Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 39: Do you like to play Snake Devouring?


"Are you fucking kidding me??"

Sammy said in disbelief, "Is this the first movie I've ever premiered in my life?"

In the bathroom, Michaelon held back his smile and wiped his human face with a tissue.

In the just-concluded premiere of the movie, the 'passionate' audience not only smashed their shoes, but also threw their unfinished beer, juice, coke...

The poor rookie director died before he started his career, and was poured a mess of drinks on his head.

The title of the most unlucky director of this film festival has probably been pre-booked in advance.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the woeful situation for McGillon, holding him up with one hand would be a 500-meter sprint.

He might even be surrounded by an aggressive and indignant audience (audience: we just want to be reasonable, not hitting).

But who's to blame

Who told him to mess around with false advertisements to deceive people and make the movie so scary.

Sammy sullenly pushed Mickey's hand away, silently turned on the faucet on the sink, and began to wash his face.

But the frustratingly low air pressure around him made it clear that he didn't care about the audience's reaction at all.

Mickey looked at him with a bit of amusing, a person who has always been active and energetic, and now looks like a dog with no one to play with, with drooping ears and despair.

"There's no need to be angry with the audience." He couldn't help but comforted: "Anyway, I think you're very good-looking."

"But they don't like it." Sammy said aggrievedly.

Although he doesn't ask everyone to like it, and there are too many times when people are not liked since childhood, it doesn't matter even if he scolded behind his back, it's still very good to show the scene of 'Director, you are a bastard' naked in front of your face. Self-respecting.

Especially for a rookie director who is triumphant, full of anticipation, waiting to hear praise...

It was too frustrating.

Mikey didn't know what to say for a moment.

Although in his opinion, it is enough for his own human beings to like them, what else do so many others like to do? But humans seem to be troubled by this matter

"Mickey... maybe, maybe I'm a little..."

Sammy hesitantly said, "But I don't mean anything."

'Hey? Is this the beginning of reflection? '

Mickey's eyes widened, and he looked at the little round-faced human being in front of him with some novelty, thinking: 'It's too rare, isn't it? Usually so stubborn! '

"I shouldn't make false advertisements in a fit of anger. Every time I only care about my own happiness and ignore others... other ideas... Although the movie is mine, the audience is really not in my consideration... "

(audience:… ??)

"But if it wasn't for your help, I would have been miserable just now. You, you always stayed with me and rescued me from the crowd..."

Sammy raised his eyes a little embarrassedly, glanced at Mickey's handsome face that didn't respond because of surprise, and stumbled a little embarrassedly and said, "You helped me so, so much, I shouldn't… no I should have been ignoring you all the time. It's really inappropriate... But, I don't know how to thank you... Actually, my brother said before that I can't stay in my own world all the time, I have to look around... So , I wanted to say, I really wanted to say... Thank you, Mikey."

He looked at Mickey foolishly as he thanked him sincerely.

It looks too much like a simple and enthusiastic puppy.

There is unreserved trust in his eyes, and his own figure is clearly reflected...

The underage Little Fire Dragon only felt that his heart was about to stop suddenly.

Then, he was so moved that he was so excited that he wished that a Dapeng would spread his wings and turn it into a prototype, carrying his own human beings directly into the sky.

'How could anyone hate Sammy like this? '

The little fire dragon, who has not yet been deeply involved in the world, was completely confused by the sweet words of human beings, and he has completely forgotten that this warrior who keeps saying that he wants to 'slay the dragon', on the contrary, he likes this small round-faced human more and more.

He couldn't help but start to think about all kinds of things in a dizzy way: "It's good to be full of fantastic ideas, my human being is so simple and innocent; it's good to have a weird and terrible sense of humor, and it's good to experience it. It's funny and interesting haha; what? Dragon slaying dream... It's alright, my scales are so thick that I can't cut him even if I stand still! Anyway... Anyway, he's cute, so cute that the dragon is willing to forgive him everything!"

"Mickey, thank you, I'm so glad you came by my side." Sammy said seriously.

So, the underage Little Fire Dragon shyly lowered his head and gave a small answer: "No, no thanks, I am willing to do it."

On the other end, Sammy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He doesn't care much about the audience's emotions (audience:???), but he cares about the feelings of his friends.

Although it is said that at the beginning he took in the 'homeless' Mickey.

But in daily life, Mickey did give him too much support, and this time he took the 'danger' to save himself from the crowd. Not even a single word of thanks would be too much. That's why he thanked him so directly.

But after this somewhat straightforward conversation,

After one person and one dragon looked at each other, they all looked away a little embarrassedly.

Sammy's ears were red, and he thought, "Am I being a little too emotional? Gay is mad at Gay?"

Mickey was very serious on the surface, and the dragon prototype in his inner world was so excited that he twisted himself into a twist: "Humans like me! I absolutely love me! He only thanked me, and only talked to me like this (red ears). "

After that, the film "Snake Bane" was shown for another week.

Learning from the last time he was almost beaten by the audience, Director Sammy never went to the scene again.

He threw Rosie there to deal with the movie, and instead pulled Mickey and started watching other people's movies around.

Rossi is a bit indignant, but he's the kind of guy who's very enterprising, and he's very clear and unequivocal about what he's going to do, so he'll have to ignore Sammy and focus on the film.

However, the magic is...

Even if the director is not present, the hatred is still held firmly.

Whenever a new audience sees the film "Snake Bane", their first reaction is to slap their sleeves and curse: "Is the director's fucking brain flooded? What kind of broken film is this? You made the python so tall and cool, people film it Not to mention rubbish, but still destroying the group?!!!”

As a result, the number of people who followed Sammy's Twitter rose instantly.

But unfortunately, it's all black powder!

What's even more interesting is that the "Snake Trouble", which was clearly scolded, had a daily attendance rate during the screening period, but it was not low at all.

And, at the end of the film festival, the film still had bad luck and won two awards, one for the best bloody award and one for the film critic award, although neither of them was an important award, but For a rookie director, it's definitely a great achievement.

Moreover, Mr. Leotini, who had been connected by Rossi in some way before.

That is, the member of the jury of this film festival specially wrote a recommendation for the film, in which he highly praised Sammy's directorial talent: [A restricted-level film that looks a bit disgusting and bloody, but Everywhere is full of the director's genius-like whimsy and electric sparks of inspiration. Maybe it has all its shortcomings, but as the director's debut, it is enough to prove it all... Ladies and gentlemen, cheers! There is no doubt that the film industry will welcome another talented young man! ]

But just as some people inexplicably appreciate it, there are also people who don't like the film.

Famous film critic Bobby Hans wrote a review online after seeing the film, lashing out at the film.

He called the film "a sleazy and boring farce, the plot is as long as shit, the director thinks it's a wonderful turning point, but it's just self-high, there's no need to exist at all, in the final analysis, it's almost two hours of plot, It's just a low-IQ snake-devouring game. ]

Moreover, he is also extremely dissatisfied with the bloody plot in the film: [Is there no money for plasma? grandstanding! To be honest, I was really frightened by the bright red on the screen, no, it was disgusting, it really hurt me a lot. ]

Then, another film critic refuted his opinion, thinking that the plot of this film is very meaningful: [The brave battle between humans and snakes in the first half, the infighting on the way of human failure and escape in the second half, no matter what the plot is, It's thought-provoking, how could it be pointless? but… ]

They also think: [If you remove those excessive and useless bloody plots, it should make the theme of the film deeper. ]

Sammy, however, didn't give in to critics just because he was a newcomer.

On the contrary, when a reporter asked what he thought about these remarks, he neither stood on the opposing side nor on the agreeing side, but scolded both parties with one sentence: [What's not fun to swallow a snake?] ? Also, horror movies have to start talking about the truth and philosophy of life? Did they come out and be funny? ]

— Shouldn’t a horror movie be, single-mindedly, dedicated to scaring people? I like plasma, nothing disgusting.

—Also, the plot you analyzed is actually just a random discussion between me and the screenwriter. My purpose is to scare people.

- If we say, the performance of the protagonist team of inspirational films should be 'Let's unite and overcome difficulties together'.

—Then, the performance of the protagonist team in horror films should have been 'you will die soon, sooner or later'. Death is painful for a while, but not forever.

- But don't you think the latter would be cooler and more interesting

- That's right! This is my creative concept!

What the heck creative idea!

So the protagonist group in the film just disappeared

Suddenly, I understand how the fans want to kill you.

The reporters who interviewed him were dumbfounded.

But probably Hollywood has not seen such a very personal and independent director for a long time.

The media was instantly intrigued by interviewee Sammy.

They even thought in private that as long as the young director did not die halfway, he might become a topical figure enough to support major newspapers in the future.

Under such circumstances, films such as "Snake Bane", which have already made their name in film festivals, have inevitably attracted the attention of countless independent film distributors.

They contacted the film's producer, Rossi, to negotiate a purchase.

The second spring of his career is finally here. Rossi is very excited, but he also knows that it is a critical moment, so he still tries his best to stay calm.

He didn't promise anyone right away, but shrewdly waited for their bid.

Those days were really cool.

Mai Qilong, who was born with the stingy nature of the dragon family, later said sternly: "A bunch of people are chasing after our ass, begging us to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, whatever we want to eat, just order, it's free! Only! For this, I have to persuade Sammy and the others to think carefully! At least two or three weeks, no, two or three months!"