Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 74: Fate is so unpredictable


The movie "The Exorcist" ended in a strange and strange atmosphere.

During this period, the various confusions of the producers are not mentioned; the actors are also confused one by one, as if in a dream.

All the crew members signed a confidentiality agreement before joining the crew, and it is strictly forbidden to discuss the crew affairs with the outside world to avoid excessive external interference.

But after the filming is over, this restriction will not be so strict, and everyone can finally express the emotions of encountering strange things a little without spoilers, which can be regarded as indirectly helping the film to promote it.

So, overnight.

There are many ghost stories on the Internet.

Bellman: [That white cat can speak human words, really. ]

Nali: [The octopus with the human face in the fish tank is alive! Live! ]

Crew photographer: [I really captured ghosts, and goblins! ]

Extras: [Trust us, there are dragons, a black dragon and a red dragon in the crew. ]

Look at these unintelligible speeches.

Netizens invariably showed a motherly tolerant smile: [Funny guys! ]

This has proved once again - the truth will never be believed.

Meanwhile, after this movie was shot…

Sammy finally finds out that he has been deceived by Black Dragon Deen.

Heck secrecy laws aren't that strict at all.

The oblivion potion that adds the mermaid singing is even more nonsense.

According to the sea witch, that is, the human-faced octopus in the crew - the singing of the mermaid can really confuse the human mind, but want to make the singing into a potion? Sorry, there is no such business.

Obviously, Black Dragon Deen had deliberately scare people before.

The dragons are not afraid of revealing their identities at all, they just feel troublesome.

For a group of creatures who are naturally lazy and housebound, sleeping for decades...

They do not want to deal with humans, nor do they want to be disrupted by humans.

Therefore, it is naturally the best if it can be hidden without being discovered;

But if they are discovered, they don't actually mind showing off a strong and beautiful body in front of humans.

That is to say...

It is not necessary to agree to Long's marriage proposal for what secrecy law.

Sammy couldn't help staring at Mickey for a long time.

After McKillon noticed, he immediately opened his mouth wide and gave him a warm, dog-like smile.

Ultimately, Sammy decided to forget about it.

- This dragon has been locked with me, and no one wants to take it away.

In short, with the actors and staff speaking out on the Internet, "The Exorcist" has officially entered the publicity stage.

These are all fixed procedures. The biggest advantage of working with a big company like Disney is that the division of labor and cooperation is clearer, and professionals will be responsible for everything. They are very good at spreading news and creating momentum. They will deliberately arrange a reliable work team to hold meetings to summarize, formulate plans, and move forward step by step. Maybe they rarely see anything new in the process, but they will never Something went wrong to arrange things properly.

And this in itself is not too difficult.

The film adapted from the original novel already has a certain reader base, and the previous incident of 'the director's involvement in the murder case' has also made the film popular, so the publicity has been smooth from the beginning.

However, when it comes to post-production, there is a funny thing.

While editing, the film's production schedule was delayed.

The crew's editors showed all the dailies and edited results over and over again.

Then, the producers began to express their opinions: "Why didn't this one go in? This part is great." "Please, do you want to delete this too? God, there's more to be said." "Don't give up on this part. It's too exciting!"

Sammy didn't notice the problem at first.

But he soon found out: "Why every time I come... the film grows like a malignant tumor?"

The producer was speechless.

This is so funny.

You know, most crews are afraid of this by not giving the director the final editing right.

Think about it, you worked so hard to shoot a lot of beautiful shots, you liked all of them, and you were reluctant to cut them out. In the end, you tried every means to combine these shots, but it was obviously worth the loss. In the end, most of the results can only be a hodgepodge.

Therefore, professional editors are needed to check.

A good editor can cut the film into a correct work suitable for theater viewing after meeting the director's requirements and understanding the director's desire to express his thoughts and emotions. Although directors are usually very opinionated about it, over-commercialized, reduced in depth or something...

But that's all a director's problem.

But this time, the producer actually did such a thing!

The producers themselves don't want to take the director's job.

It's just that this crew is evil.

Funds can't be spent, and the shooting speed is flying.

In this way, it is understandable that the final film is not good.

However, the finished film is so perfect that it would be a pity to cut off a frame!

what's the problem

Perhaps, this has already hinted at how exciting this film is

But anyway, for the sake of the film's progress, Sammy had to first put aside the messed up producers and redo it again with the editors.

Next, continue to follow the advocacy team's schedule.

Sammy took a group of actors on three or four interview shows, attended a few charity galas, and donated some of the money. Anyway, it is frequent appearances, and a good sense of presence is brushed.

Don't say it yet.

Although he often wears a non-mainstream hair color, he doesn't look ugly, but a director with a round face and 10 pounds of photogenic fat has a rare circle of fans.

Sammy didn't even notice.

In addition to his daily scolding of netizens and movie fans, he also always posted some things that should be banned, such as blood (a certain warrior slaying a dragon) and violence (boxing match), etc., which made fans watch minutes by minute. Want to quit. Therefore, the number of followers on his Twitter is always changing. Maybe the fans have just clicked the attention, and they will regret it in the next second.

Fortunately, he is just a director who works behind the scenes and can ignore fans at will.

If this was replaced by Berman and the others, it would be a big death.

However, seeing that the actors in the crew are working hard to show their faces and brush their presence...

Sammy suddenly thought of his own dragon's employment problem: "Mickey, isn't your manager too inattentive? Why do I seem to have not seen her for a long time? Besides, after so many days, she has not even seen her. Haven't given you a single call?"

Having said that,

He was still a little angry, and asked dissatisfiedly: "What's wrong with this man? Do you have any opinion on you? How long have you been out of work?"


After being stunned for two seconds, Mai Qilong struggled to dig out the absent agent from the depths of his memory, and quickly remembered... Because he was annoying, he secretly threatened the agent with the deterrence of the dragon clan. Miss Ren has caused her to gradually ignore or even ignore her own situation.

'Damn, Sammy knows he's going to be angry, maybe he'll treat me like a dragon who bullies humans. '

He didn't want to see the big dragon-slaying sword of a small round-faced human again. Although it wouldn't hurt or kill the dragon, it would hurt a lot when it hit him.

So he decided to make up a story now.

"Actually, I don't blame her..." The underage Xiaohuolong explained to the manager with no conscience.

Then, he started making up: "It's mainly because I always refuse the jobs and activities she arranges, but I don't mean to refuse. Do dragons also have a developmental period?"

Sammy blinked curiously.

He immediately guessed with interest: "Is it the same as the developmental period of humans?"

"It's kind of like that, but it's more troublesome than that."

"I don't have my mother by my side, so I've been suffering from developmental pains," Mickey said in a sad tone.

"What is developmental pain? Is it hard?"

Sammy immediately asked worriedly, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because this kind of pain is not serious, it's just that the bones on the whole body are about to break, and you need to rest more..."

"Fuck, broken bones are not serious! And, right, you just said that you would suffer like this without your mother by your side."

"Yes." Mickey bit his lower lip, showing a hesitant look, as if he was struggling to tell the truth.

But in fact, this damn 'developmental pain' is purely made up by him now, so now he has to think hard, so as to make it more complete in the shortest time: "Mother has a strange spiritual power for children. , the power of this love can always soothe the pain of the baby dragon's development, but since the death of my mother, no dragon has loved me so much, and I can only endure it by myself."


Sounds miserable.

No one cares about the poor little one who no one loves.

Sammy was heartbroken.

He hurriedly asked: "Can I do something? Do I have to be a mother? Actually, I... I don't know if I love you now, but I really don't want to see you in pain and suffering. It's spiritual strength. Can I use it? Can I learn it? It would be great if it could be relieved.”

It's unbelievable!

This little round-faced human actually believed it!

Mickey was at a loss at once.

While blushing, he insisted on continuing to make up: "It's not difficult to learn, in general, you need to hug me first, sincerely say 'Baby I love you', and then kiss the forehead, every morning, noon and night. three times."

"Uh… "

Sammy was silent for two seconds, then said embarrassedly, "I, I can probably try."

One person and one dragon looked at each other shyly.

—Then… now

- Now!

Michaelon happily posed as a girl praying and closed his eyes obediently.

Sammy took a deep breath, as devout as if facing a religious ceremony.

Then, he stepped on the small stool, opened his arms, hugged his dragon first, and said softly, "I love you, baby", and then kissed the forehead meticulously, all the way very seriously.

Michaelon almost fainted happily: "Sami, you must really love me, I don't feel the pain now."

What? Does it work so fast

Sammy was a little surprised.

Then, while thinking 'Am I really in love with dragons', he was very happy: "It's great to be able to help you."

A week later, Heilong Deen was 'lucky' to watch this disgusting scene.

But when he wants to vomit again...

Sammy, a dragon scientist who is working on developing a new career, has a good suggestion for him out of the mind of academic discussion: "Have you considered sending dragons to human society to learn some medical knowledge?"

"Medical knowledge? What does Long Xue do with that stuff?" Heilong Deen was puzzled.

Sammy said seriously: "To solve the developmental pain of young dragons when the mother dragon is not around. If medicine is not good, you have to try the soothing of dragons, and it is best to formulate corresponding laws. I think this phenomenon is definitely not the only one. In the case of Mickey, even if the number of dragons is rare, it should be taken seriously and solved, and these problems cannot be ignored just because the dragons are strong and let them endure it by themselves.”

Black Dragon Deen was confused.

He asked in confusion, "What developmental pain, what are you talking about?"


Mickey slid slowly, slowly to the door.

He thought sadly: "Fate is so unpredictable, can I only be Sammy's baby for a week?"