Raising The Zombie King

Chapter 1


The town under the setting sun is deserted, and the dilapidated buildings are bathed in the afterglow.

There was a fallen street lamp on the road, Lin You stopped and said, "Brother Du, you don't need to send it away anymore."

Du Yan followed behind her. He is a power-enhanced person with a strong physique. He is two and a half heads taller than Lin You, but he is slightly arched when facing her, as if he is a bit shorter.

The tall middle-aged man showed bitterness: "Yuzi, I'm really sorry..."

Lin You said, "No need to do this, I understand."

She was wearing a black long-sleeved sports jacket, with a slightly bulging left shoulder, and a white bandage could be seen from the neckline. This is the injury she suffered from fighting with mutant animals before, so now she can only carry the mountaineering bag and tent on her right shoulder.

In that encounter, besides her, Du Yan's five-year-old daughter Du An'an was also injured.

Children are no better than adults, and they can quickly catch a fever. They don't have many medical resources, and they still have at least three days to go before their destination—the only remaining southern base. But leaving Lin You behind, with Du Yan's wife's wind ability, the two adults can arrive in a day without eating or drinking with their children in their arms.

Teammates and family members, it is clear at a glance which is more important.

"That's not what I said, I... I'm sorry for you, and even more sorry for your sister." Du Yan looked even more embarrassed, "I'll meet you at the base..."

His throat moved, but he didn't continue, probably because he felt that there was little hope for this future. How long can a single woman who has no offensive abilities and is injured live in the perilous end times

Lin You smiled instead: "Okay, have a good trip, see you later."

She didn't say she wasn't actually planning to go to South Base.

Lin You was not as optimistic as Du Yan. It was half a year ago that they heard about the South Base from others, and after that, they never saw other living people along the way.

Does this last remaining base really exist

Lin You reached into her pocket, held the wooden harmonica that she carried close to her body, and gently stroked the indented lettering on the wooden surface with her fingertips.

The plants in the remote town grow wantonly, and the towering trees in the central area can be seen from a distance. The branches squeeze out the concrete buildings, and the shade of the trees is like an open umbrella, casting a large shadow.

Lin You chose the opposite direction with few plants.

Mutated plants do not chase after the smell of blood like zombies and mutated animals, but they are also aggressive to a certain extent, and they cannot be taken lightly.

Before dark, Lin You found a fairly intact one-story house on the side of the road, and sorted out the living room to set up pots. For dinner, a mutated mouse caught on the side of the road cooked wild vegetable soup, seasoned only with salt.

The light outside the window is gradually sinking, the fire is burning quietly, occasionally sparks crackle and explode, and the smell of cooked food is in the pot. Lin You sat on the prepared bedding and leaned against the wall.

She was alone again.

The injury on her shoulder was aching. In order to divert her attention, Lin You took the piano from her pocket and played a section of catching loaches. Her harmonica was learned blindly after the apocalypse to pass the time, and up to now she can only play a few nursery rhymes.

Crisp notes echoed in the room. Normally, at this time, Du An'an should be lying on her lap, blinking and getting sleepy. Thinking of the innocent face of the little girl, Lin You couldn't help smiling, and then sighed softly.

Without the sound of music, the night is especially quiet, and subtle movements are also obvious.

Tuk tuk. There was a knock on the door.

Lin You froze for a moment, then held her breath slightly. She thought she heard it wrong, but after a while, someone outside knocked a second time and tapped on the door three times, standard and polite.

Mutated creatures will not knock on doors, they will only break through doors or walls roughly.

Besides her, there are other living people in this place

Lin You stood up abruptly, quickly checked the weapons on her body, walked to the door and held the handle, and opened a crack in the door vigilantly.

There was indeed a man standing outside.

From the figure, she was a woman, quite tall, which made her look even thinner. He was dressed strangely, with a white coat over a shirt and sweatpants, a pair of leather gloves, a hiking cap on his head, and a mask covering the lower half of his face. The whole body was tightly wrapped, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Lin You looked up, and by the moonlight outside, saw her clear ice blue eyes.

The two looked at each other for a moment, the strange woman stretched out her hand, and there was a torn note in her hand. It swayed in the night wind, and before it was blown away, Lin You took it.


There are only two words and a punctuation mark written on it, and the handwriting is beautiful.

The soup pot in the house was gurgling because it was boiling. After Lin You took the note, the woman looked past her and looked in, her snow-white eyelashes moved slightly, revealing a little desire.

"… Hello."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin You chose to open the door: "I cooked dinner, do you want to come in and eat together?"

The woman looked back at her for a moment, as if judging her credibility.

Those eyes have a cold color like a glacier, but the gaze that looks at others is like a lake under the winter night, soft and pure. Even under scrutiny, Lin You didn't feel offended at all.

After a while, she nodded slightly.

When Lin You invited her in, it was just time to close the door. When she turned around, the woman was already sitting cross-legged by the fire, staring at the steam overflowing from the edge of the pot lid for a moment. The hair hanging from her shoulders was also white as snow, shining like fine silk under the light of the fire.

People with supernatural abilities will change their appearance due to the gradual improvement of their abilities, such as Lin You's eyes, which are light lake blue. Lin You guessed that this woman's ability should be related to ice or water.

She sat back to her original position, and the two of them happened to be facing each other: "My name is Lin You, Yuzu's Yuzu. What's your name?"

The woman took a card from her pocket.

business card? Lin You took it over and saw that the dining card of SW University had her name written on the back, but it was stained with dark stains, and she could only make out the last two words: "Xiao Xiao...?"

The woman bent her eyes slightly.

Lin You's mood was a little complicated. She is no stranger to SW University. She was also studying at the university before the end of the world. The two schools are only one street apart, and they may have passed each other on the street.

However, compared to the ordinary one she read, SW is a real key university, the kind that can become a legend among the neighbors if it is admitted.

Lin You shared her small plastic bowl and chopsticks with the former schoolmaster. It was just wild vegetable broth with a little salt, and Lin You was already tired of eating it, but Xiao Xiao held the bowl solemnly, and seemed to sigh with emotion.

As for? Lin You couldn't help but give her an extra spoonful of meat: "You're welcome, there's still more." Originally, I wanted to have some left over to heat up for breakfast tomorrow, but now it's just right for the two of us to eat.

Xiao Xiao nodded, glanced at her, turned her back and took off her mask to eat.

She ate without any movement, took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth after eating, and brought back the mask. After returning the bowl to Lin You, she took out a thick notebook and pen from her white coat, and wrote three words:

Thank you.

"You're welcome." Lin You had almost finished eating, "Is there any water?"

Xiao Xiao shook his head.

Lin You: "Then leave the bowl, I'll wash it tomorrow."

I guessed wrong, it's not a water-type supernatural being. Lin You sincerely thinks that the water and fire abilities are the best to use in the last days, and other abilities are also good, in short, they are better than her weak abilities.

Xiao Xiao picked up the pen again, this time he paused after writing two words, and continued to write.

She spread out the notebook and held it up: I will wash it.

Lin You saw the first two words first, and before she could pretend to be polite, she scanned the next line.

— May I stay

"… Can't."

Lin You ruthlessly rejected her and pushed her out.

It didn't know when it was raining outside, Xiao Xiao stood at the door holding a notebook, looking at her with lowered eyes, his eyes were as innocent as a kitten or dog in a box on the street.

But the cruel Lin You was completely unmoved and closed the door decisively.

After living in the apocalypse for eight years, Lin You has a general neurotic vigilance. She can invite people she doesn't know to have dinner together, but if she is in the same room at night, she will only open her eyes uneasily until dawn.

In fact, she didn't sleep well alone. Knowing that there was a stranger nearby, she couldn't let go of her guard no matter what, she slept very lightly, and woke up before dawn.

Of course Xiao Xiao is not outside the door.

Lin You's plan today is to explore the surrounding environment and find a suitable place to live for a long time. It's better to be closer to the water source, have a yard to open two vegetable plots for her... oh, and stay away from the tree.

She stepped on the wet ground and looked at the tall trees in the distance. Perhaps because of the spring rain last night, a small white flower bud appeared on the green shade.

Soft, hesitant footsteps approached from behind.

When Lin You turned her head, Xiao Xiao was standing a few meters behind. During the day, she pulls her hat down so that she can't see anything exposed, only a faint view from under the brim.

"Good morning." Lin You thought for a while and greeted her.

Xiao Xiao wrote three large characters with pen and paper, and held them up for her to read: Good morning.

The two stood face to face for a while.

"Is there something wrong?" Lin You asked.

He couldn't just stand here stupidly all the time, but Xiao Xiao didn't make any next move, so she could only ask her questions.

Xiao Xiao turned to the previous page of the notebook she was holding, which was written by her yesterday.

— May I stay


Are you a puppy who clings to people after being fed

Lin You thought for a while and said to her, "I will stay here. If you want to have dinner together, you can come to visit me in the future."

Xiao Xiao didn't shake his head, nor nodded.

It's just that as soon as Lin You walked around, footsteps sounded behind her. She looked back a few times, and could see a tall figure not too far away a few steps away.

… what is this doing. An aboveboard tailgating

Lin You turned the corner of the street and heard the people behind hurriedly following her, then gradually slowing down, keeping a distance, the sound of stepping on the ground coincided with her steps. She was a little helpless, and was thinking about how to persuade her not to follow, when she saw the corpse of a familiar humanoid creature lying on the road ahead.

Dark blue skin, ashes-white hair, the hand that fell on the ground was bent like a claw, the fingertips were as sharp as knives, and the pointed teeth on the upturned face protruded from the upper lip to the chin, and a plaque was embedded on the forehead. White prismatic crystals.

This is a dead zombie.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Xiao is actually not very tall, around 167.

Yuzu needs to look up because she is too short.

Post the pre-received copy of the next martial arts article~

The master of the Western Demon Cult was seriously injured and dying, and the sect fought openly and secretly for the next master.

The dark tide is raging, affecting the eight major factions of Dongzhou. Starting from the death of the world's number one swordsman in Zangfeng Villa, turmoil suddenly arises in the world.

Tang Zhu was that unlucky number one in the world.

His right hand was crippled and his meridians were all severed. He fell off a cliff and survived, but was rescued by a wandering doctor.

The doctor was dressed in a blue monk's robe, with a beautiful face and cold eyes. When he saw her wake up, the first thing he said was:

"Do you know how much you owe me for consultation fees?"

It's probably a (hardly) serious martial arts novel.

The unrestrained and unrestrained female swordsman and the arrogant and charming doctor with a poisonous tongue attack each other 1V1HE.

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