Raising The Zombie King

Chapter 27


When Lin You and Xiao Xiao returned home, Xiao Hong was sluggish, almost mentally withered.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can I double your snacks these two days? Don't be unhappy." Lin You felt a little condemned by his conscience, and touched its petals, "Okay, next time I won't leave you out for so long .”

"Pfft..." Xiaohong closed the petals and turned her back to her.

Lin You looked at the vines tightly wrapped around her wrist: "..."

... Did this flower add some strange attributes

Thinking of the time they went out, it was not only responsible for cleaning, but also taking care of Xiao Xiao's house full of plants and small vegetable plots in the yard, Lin You patiently considered whether to continue coaxing it...

But before she finished thinking about it, she felt the vines on her wrists suddenly loosen by themselves, and quickly retracted.

Xiao Xiao called her from the bedroom window: "Yuzi."

The majesty of the zombie king is really useful.

Lin You regarded it as a successful reconciliation, and walked to the window in response: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Xiao held up the pot of impatiens for her to see.

Lin You saw it clearly: "Ah, the flowers are blooming."

The long leaves are dotted with vivid bright red, and the butterfly-shaped petals are stretched out. The impatiens, which were just budding when they went out, are now in full bloom.

Xiao Xiao nodded with slanted eyes.

After admiring Lin You, she destroyed the flowers mercilessly, scooped up the whole plant, washed the petals and mashed them with some salt.

Lin You raised her hand, and Xiao Xiao sat opposite her, carefully covering her nails with the processed paste, and then wrapped it with leaves, waiting to be dyed.

She handled it very seriously. In order to prevent her hair from falling down and getting in the way, she tied it behind her head with a hair tie. When she lowered her head, she showed her beautifully curved nape.

The headband is handmade by Lin You, white and blue strings are intertwined, with little stars decorations hanging on both ends, hanging down beside Xiao Xiao's pointed ears, flickering with her slight turning of the head, reflecting the light shining from the window. Incoming sunlight.

Lin You had nothing to do, so she tried her best to divert her attention from her interlaced fingers, and rested her chin with the hand that hadn't started dyeing, observing Xiao Xiao's face.

From this angle, she couldn't see her drooping eyes, only her snow-white eyelashes fluttering slightly, and the beautiful nasal bone line below.

Lin You stretched out her hand to pin the hair behind her ears that hadn't been pierced.

Xiao Xiao wraps up the last finger of her hand, lifts her face and smiles at her, her icy blue eyes are full of sunlight.

When Lin You saw her smiling, she couldn't help smiling too.

After both her hands were wrapped, she found a problem: "Isn't there nothing I can do?" According to Xiao Xiao, it would take at least half a day to wrap it up.

Xiao Xiao didn't think it was a problem: "I'll make it for Yuzu, that's fine."


That being the case, Lin You decided to spend the day leisurely at home, such as starting a long-lost reading activity.

She had read all the books she brought back from Jushu's library, and she couldn't go there today, so she picked the one she was most interested in from the books she collected on Xiaoxiao Road.

"Andersen's Fairytales".

Although it is a fairy tale, Lin You still finds it very interesting to read.

She read it with Xiao Xiao, asked Xiao Xiao to flip through the book, read the chapter of Thumbelina in one breath, and subconsciously let out an "ah" when she saw the title.

Xiao Xiao looked over suspiciously.

"It's nothing..." Lin You said in an obvious tone, "Speaking of which, Thumbelina is also from Andersen's fairy tale."

The expression on her face was too indescribable. Xiao Xiao asked: "Yuzi, don't you like this story?"

"It's not that I don't like it." Lin You thought of something a long time ago, "As for me, since I was in elementary school, my height has been shorter than my peers. At that time, many boys were very annoying and always laughed at me. I'm a dwarf."

Xiao Xiao pursed her lips slightly.

"Then I was very sad. I went back and asked my mother why I was shorter than others? My mother told me that I was actually brought up by Thumbelina in the story, so I was short because I was originally a little fairy born in a flower... "

Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, then blinked: "Do you believe Yuzu?"

Lin You covered her face in pain: "I believe it! And I have always refuted it to those who laughed at me!"

"..." Xiao Xiao had imagined that scene, showing a little smile, "Now it's okay, be real Thumbelina, raccoon dog..."

Lin You: "No."

Why do you keep trying to make her smaller

Lin You rejected Xiao Xiao's proposal, and asked her to continue reading books obediently.

Her nails were painted before dinner, a light orange. Lin You stretched her fingers and looked at the sunlight for a while... She wanted to eat oranges a little bit.

This season is still a bit far from the ripening period of oranges, but it is the time for sunflower seeds to be harvested.

Xiao Xiao brought back a basket the next day.

Lin You was surprised: "Eh? Are there any sunflowers growing around here?" Judging by the number, there may still be a large area growing.

"Well, Yuzu wants to see it?"

"Go." Lin You happily decided on tomorrow's itinerary.

"Yuzu, do you like sunflowers?"

"Well... I like it. I always feel that it is a flower that makes people feel good when looking at it." It may be because it usually appears with a clear sky and the color is very bright, Lin You said, "I used to want to be at the door of my house. Plant in a row."

"Hmm." Xiao Xiao was thoughtful.

Lin You thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Isn't there another interesting joke? It is said that sunflowers have been following the sun from morning to night. When the sun rises the next day, don't they all turn their heads suddenly?" Hahaha… "

She made fun of herself.

Xiao Xiao who didn't understand the joke: "..."


In the afternoon, Lin You fried the sunflower seeds, and when they went to see the sunflowers the next day, Xiao Xiao suggested transplanting them back.

"Huh?" Lin You was surprised, and quickly realized that it was because of what she said yesterday, "You don't need to do such a troublesome thing, it's just a child's idea."

Xiao Xiao said earnestly: "I think, let grapefruit come true now."

"..." To be honest, at this moment, Lin You felt like eating a box of cream puffs. In order to hide the raised corners of her lips, she jumped up and rubbed Xiao Xiao's head.

Xiao Xiao combed her messy hair helplessly: "Yuzi, I don't like being touched on the head, but I really like touching others."

Lin You just laughed.

On the way to transport the sunflowers back, Lin You asked, "Where's Xiao Xiao? Are there any flowers you particularly like?"

"I like all of them." Xiao Xiao, who loves plants, replied, "However, grapefruit flowers are my favorite now."

Lin You, who lacked knowledge, was not moved in time: "Huh? Do grapefruits bloom?"

By the way, where did grapefruit grow? on a tree? Or do they grow in the fields like watermelons

"It will bloom on the tree." After returning home, Xiao Xiao showed her the grapefruit flower painting, a small five-petaled flower with relatively slender petals, "It's white and beautiful, but... I don't like the language of flowers."

Why do you even know the language of flowers? Lin You asked, "What is it?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head, and kept her mouth shut.

Together, they planted sunflowers on both sides of the gate of the yard. Xiao Xiao also made a row of wooden fences and painted stick figures of little suns, very childish in the kindergarten style.

Maybe sunflowers really have magical powers, Lin You would smile every morning when she saw them.

Until one day she got up early, and when the sun came out, she saw a group of sunflowers turning their heads suddenly.


Eh-eh? !

Lin You was so shocked that she got stuck half way through her stretch.

Is that joke true? is that true? ? She obviously read the popular science and said that such a thing would never happen!

She went to ask a professional.

Xiao Xiao, who used the crystal core powder as flower fertilizer, tilted his head while holding the kettle: "...isn't it interesting?"

Lin You: "..."

It's interesting to listen to the jokes, but I don't want to really raise such sunflowers... There are enough weird mutant creatures in the house.

In short, in the end, Lin You made Xiao Xiao give up the idea of cultivating wonderful sunflowers.

Xiao Xiao, who guessed her wrongly, seemed to be a little lacklustre, and the time she went out became longer. After two days, when she came back, she said that she would take Lin You out to see flowers.

"Flower? What kind of flower?"

Lin You followed her out, and finally saw a... Huge flower, almost as big as her whole body, it looked a bit like a tulip, the petals were orange-red, and the edge was plated with a bright bright yellow.

The flower slowly bent its stem, and the flower fell before their eyes.

Xiao Xiao said: "Now Yuzu is, the real Thumbelina."

Lin You: "..."

I don't know whether to be moved or not.

She and Xiao Xiao sat in the soft stamens, like sitting on a blanket full of fragrance, the petals were half open, the sun fell from above, the scene really looked like a fairy tale.

Lin You and Xiao Xiao looked at each other silently for a while, then smiled helplessly: "Now there are two Thumbelinas."

Xiao Xiao turned her head and thought for a while, then shook her head, untied the headband embellished with stars and handed it to her, said solemnly: "I want to share my crown with you."

This is what the "Angel" whom Thumbelina meets at the end of the story does, after which Thumbelina marries him and becomes Queen of Flowers.

Oh, is it intentional? Lin You gently raised one end of the hairband: "So Xiao Xiao is the king of flowers?"

"Well, at the end of the story, they've been together forever."

Because of this, Lin You took the hairband and said, "Xiao Xiao is a bit different recently."

Ever since she came back from S city, she started trying to find ways to treat her well.

It's not that it was bad before... I used to think about how to properly take care of her needs, but recently I started to work harder, trying to find and fulfill every wish of hers.

Xiao Xiao said, "Because I want Yuzu to be happy."

"I'm happy every day right now?"

This is definitely the truth, since the end of the world, there has never been a happier time than this time... Even to the point of happiness, even the shortcomings in love are sweet, and the consummation is a bit unreal.

"It's not like this, it's even more..." Xiao Xiao paused, seemingly at a loss for words, she thought for a while, then leaned over and hugged Lin You, "What should I do to make Yuzu happier?"

Lin You said, "There's no need to do anything special."

But Xiao Xiao seemed very distressed. So she thought for a while, and insisted on saying that there was something she wanted to do... It seemed that she couldn't think of anything. What about looking at it from another angle? For example, what I want to do in summer...

"... Summer Festival?"

No, this doesn't seem to be the national conditions of the country... Although she has always wanted to try it.

And now where can I find someone to hold such an event? Lin You began to think about the next one, but Xiao Xiao had already listened to it.

"this is OK?"

Xiao Xiao raised a smile and said, "Then let's hold the ceremony."