Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 8: Damn sweet and happy


- Let a dragon be the voice actor for Dragon Slayer? You round-faced dwarf is so vicious!

Michaelon dared not speak.

Instead, Rosie's girlfriend, Ellie, was confused.

She immediately stood up and expressed her opinion: "Dragon Slayer? Is his voice suitable? Sorry, Mickey, I didn't mean to target you. If you just look at the appearance, I believe you are absolutely capable of being any Dragon Slayer. Character (Mickey whispers aside: it's not a compliment at all). But the voice is... a little, a little too soft?"


Since Mickey is not the type who likes to talk, and his appearance is very deceptive, people tend to ignore this when they are just getting in touch. But after getting along for a long time, everyone will find that this big guy, who is obviously tall and strong, has a very soft voice and personality, which can be said to be the exact opposite of his appearance, and the intensity of the contrast is strong. , enough to impress anyone.

So, when Ellie said this, the entire team laughed in unison.

Even the always introverted photographer Gavin raised his lips slightly, not to mention the always fun-loving young animator Jack, who slapped the table and grinned.

Sammy laughed too.

However, he explained patiently: "It's okay, the dragon slayer in this animation is quite special."

"What? Special? Aren't you doing the old-fashioned… er, I mean, traditional warrior slaying dragon story?"

Ellie, who never participated in the animation production and didn't even pay much attention to it, couldn't help asking in surprise.

But all the members of the animation production team did not answer her immediately, instead they looked at each other, and they all showed a fascinated smile of 'we share a little secret in common'.

Ellie looked at them suspiciously.

This girl, who was already very controlling of her boyfriend and wanted to know all her little secrets, began to regret that she didn't have time to watch them work before.

At the same time, Mai Qilong also wanted to save himself.

Because, 'If other dragons know that he actually dubs the dragon slayer warriors, he is likely to become a dragon traitor, or the shame of the dragon. '

So he asked Sammy softly in a low voice, "I, I... can you find someone else to dub it?"

Sammy, who was playing with the clay doll, glanced at him and replied ruthlessly, "No."

Mickey was very aggrieved: "Why?"

Sammy thought for a while and gave a "because there can't be idlers in the team" answer.

But in fact, it is not so.

He just wanted to draw Mickey into his circle of friends and help him find something to distract him, so as to improve some psychological problems caused by domestic violence (Mickey: Long Cai has no psychological problems).

After all, the suffering is only temporary, and the road of life is still so long, so let a victim friend stay alone and autistic every day, he really can't stand it anymore, maybe he will get depression (Mickey: I It's not that I won't get sick without me, dragons are born to like to sleep and don't like to move).

But considering that the vast majority of people are taboo against medical treatment, and they want to save face for young people...

It's not easy for Sammy to make things too straightforward, so he just made a random excuse to perfunctory.

But I didn't expect Mickey to be more serious: "But, but Ellie is also very free..."

Without waiting for Sammy to pick one of the two reasons 'Ellie is not a member of the team, but a family member of the team' and 'I need a male character's voiceover' to explain, the sturdy big sister Ellie one. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not busy, I have to sleep with Rosie."

Rosie, who was drinking coffee, spit out all the coffee.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and started to wipe his pants with a tissue paper.

The photographer Gavin and the animator Jack, who were working on the side, burst into laughter again.

Mickey immediately looked at Sammy for no apparent reason, with an innocent look on his face, as if he had no idea what bad topic he had raised.

But noticing his gaze, Sammy said angrily: "What are you looking at me doing? I don't need anyone to sleep with me, don't even think about it!"

Everyone then laughed.

Mickey, who didn't understand at all, was stunned: ... What is it, it's hard for humans to understand.

But this little juvenile fire dragon, who wants face, doesn't want to expose his ignorant and uninformed country dragon face.

Amid the laughter, he tried his best to look sophisticated and 'I'm a dragon who has seen big scenes, no matter what you say, I actually understand'.

Then, as if he really understood: "Sleep with me, I know, that is indeed a very dangerous job."

He recalled his long-standing childhood memories: "When I wanted to sleep with my parents before, the bastard dad mentioned this. The dragon sleep is too dead, and he often treats the dragon next to him as prey. When he is hungry, he opens his mouth! Ouch, I accidentally bit you on the neck. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll quickly put the bitten head back for you while it's still hot (Dad Long: I actually believed it if I made it up to scare the child)."

In short, no matter if the underage fire dragon is willing or not...

If he wants to continue to live for free, he must not offend his human friends, but if he wants to not offend, he has to start Long Sheng's first dubbing work.

Interestingly, while resisting at first...

But when he went out of his way, probably because of the broken jar, he completely forgot about the traitor of the Dragon Race and the shame of the Dragon Race!

The optimistic Mai Qilong became complacent: "Actually, not all dragons can have such a wonderful experience as me. Playing a dragon slaying warrior? It's quite emotional to think about it! Silly humans, you will know what you like. Is the Dragon Slayer actually a dragon?"

With such a bad taste of 'scaring people in the future'.

Mickey worked actively and obediently.

But to Long's disappointment, when he officially started dubbing and got the script book, he discovered that in this short animation, (except for his own voice actor) there is no dragon at all!


If you don't have a dragon, what kind of dragon are you slaughtering

Mickey's mood is too complicated.


Tulong, so angry!

Dragons are the best, how can you slay dragons

If you don't slay the dragon, you will be angry!

Dragons are the best, how can you not slay dragons! !

In this regard, Sammy is also very heartbroken: "Do you know how expensive it is to make a dragon model with a real dragon head? It is many times more expensive than the refrigerator you empty! Many times!"

Speaking of empty refrigerators…

Michaelon immediately shut up from the bottom of his heart.

But he still murmured silently: "The round-faced dwarf is so stingy! The big deal is that when the dragon grows up, he will hunt and supply you. Do you want to eat bears? Do you want to eat lions? !"

Moreover, in addition to the problem of dubbing, a new trouble has arisen.

Ellie decided to join the boys' animation group in the role of the audience.

But in fact, her purpose is impure, she just doesn't want to have no common language with her boyfriend Rosie, and she doesn't want Rosie to have secrets she doesn't know, anyway, she wants to stick to her boyfriend all the time and understand his every move and every move.

Sammy does not reject the audience, the animation was originally made for people to see. In addition, the production staff are often obsessed with the authorities, and it is easy to fall into self-high. It would have been a good thing to have an outsider to help check whether it is good or bad.

But Ellie's attitude was a little annoying.

Maybe it's because the girl's self-protection awareness is too high, maybe it's because she wants to show herself to be very powerful in front of all the boys, anyway, when she first joined the team, she actually said to Rosie in front of everyone: "Dear, I just want to Identify whether these people are good enough, and have you wasted your time these days?"

Sammy doesn't know how Rossi feels when he hears this. Maybe he's happy that his girlfriend cares about him

Anyway, except for Mickey, who never understood the meaning of the words, whether it was himself, photographer Gavin, or animator Jack, everyone was emmmmmmmmmmm...

It doesn't matter if it's just like that. For Rosie's sake, everyone can think she doesn't exist.

But what I didn't expect was that this girl's personality was too serious, and she actually started to point fingers at their work.

Once, when everyone was working happily and enthusiastically, she suddenly raised her two arms and waved, and she didn't look at the atmosphere or the occasion and shouted: "Stop! Stop! Stop! This is not good, This can't be done! You can't do this!"

Because the shouting was too loud, everyone stopped working and looked at her in astonishment.

As the chief director of this animation, Sammy walked towards her with a puzzled face: "What's wrong?"

"It looks so strange, Rosie dear."

Ellie ignored him and said seriously to her boyfriend: "Baby, this is not good, this is not like an animation, a bunch of babble with unknown meaning, completely ignorant."

Everyone looked at each other.

Photographer Gavin turned the head silently, silently not wanting to participate in this conversation at all.

Animator Jack laughed outright.

This future is probably also a bad boy who cares about orphans and doesn't give the girl any face, and deliberately imitates her tone in a quirky side, saying sharply: "It's too weird, it won't work like this."

Rosie glared at Jack with a smile, walked over quickly, hugged his girlfriend for comfort, and wanted to persuade her out first.

But Ellie stubbornly believed that she was right, struggling in her boyfriend's arms, while chattering: "There is no cartoon filmed like this, it is not warm at all, not happy, not happy! If you are like this, you will definitely be Failed. Baby, trust me, I can't let them waste your talent and energy like this. You have no future in doing this with them."

This time, everyone looked blankly at Rosie and his girlfriend Ellie.

Rosie, who was caught between his girlfriend and friends, couldn't help pushing his glasses, and he was so embarrassed that he was about to explode.

In the end, it was Sammy who pondered for a while and took the initiative to stand up.

He was very loyal and thoughtful to help clear the siege: "Okay, okay! Ellie, don't worry, I'll try to change it."

Then, he turned around, clapped his hands, and greeted everyone: "Come, come, let's have a good discussion, and follow Miss Ellie's suggestion to make the story warm and happy."

Ellie reluctantly stopped and finally gave her boyfriend face and was coaxed out.

But soon, she will find that these bad guys are just fooling people.

Because a few weeks later, when she saw this animation again, she was stunned to find that the protagonist had a tragic end!

What kind of warmth and happiness does this promise her? Go cheating! !


After the animation ended, she didn't know why she was so sore that she wanted to cry, and she kept crying until her makeup was gone, and roared, "Holy shit! You bastards!"

However, Sammy, the sinister round-faced dwarf (Mickey), is very pleased with her reaction to watching.

Amidst Ellie's cries, he jumped up excitedly, happily high fives with everyone in the team, and even the air was filled with joy.

Yeah! Yeah!

success! !

Not sure if the animation is really good though...

But it's such a joy to be able to make a girl cry!