plot of the script; and they also get to know colleagues who may work together for several months, or even a year and a half in the future.

It can be said that it is perfect.

But when it was about to end, it caught up with new guests.

Someone rang the doorbell at Sammy's house.

"Ah, the person I dated has finally arrived."

Sammy immediately jumped up from the sofa excitedly, stepping on his slippers and rushing out to open the door: "I almost thought he couldn't catch up!"

Everyone looked at him curiously and suspiciously.

Nali was familiar with him, so she asked on behalf of everyone, "Who is here? Is he also a member of the crew?"

"You could say the same thing... Yes, that's right, a crew member."

Sammy replied excitedly: "It's okay if we meet, since we meet, let's get acquainted together."

Everyone was confused by the ambiguous answer.

What is 'so to speak'

And are you familiar with it

Familiar with what? New actor

I don't remember any important characters in the script!

But soon...

Everyone knew 'why Sammy replied that way'.

A man who didn't look like an actor walked into the room with a suitcase.

Then he put the box on the table in the middle of everyone.

Everyone was silent.

only see...

In the box, a black striped snake slowly twisted its body and raised its head upwards.

Holy shit!

What a wicked director!

You actually made us familiar with a snake!

The two actresses looked at the reptile in disbelief, and almost screamed at the top of their voices.

Wolf's face was also a little pale.

But he kept his mouth shut and asked, "Isn't the snake computer synthesized in the later stage?"

Herbert didn't change his expression.

He has already recognized that the snake in the box is a non-toxic common pet snake, and he also guessed that this should be an animal actor specially hired by the crew to make some pictures more realistic.

Just when everyone looked at the snake and stared at the snake, they didn't know what to do...

With a clear sound of "Dang", the snake smashed itself onto the wall of the box.

Its flat head tilted up dazedly, but its body was limply leaning against the glass, staring at them stupidly without moving.

"... Hey, aren't snakes very scary? Why is this one a little dumb?"

Even Melissa, who was a little afraid of snakes at first, couldn't help but blurt out such a question after seeing this scene.

The person who came in with the box and the animal trainer in charge of the animal actor Snake, Wells, showed a subtle embarrassment and hurriedly made an excuse to explain: "I fed it before I came? It doesn't want to move now. "

Melissa didn't know much about snakes and didn't say anything anymore.

She just looked at the box curiously, but she couldn't help but take a few steps back, as far as possible from the snake box.

But Sammy was not satisfied.

He was still a little disappointed: "It looks too good, not hideous at all! I don't want this type, it has to be a little fierce."

All the actors glared at him fiercely in an instant, all with the anger of 'Why do you still want to be hideous'.

After all, come to think of it, it's them, not the director, who will be filming with this shit.

Sammy didn't even notice the actors' dissatisfaction.

He continued to ask deadly, "Can I touch the snake?"

Animal trainer Wells smiled and discouraged: "It's best not to, even if it's a pet snake, it still has some attacks..."

But he said it too late!

A certain disobedient little round face couldn't wait to put his hand into the snake box, and boldly grabbed the snake directly.

"...somewhat aggressive."

The animal trainer had only finished his words now.

But then, he was stunned to find that his lively snake didn't bite anyone today, and was surprisingly honest.

It didn't move, it looked like a harmless rope, its flat head drooped meekly down, its tail held in Sammy's hands.

The animal trainer was completely shocked: 'This, I'm afraid this is not a fake snake, right? '

But then, as he watched his own snake, he was very casually grabbed by Sammy in various 'deservingly bitten 10,000 times' death-defying postures. He circled his wrist three or four times, but he still remained motionless, as if he was dead.

At this moment, the three views of the animal trainer were severely impacted.

He was completely stupid, and he could only think to himself in a puzzled way: "It's not right, it's not right, it shouldn't be like this. Before I came out, Nana was quite noisy. But what's wrong? Are you sick? But why don't you move?"

Snake: [Not sick! ]

Snake: [I dare not move, I dare not move! ]

- What the hell is this place!

—Why is there such a strong gangster (dragon) atmosphere around

- Scared the snake to death!