Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 42: Chongguan became a dragon face in anger


Although Sammy may well have the unfortunate fate of being the first director ever to be famously 'beaten by the audience'.

But when "Snake Bane" officially hits theaters...

"My secretary handed me a statistics sheet."

Kerry later said to the reporter who interviewed: "She told me that this is the data on the first day of the show. I stared at the beautiful numbers that were almost hallucinatory for a long time and couldn't say a word. My brother said, 'Maybe on the first day, the audience wants to watch something fresh and lively. Next week, next week, this number will definitely drop'. My brother was sluggish for a long time before he said a word to me' That's back.' So, we both foolishly waited for that number to drop."


Little Kerry almost jumped up with excitement: "But the numbers haven't fallen! They haven't fallen! You know what? It's rising! It's rising! It's rising! Fuck! It's so fucking exciting!"

This fact shocked the two brothers too much.

Although they used to be giants in the music industry, it is undeniable that they are complete amateurs in the film industry, and after hitting the streets for many films in a row, they are gradually despairing of their own films. I bought the movie with the idea of 'no small profit', and it was still a R-rated movie with a narrow audience circle, but who would have guessed that it would be a big upset.

Among them, the quality of the film cannot be ignored.

But the propaganda plan of Shenlai has obviously played a very important role. After all, not everyone can throw away nearly half a million dollars with a lot of money, while putting all kinds of intensive publicity advertisements on TV, and at the same time A few of them produced a distressing video calling for 'low-quality films to destroy the United States'.

Obviously they were all hired by the Kerry brothers, but they were divided into two parts, pointing at each other and yelling at each other.

Moreover, the scolding is known all over the country, and through this, the curiosity of the audience is lifted to the highest level!

This kind of operation is actually very risky. If the game is not good, the audience will really stand against that side and protest the release of the movie.

However, under the premise that the quality of the film itself can be guaranteed, fake disputes will become real disputes.

After watching the movie, some viewers thought: "It's a bit bloody, but it's not to the point of being banned."

Another part of the audience who didn't like it thought: "This kind of bad film should really be banned."

At this time, the two parties hired by the company took the opportunity to quietly retreat.

Instead, audiences with different viewpoints continued to spar over 'should it be released' for free on their behalf.

As a result, the film "Snake Bane" has attracted much attention since its release.

Meanwhile, controversy continued.

But as long as there is a dispute, you will never worry that no one will see it.

Even in the final stage, there is no need to worry too much about 'can it be released'. Because the film has already made a name for itself, even if you don't go the way of the theater, you can make a fortune just by selling DVDs.

The Kerry brothers, who have been losing money and finally made a fortune, are about to die of joy.

While they toasted to celebrate their victory, they diligently summed up their experiences and lessons, and planned to make persistent efforts.

But what I didn't expect was that it summed up a circle!

They found that they didn't seem to play a role, they were still amateurs in the film industry, and the reason for their success was...

Who made the movie


Who thinks the propaganda


Who got the news by being 'beaten up' by viewers (not)


The two brothers who were so arrogant suddenly developed a kind of almost blind and strong trust in Sammy.

They started calling Sammy when they had nothing to do: "Any new filming plans recently? We can invest."

Sammy is indifferent: "No."

They enthusiastically suggested: "Oh, let's make a sequel to "Snake Bane"?"

— No, I don't like doing sequels.

- Are there any new filming plans


—Then consider a sequel to "Snake Bane".

- I said it all, I don't like making sequels!

- Are there any new filming plans

What a crap talk!

As long as they wanted to, this bloody conversation could go on forever!

Sammy hangs up angrily every time.

But next time, they will find a way to call again.

Moreover, they also took the opportunity to win over Rossi.

He was hired to join the Kerry Brothers Film Company with a high salary, and, in a eloquent euphemism, revealed a kind of 'we all don't know much about it, you will definitely be reused if you are willing to come'.

As we all know, although independent producers have more freedom, they often take more risks.

Once many independent filmmakers in Hollywood look wrong, as long as they release a garbage film, they may lose their pants and can't afford it.

So, Rosie made some money with Sammy this time though.

But when he received the invitation of the Kerry brothers, he was still tempted, and he also helped the Kerry brothers to persuade Sammy and help them make a film.

But Sammy had no interest at all.

He thought of a new dragon slaying story, which takes place in outer space...

What? No dragons in outer space

nonsense! As long as you can think of it, it exists!

So, now there are dragons in outer space.

What's the name of this dragon? Well, burst the star dragon!

- I looked at it, and it looked at me, and the gaze seemed to penetrate my eyes and go straight to the depths of my soul.

—Yes, it is the most beautiful dragon, the eternal and immortal dragon, the dragon that bursts the stars.

Rosie only felt that this guy's brain was probably flooded again.

He discussed with the Kerry brothers: "Give it up! I can help you contact other directors, screenwriters, find new projects to invest in, and as for Sammy... Let's put it this way! You can tame a wild dog, or you can harness a A fierce horse, but you can never make a cat obedient. Cats are animals that always do what they want. Whether you have a good attitude or a bad attitude, whether you have money or no money, it will always Consistently ignore you if you want to, and ignore you if you don’t.”

But the Kerry brothers didn't want to give up.

On the one hand, they value Sammy's ability, but on the other hand, up to now, "Snake Bane" is the first time they have made money after stepping into the film circle and after repeated defeats and battles.

So, a weird superstition arises.

This gave them the illusion that 'Sami brought us fortune'.

For this reason, although Da Kerry was not good at words, he didn't say anything for the time being except for looking forward to it;

But Kerry shouted excitedly on behalf of the two of them: "But Rosie... I want him so much! I want him so much! Please, please ask him again for us! What does he like? Money , beautiful women, luxury cars? Ah, I remembered, didn't he want to make a dragon slaying movie? If it is the same as "Snake Accident", then dragon slaying is also negotiable!"

In Xiao Kerry's idea, as long as you fool people first...

As for how to slaughter the dragon, whether to slaughter the dragon or not, that is a question that will be negotiated slowly afterwards.

But what I didn't expect was that it might be because of the fact that there have been a lot of photos taken recently, and Sammy gradually realized that some things are not as simple as they thought.

Therefore, he answered with self-knowledge: "I'm not good enough to slay dragons, wait, wait."

As a result, the Kerry brothers and Rosie are completely helpless.

But when they were about to give up and plan to turn their attention to others, a turning point appeared unknowingly.

After returning from the film festival, Mai Qilong also has his own busy career.

His agent Brenda informed him not long ago: "A film based on a true story intends to invite you as the protagonist."

During this period of time, Mickey ate, drank and lived on Sammy's side for free. After taking a photo of the magazine cover, he was paid to buy highlights.

Logically speaking, the day was pretty smooth.

But like people, once the material is satisfied, they often want to pursue something spiritually.

As a poor dragon, Mickey clenched his claws and counted the money for a long time, especially wanting to use gold to make a big solid pillow for himself.

So, when he learned that the film was well paid, he eagerly agreed.

As for the question of what acting skills can't keep up with... What the hell is that

The result of such indiscretion is - Waterloo.

The film tells the life of a deceased famous painter, and the person who invested in the film is the painter's widow.

The lady wants to show her love in the film, and tell the beautiful love of the husband and wife who share weal and woe.

In other words, this is a love movie!

As an underage fire dragon, let alone such a complicated issue of human love, he couldn't even figure out the love between dragons.

So, when he ran to make a movie, he couldn't get into the state at all. Moreover, the director will not take care of him as a newcomer like Sammy, and will patiently talk about dramas to him. When he sees something wrong, he directly yells: "Who the hell got the vase? Are you looking at secret love? Your eyes are constipated!"

Mikey is aggrieved.

But he's a good dragon, not like the 'evil dragon who eats people at every turn' as Sammy calls him.

Therefore, he cannot do anything.

Although deep in Long's heart, the director who scolded his vase has turned to ashes for the 300th time.

Then, the heroine of the film came over and invited him to play with him.

Unlike newcomers like Mickey, the actress named Lisa has been famous for many years and is a big star hired by the crew with a lot of money, so she has a high status in the crew.

On this day, she specially invited Mickey to her dressing room, and looked at the handsome red-haired man in front of her with a pair of beautiful brown eyes admiringly: "You are my lover... I mean, in the movie."

Mikey nodded, not understanding what she was trying to say.

Lisa smiled lightly, and then said slowly, "I noticed that you haven't been able to get into the show."

Mikey continued to nod.

Except for Sammy, the underage fire dragon is still very arrogant, and doesn't really want to chat with strangers.

Lisa didn't care either.

She said in a slow tone as usual: "In order to help you get into the movie, and to make the film more real and vivid. I propose, let's experience how to be a lover for yourself! You can do this... "

When she took the initiative to pull the little fire dragon's hand...

Mickey was startled and pushed forward subconsciously. He couldn't control the force and overthrew the person directly.

Lisa was caught off guard and fell back when she fell back.

She screamed in pain.

But God probably didn't think it was messy enough.

I just came to visit the class, but found that my friend was about to be rushed in at the right time by the unspoken rule Sammy, and shouted: "Stop, old witch, don't touch my friend!"

Michaelon looked at the lovely human who 'falls from the sky and saves himself from fire and water' in surprise, and immediately took a few steps back quickly, with a victim expression on his face, and shamelessly pushed his human body two meters away. Shrinking behind Sammy, who was only 1.73 meters, he enjoyed the feeling of being protected by humans.

He also stared at the back of the other's head, and thought happily: "Dragon God! My human beings are really super manly, and dragons feel so secure now!"

Then, the two idiots were kicked out together.

Mickey's male protagonist later also... Well, the director didn't like it, and even injured the heroine hired by the crew... There was no follow-up at all.

Sammy felt guilty.

He embarrassedly promised: "Well, it's not difficult for the male lead. When I make a film, you will be the lead."

Brother Kerry was overjoyed: "I've been waiting for you!"