Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 92: Calling Brother Qi to make a movie


Contrary to Sammy's rambunctious attitude towards life, Rossi has always been planned and purposeful.

So, when Sammy broke up with the Kerry brothers just based on personal preference, he accepted the Kerry brothers' wooing, and always maintained a semi-employment relationship with them. And, following the meaning of the Kerry brothers, in a short period of time, relying on their own eyesight and connections, they generously selected many new directors, and produced a bunch of restricted-level horror films made at low cost.

Although these films have no artistic merit, they resemble bad-tasting junk food.

But in this process, he did not greed for success, and made a very precise positioning, that is, through all kinds of bloody, disgusting, perverted, violent garbage plots, to attract those who like to seek excitement and curiosity, and take the opportunity to vent extreme emotions. of minority groups. These people may not be that many, but once they gather, they can often make a small profit in terms of the relatively cheap cost of the film.

As a result, when the batches of garbage are processed and sold...

As a producer, Rossid has gradually emerged, successfully showing his keen eyesight and super market control.

Unquestionable success, just…

While Rosie was complacent and smug, she was still a little uneasy.

After all, no matter how well you do fast food, you can't become a chef.

The film industry is not as fast as the electronics industry. Fame is not something that can be trusted forever. If you want to gain a firm foothold, you still need to have masterpieces that you can really get your hands on.

Rossi understands the truth, so while he is proud, he has not stopped, and is always looking for suitable scripts and new projects.

So, when he received a call from Sammy, although he joked that the script was written like shit, in fact, he was very excited about it, and he shouted in an excited tone: "Come on, call the Qi brothers to do it again. A blockbuster movie."

It sounded like a gang fight.

But I have to say, it's pretty exciting.

Even a person like Sammy who often leaves after prostitutes and only cares about his own enjoyment, and who is always scolded by fans as 'unconscionable', is rarely brought back to his memories.

Although it is said that a movie is a summer camp, emotions cannot be formatted with one click. Therefore, recalling "Aaron's Adventures", "Snake Trouble", "Say Hello to the World", etc. before or difficult , or a fun filming process…

Sammy really misses it a little bit.

He couldn't help lowering his head and thinking: "Call all the old friends over, make a new movie together, take the opportunity to get together, it sounds pretty good."

Based on this idea.

When Rossi recommended a screenwriter who could turn shit into tiramisu, the first person he thought of was Hughes Hanverton, who had fought with him before, and he suggested, regardless of his previous suspicions: "This guy is good and cheap, give him money. Just work, and not so much nonsense, he will write whatever you ask him to write."

As a director who looks round-faced, talkative, and cute on the surface, but actually likes to quietly engage in dictatorship in the crew, this kind of screenwriter who only recognizes money, is obedient, and has extraordinary abilities is still very worthwhile. Treasure it, so even though this wonderful screenwriter has just been blacklisted by several producers and directors for dragging the draft, Sammy still decided to hire people to work.

Always profligate and always short of money, Hughes Hanverton received Sammy's invitation.

He agreed without saying a price, and he vowed that he would never delay the draft this time.

Sammy didn't believe it at all.

But he still talked about the general idea of the new script on the phone, and asked him to write a few paragraphs when he was free at Christmas.

Hughes Hanverton agreed.

But when the Christmas break was over, Sammy took Mickey straight to his house, not surprised to find that the bastard didn't write a word.

Sammy, who had expected this for a long time, didn't want to talk to him, and threw an underage fire dragon at him.

Since revealing his identity, Mickey, who has long stopped covering up his strength, slapped a strange screenwriter directly on the table.

The super high force value made Hughes completely stunned while bringing shock.

Moreover, as an adult man, after being knocked down, even if he struggled desperately, he couldn't move, so he couldn't help shouting 'barbarian' and started writing the script in a depressing way.

Sammy, who is a dragon, is very satisfied with this.

And, compared to Hughes' reluctance, he's currently maintaining an extremely high interest in new projects.

Because this time the theme involves real life.

Before this, whether it was "Aaron's Adventures", "Snake Bane", "Say Hello to the World", or "The Exorcist", it was not so grounded. "Say Hello to the World" is barely a reality, but the band and the music industry are also relatively dreamy places, and there is still a certain gap with people's normal real life.

But this time is different.

Director Sammy wants to shoot realistic subjects.

"You call this real life?"

Hughes Hanverton silently listened to him looking forward to the future, unable to contain the strong desire to complain deep in his heart: "Who lives like this in real life? The cabinet is filled with various murder tools, and the cup is secretly prepared with corrosive chemicals. , I have to sleep with a knife on my pillow. Are you kidding me? If you have to tell the truth, I will look at it from side to side... "

Sammy took out the shining dragon-slaying sword from behind: "What did you say?"

Hughes Hanverton was instantly serious: "...Look horizontally and vertically, this is reality! It is indeed a heavy reality subject. How do you think I wrote this paragraph? Is it realistic enough?"

Sammy doesn't care.

Mickey, who still wanted to be the protagonist, came over to take a look, and suddenly realized: "So this is the story! You still wrote it clearly, what Sammy wrote is simple, what's so special..."

Sammy took out the shining dragon-slaying sword from behind again.

Michaelon: "That's so—that's awesome! I've never seen such a cool script."

Hughes glanced contemptuously at the Magic Dragon, and magically gained a little comfort in his heart.

He thought to himself: "You have a high force value and you are useful. You are not being bullied by the round-faced dwarf like me."

Threatened every day by a thread, Mr. Screenwriter finally reached his full potential and wrote the first draft.

The reason why it is the first version is because Sammy still has some uncertain ideas, and plans to change it as he shoots.

However, in addition to the bad problems of drafting, Hughes' ability is really outstanding.

He made the simple story told by Sammy vivid and vivid, and more importantly, there is a sense of the right way in the script, that kind of feeling cannot be achieved by ordinary people, nor can it be simply described in words and words , but the overall atmosphere and the subtle sensitivity revealed between the lines, so that some characters behave strangely at first glance, they will appear normal in this atmosphere.

It's great to be able to do this.

During that time, Sammy's little head was like a spring, constantly pouring out all kinds of new ideas.

Although Hughes found it troublesome and reluctant, he had to accept money to do things, and he was threatened by force, so he could only obey.

He can always accurately and vividly transform, sublime, simplify, and turn fantasy into reality, and finally, implement it on paper, becoming some illiterate (underage dragon who has never read a book) can understandable plot.

"Hughes is great." Sammy later praised the notorious draft writer in public several times.

However, in addition to the praise, he couldn't help but tell the truth: "This person is a little bit beaten."

All the people in the circle who heard these words showed understanding smiles.

From their point of view, another victim, Sammy, was obviously also stalked by the king of drafting.

What they don't know, however, is that Sammy's words are purely literal: Dare to delay the draft? Come on, let Mickey play first!

(Mickey: If I slap me down, you might die.)

In short, there must be breakthroughs under pressure.

Hughes' work efficiency this time, if he speaks out, he will probably shock many people.

On the other hand, Sammy didn't think much about it.

After he got the relatively complete script of the first version, he called Rossi directly to discuss the formation of the crew in advance.

As with "Snake Bane," Rossi has rightfully taken the producer position.

It's just that he and Sammy had a little quarrel on the issue of finding investors for the crew.

"The Kerry brothers are very interested in our film."

Rossi said, "What do you think? We're so familiar with it anyway, why don't we work together again?"

Sammy looked at the friend scrutiny.

He asked bluntly, "How much did you charge?"

Rossi laughed immediately.

He compared a reasonable number, neither high nor low, without any hesitation: "How is it? Do you agree? If you agree, we will give you five or five points."

"Am I the one who cares about money?" Sammy looked disdainful as always.

He was very annoyed at some of the Kerry brothers' previous behavior, such as making up the "Snake Bane" sequel, being bad at Hello, and meddling in the film, so he didn't want to work with the brothers again.

But in Rossi's view, the brothers are disgusting in some places, but as partners, they are still very good.

They may be self-aware that they are laymen, and they are usually willing to spend money, and they don't tell the crew very much.

As for the time of "Say Hello to the World", it can only be said that the timing was bad.

Jumping from a horror movie to an inspirational movie at once, Sammy's actions made the two brothers really feel at a loss. What if the game crashes

But this time is different.

In the face of no matter what the subject is, even if it is not popular, you can make a steady profit without losing money, and a well-known Hollywood rookie director who has thoroughly proved his strength long ago...

The Kerry brothers hurried graciously.

They rubbed their hands together, showing a look of thirst for money: "Give us a chance, you must give us a chance, even the bad guys have a chance to reform themselves. Sammy, trust us, this time you say Forget it. As long as it doesn't break the law, kill people and set fires, you can let us do whatever you want."

Sammy thought about it.

He asked politely, "Then can you go out now and close the door for me by the way?"