Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 46: about the choice of actors


The Kerry brothers asked another silly question though.

But this time, they didn't come here purely to be stupid, but to discuss the actor's affairs.

The male protagonist does not need to discuss for the time being.

Mickey was the actor Sammy had signed up for from the start.

And, in private communication between the two...

Mickey himself said he liked the role: "I love singing, I love music."

In order to play this role, he has been diligently following that Colin around, sometimes moving bricks together.

Due to his super strength, he developed a second career without knowing it, and has now become the most popular brick mover on construction sites!

But in addition to the male lead, the film also has an important role, that is, guitarist Jon.

In a rock band, the love and killing of the lead singer and the guitarist has always been the biggest thing to watch.

So, even though the movie revolves around the lead singer, the guitarist Jon's scene is not too small at all.

In doing so, his casting became a new point of contention between Sammy and the Kerry brothers.

The Kerry brothers meant to use Wolfe.

Because Wolff is cheap; and because Wolff, a guy who is very good at drilling camps, just gained a little fame through "Snake Bane" not long ago, he ungratefully kicked the agent who had followed him for many years and shared hardships and sorrows, and turned to Signed in to a newly opened brokerage company under the Kerry Brothers, trying to use this to make friends with the Kerry Brothers to get more resources.

The important resources in the big brokerage companies often have to be selected by the big stars who are at the top of the pyramid.

On the contrary, some small companies, especially such newly established companies, will have more opportunities to allocate actors of this level such as Wolf.

So, Wolff's step is a bit risky, but it can't be wrong.

For example, now, when they have the opportunity to play the second male lead, the Kerry brothers immediately think of this new 'oneself'.

But these twists and turns, the two brothers will not say it directly.

They just put on a good-tempered look to discuss: "Give Wolf a chance, didn't you cooperate well in "Snake Bane"?"

"It works well, but it doesn't mean he's suitable."

Sammy firmly refused: "In fact, the role of Jon is more difficult to play than the hero Colin. If I can, I need a strong expressive actor."

Then, he paused, and then deliberately added and reminded: "I don't care if you put people in, but it must not hinder the quality of the movie. Don't forget, this is also your movie."

"But isn't that a guitarist? Are you saying it so seriously?" The Kerry brothers unanimously showed a touch of surprise.

Maybe it's because they are in the middle of the game and have a blind eye. In their opinion, every time they hold an audition disc, stand cautiously in front of them, and wait for a reply, the Hello band is really nothing special, but it's just a popular one. Nothing but a small band.

However, after noticing that Sammy's face was getting worse and worse, and he was still very unhappy...

Kerry hurriedly stood up again to mediate: "Kan the bassist! The role of Kahn, the bassist, is good, right? Don't have the guitarist Jon, then the bassist Kahn. If you agree, about the actor of the guitarist Jon. … You can choose whatever you want, as long as it’s not too exaggerated, I’ll find a way to help you get it done.”

Considering that the bass player Kahn has less drama.

Sammy thought about it, barely able to accept Wolf.

But after hearing what Kerry said next...

His eyes lit up immediately, and he opened his mouth and said, "Is it really possible? Then I want Mick Lee."

Damn, how dare you say it!

Although Mick Lee is not the top star in Hollywood, he has been regarded as a potential second-tier star in recent years.

So, Kerry almost spit out all the water he was drinking: "Do you know what you're talking about?"

His face was unbelievable: "You can really think about it, let's not say whether a star like Mick Lee is willing to play or not, he just asks for a minimum of 500,000 yuan."

"But I want him, you just told me to pick whatever I want." Sammy said beside him.

Xiao Kerry laughed angrily: "I also said that the premise is not exaggerated, you are too exaggerated, change it."

Sammy doesn't really want to change.

He had seen an early gangster movie starring Mick Lee before.

In that film, Mick Lee played a young gangster who kept climbing.

At that time, he was not well-known and had very few roles. But in only a few clips, you can still vaguely see that he has a unique temperament, even in the most intense fights, he can still show a subtle sense of static, expressionless, as if dying.

That indescribable stability...

In Sammy's view, it happens to be similar to some characteristics of guitarist Jon.

You know, unlike the lead singer Colin, who likes to show off his words and deeds, the silent guitarist Jon always stands at the back.

Whenever Colin was on the verge of collapse, he would silently stand up, take control of the situation, and then quietly wait for his friend to return to normal.

The scent is so unique!

At first glance, there is no sense of existence, but in fact, he is inseparable from everywhere.

The most important question is here!

Many things can be expressed by superb acting skills, but temperament is a very mysterious thing.

It can't be easily interpreted by others, if there is, there is, and if there is no, there is no.

After Sammy found out that Mick Lee was a good fit for the role of guitarist Jon, he wanted the actor badly.

Because this is extremely rare to encounter, the temperament of the actor and the character has reached a clever fit.

But Kerry felt he was dreaming: "Change someone else, Mick Lee is no good."

"Maybe... I can try the script." Da Kerry, who has always been taciturn, suddenly interrupted.

Sammy and Kerry couldn't help but look at him at the same time, the former expecting, the latter surprised.

Da Kerry simply explained: "When Mick Lee was young, he played in a band, but he had no talent, so he became an actor."

Sammy couldn't help but ask, "You mean...?"

Da Kerry replied: "Yes, I mean, maybe he will want to use this to realize his musical dream."

Next, the Kerry brothers got busy.

Although these two guys don't know anything about movies, they often say some nonsense, and occasionally over-seek profit and do some disgusting and disgusting things, but it is undeniable that when they want to do something for their own benefit When something happens, the power of action is often amazing.

The specific process, Sammy is not very clear.

It seems that I contacted Mick Lee's agent first, but the agent didn't like the small crew, so he perfunctory and didn't tell Mick Lee about it at all, and then the Kerry brothers went directly to the agency. The high-level boss of the company, after a few words about future investment cooperation, handed the script to Mick Lee smoothly.

Although it took a turn, the result was beautiful.

After seeing the script, Mick Lee agreed to consider it.

It's just that Sammy is depressed...

Before thinking about the result, Mick Lee asked a question: "Why can't I be the lead singer?"


He asked 'why can't I be the lead singer', not 'why can't I be the lead'.

Clearly, Big Kerry was right.

This person didn't come to act in movies at all, he came to fulfill his music dream. Therefore, you don't even care if you are the protagonist or not, only if you are the lead singer in the movie

But Sammy is clear-headed, and although he really wants the actor, he still doesn't plan to do anything that he's used to.

He replied bluntly: "Because you can never stun me in one voice!"

Mick Lee Confused: … Who

On the other hand, maybe it’s because I paid too much; maybe it’s a project that really doesn’t make much money in the near future; maybe it’s because I want to take the opportunity to learn about movies…

During this time, the Kerry brothers began to run towards Sammy frequently.

So, they inevitably saw a new script that screenwriter Hughes Humphrey had just handed in.

Before that, Sammy had given the two only a rough outline.

So, it was the first time they saw a detailed script

But the new script made them dumbfounded: "This is different from what we thought!"

Kerry took the lead in expressing his doubts about the script: "The audience won't like it, will it?"

Sammy asked, "Why?"

"Is there any need to ask why?"

Little Kerry said bluntly: "I don't know who would want to see a movie 'The main character is a big dumb, tongue knotted, pimple-faced, and whimsical, and talks like a mentally retarded' movie. I know Colin This guy has always been rude, but can't you find a decent screenwriter? Beautify him, at least not like what is written in this script... "

Sammy frowned and repeated his words: "As written..."

Then, after a pause, he asked in a different tone, "What was written?"

"Like a stupid dog!"

Little Kerry said angrily: "Without any personality and characteristics, even if he kicks, he will only wag his tail and smirk."

Sammy didn't have time to speak this time.

Michaelon spoke for the first time.

"Shut up, he's not a stupid dog!" shouted the underage little fire dragon.

He repeated excitedly: "He's not a stupid dog, he's the lead singer of Hello! A great singer! The role I'm about to play!"