Raising Dragons in Hollywood

Chapter 94: Cold-blooded ruthless little round face


What exactly is Brother Kerry's mind, Sammy is too lazy to pay attention.

The biggest advantage of his character, or it can also be said to be the defect, is that there are too many whimsical ideas in his mind, and there is no room for people, things, and things that are not important, and he will only focus on his own feelings. place of interest. And some things on the other side, usually choose to omit and ignore. Unless those things that are omitted and ignored take the initiative to stand in front of them to find a sense of existence, otherwise, he is not aware of this at all.

So, the Kerry brothers were quickly eliminated from his world.

Sammy just doesn't care about these two people. Anyway, Rossi, the producer, will be in charge of dealing with them, dealing with some tedious issues such as budget and planning, while himself, he will continue to focus on the script and actors.

Hughes helped a lot with the script.

As mentioned before, this in-progress film is inspired by a social news story about a teenager who is mentally set on fire due to his unusual sexuality and some family problems *** up.

This somewhat tragic piece of news was first collected by Duke and Dunbar to scare parents into being more lenient with their soon-to-be-coming brother.

The Griffins turned to Sammy for the same reason (letting their younger son be more lenient with his brothers who are about to come out).

However, Sammy, a guy with no conscience, seems to have no softness in his heart.

After seeing the news, his first thought was: "This method of suicide is quite interesting."

And from this began to think: 'Can it be expanded into a story? '

In his opinion, if this matter is started with Hollywood ideas, it already has all the elements to attract attention, such as homosexual love, the display of repressed social environment, the resistance of arson and ****... As long as it is slightly modified, it can be Come up with a great script.

In fact, this is how many scripts appear.

Start with a concept, then build it up a little bit, slowly fleshing it out.

So Sammy came up with his makeshift script.

Although he didn't know much about many places and plots, the feeling and role had already existed in his mind, and were sketched out bit by bit, and as time passed, not only did they not disappear, Instead, it's more lifelike.

The most important character in this script, the protagonist of the film, is set by him as:

A person who wants to develop abnormally, but is actually very simple and genuine.

In this way, there are both tragic and comedic aspects.

The collision of the two will create a great sense of contradiction, and also create interesting tension and conflict.

The very playful image suddenly appeared in Sammy's mind, and, little by little, settled down in the local area.

From time to time, he imagined what he looked like, his temperament, and how he would react when something happened. He named him Anderson, and he read this name every day, and drew a scene-by-shot sketch.

So, when screenwriter Hughes joined the scriptwriting, he didn't actually make too many adaptations.

All he has to do is collect the money Sammy gave him, and then, according to Sammy's idea, help him write and improve the entire script. Although this guy is writing and complaining, he is still very dedicated to his work.

But at the same time, this incident raises a little bit of a problem.

Due to being too obsessed with his own work, when Sammy dreamed and talked in his sleep, he actually chanted the name of Anderson, the future protagonist of the movie...

- How can you call another male's name in a dream

- Not even fake.

Dragon is wronged.

But the dragon didn't say it.

Mickey worked hard, and was even more eager to make himself the protagonist.

Because after becoming the protagonist, he can pretend that Sammy is calling himself in his dreams.

But the protagonist is positioned as a teenager, and, moreover, is a sick teenager.

But even if Mickey is a veritable underage baby dragon, his appearance (except facial expressions) really doesn't look like a minor. He is tall and has a straight face. If he can't speak, he won't pester him Sammy babbles from time to time, depending on his appearance, he is still a pretty cool handsome guy (every time he breaks things with Sammy, I won't mention it).

Whether it is the external image or his own temperament, it seems that it is not suitable.

Therefore, Sammy has been hesitant: "Do you want to let Mickey try the protagonist?"

But Mickey has been very active recently. In order to fit the image of the protagonist, he actually went to dye his red hair that he cherished black.

Regret after dyeing.

Black dragons have always been unpopular in the dragon clan because the color is too dark.

Dragon really discriminates against such a color that is not shiny at all.

Therefore, Mikey was particularly uncomfortable.

He threw himself into Sammy's arms and shed tears, crying a lot in the play: "Sami, you know what? I love you so much, and I sacrificed a lot for you."

"Ah, what did you sacrifice?" Sammy asked in surprise.

"The glory and pride of the dragon!" said Mickey, choked up.

… sounds so serious.

However, does your dragon's glory and self-esteem depend on the color of your hair

But no matter what, Michaelon did make obvious sacrifices and sacrifices.

Sammy, thinking he couldn't see Dragon with colored eyes, decided to give him an audition openly and impartially.

At that time, there were a lot of actors participating in the audition.

Now, whether it's Sammy, Rosie, or the Kerry Brothers, they're no longer the little characters that people didn't care about back then. They've all established a firm foothold in Hollywood and have their own place. So, as soon as there is news Countless actors flocked to the show, so much so that, after making a list of the cast directors, after a rough selection was made, and then printed out, there were actually hundreds of pages left.

However, Sammy did not participate in the audition for the non-main role, and it was all handed over to the producer Rosie and the casting director on the crew.

There is only the main role, and he is only responsible for the final gatekeeping.

As for Mickey, it was barely a backdoor.

He was inserted into the lead audition line by Sammy and was the first to walk into the house.

Producer Rosie and some key crew members were present that day.

Many of these people have collaborated with Sammy several times, the earliest dating back to "The Adventures of Aaron", so they all know Mikey, and when they see him come in, they can't help laughing. Mickey joked: "Don't be afraid, anyway, whether you're nervous or not, you won't be asked for if you don't act well."

Mikey rolled his eyes directly.

However, everyone's attitude is still very friendly.

Only Sammy.

This round-faced dwarf is particularly cold-blooded and ruthless.

He sat there with no expression on his face. He didn't give him any special care because Mickey was a friend, acquaintance or lover. He chose a relatively simple plot audition for him. Of course, he certainly didn't choose the difficult one. Picked a scene he watched by himself - feeding the pigeons.

The description of this scene in the script is written from the perspective of the protagonist Anderson, with a very gentle attitude.

[At that time, I was homeless and starving, but I stopped to feed the pigeons. ]

But Mickey was particularly perplexed when he read the script.

As a dragon, he really can't understand the delicate emotions of human beings, but he was working hard at that time, and he was embarrassed to tell Sammy that he couldn't even read the script, so he quietly ran to the screenwriter Hughes: "You said, You’re all starving and cold, why don’t you just find a way to catch the pigeons and eat them?”

Standard dragon thinking.

Seeing cute little animals is completely unloving, and I just want to eat.

However, it may be based on similarities, screenwriter Hughes's answer is also very good.

He answered very realistically, stretched out two fingers and said, "Two reasons, first, pigeons can fly, and the protagonist can't catch them at all; second, girls absolutely don't want to watch handsome online performances swallowing pigeons... Don't interrupt, Roasting pigeons and stewing pigeons will not work either. Obviously, feeding pigeons is more aggressive, and it also shows that the protagonist is very kind.”

Are you starving to death and still a kind P

Whether to let the pigeon live, or the human (dragon) to live, of course, we must choose the human (dragon) to live.

But it is not easy for Hughes, who has always been very loose, to answer this time.

When Mikey wanted to continue to ask for advice, he became impatient: "Okay, okay, don't worry about whether it's reasonable or not. Just remember, this scene is about feeding the pigeons very attentively."


'Humans are so incomprehensible! 'Mikelong could only sigh silently in his heart.

no way!

Since it is written like this in the script, the pigeons must be fed when they should be fed.

When auditioning, there is no physical performance.

Therefore, there are no pigeons in the venue at all, it is all up to the imagination of the actors.

Mickey, who had never learned any acting skills, squatted on the ground.

Because of his tall stature, squatting down is also a big lump.

Everyone in the room watched him perform with a smile.

But Mickey was not at all stage frightened.

Humans are sometimes afraid of losing face and can't let go, or because they are too nervous and play out of order.

Long has no concerns about this at all. A 100% big-screen player, no matter how good his acting skills are, his performance is always excellent anyway, and he looks particularly stable.

He pretends to feed the (non-existent) pigeons in all seriousness, trying to be a little better in front of his humans.

But Sammy, the round-faced dwarf, was bad and bad.

While the dragon was performing, he said nothing;

When Long finished his performance, he still said nothing;

In the end, when Long came home in the evening and felt uneasy, he still didn't say a word and didn't tell Long at all, 'Can Long be the protagonist'

Mikey was annoyed.

He angrily smashed the flowers with his claws, grabbed the flowers from the flowerpot, and began to tear the petals one by one, playing the little games of 'Sami chooses me' and 'Sami did not choose me'. As 'Sami didn't choose me', I immediately regretted playing again.

In less than a few minutes, all the flowers in the flowerpot were bald.

Then he came to the (desired) conclusion: "Sami will choose me!"