Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 51: Really thoughtful people


Makeup is an amazing thing.

In the early theater performances, there were many such tricks. For example, after tying the calf with a belt, it could imitate the amputation; placing a special coil in the eye socket could create the effect of protruding eyeballs in the face of the burn; Egg membranes that can pretend to be blind.

Colin, the lead singer of Hello, is a normal person.

He is neither disabled nor burnt, nor is he blind, but there are a few small and subtle features that need attention, so there is no need to make up so complicated for the time being.

These small details are: his face has an uncoordinated, particularly high bridge of the nose; and the poor family in his early years did not have the money to go to the dentist, which resulted in not so neat teeth; and, because of shyness, he saved it for use A full-faced beard that conceals facial expressions; finally, a life of perennial displacement, malnutrition caused the hair to be soft and yellow.

These are relatively easy to solve.

The special effects makeup artist quickly made a fake nose and dentures for Mickey, glued on a messy beard, and put on a wig.

So, a tall and handsome man just disappeared.

What appeared in front of everyone was a silly big man who was not so good-looking, and, in the next shooting, he also needed to hunched over and showed a little hunchback.

Sammy, the culprit behind it all, is quite happy with it.

Colin is really not an idol, so, for the needs of the role, he has to ask Mickey to look ugly, but if it is too ugly, it is not conducive to business operations. This kind of ugly at first glance, but not good. The annoying type is quite appropriate.

The underage fire dragon has no objection.

The aesthetics of dragons and humans are completely different, but after looking in the mirror, although he has no idea about the new human appearance, he seems to have discovered a new world in terms of dentures. Humans are really amazing and playful. Ah!

"When I have money next time, can you make dentures for me with a different material?"

The uninitiated Country Dragon asked the makeup artist with a look of anticipation: "For example, gold, diamonds or something?"

The special effects makeup artist's expression is extremely complicated: "...As long as you want."

Mickey dragon ecstasy: "I can! I will! I like it very much!"

Later, the makeup artist sighed silently on social networks:

[Ugly-looking people are always trying their best to be beautiful, while good-looking people...they do whatever they want! ]

In any case, Mickey's performance without regard to his personal image won the admiration of everyone in the crew.

After all, for an actor who has made a name for himself in Hollywood on the basis of his outstanding looks, it usually takes a lot of courage to abandon his own advantages and choose to start over from unfamiliar territory.

In the next filming, the crew gradually returned to normal.

The so-called normal state refers to the words of director Sammy.

The interesting part is that…

When he clearly and forcefully stated that "I don't need others to interfere in my film", there have always been various problems, but Mick Lee, who is always stirring up the storm, silently backed down.

This made Sammy ponder.

He later carefully recalled all the bad things since the start of filming, and found that many bad signs may have happened when Mick Lee first entered the group.

In the beginning, Mick Lee may not have intended to seize power.

But the big Hollywood star suddenly came to a small crew, but he was still dedicated and serious, and his performance was extremely professional, which was admirable.

All these factors have virtually helped him create an aura of admiration and admiration.

Under the influence of this halo, even when he treats him, he will have some respect: "Wow, big star!"

So, not to mention the ordinary cast members.

Without this aura, many things would not have happened.

For example, when I was late...

Why can he direct the photographer to shoot? Why do crew members listen to an actor

It's not because of his status and fame that he confuses everyone's eyes for a while.

Therefore, Sammy thought about it for a long time and found that a large part of the responsibility for the development of this field lies with himself.

"My previous attitude towards him was a little too different."

He couldn't help thinking: "I hope everyone can work together and like the feeling of being equal to each other, but I have forgotten that before I have established authority, I will take the initiative to hand over the dominance, not only will I not gain respect, but will be regarded as Weakness can be bullied."

Mick Lee may have gone too far.

But this excess may be the result of the director's repeated concessions and connivance.

After thinking of this, Sammy has a new understanding of the director's job.

He is no longer as naive as he used to ask the actors for opinions on everything; but he also tries to control himself not to become so strong that he really becomes some kind of tyrant on the set. He also hopes that he can be at a delicate balance, not only allowing the actors to exert their strengths and having their own ideas, but also ensuring their own dominant consciousness and right to speak.

Later, director Jones of "Aaron's Adventures" said: "There are so many paths to choose from, and you choose the most troublesome one."

But Sammy felt: "I can't go from one extreme to the other all at once. Film should never be the achievement of one person. It is a comprehensive art that integrates the strengths of all the crew members to achieve perfection. If If there is no screenwriter, there will be no ups and downs; if there is no photographer, there will be no wonderful and classic pictures; if there is no make-up artist, the performance of the actors will also be incomplete; if there is no scheduling, the whole studio will become one Chaos; if there are no actors, then the result will not be to mention. All dreams can only be realized when everyone performs their duties and gives their best.”

After thinking about all this, Sammy began to consciously learn to coordinate the relationship between the crew members.

He made all the members of the crew around him and acted according to his own command, but at the same time, he also allowed these members to express their own opinions, and after listening carefully, gave clear consent or veto.

In this process of gradually improving my own leadership style...

To Sammy's surprise, when he was occasionally a little harsh and unquestionable, all members of the crew didn't show much disgust, instead, they became more respectful of him.

Whether it is the main actor or the supporting roles, when listening to his guidance, they become serious and focused invariably.

The crew also became careful and solemn when dealing with his orders, and tried to do their best.

This is good.

I like this!

Director Sammy has finally found the right direction.

He thought happily: "Since everyone is so obedient, let's just shoot the guitarist Jon beating up twenty times."

In that scene, Hello was playing in a bar.

But after the performance, the bar owner didn't give them money, so the lead singer Colin angrily ran to them to ask for money, and he fought them on impulse.

During the fight, guitarist Jon was punched into a snowdrift with blood on his face.

But he stared blankly at the sky, as if he couldn't figure out why things became like this

Ignoring character flaws, Mick Lee is very dedicated.

He was buried in a snowdrift of artificial snow, and the blower kept blowing snowflakes at his face, but he lay still, looking up at the sky.

Sammy sat in the director's chair with his feet crossed, stared intently at the screen and said, "Okay, yes, do it again."

At this time, the crew of the crew will rush up like a wolf, dig Mick Lee out of the snowdrift, the makeup artist will rush to touch up his makeup, and after the others quickly reorganize the venue, let the The burly man who played the bar thug again smashed Mick Lee into the snow with another punch.

Good this time!

The emotions of actors and characters are probably highly unified at this moment.

Guitarist Jon really can't figure out why things have turned out this way.

again and again!

The little round-faced director, who did not take revenge overnight, finally showed a satisfied (grim) smile.

Mick Lee, who climbed up from the snowdrift, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After realizing that he violated his authority and offended the director, this kind of childish revenge is reassuring. Bullying on the surface is always better than doing evil in secret.

Contrary to Mick Lee's miserable treatment...

Mai Qilong, who did not hesitate to play the role at the expense of self-destruction, has successfully ascended the post after ups and downs, and has completely become the heart of director Sammy.

In fact, without Mick Lee's interference,

Mickey finally showed his great talent in front of the camera.

Near-copying general imitation is one aspect.

But the amazing thing is that even emotionally, he can have a certain resonance with the character.

This is actually very strange.

For a dragon, human emotions are mostly incomprehensible.

But it may be precisely this kind of incomprehension that can play the role of Colin.

Because Colin still couldn't understand 'why everyone is complimenting the band to sing well, but we just can't be popular'

Like Mickey, he was a little naive in some respects, and he always looked at the world with doubts in his eyes.

In fact, this kind of trait is also often found in children, but as they grow up, they will gradually be crushed into ashes by reality.

Sammy focused on every expression of the Mai Qilong, especially the pair of green eyes, when he stood on the stage, it was sparkling happiness; when dealing with boring work, he was also full of reluctance like an ordinary person. ; But as long as the microphone is put into his hand, like a child with a toy, a smile will emerge little by little in an instant.

This is surprising.

Sammy couldn't help but ask incoherently, "How did you do it? God, these expressions of emotion... Exciting, Mickey, I just wanted to say, I didn't expect you to do it so well right now."

Michaelon hesitated between the two options of 'keep the mystery' and 'candid' and chose the latter.

He said frankly: "What do you mean? Happy expression? I calculated the reward this time, and felt that I should be able to make a few golden teeth, so I couldn't help laughing."

That's it!

That's quite pleasing (Dragon).

Still, do gold teeth? !

Sammy imagined the beautiful scene, and couldn't help being awestruck.

— So cool, so artistic, man!

-Mickey, you are really different, you are my best friend!

Director Sammy immediately felt excited that Mickey, like himself, was an extraordinary person with real ideas, not mediocre people who had no ideas and only knew how to conform.

Mickey Surprise: … ah, am I