Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 90: Seriously aspire to Microron


Mickey never thought there would be any problems with his relationship with Sammy.

Even if he is a dragon, he is a good dragon who obeys the law and neither burns down the town nor robs the princess.

But obviously, in addition to being different in species, they also have a huge gap in character.

Severe narcissism, sensitive and thoughtful, lazy and greedy, like to be jealous, but also like to be petty, these are undoubtedly some immature juvenile dragon; and love fantasy, optimistic and open-minded, diligent and serious, although super loyal, but emotional intelligence Low and sluggish, these are naturally the self-proclaimed Dragon Slayer directors Sammy.

If you insist on discussing the same thing as one person and one dragon.

All I can say is that they are both great visionaries.

Dragon likes to daydream, and the sky brings windfall;

People (before) also like to daydream and slay dragons bravely.

There are few similarities, but many differences.

But that's okay. Michaelon has always been fascinated with self-confidence: "There are so many dragons in the world, only I met Sammy; there are so many people in the world, and only Sammy met me, so everything is destined by God, We are a natural couple!"

To Long think, those differences in character are nothing at all.

But unexpectedly, the problem quickly appeared.

Due to the nature of dragons, Mickey always has a strong possessiveness in the face of those 'treasures' that belong to him.

This makes him like a stubborn miser (dragon), especially fond of sticking to Sammy's side at all times, keeping an eye on each other to ensure that his 'treasure' is always safely in sight and will not be caught. people stole.

For him, this is the right expression of dragon love.

Sammy, however, had a different idea.

As a warrior who has been obsessed with (slaying) dragons since childhood, if he doesn't like this dragon that belongs to him, it must be duplicitous.

But what is different from dragons is that very few human beings will choose to sacrifice everything for love, and most human beings will still pursue individual independence. Therefore, if you like it, you will like it, but if you like it, you will agree to something without bottom line and principle. , that would be very irresponsible.

So, when Mickey, who didn't think about anything, proposed to be the protagonist of a new movie just on a whim...

Sammy relentlessly refused.

Gifts can be bought, but work can't be so sloppy.

The reasons he gave are all-purpose - you're not a good fit.

Mikey couldn't understand.

He was a little gloomy in his heart, and there was a moment when he almost cried, maybe he was about to cry: 'I know you love me, but how can you do this? Even if you want to refuse, at least be gentle. '

Sammy has yet to realize how fragile a girl's heart this dragon has.

In his opinion, this is just a trivial matter, probably the process is, Mickey asked casually 'Can I play the leading role this time'? I also replied casually, "The role is not suitable, no". Then, it's over, it's over!

But Mikey was inexplicably concerned.

He ran out of the house tearfully and tearfully, telling Sammy's mom, Sammy's dad, Sammy's brother, and everyone he knew, "... Sammy didn't even think about it. Rejected me, with a very perfunctory attitude."

Duke and Dunbar were stunned, their expressions extremely stunned.

The two brothers couldn't help but whisper to one side.

"Is he really a dragon? He's always been like this... Is that all? Are dragons like this?"

"Uh, don't ask me. Big brother, it's the first time I've met a dragon. It's a little unrealistic."

"Well, anyway, looking at this situation, I don't have to worry about Sammy being bullied by the dragon."

"Bullyed? I've never worried. Sammy is the chosen one, born to be different, and a great dragon slayer who has inherited the blood of his ancestors."

"...Are you serious?"

"What? Seriously?"

"Nothing, just sigh, Sammy succeeded in brainwashing again."


However, it was completely different from the two brothers who were just chatting and watching the fun.

The Griffin couple attaches great importance to the reaction of Michaelon, and they are also very caring for this little fire dragon.

He and his youngest son, Sammy, have been pretending to be mature since childhood, and their hobbies are very strange and unpopular, which makes their parents often speechless.

A miserable life (it's not), handsome on the outside, greasy and greasy in the heart , the giant can meet the flooding of some specific groups of paternal and maternal love.

As a result, Mrs. Griffin, who had worked hard to raise traveling frogs for several years, lost her principle.

Rarely took the initiative to intervene in her younger son's work, she suggested to Sammy: "Even if you refuse, there must be a plausible reason, right? Although it is not a big mistake for you to do this, it is a little bit for those close to you. It's too simplistic."

Then, Mr. Griffin nodded beside him.

The good-natured gentleman asked, "Why don't you give that dragon a chance? It's too arbitrary to say no at first."

Sammy was confused by this, and never thought that his parents would all speak for the dragon.

He was a little confused for a while, but when he looked up, he just saw Michaelon behind Griffin, poking his head and looking at himself...

Such a tall and strong man, but hiding behind the Griffins and his wife, his expression was a bit like a dog who was suddenly kicked, and a bit like being violent in school for a week, and it was hard to see his parents. , finally found a backer, but still a little scared (worried about Sammy being angry).

Alas, the two-hundred-year-old baby dragon.

Sammy was no longer angry and agreed to include Michaelon as a candidate for the role.

Yes, just an option.

After all, an unsuitable actor doesn't just ruin a character, but one carelessness can ruin the entire movie, so you have to be careful.

Mickey got his wish, but not very happy.

He felt that he was underestimated. Although the dragon was not so positive about 'being a big star in the human world', it was not only human beings who thought that 'to show an excellent and capable side in front of the people you like'. Same thing.

"Wait and see, what is the alternative list, I will definitely be the only choice."

Mai Qilong secretly swore in his heart, and thought very aggressively: "I will definitely be your protagonist this time, and your camera can only shoot at me."

Then, Sammy took out the script and started to open the back door for his dragon, let him have a sneak peek and prepare early...

Michaelon took over the script rather smugly, and said earnestly and affectionately, "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

At this moment, Sammy's expression is very strange, as if to say 'why am I disappointed, I have no hope for you'.

But Mickey was able to deceive himself very well, and immediately put on a look of working hard and living up to the other party.

Sammy had to say nothing.

At the other end, Michaelon began to read the script in a proper manner.

Sammy is serious and meticulous in his work, even if it is just a temporary script, he is very careful.

Not to mention the neat printing and binding work, he also specially drew a cover image.

Mickey saw the super conspicuous cover of the script at a glance.

The cover is still the protagonist he has seen, but because of the different environments, the expressions and actions are different.

This time, Sammy used simple black and white lines to outline a man surrounded by flames.

He was sitting in a house that was almost burned to ruins, leaning against a broken wall that was half collapsed. His hair was messy, and his face was resigned to his fate, but his eyes were drawn a little exaggerated and opened wide. , seems to have a slightly raised odd appearance, and then, layers of thick black shadows symbolizing dark circles are drawn evenly around the eyes, showing a bit of haggard and morbidity.

The whole picture is very simple, a bit like a little man drawn by a student on a book without paying attention to the lecture.

But that little man was sitting in the fire, waiting to die without dodging, and staring blankly at an unknown place with his raised eyes, but it gave people an indescribable sense of loss, which made him feel uneasy. There is a strange feeling of sourness in people's hearts.

With just one glance, Mikey knew that Sammy wasn't lying to himself.

This role really doesn't seem right for me.

But the dragon certainly won't admit defeat so easily.

Come to think of it, Mickey took so much effort, and even activated Sammy's father and mother, to grab such an alternative opportunity, and naturally he couldn't give up easily.

So, he decided to read the temporary script carefully.

However, Little Fire Dragon, or Sammy himself, had forgotten one thing.

Even if Sammy lists the dragon as a candidate, even if Sammy opens the back door for the dragon, even if Sammy provides the dragon with a temporary script in advance...

Sammy is not a professional screenwriter either!

So, a temporary script is a really temporary script, or, we can call it a draft!

As a simple example, Sammy wrote in the temporary script: [The twentieth scene, they fight. ]

It's vivid, crisp, and concise...

A P!

-who are they

- Why did you quarrel

- What's the noise? What is the process like? What about facial expressions? What about action

- Who won the quarrel? what's the result

No! No! !

The temporary script was not written at all.

Apart from…

Director Sammy never forgets his professional skills.

He also diligently sketches two face-to-face stick figures here, as if to represent the 'they quarrel' scene.


It's still hard to understand!

Mickey stared at the two stick figures, looking like he was constipated with too much force. He seemed to be working very hard. If his eyes could also breathe fire, this temporary script would have been burned through two holes by now. .

Seeing him being so 'serious', Sammy raised his eyebrows curiously, and asked with interest: "Tell me, see something? How do you feel?"

Mickey took a deep breath, used his index finger and thumb to draw a distance of a few centimeters, and replied with a serious face: "I see it! The person on the left (match) has so much longer legs than the person on the right (match)..."


What a great discovery!

Sammy almost laughed out of breath.