Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 59: The band reunited again


The following plot, the audience in the movie theater can basically guess.

Nothing more than a reunion of the band members to take the stage again.

But some plots, even if they can be guessed, still make people emotional.

They stared intently at the screen, waiting for the climax of the plot to come.

Guitarist Jon wakes up from a hangover.

Obviously, in the six months since he left the band, he was not as rational as he thought, looking for a career that could replace music. On the contrary, he fell into alcoholism and allowed alcohol to numb his nerves every day.

When he heard the phone ringing in the living room, he was no different from an ordinary alcoholic. He rolled over and kicked the beer bottles that were messed up on the floor. Then, he rubbed his head with a splitting headache. Looking up, he picked up the buzzing mobile phone, and said in a low voice impatiently, "Hello, how are you?"

"It's me." A choked voice came from the phone.

The voice was obviously very familiar, but it was so far away that it seemed to come from the other side of the world: "It's me, Colin."

The phone fell to the ground.

But soon, Jon picked it up again in a panic.

He seems to have hit the release button by accident...

Colin's voice was instantly amplified several times, echoing in the quiet room: "Yes, I'm sorry, Jon, forgive me, for everything I messed up, you're right, I'm not fit to be a leader, I have done a lot of wrong things and took you through too many detours... But, but, I still miss you and want you to come back... Not for making money, not for being famous, not for being famous, I just want mine Come back to me, brothers. Get together, stand on stage like before, and sing and sing happily!"

Innocent! Innocent! Innocent!

Why are you still so naive

Jon kept swearing, angry, and even complaining in his heart.

But he clearly heard his hoarse voice: "Okay."

It turned out that the so-called resentment is nothing at all.

It turned out that he was the same fool!

Jon stared at the phone, and finally smiled in relief.

It turned out that the dream has never been forgotten!

As soon as the picture turns, bassist Kahn is sitting in a taxi, wearing a large headset, fingers on the steering wheel, and listening to music with a face full of intoxication.

When someone knocked on the car window, he shouted without turning his head: "Go away, go away, don't pull anyone!"

But the next moment, the door was pulled open.

Kahn was immediately annoyed: "Grass mud horse, I said no... Colin? Jon?!"

Colin and Jon got into the car together.

They sat side by side in the back seat, smiling at Kahn.

Colin asked softly, "Is my bass player there?"

Kahn realized something in an instant.

His eyes lit up a little bit, and his expression became more and more excited: "You shouldn't, shouldn't you... Fuck!"

next shot.

Drummer Guerin and a group of slaughterhouse workers had just tied a cow with five flowers to the slaughterhouse.

For some so-called humanitarianism, the slaughterhouse has a special kind of tranquilizer gun.

Before slaughtering the cow, you must give it a shot with an anesthesia gun. After hitting the head, the cow will lose consciousness, so that the cow will not feel pain when slaughtering.

But when the gun is shooting, it must face the cow and aim at its head.

This job is quite a challenge. In movies, some people are often shown holding guns, killing people like numbness, one shot at a time, very easy and simple, but it is really your turn to shoot, especially shooting at living animals. In addition to perverts, few people can be so decisive and precise.

Therefore, most of the slaughterhouse workers are reluctant to do this work, and usually come in rotation.

This time, it was Gaylin's turn to shoot.

Guelin, the drummer who used to hold drumsticks in both hands and beat for three or four hours, with strong arms and bulging muscles, had no idea in his heart, but he held up the anesthesia gun to the cow with a blank expression.

But just as he was about to shoot, the vocalist Colin shouted loudly from behind, regardless of the occasion: "Gaelin, Gaelin, where the hell are you? Hello needs you, and I need you too!"

Gaelin was startled, his hands trembled, and with a 'bang', he accidentally injured the friendly troops.

A worker holding the ox was numb on the spot and fell to the ground with his eyes rolled.

The cow, who was originally tied up with all kinds of flowers, suddenly felt her body loose, as if she had gained hope of life.

It raised its hooves, mooed, and after struggling to break free, it rushed towards the enemy in front of it angrily!

The slaughterhouse workers were shocked.

They run away without caring about anyone!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

While cursing, Gaelin turned around and ran wildly. After running for a while, when he saw his three idiots, he waved his hands desperately and shouted, "Run! Run! Fuck run!"

Colin, Jon, and Kahn also saw the crazy cow behind Gaelin, and they all turned and ran.

In the slaughterhouse, chickens are flying and dogs are jumping, and people are in chaos!

The cinema once again ushered in a burst of laughter.

The first day of Hello Band finally reunited!

All four members ran out of breath and were in a state of embarrassment, and behind them there was a mad cow chasing them desperately...

The audience who sighed for the fate of the band just now laughed out loud.

It can only be said that the Sand Sculpture Band is still intact after half a year.

However, this scene was actually not easy to shoot.

Mickey, who played Colin, rarely used a stand-in, because no matter how many times it was filmed or how many cows were exchanged, as soon as he appeared in front of him, the cow immediately knelt down.

This is also an unsolved mystery for the crew.

However, when being chased by a bull, there are no special shots, and a stand-in is enough.

At this time, the background music also sounded just right.

The voice got louder and louder.

At the beginning of the film, the song that appeared once resounded throughout the audience.

This time, the audience heard the lyrics clearly.

- On the long road, you walk with me.

Hello band happily participated in the tour, not to mention making no money, they were still thrown on the road in the scorching sun.

—I know that I have made many mistakes, but I do not ask for forgiveness; because it is a fact, there is no way to make it up.

Infighting in the band, the lead singer and guitarist mingle and say hurtful things to each other.

- Let the pain grow in the body, and only hope to find the light of dawn in the darkness.

The four of them reunited, smiled at each other in the humble rehearsal room, and picked up their instruments again.

—Here I am, center stage.

- Say hello to the world, still look like a teenager.

—Here I am, center stage.

- Here I am, on the road to my dreams.

— Say hello to the world,

- Set off again, still as a teenager.

The singing gradually became smaller.

The picture on the screen slowly freezes.

Then, it fades little by little.

Four people running in different poses and a crazy cow turned into a large black and white poster.

Right above the poster, a line of crooked words slowly emerged.

Just like the poster on the wall of the small bar many years ago:—Are you ready girls? !

In an instant.

Memories welled up, tears welled up in my eyes!

The audience in the theater could not help but have mixed feelings.

They stared at the screen for a long time, feeling relieved, but more excitedly looking forward to it.

After Hello was rebuilt, according to Colin's idea, they wanted to do an evening show in some small bars or something.

But guitarist Jon slaps a music festival invitation heavily on the table.

A newly established music festival with little reputation and low requirements for participating in bands.

Although Hello has been in desperation in recent years, they also released a record in the early years and participated in a tour band.

It's just that invitations are the worst kind...

The organizer of the music festival kindly stated in advance: "The music festival has three days, but if you want to participate, it is very likely that you will be ranked first in the three days, that is, around one or two o'clock in the afternoon."

As we all know, no matter what kind of performance, this time in the afternoon is the most rubbish time.

Who would come to hear loud rock at noon

But Hello Band had no choice, and cherished this rare performance opportunity!

Less than three days after the band's reunion, the four of them pooled together the money and went all the way to the music festival to perform at their own expense.

On the way, they chat.

The lead singer Colin sighed: "My dream is to be able to sing in front of thousands of people."

Guitarist Jon is as calm and realistic as ever.

He analyzed: "For the first music festival, there may not be so many people. It would be good to have 500 to 1,000 people."

Bassist Kahn doesn't care: "Five hundred or one thousand is not bad. I only hope that there will be someone in the audience during the performance."

Guelin, the drummer, was having fun: "It's really not good. Let's close our eyes and pretend that there are people all over our heads."

The four looked at each other and nodded solemnly: "Good idea."

You can really comfort yourself!

The audience below was amused.

In short, the group came to the music festival like this.

Before going on stage, they secretly ran to see if there were any audience in the venue, but were shocked to find that it was crowded with audience outside!

so many! So many people!

Simply a gift from God!


"Can we do it?"

Bassist Kahn muttered to himself.

Guerin the drummer also clenched his drumsticks nervously;

Although the guitarist Jon didn't change his face, his hand holding the beer bottle trembled.

The lead singer Colin stood in front of a mirror in the dressing room, looked directly into his own eyes in the mirror, and said in a spirited way, "Today, I will die without regrets."

There were sporadic laughter in the theater.

But thinking of the four people's difficult and difficult lives all the way, they have a little understanding of their somewhat uncontrollable performance now.

But no matter how nervous, no matter what's on my mind...

Some challenges are always to be faced.

Interestingly, as Hello got closer to the stage, their mood became more and more calm.

In the script, Sammy marked this episode as: [A kind of anger slowly rose from the hearts of the four people. ]

He was deceived countless times, betrayed countless times, and was identified as a 'loser' by the people around him countless times.

Failed countless times, stood up countless times, and started again!

This anger is not a negative emotion.

On the contrary, it was so positive, warm and menacing!

It urged the band to hurry up and stride onto the stage.

It clamored for the band to give some bastards a good look, and told everyone loudly: We didn't break up, we didn't get knocked down by fate! We can still fucking sing! Whether on the mountain of swords or the sea of fire, we will be - impressive!

The Hello band made their way to the stage step by step.

In the burst of passionate music, Colin's voiceover also sounded.

—As long as Hello everyone is still together, as long as we can stand on stage, I can feel a kind of magic appearing.

—That kind of magic, invisible, colorless and soundless, can instantly make me forget my fears and tensions, and immerse myself in beautiful music to listen, feel, and express!

- I'm not a star.

—I just fucking want to sing, stand on stage, and sing to people!

The man was shaking with excitement.

The moment he stepped onto the stage, he turned sharply, waved his arms vigorously and shouted: "Let the audience get excited!"

Under the scorching sun in the afternoon, Hello finally stood on the stage again.

An open-air stage, no special effects, no lights and sets, just... the purest music.

Hello, who are not good at words, didn't think to say something one-liner to stir up the atmosphere.

What they have is always straightforward, almost rude wild music that is the opposite of their real-life honesty.

Bass and drums are always the best opening.

One after another, as if the most primitive heart was beating thumpingly.

The camera moved slowly, and the fans under the stage had curious expressions on their faces.

When the music started, the fans in the front row casually clapped their hands to the rhythm.

Colin stood at the center of the stage, wearing an exaggerated stage outfit and heavy makeup, a hollow top, black short leather pants, long riding boots, painted to a slightly pale face, black eyeliner, thin eyebrows, and heavy metal eye shadow. , all kinds of jingling metal chains, it looks like a different person from normal.

Moreover, his typhoon is strong and dangerous. After holding the microphone tightly with one hand, the whole person is like an eagle that is ready to fly. He slowly opens his arms and closes his eyes with thick eyeshadow and long eyeliner, as if dyed Bloody lips twitched slightly, raised his head, and immersed himself in the musical prelude of this moment...

But at the end of the prelude.

He stepped forward without a second of hesitation, and a roar erupted from his chest: [Fuck the word! ]

There was about two seconds of silence in the arena.

A series of guitar timbres suddenly poured out, accompanied by the tearing high pitch of the lead singer, like countless cannonballs, they started bombarding the audience recklessly.

An overhead shot.

It clearly appeared on the big screen, and the unexpectedly shocked expressions on the faces of the crowded fans under the stage.

After a few seconds of pause, the camera returns to the stage.

At this time, the shooting angle changed to an upside-down shot again, from the perspective of the fans off the stage.

As a result, the audience in the theater seemed to be standing with the fans, looking up at the stage.

For the first time, what caught their eyes was a pair of long legs.

As we all know, Mickey once had the classic record of 'doing the cover of national youth magazines for several months'.

But in this movie, it's hard for everyone to imagine how good-looking he is. As soon as he appeared on the stage, his face was full of acne, plus all kinds of clothes that were so poor that people couldn't bear to see him. Even later, the acne gradually faded, and he was poor and poor. Dress and hairstyle have not changed either.

until this moment!

Like a diamond that has been polished layer by layer, it finally begins to bloom with its own brilliance.

Shine brightly in the sun!

With long legs, narrow hips, and distinct bones, he looks a little thin, but he doesn't feel skinny. Every inch of his skin seems to contain strength. When he violently shakes the microphone and sings in the sun, his sweat is shining like an angel. The luster, the exuberant vitality is like a burning flame, revealing a dangerous and sexy charm.

In the theater, the audience looked at the screen in surprise and joy, as if they had reached a spiritual fit with those fans at a certain moment.

In the intense music, they were even about to move in their seats, wanting to cheer and dance together.

It is different from being completely immersed in the film.

Sammy is still thinking about this scene very calmly: "Is it too exaggerated here? Although this change is more shocking and cool, the change is a bit too big... "

But obviously, the audience in the theater doesn't care about such small details.

They made up their minds spontaneously, and couldn't help muttering: "Phoenix Nirvana, Phoenix Nirvana..."


The real Colin didn't start out on stage either.

He used to be so inferior, he had long hair to cover up his acne, and because he was too tall, he was too embarrassed to look down at people and hunched his back.

The gossip around him and the pressure of life made him look like an ordinary person, and he didn't even want to look in the mirror because he felt ugly.

But it is because of ugliness that I want to work hard to become stronger.

Powerful enough to make everyone ignore his appearance, so he is now standing on the stage.

- Can we do our best


-What are you waiting for


On the stage, he had red hair and white skin, and even his sweat-soaked chest gleamed in the sun.

Experienced countless injuries, can be so fearless and calm;

After giving up hope, you can shout and vent freely, and no longer consider the eyes of outsiders.

This band is like a fire.

Everyone burns their souls madly to shine brightly.

Accept the pain and live.


Then, say Hello to the world!

The world kisses me with pain, and I want to repay it with a song!

Sing a happy dripping!

A tidal wave of audience, tidal applause.

The audience in the theater was almost as crazy as the fans on the screen.

It's so easy to fall in love with a band like Hello!

Just follow director Sammy's camera and accompany them to taste all the pain in the world.

Then, tearfully listen to them singing for you in your ear like this...

-I am here!

- I'm on stage!

-I am here!

- I'm on my way to my dream.

Colin looked down at the fans under the stage, his whole body was soaked with sweat, like a golden god.

At this moment, his eyes were out of focus, and fell far into the unknown distance.

The voice-over sounded again.

A sentence that used to make everyone laugh, but now it doesn't sound funny.

- Today, I will die without regrets!

— Yes, I did it!

The girls in the theater began to wipe their tears.

It was obviously a successful scene, but they couldn't figure out what was going on. They just felt that the director just made people want to cry.

The plot continues.

But according to the arrangement of the music festival, Hello only has time for this song.

Therefore, after singing such a song, the four of them reluctantly walked off the stage.

On their way back backstage, they happened to bump into Jimmy, the frontman of Planets who was also invited to the festival.

Unlike the unknown Hello Band, this is a super famous singer.

The truth is clear, no wonder there are so many crowds under the stage. It turns out that this emerging music festival still invites big stars for its popularity.

What a surprise!

Whether it's for the Hello band in the film, or for the audience in theaters now...

The Kerry brothers couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

The two brothers looked at each other, and saw the same suspicious look in each other's eyes: "You invited it?" "Didn't you invite it?" "So who did you invite?" "Isn't this bastard super difficult to talk about? ?"

Whoever asked for it, when Jimmy's signature green eyes hit the big screen...

Many people in the theater were so excited that they were about to faint, and screamed: "Jimmy! Jimmy!"

But in the film, this guy, who was always reported by the media as a rogue, stood in the aisle with his bodyguard and quarreled intently.

He is completely different from other stars. He doesn't care about his image at all, and quarrels seriously in a very bad tone: "You are a bodyguard, you are just a fucking idiot who works for me, why should you care about me? Why can't I have a drink? I should Take a sip, I'm two fucking hours away from being on stage, why the fuck can't I have a sip for so long?"

"You quit drinking." The bodyguard said arguably.

But such a reason can't convince the other party at all.

Jimmy stared at him and said with a plausible voice: "Nonsense! If I hadn't quit drinking, I'd have a fucking bottle, why only one sip?"

Alcohol abstinence is...

From a bottle to a mouthful

Colin, who had just come off the stage, couldn't help laughing.

But the laugh immediately made Jimmy turn his head and glared at him fiercely, but after finding out who the other party was, his eyes softened a little, and he said without pretense, "It's you, you were great on the stage just now!"

However, as soon as he returned to reality, Colin's charm on the stage disappeared completely, and he turned back to that stupid, ill-spoken, and honest big man.

So, he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

But maybe, still want to seek a little recognition.

"You, have you watched our performance just now?"

He uncomfortably fluttered his sweat-soaked long hair, extremely unconfident, but he managed to summon up his courage, and asked the famous singer cautiously with anticipation and confusion: "Uh, then Me, can I sing okay?"

The singer named Jimmy's eyes widened in surprise, a look of disbelief on his face.

Thinking of the singer's uncontrollable bad temper in the media reports, Colin instantly flinched: "Well, I don't want to, I don't want to answer, so I don't need to reply..."

"Are you fucking kidding me, man?" Jimmy interrupted him quickly, loudly, and sternly.

He gave a sincere thumbs up: "You guys are so awesome! I'm just standing here listening, and I'm so fucking excited!"

Colin was stunned for a second, and finally realized that after the other party praised him, he couldn't help grinning like a child.

When he turned his head to look at his teammates, he also found that all of them had bright smiles on their faces.

At this time, the voice-over sounded again.

- Today, I will die without regrets!

The film is frozen at this moment of success.

The screen gradually turned black, and the audience in the cinema took a deep breath, struggling for a long time from the mixed emotions.

The next moment, a line of subtitles appeared on the screen:

[Thanks to Planet frontman Jimmy for his friendly cameo, but the festival doesn't exist. ]

The audience in the theater was stunned.

Then, the picture turned into a room of various high-fidelity dolls.

A line of subtitles reappears on the screen:

[These are - the 'real' fans offstage in the film, when Hello is playing. ]

Wait, what the hell is this!

The news report thought it was fake, but it actually worked!

All the audience in the theater could not laugh or cry.

But it's not over yet.

Next, the big screen is divided into two parts.

On the left is the real Hello Band, and on the right is the Hello Band with superb acting skills and lip-synching throughout the film.

The background music plays again, to the intense tunes characteristic of Hello...

A picture quickly swiped across the screen.

The real Colin shakes the microphone vigorously;

In the film, Colin, played by Mykey, shakes the microphone vigorously in the same manner.

The real Jon kneels on the stage and plays the guitar immersedly;

In the film, Jon, played by Mick Lee, also knelt on the stage and played the guitar frantically.

In reality, the Hello band stood on the road in embarrassment, with a bewildered expression;

The Hello band in the film also stood on the road in embarrassment, just as helpless.

The real Hello Band ran to the office to deliver the audition audio, and was ignored by everyone.

In the film, the Hello band ran to the office to listen to the audio, and the audio was thrown into the trash can, 'Don't dream about it'.

Below, the Kerry brothers rolled their eyes.

Another face slap in the face, this is indeed what they have done in reality.

Even the good-natured little Kerry couldn't help but muttered angrily: "Sami, this guy is so disrespectful!"

Scenes of similar plots, the same dress, the same stage attire, the same hairstyle.

It made the audience in the theater feel indistinguishable between true and false. At the same time, they also realized that this is not just a movie, but a story that really happened in reality.

at last…

On the right is the band Hello performing passionately on the stage of the music festival in the film. The fake audience in the back row is densely packed, and the real audience in the front row cheers and shouts in unison;

But this time on the left is completely different. Half of the screen is cut into four windows. In reality, the members of the Hello band are the ones who move the bricks, the ones who cook the meals, the ones who drive the taxis, and the ones who kill the cows. Cattle.

When the audience was puzzled, the screen turned black again.

Once again, a huge line of subtitles emerged: "Hello Band needs a stage! ]


- This ad is fucking awesome!

The Kerry brothers would have been proud of their previous success in the music industry.

But at this moment, the two were completely shocked.