Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 48: What would you like to eat tonight


Although Mickey vehemently refuted the Kerry brothers.

Sammy also showed a strong 'I don't need anyone else' attitude.

But for the Kerry brothers, the film remains a commercial gamble with little hope of making money.

Moreover, it may be because you are too worried about losing your money.

From time to time they would come to the set, kind of like a boss inspecting employees. Sometimes, if you don't understand anything, you have to find a topic to talk about: "Sami, have you decided to start shooting today?" "Sami, can't you buy an old prop for this? Why do you have to use a new one?" "Sami, Why don't you find a prettier actress?" "Sami..."

Sammy couldn't bear it anymore: "Shut up!"

The Kerry brothers often paused for a few seconds before starting a new round: "Sammy, sorry, I still have a problem here!"


It was Mick Lee who told them to stop doing all of the above.

When Sammy couldn't wait for his reply for a long time, he was finally about to give up and planned to change the actor, he joined the group.

He walked in limpingly, with a cast on his feet, a long bag on his back, a pair of dirty jeans and a fine-grained shirt, his long, messy brown hair tied in a ponytail at the back of his head and his lips She was wearing dark purple lipstick that seemed to be poisoned, and there was a moustache on her chin...

He was a little embarrassed, but his expression was strangely calm and fearless. He raised his hand, knocked gently on the door that did not exist, but only an imaginary door, and asked calmly, "I heard that you Looking for another guitarist?"

This appearance is so dramatic!

Everyone in the crew looked at him with a 'wow' look.

Mai Qilong stared at the man in a stunned manner: "You humans are too good at playing!"

Sammy was also shocked, and blurted out: "Damn, that's cool!"

Michaelon is instantly alert

He looked at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him and suddenly grabbed the limelight, and a subtle sense of crisis arose in his heart.

Mick Lee perfectly replicated the scene in the script when 'Guitarist Jon goes to audition for Hello'.

And it can be seen that whether it is wearing clothes, or a special physical condition (casting), or strange makeup, and incompatible expressions... They are all in place, and they should be studied hard.

Thus, adequate preparation obviously brought him absolute confidence.

At this moment, he stood there without embarrassment, looked at Sammy with a smile, and was in a fiery state, ready to start shooting at any time.

This scene was completely beyond the Kerry brothers' expectations.

Before, although they responded to Sammy's request, they used various methods, and a little relationship in the middle, before sending the script to Mick Lee. After that, they have been trying to get him to join the crew.

In fact, the brothers didn't expect much.

In their opinion, even if Mick Lee finally agrees to star, it should be just a routine, driven by money, not that the film is really good enough that he is willing to participate in it.

But now, from Mick Lee's solemn presence on the set and such a wonderful scene...

The Kerry brothers vaguely thought: "Will there be actors who put so much thought into preparing for scripts that they don't like?"

But no matter how much they want to know 'whether this movie can make money'.

This matter is still only an unknown, and no one dares to directly assert success or failure.

But the final joining of the well-known actor Mick Lee made the Kerry brothers feel at ease with the movie and stopped running to the crew every day.

They may be thinking that audiences may be willing to walk into a movie theater to see what role the star is playing.

Next, Joseph, who plays the drummer Guerin, is also set.

Different from the default protagonist Mickey, the well-known actor Mick Lee, and Wolf, who went all over the place and entrusted relationships to join the group, this one's experience is more interesting.

He's a drummer himself, just playing the drums in a cover band.

But the cover band lacks creative talents, and has never had a song of its own. Most of the time, they sing something like [she is seventeen years old] and [you are my planet], which are familiar to everyone. I listen to it every day and every month. You can almost hear the song.

It can be said that there is absolutely no way out for the future.

And Joseph didn't choose to continue to persevere like the Hello gang.

He simply decided to quit, and planned to leave the music circle, sell the drums, collect enough money for the journey back to his hometown, and leave this damn big city completely.

Just at this time, a crew recruited a group to perform.

Joseph wanted to have dinner and make some extra money so he could go home, so he signed up.

As a result, the drummer, who was starving to death in his music career, was actually favored by the director, and he rose from a group performance to a supporting role.

From then on, he started his new career of working in multiple crews, and miraculously transformed himself into an actor.

This time, it was because of his previous experience as a drummer that the director in charge of casting the cast picked him out and recommended him.

Sammy was quite satisfied after reading it.

Especially considering that the actor himself was a drummer, he almost immediately thought about how to take a few beautiful scenes of 'drummer playing drums' without wasting the actor's professional skills.

So far, all the main actors of the film are here.

Everyone gathers together and finds a place to hold a script discussion meeting as usual.

It's just a little different from the harmonious atmosphere in "Snake Bane".

When Wolff, who hadn't seen him for a long time, saw Sammy, he shouted excitedly: "Director Sammy, come and sit with me!"

Then, he took the initiative to move the chair over, gallantly ran aside to pour juice, wiped the table with a tissue, and fanned the script as a fan.

In the face of such enthusiasm, Sammy was really embarrassed to refuse, so he had to sit next to him.

Mickey Dragon, who originally wanted to sit with his human:…

When we started discussing the script, Michaelon just wanted to show off his understanding of the character for a while so that he could be praised by humans.

But before he could speak, Mick Lee, who had been in the limelight before, spoke up: "I don't quite understand this."

This man with a strange mustache calmly took the script to the table and opened it page by page.

At this time, everyone noticed that every blank page of the script was filled with comments, as well as highlights and underlined paragraphs circled with different colored pens.

Mikey: …

Where Sammy can't see.

He silently shoved his brand new script under his ass.

At this moment, Long was like the last poor student in the class, secretly hiding the exam paper with duck eggs on it, and then, looking at the top student in the class with envy and jealousy, he took out the full-mark exam paper, and accepted it without caring. ... the teacher (Sami) compliment he wanted but couldn't get.

Mick Lee takes acting seriously.

But the trouble is, he's one of those 'if you convince me, I'll play your way; if you can't convince me, then sorry, I'll play my way' super tough actor.

Fortunately, Sammy doesn't care much about this.

He calmly shared his thoughts and opinions with Mick Lee, until the aggressive and difficult actor finally softened his expression and gave a smile that bordered on approval: "You seem like a good director."

Sammy doesn't feel complimented.

He opened the folder at hand, and handed the storyboards he had drawn to these people.

Mickey looked at the Q-version sketch figure in the center of the picture representing himself, and was super happy.

He couldn't help but want to say a few words to his human...

"The position here is not right." Joseph, who played drummer Gaeling, finally spoke.

The drummer, who has experience in the band's stage performance, picked up the storyboard and suggested: "Although it's okay for the lead singer to stand in the middle, the intro and solo are usually looking at the guitar, and it is better to have the guitar stand a little forward. It's usually this position... and then, running back and forth in this area."

Sammy nodded again and again, and immediately took out his pen and corrected it.

He then discussed some of the band's stage performances with Joseph, the drummer.

Mikey: …

He watched his own human being surrounded by the above three actors.

Among them, there are those who are attentive to say good things, those who argue fiercely about character characters and talk about scripts, and those who talk about music from a professional point of view.

only myself…

Mai Qilong, who has no talent for competing for favor, sat alone and coldly, and especially wanted to discuss something with Sammy.

But he racked his brains for a long time, but in his empty mind there was only one sentence 'what would you like to eat tonight'