Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 57: Say Hello to the World!


The small flames, which were clearly extinguished, flickered and flickered in the dark cinema, very conspicuous.

The staff immediately squeezed over and reminded in a low voice: "I'm sorry, sir, smoking is not allowed here."

Sammy kept staring straight ahead, not even noticing what his friends were doing.

Hearing this sentence, he couldn't help turning his head in surprise: "Smoking? No one smokes?"

The staff looked around in confusion, sniffed hard, but didn't smell any smoke, rubbed his eyes again, and looked around again, the strange flashing firelight disappeared without a trace, could it be that he was dizzy just now

"I'm sorry, I probably got it wrong." He apologized to Sammy with a tangled heart before turning around and leaving.

But when he walked out of the auditorium, a colleague saw that his face was wrong, and came up with a sentence: "What's the matter, is the smoking audience not cooperating? Do you need any help?"

"What? Did you see it too? There are really sparks, didn't I see it wrong? But there is no smoke smell. It's weird, maybe it's a ghost fire..." The staff muttered to himself, and put himself Startled, I pulled off my jacket involuntarily, feeling that the cinema was getting cold.

Had no idea that magical haunted news was coming to this movie theater soon.

Sammy is still guessing why the staff member was wrong just now: "Maybe it's the illusion caused by some light?"

Mikey was sitting up straight.

He covered his face with his hands, and tried to swallow all the small flames back. At the same time, he did not forget to nod heavily, his face full of innocence.

At this time, the audience's attention was not very focused. Everyone thought that the film would have a not-so-short but boring beginning, similar to thanking some sponsors, and a little bit of miscellaneous stuff, but this time it's a little different. .

When the movie starts, nothing appears on the screen.

On the contrary, along with a black background, the first sound was the sound.

When the engine started, a huge rumbling roar sounded, as if a motorcycle was ready to go...

Then, the heavy bass of the bass and the thumping drums formed a violent torrent of rhythm, and it rushed out in an unexpected posture!

Many viewers were taken aback and looked at the screen with puzzled and amazed eyes.

Until this time, the picture appeared on the big screen, but it was still not the protagonist lineup that everyone imagined, but the street that all Hollywood people know and are very familiar with - Sunset Boulevard.

The screen freezes for three or four seconds.

It wasn't until the guitar and vocals followed that it seemed like some kind of magic switch had been flipped.

In an instant, static turns to dynamic.

The flow of people on the street began to move one after another, teenagers on skateboards rampaging, beautiful girls dressed in exposed and fashionable clothes, gangsters who were drunk and vomited on the street, colorful neon signs...

A lively and familiar lively street scene is coming.

In the intense music, the camera slowly changes, from the sporadic pedestrians on the street, to the flashing signs of the bar, to the crowd dancing in the dance hall, and finally to the colorful poster on the wall, which reads: Are you ready girls

At this time, the sound of the music suddenly rose, and the hot and uncontrollable rock energy hit the face.

In the dim light, the huge volume of the lead singer's loud roar instantly enveloped the entire theater through the theater's speakers, whirling around, violent and deafening.

Many audience members who were not used to rock and roll raised their hands to cover their ears involuntarily.

On the contrary, it was a huge surprise for the audience who liked this style, and there was even a whistle in the theater who did not know who was blowing.

Until this time, there were still no frontal figures of the protagonists on the screen.

The camera is constantly filming the music fans off the stage, filming the scene after scene of their hilarious music, shaking their heads frantically, jumping on the spot, screaming and waving their arms!

Almost everyone who came to the premiere knew that this was a movie about a rock band.

So, from the moment the music started, they were looking forward to the band's appearance, but they didn't expect that the director of this film was actually well versed in appetizing skills, and nearly five minutes after the start of the performance, he still did not let the band appear.

But what I have to say is that this shooting method, combined with the violent music that is almost like a storm, really succeeded in raising the audience's curiosity to the highest level. Everyone invariably raised their heads and stared at the screen closely, for fear of missing the band's first appearance if they were distracted.

The next moment, the screen starts to brighten.

There were only sparse customers left in the bar, the chairs fell to the ground, there were leftover beer and some leftover food boxes on the table, and an angry picture sounded: "We are performing, you fuck Don't give me a hundred dollars."

Finally, what appears to be the protagonist appears on the screen.

The camera pans as a tall man grabs a bald man by the collar and yells, "I've done my job, then it's yours, pay us, a hundred dollars!"

- but you are late.

- Only five minutes late.

—Arriving five minutes late is also late, many guests left without waiting, and we have reasons not to pay.

—Then why not say it before we get to the stage? It's just a fucking hundred dollars, if you say you don't pay, we won't act at all!

- Don't look like you're at a disadvantage, you guys didn't perform well, you didn't bring in many audiences at all, and the ticket revenue was so low...

-Son of a bitch!

Not a second of hesitation!

The movie just entered the topic, and the protagonist team showed up for less than two minutes.

Under the almost jaw-dropping gaze of the audience...

A bar brawl kicks off violently!

'Bang' a crisp sound!

The tall man leaned on his side, and at a distance of only about five centimeters from his head, the smashed beer bottle sprayed a splash of water in the air, a freeze-frame shot, and at the same time, subtitles similar to the introduction of the characters in the comic appeared in the covered area. The mid-air of the spray: [the band's lead singer - Colin];

In less than a second, the picture flowed again.

The character played by Mick Lee raised the guitar high and slammed it down at a man dressed as a security guard with a blank face. At the same time, the similar introductory subtitles appeared again: [Band Guitarist - Jon];

Next is Wolff, who was knocked to the ground and fought back hard: [Bassist - Kahn];

And, played by Joseph, who beats people with drumsticks and laughs while playing: [Band drummer - Gaeling].

Then, the bald man who was beaten by the collar of the lead singer Colin, the subtitle is: [Debt not paid - bastard]; the men in security clothes, the subtitle: [a group of idiots]; the crowd watching the lively and laughing, the subtitle : [Can't count on anything - fuck the fans].

All subtitles disappear at the same time!

The picture on the big screen moved again, but it presented an extremely chaotic scene.

Tables and chairs were smashed, ping-pong-pong, punching, nosebleeds, and several adult men scuffled together and rolled on the ground!

The high-pitched music that had been lowered just now sounded violently again, and along with the big fight in the picture, the lead singer's hoarse and magnetic voice roared loudly: "I have a gun on me, and my gun is loaded! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill your dog! Fuck you idiot, I said some people are going to die now! ]

in such a messy situation.

The title of the movie finally came out.

The huge subtitle 'bang' seemed to hit the center of the screen:

—Say Hello to the World!

If not at the cinema.

The audience wanted to applaud.

The opening of the film is less than ten kinds, and the protagonist shows up for less than five minutes...

The music and the picture are matched just right, and the whole scene is lively and flaming!

The Kerry brothers looked at each other subconsciously, a little surprised.

Before that, the rough-cut version they watched had no soundtrack or editing, and only watched the beginning, which seemed to be an ordinary bar group fight, but they did not expect that the final version was so exciting, especially when it was switched in such a short segment. Two songs were written, and at the beginning, I listened to positive, uplifting and enthusiastic; when it came to the swearing song, the lead singer scolded me happily again.

"What song is this?" "Hello did this song?"

The two brothers could not help discussing in a low voice: "Did they also send us audition audio?" "I don't remember, it seems to be? But there are too many unknown musicians sending that stuff every day. , generally have no value, and they are directly thrown into the trash can.”

On the other hand, Mickey saw his own image appear on the screen for the first time.

In the previous teddy bear time, he didn't show his face very much, and the only time he showed his face was very short.

So, it's a bit of a novelty at this time.

The juvenile fire dragon doesn't understand the rules of being quiet in the movie theater. While watching, he leans into the human ear and chats habitually: "Sami, you're so good, I've never seen such a good movie before. ."

Sammy was coaxed into joy. .

But what he didn't know was that this little juvenile fire dragon who had been in the human kingdom for less than two years had never watched any movies at all because his daily life was too homely and too lazy.

The movie in front of him is likely to be the first movie he watched when he came to the human kingdom.

If you think so, 'I have never seen such a good movie' is not a lie.

However, this is just the beginning.

In Sammy's view, this part of the plot is not very exciting. It's just a little trick to control the rhythm of the music, plus some exciting pictures as a gimmick, to attract the audience's attention, but it has no connotation in essence.

Instead, what follows, perhaps relatively boring, is the focus of the film.

The most important thing is that it will also be a test of the director's skill. Only a director who is good enough can make a plot that is boring to death also interesting.

The brawl at the hotel ended up being anticlimactic.

Although the members of the Hello band fought impulsively, the scale was small, and they quickly left in despair when the bar owner threatened to call the police.

Then, the camera slowly pulled away again, and the time went back to ten years ago...

What appeared on the screen was a full-length mirror, and in the mirror appeared a young face that the audience was a little familiar with, but very unfamiliar with, a silly big man who was much taller than his peers, but there was still a hint of childishness between his brows and eyes. A face of pimples, long, untrimmed, exploding hair, and clothes that were clearly ill-fitting.

What followed was a slightly dull experience.

Although everyone is taught from childhood education, there is always a rule called 'Don't judge people by their appearance'.

But in real life, people will subconsciously divide and judge their surroundings based on some stereotypes.

To put it simply, if you see someone who doesn't like talking, you're introverted and reserved; if you see someone in sportswear, you're active and active; if you see a person squatting bored and watching the ants move, you're sure it must be weird. fetal.

People are so strange, they not only like to classify garbage, but also like to divide and classify people in various ways.

Colin was so haphazardly classified in his youth.

Because of the pimples all over the face, I am embarrassed to use my hair to cover my face, and the behavior of bowing my head from time to time is considered to be gloomy and weird; When they are together, they generally bend over to the ground and hunched over their body, giving people a feeling of lack of energy. In addition, they don't pay much attention at home, and their clothes don't fit very well. .

Once a person is labeled as 'old-fashioned, bad-tempered, stupid and stupid', it is very difficult to turn around.

Colin on the screen is in such an environment. The teacher always thinks that he is too stupid and has poor grades, and the classmates also think that he is stupid and stupid, and they do not want to play with him.

In a way, he wasn't really bullied either.

Just being alone, being alone.

But the audience in the theater can see his kindness and optimism from the perspective of God.

He would sing loudly in the bathroom, feed leftover lunches to stray cats and dogs, help robbed students get their money back, and occasionally help teachers who dislike him to move desks and chairs...

This series of plots passed very quickly, and there was no detailed description. It was just like a slowly unfolding picture scroll. After a little bit of unfolding along the development of the plot, it passed quickly.

But some viewers bit their lower lip and let out a sympathetic sigh.

No one likes to be misunderstood, no one likes to be treated differently, and no one wants to be arbitrarily divided into categories. The audience may not be able to fully sympathize with what happened to Colin at this moment in the film, but in ordinary life, they have indeed encountered similar things more or less, which makes everyone feel a subtle sense of substitution. and heartfelt understanding.

The development of the plot here, naturally, ushered in a turning point.

Otherwise, think about it!

A stupid big man with a stupid appearance, full of pimples on his face, taciturn, tattered grades, no fun, and poor family.

If only life were like that.

Decades later, Ke Lin, who is indeed not very smart, and who has lived under the prejudiced eyes of others for a long time, may become an ordinary and taciturn person. Although he is kind and emotional, his appearance has long been tortured by real life. , the working people at the bottom who might feel a little inferior.

However, there are certain numbers in the dark.

He meets rock!

In the old days, the first thing a rock band wanted to do was touring around.

So, a little-known band came to Colin's hometown and put on a show here.

Colin had never had the chance to take part in this kind of entertainment.

But he is tall and strong. When he was working outside of class, he happened to bump into this band to recruit some temporary workers, mainly to carry equipment, build the stage, and run errands for the band members to buy food, drink and other chores.

A turning point of fortune appeared.

The film did not cover every aspect of how Colin worked and made money, but just turned the camera and arrived at the band's performance.

As a temporary staff member, Colin's job at this time is to stand in front of the stage and stop some crazy fans from rushing to the stage.

He was very serious at first, trying to open his arms and conscientiously stop those fans...

But when the first note hits!

He couldn't help but look back at the stage, showing an extremely shocked look.

In the turbulent crowd, the whole person was squeezed around, but at that moment, his dazzling eyes were dazzling, but he stared at the stage.

It was obviously sultry weather, and there were so many people at the scene, but Ke Lin shuddered!

A mysterious power that seemed to originate from the wilderness and forests, turned into a mighty lion and roared out, roaring and slammed into his chest, causing him to suddenly back several steps, breathing hard and his legs twitching. soft!

The crowd went crazy for the band.

On the screen, these people are screaming, shouting, stomping...

The audience in the theater was also infected involuntarily.

Whether you like rock or not, at this moment, you can't help but yearn for this live appeal that appears on the screen.

At this time, Sammy also gave a very classic close-up shot.

In shooting, medium close-ups tend to be slightly looser than true close-ups, but slightly tighter than medium close-ups. It generally not only shows the subtle changes in the character's facial expressions, but also captures part of the environment around the character, so that the audience can connect the two and generate a certain imagination.

Therefore, at this moment in the film, the first thing the audience clearly sees is that Colin, played by Mickey, has a look of sluggishness on his face because he is too shocked. But the eyes (under the effect of lighting from different angles) are unusually bright, and they are full of almost straightforward, fiery, yearning and anticipation at a glance.

At the same time, it's not just facial expressions.

After Sammy asked the photographer to change to a wide-angle lens, they used a slight overhead shot together to capture some of the fans around Colin into the whole frame.

So, this scene becomes on the big screen:

Colin is at the very center of the screen, looking at the front with a frenzied expression.

Not far behind him, it was not too clear, but the large number of fans who did appear in the picture had the same enthusiasm faintly on their faces.

Shooting in this way, on the one hand, is to express the hot scene of the rock scene, expressing that the major change in Colin's life began from then on;

But on the other hand... In fact, it is a metaphor for Colin's life path on the stage in the future.

In the composition of the whole picture, there is no rock band on the stage from the beginning to the end, only Colin, who is standing at the front, tall and seems to lead the crowd, and those behind him who can't see the faces at all, because of the distance Countless rabid fans who got up very small.

If you don't know the plot, just watching this scene will easily make people misunderstood, thinking that the crazy object of the fans is not the unknown band, but Colin who is standing in front!

The audience clenched their fists involuntarily just seeing this scene.

Inexplicably, they felt that this shot looked very exciting and powerful, but they didn't quite understand what they were excited about.

But many senior film critics directly see the intention of the director's lens.

It was a silent hint that Colin in the middle of the picture, and a large number of fans behind him, the two elements were brought together, and the audience would involuntarily associate the two subconsciously, and then generate related associations, as if one Kind of doomed.

Although the protagonist has not yet succeeded.

But the audience seems to have peeked into the future of the 'protagonist's success' from the music in this picture, and thus obtained a different kind of pleasure.

Film critics are constantly thinking about it in their minds, while taking out their pens, and using the dim light, they make a heavy note on the sketchbook they carry with them. The overall composition and implied meaning.

On the screen, the plot is still progressing.

Since this time, Colin has been completely obsessed with rock and roll.

He started running around with some rock bands, shuttling in the backstage of the band, helping people with chores, stealing teachers by the way, learning a lot of good and bad, and his studies were quickly abandoned. Pull people together to make a band.

From this stage onwards, the film has also completely entered the topic.

Colin got acquainted with guitarist Jon, bassist Kahn and drummer Gaelin successively, and then the four of them formed the invincible Hello band together.

While Mick Lee's guitarist Jon is officially on the scene...

Many fans in the theater also whispered to each other: "Look, it's Mick!" "Mick is out."

Mick Lee did not disappoint.

Unlike Colin, who is full of pimples and a stupid big guy, when he comes out, he looks strong and successful. He looks good in this movie, unlike Mickey who is disfigured. , Therefore, it has become the relatively best-looking one of the four members of the band.

Hello's band career officially started.

The film also naturally transitioned from 'a stupid and ugly child who is discriminated against, one day chasing his dream' to 'a social fringe, an idle foursome struggling to survive in the music circle'.

In the previous plot, there are also many funny details.

For example, when Colin was singing in the bathroom, the neighbors knocked on the door and said, "Please stop barking." Tall, strong and scary, he scared his classmates to his knees; and Colin fell in love with rock and roll, lied to play truant in a band, went to school the next day, and found that he was expelled...

These seemingly funny points made Colin's previous unfortunate life full of laughter.

The audience also looked relaxed.

But what everyone can't think of is that it was just a small joke before.

But when the four of them got together to fight for their careers, the 'funny' episodes became more and more.

As a result, the audience in the theater began to burst into bursts of laughter.

So unlucky!

It's so unfortunate!

Unfortunately, everyone in the movie theater was entertained.

Going out for a tour, going the wrong way, and finally getting to the place, the show ended two hours later;

Finally got a chance to perform. As a result, the band in front played too crazy, the stage collapsed, and the performance was cancelled;

The lead singer played live diving in order to liven up the atmosphere at the scene, and the audience all moved away with a 'swish'.

He hit the ground directly, his nose bruised and his face swollen, but he still pretended that nothing happened, returned to the stage, and continued the performance just now;

I finally met two girls backstage who claimed to be fans of the band, and I was very happy.

The four men did not have the air of rock stars at all. They talked enthusiastically around them, asked for autographs for autographs, and asked for a group photo. As a result, after sending the two female fans away, they found that all the wallets were lost. In the end, I didn't even have the money to take the subway, so I had to walk all the way back.

In addition, it is more common to be beaten by rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, and beer bottles.

It can be said that this band is simply a coffee table full of cups.

The audience was laughing uncontrollably, but Hello had always struggled along its career path, losing battles and defeats.

Lead singer Colin is quite optimistic.

He was in high spirits and felt that as long as he worked hard, he could achieve everything, and as long as his enthusiasm was still there, he could sing forever and ever!

Gradually, the overall typhoon of the band got better and better.

The pimples on Colin's face are decreasing, and his standing posture has become taller and straighter with the performances, and it has become a little more interesting.

There are even some co-tour organizers who come to the door and invite them to the show!

This seems to be a sign of going red.

But unfortunately...

Luck did not favor them.