Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 47: Learn to understand characters


Can't really blame Mickey for his vehement rebuttal to the Kerry brothers.

Because he has been deeply involved in the drama recently, and this is a long story.

Anyone who is familiar with Mickey knows that this person is not pursued.

It is said that his life was extremely miserable. His mother died early. After his father found him a stepmother, he stole all his money, beat him violently, and kicked him out of the house.

According to a normal person's thinking, anyone would hate this matter, even if the strength is not enough, there will be a heart of revenge.

But once, Rosie's girlfriend Ellie, after knowing these things, suddenly recklessly asked, "What are you going to do next? I mean, with your father..."

But at the moment when she asked, she regretted it again. Isn't it bad to mention other people's sad things like this

So, this actually kind-hearted girl hurriedly prepared at this moment to "open her arms to comfort a radical boy who was bitter and hated, and was all about revenge", and planned to apologize to Mickey, saying that she was not Intentional, and instill in him a bunch of chicken soup in life that you have friends and we are around to help you.


McGillon just covered his mouth tightly, bowed his head and yawned, and by the way, he cautiously clipped out the little sparks that appeared between his fingers.

Then, he answered Ellie lazily: "What are you planning? Go to sleep."

Under Ellie's puzzled eyes, he triumphantly gave a bizarre answer: "When I sleep for a few more decades, the old guy might not be able to beat me."

This is not true at all.

Mickey is really a real dragon.

Although the dragon family has a small number of dragon mouths, it has always been an open race. They are long-lived and belong to the 'do nothing, sleep a lot to grow strength out of thin air' type.

Therefore, if Mickey sleeps for decades, his strength can really grow a lot.

Only from this point of view, the ideas of dragons and people are definitely different.

Mickey just has a lot of time to squander, Longsheng is long, what important things must be done right away? It's better to lie down and take a long sleep, no matter what, I'll talk about it when I wake up.

But no one knew he was a dragon!

According to the length of human lifespan, this answer can be understood as - when I sleep for a few more decades, the scumbag becomes an old man, and then I can go and beat the elderly happily.

Everyone: …

It can be seen from this matter that the person (Dragon) Mai Qi is basically a waste.

His people (Long) have no pursuit, only eat and sleep, they are messing around every day, and only recently have they developed a wonderful hobby of buying highlights.

But such a waste dragon!

However, Sammy aroused Longsheng's second spring.

"Mickey, let's talk."

One night after selfishly casting a friend as the male lead, Sammy decided to take responsibility for the quality of the film.

"Uh, what do you want to talk about?" Michaelon didn't really want to chat during bedtime.

But he found that Sammy was particularly in line with his own aesthetics today. He had just taken a shower, with a round face like a bun that was just out of the oven, as if it was still steaming, wearing only a big T-shirt, revealing two big white legs, It's really white, the kind that shines under the light... I just want to see more of it.

Sammy had no idea what the hell was going on in the head of the family dragon.

He grabbed a pillow comfortably, lay down on the sofa, and put his legs on the armrests of the sofa, intending to use this casual attitude to have a heart-to-heart talk with his friends about the role: "I know you Without systematic acting training, it must be very stressful to be the male lead for the first time."

Actually not.

Sitting at the other end, Michaelon stared blankly at the two big white legs dangling in front of him, wondering why there was pressure.

In fact, Sammy was the one under pressure at this point.

Facing the ignorant eyes of Mai Qilong like a child, he felt a sense of responsibility as a parent in his heart. Care must be taken in speaking, otherwise an aspiring young man may well be led astray.

Therefore, instead of expressing his thoughts directly, he adopted a guiding method: "How do you want to express the character of Colin?"

Michaelon was puzzled: "Uh, just act like that."

At Sammy's strong request, he stood up and performed a segment.

This performance shocked Sammy so much that he said it many times in front of reporters: "You don't know how talented Mike is. When he imitates people, he can do exactly the same!"

But in fact, this is only for external business, and it is customary to tout small partners.

That night, Sammy, while shocked, was not satisfied with Mickey's performance.

Because the super imitation of Miqi Long is completely based on keen observation and absolute control over itself.

To give a simple example, if a normal human wants to imitate a person, it is impossible for a normal human to notice how many times this person blinks his eyes when he speaks a sentence, and how wide his mouth opens when he speaks. , Whether the abdomen is retracted backwards, or drummed forward, and whether the thigh muscles are tensed or relaxed' such small details. Even if you notice it, you can't control your body to be exactly the same at the same time.

But Mickey can.

If there is no prototype interpretation, it may be a little difficult.

But this kind of prototype performance, with his super control over his human body, is enough for him to copy all the movements, all expressions, and even the breathing rate of the other party intact, and finally get a performance that is different from the appearance, and other details are fake. The presence.

Faced with such an actor, an ordinary director would probably be ecstatic to think that he had met a genius.

Not Sammy.

He was indeed shocked by Mykey's imitation.

But when he accidentally met Mickey Dragon's lazy gaze, he instantly woke up.

—This is not at all what I want for lead singer Colin.

- This is an imitation machine with no emotions!

Michaelon was still complacent, but it turned out that something was wrong.

His little round-faced human looked at him with great disappointment, and took back his two beautiful white legs, sat up straight, and said in a seemingly negotiated, but in fact sure tone, "Otherwise, wait for the next movie. To be my hero? I'll go back and sign up for an acting training class for you, will you give up this one first?"


What's wrong

what happened

Michaelon couldn't care less about his legs.

He couldn't understand the situation.

Is the problem with me

He knows that humans have always treated him well, but now, to replace him mercilessly, the dragon's self-esteem will be shattered.

But just as Mickey is an emotional imitation machine.

Sammy tends to act impulsive most of the time, but at work, he is also a little round face with no emotion: "You don't meet my requirements for the role."

"What do you ask you to tell me! How would I know if you don't tell me?" Michaelon was completely mad.

"Okay then." Sammy made a request indifferently: "Can you now act out what Colin will look like when he realizes his dream?"

Michaelon was stunned.

Then, he started to recall Colin's every move, and found out... that he really couldn't act!

Because there is nothing to imitate.

In reality, Colin didn't succeed at all, so he had never seen Colin after his success, so naturally he couldn't imitate it.

"You're better than a faceless teddy bear! The teddy bear is alive and your Colin is a dummy."

Sammy's face was full of disappointment: "Mickey, you haven't really studied the character at all."

-You imitate Colin's every move, but you have no idea what kind of person Colin is.

- You know what he does, but you don't think about why he does it; you don't know what he wants; you don't know what he pursues; you don't know what he insists on; Know what he paid for along the way! you do not know any think!

—Mickey, you wasted your talent and used it in the wrong place.

- You don't have any affection for your character, or you don't pay attention to your character at all.

- If you don't like it, why do you insist on acting

- Forget it, stop acting. "


Don't talk to yourself, you little round face!

At this moment, Michaelon was really crazy.

Although as a dragon, he can't understand the complex thinking of human beings, but if he is told what to do, he doesn't mind to understand a human being, but this kind of person who doesn't even give a chance and is suddenly sentenced to death behavior is too much.

But that's what Sammy is.

His thinking is very straight: you are my friend, I trust you, and I will give you the role, but if you can't play it well and don't want to play it, then I'll replace it and you won't play it.

In the end there is absolutely no way to replace it.

Michaelon cried out to everyone he knew about the ruthlessness and unreasonableness of the little round face.

Because he hangs out at Sammy's house all the year round, that is to say, the two people's friendship circles basically overlap.

As a result, his mass line was very successful.

Everyone said to Sammy, "Dude, you can't kill someone in one fell swoop, you should give him a chance."

Even Colin from Hello came running and said, "Well, actually, I think Mickey is fine."

Based on this, Sammy gave him another chance after serious consideration.

Mikey immediately worked hard.

This is the ultimate reason why he went to eat, live and move bricks with Colin.

It's just an occasional midnight dream, and I'm tired of moving bricks...

Mai Qilong will be puzzled to consider a difficult question: "Didn't I come to the human kingdom to eat, drink and live until adulthood? Although it's okay to occasionally help my cute human beings, but why do I work so hard? , I'm still afraid that he will replace me? My Longsheng goal was not this at the beginning, right? Why does it seem to fall into the pit without knowing it? "

despite this.

But trying to think of yourself as a human was indeed an interesting experience for dragons.

Michaelon was gradually immersed in it.

Once, he and Colin tried to change to a more lucrative career, stop moving bricks and go into sales.

My first job was selling diapers door-to-door.

As a result, the two were inexperienced, wandering around the door of other people for a long time, and couldn't think of what to say, so that people would willingly buy a box of diapers.

They looked too sneaky as they were muttering at other people's doorsteps. Besides, he doesn't dress like a normal person. Colin is in a band, so he usually dresses a little bit unconventionally, with long curly hair and an anti-theft chain around his neck. Mickey has been imitating him recently, so he doesn't look like him. what a nice guy.

So, someone called the police.

The police came and took both of them away.

Colin panicked.

He tried desperately to explain his occupation, the main job was moving bricks, the deputy job was singing, and the current job transfer was unsuccessful, but he was definitely a good citizen and would not do burglary, robbery and murder.

The police didn't quite believe it, thinking they were some kind of criminal gang planning to do something bad.

After all, these two don't look like salesmen, but more like street vagabonds.

After so much tossing...

Colin finally remembered: 'No, what am I doing so hard? The guy next to me should prove himself easier than me. He is an actor and is here to experience life! "

He hurriedly changed his tune and told the police: "This is an actor next to me. He followed me to experience life. We are really not bad people."

The police seemed to be listening to some fantasy.

He couldn't help looking at Mickey and asked suspiciously, "Actor? What have you acted in?"

But here comes the weird thing.

Mickey said angrily, "What actor? I'm a singer, the lead singer of Hello!"

Colin was dumbfounded!

Dude, what are you playing! We are still in the game!

Afterwards, Mickey's explanation was: "It's what you're thinking deep inside, it's what you want to say the most."

He said very seriously: "Colin, I've thought about it carefully. Whether it's moving bricks or selling, that's not what you want. You're just a singer, the lead singer of the Hello band, and I'll help you speak it out. "

Sammy applauded his understanding of the character at the moment.

He cheered and shouted, "You can do it! You can do it! Mickey! Yeah!! You finally understand this character!"

Colin was stunned: Nonsense, I didn't fucking think about it at all! I just want to get out of the police station!