Raising You This Small Stuff

Chapter 38: Love and attachment~


the next day.

Mo Yicheng woke up from a nightmare where he was forced to "break a big rock in his chest" after crossing. He opened his slightly heavy eyelids, looked at the ceiling, and took a few hard breaths. His chest felt tight as if something heavy was pressing on him. .

Taking a deep breath, Mo Yicheng's blurred vision due to illness began to become clear. First, he saw the light green corner of the pillow, which matched the color of Yuansuo's sofa pillows. Clothes, there are rabbit pajamas, casual suits, and small aprons with rabbit patterns...all are wishing to ask for clothes.

Finally, Mo Yicheng turned his gaze to himself, and sure enough, it was already covered with colorful clothes, pillows and quilts...

No wonder, it will be a nightmare!

Mo Yicheng took a deep breath again, closed his eyes, stretched out his arm from the small mountain bag sent by the little thing, picked up the phone, and turned on the screen.

Mo Yicheng, who was originally helpless, suddenly softened his eyes when he saw the wish request in the game, with a bit of distress, and the heaviness of his chest being covered with quilts and clothes turned into a heavy touch.

Yuan Suo slept on the bed in his pajamas, because the quilt was all sent out, so he could only curl up into a ball to keep warm. After working all night, the blue eyes and exhaustion in his eyes were clear at a glance.

Mo Yicheng moved, let himself out from under the small hill, then sent the quilt back, and gently covered Yuan Suo.

"Hmm..." Yuan Suo moved, opened his sleepy eyes, and was surprised to see Mo Yicheng, "Mo Yicheng, you're awake! Are you feeling better?"

"Well...it's much better, I'm fine now." Mo Yicheng subconsciously pressed his aching chest, preventing the little thing from getting up, "Sleep for a while, there is no class today."

"It's okay, it's okay, Dudu is not tired." Although he said so, Yuan Suo still chose to nest in the warm quilt, because Mo Yicheng just clicked [Pat Pao Sleep], the kind of warm and The soft feeling makes people fall instantly.

Mo Yicheng smiled and asked, "Is everything on the bed sent by Dudu?"

Yuan Suo thought of his clumsy appearance in operating the transmission function last night, and felt a little embarrassed, "I... I originally wanted to help Mo Yicheng cover the quilt, but Mo Yicheng's... um... chest... is exposed."

Mo Yicheng's face turned pale. He wore a nightgown yesterday, presumably because he was not feeling well and moved a little more.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid that Mo Yicheng will catch a cold, so I want to transfer the quilt out, but Dudu is too stupid, and only covers half of it every time, and then it gets more and more tired and spreads to the ground..." Yuan Suo said He buried his face in the blanket.

Mo Yicheng was afraid that the little thing would get bored, so he comforted him: "Thank you, Dudu, if it wasn't for your help, it might not get better so quickly."

"Really... Really?" Yuan Suo pulled down the quilt and looked at Mo Yicheng in surprise.

"Of course, keeping warm helps to recover from a cold, so many clothes and quilts cover the body, so it will recover so quickly." Mo Yicheng never mentioned that he was pressed into nightmares, but only half of what he said, Looking down, I saw that there were not only clothes on the bed, but also... a few photos.

Mo Yicheng picked up one, and it turned out to be... wish request, and the background was still dark, with a nervous wish request. Two of them even huddled up on the sofa, huddled up to ensure that their entire bodies were covered.

There is also a very strange one, which is a round "small dumpling", and the pattern on the outside is a bed sheet that you want to ask for. Could it be that the little thing "wrapped himself in a hurry" wrapped himself in a sheet in an attempt to trick the system into getting through

Wishing to see Mo Yicheng saw the photo, a little uneasy, and muttered to explain something, but Mo Yicheng was the first to think of the answer.

"May Suo want to teleport himself out?" Mo Yicheng asked.

Just as Yuan Suo crawled out of the quilt, he immediately shrank back like a little snail, "Try...try."

Mo Yicheng paused for a moment, and the hand holding the photo exerted a little force, shaking uncontrollably. He could imagine that little thing was alone late at night, looking at his sick self, feeling anxious and helpless, and finally being forced to even want to transmit himself.



"Mo Yicheng assures you that he will try his best not to get sick in the future. If he gets sick, he will be treated in a timely manner and have regular physical examinations to keep his body healthy." Mo Yicheng's guarantee is like a big umbrella, covering On the top of Yuansuo's head, it blocked all the uneasiness and panic in the past few days.

Wish Suo was afraid, especially after what happened to Grandpa Fu, he was terrified, afraid that Mo Yicheng would also get sick and disappear in his own world.

Mo Yicheng also understood one thing. The connection between the elf and the player surpassed many emotions. It is a bond related to life. The lucky fate of Sansheng.

hospital ward.

The wound on Longbow's head was almost healed, but because the cut on his forehead was too obvious to hide, he simply told his grandfather the truth.

Grandpa thanked Chen Sheng gratefully, and at the same time told Longbow to use a leash when going out in the future, no matter how "humanized" he is, there are always wolves in human skin in this world, so be careful in everything.

The longbow responded earnestly, and a few days later, Chen Sheng asked someone to deliver a custom-made leash with a few large characters printed on it: "Vicious dogs, strangers should not enter!"

Longbow rolled his eyes in anger, baring his teeth and showing his small canine teeth, while Grandpa was smiling, holding the leash tightly with his withered hands, as if he was holding the longbow.

"Longbow, grandpa has experienced long-term happiness and unforgettable pain in his life, but grandpa lived very contentedly. The only thing grandpa is reluctant to do now is to hope that you can get a good home. Originally, he wanted to entrust you to Fu Ping, but now it seems... he may not be able to take good care of you. "

Longbow felt that he couldn't listen to anything now, and the pain of losing his grandfather made him unable to think.

"Longbow, grandpa helped you find a new owner. But the final choice is yours. If you agree, grandpa can entrust you to him now. If you don't agree, then grandpa will spend the rest of his life with you. I'll look for you together." After Grandpa Fu finished speaking, he looked up at Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became nervous. Yes, are you talking about me

"Young man." Grandpa Fu called Chen Sheng.

"Yes, Grandpa, tell me." Chen Sheng squatted down, respectful.

"I remember the first time I met you, you said something in front of that bastard Fu Ping. I still remember the old man. You said that although dogs are not human beings, they live with their masters, joy and sorrow together, and accompany them when they are lonely. They are already relatives and a part of life." Grandpa Fu smiled with difficulty, "And it is thanks to you that the pup is in danger this time, so Grandpa thinks this may be fate."

Grandpa Fu continued: "Young man, are you willing to replace me as the new player of the longbow?"

Chen Sheng was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say, and instead looked nervously at the longbow in the phone. Longbow was also full of surprise. This Chen Sheng is a stranger to him, apart from knowing that he is the boss of the live broadcast platform, he has no understanding. But during these two days of getting along, he could feel that Chen Sheng had a pure heart, and he really cherished this "earth dog".

Chen Sheng saw that Longbow didn't show a very repulsive look, so he thought about it, and then said solemnly: "Old man, I am willing."

Grandpa Fu nodded in satisfaction, and asked Longbow again: "Boy, it's up to you, you decide for yourself."

Longbow has a complex expression, and it can be seen that it is more of nostalgia and reluctance for grandpa.

"Dog boy, just tell grandpa the most truthful answer in your heart. No matter how you choose grandpa will be your most solid backing." Grandpa raised his hand and patted it empty, just like usual, as if a long The bow is not a soft but warm coat.

Longbow took a deep breath, looked at Chen Sheng again, and finally said with difficulty: "I am willing to accept."

The "player" authority of the longbow was transferred, and the grandfather fell into a coma the next day, and the time of waking up every day was shorter than the time of sleeping. Chen Sheng helped the Fu family contact the most professional attending physician, the most scientific and advanced medical methods. equipment and medicines.

A few days later, Grandpa Fu left in his sleep, holding a photo of grandma and leaving the world.

Mo Yicheng and Chen Sheng attended the funeral.

After the funeral, a big yellow dog stood in front of grandpa's tombstone for a long time, almost becoming a statue.

Chen Sheng walked over and patted the big yellow dog's head, "Don't be sad, grandpa... The last part of the road is not perfect, but it is always complete. You will follow me in the future, don't worry, the dog food is enough."


The Longbow game program has been transferred to Chen Sheng's mobile phone, so it is more convenient for him to enter and exit the game now.

The longbow jumped back into the phone.

Chen Sheng dug out the information about the longbow again.

Elf information:

Name: Longbow

Gender: Male

Age: 21 years old

Origin: Wang Xingxing

Personality: loyal, cheerful

Grade: 62

Skin Mode: Advanced Version

Chen Sheng looked at the introduction of the source of the longbow, and asked the question these days: "Is there really Wang Xing?"

Longbow said: "Of course it's true, that's where I came from."

Chen Sheng asked again: "Then... how did you get into the game?"

Longbow took a deep breath, seemed to be trapped in a long memory, before saying after a while: "I came here because of grandma's call."

"20 years ago, I was a stray dog on the earth, a dog who was chased and beaten by naughty children, and was scolded and cursed by cruel and rude passers-by. I wandered on the side of the road since I was very young, and I didn't know my parents Who and where. I don't even know what the meaning of existence is. I yearn for warmth and even try to get close to human beings, but fail again and again.

One day I found food in the litter box and that was the first time in two days that I found something to eat. I gobbled it up, but the moldy brownie nearly killed me. I fell to the ground and was dying. It was my grandma who passed by, picked me up and brought me home, and took me to see a doctor.

Later, when I recovered, my grandma took me in. Although my grandma's life was tight, she always tried her best to give me the best. Grandma and grandpa opened a wonton stall, and I often lay down by the side of the stall. When the stall was closed at night, the wontons left by customers were my supper. Grandma will love me like she loves her own child. Later... I am old and can't walk anymore. Grandma goes out to buy vegetables in the morning and uses Xiaolou to carry me on her back. Finally, when I left, I was a 15-year-old dog . Grandma hugged me and cried, saying that she hoped that I would be her dog in the next life.

And then... I went back to Wang Xing, where it was beautiful and happy. It is a planet formed by the love and belief of all dog lovers. Little angels of the Wang family live there. There is no cold, no hunger, and no disease. However, the Wang family on the planet still miss their own earth very much. the master. I'm an old angel there, haha..." Longbow said, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Chen Sheng could hear it fascinated. Years of materialistic beliefs made him instinctively doubt what Longbow said, but there is already such an elf game lying in his mobile phone, what else can he not believe

"... 5 years ago, grandma left." Longbow choked up, "Grandpa was very lonely, I don't know what kind of power summoned me here from Wang Xing. I was reborn in grandpa's computer, grandpa's son My daughter is away from home and rarely comes back. Grandpa and I have lived together for so many years. Grandpa is gone now, but I believe that grandpa and grandma will meet again, on a planet... condensed by the thoughts of dogs, and we will eventually Will be together again."

Longbow paused and breathed a sigh of relief, "This is my story."

Chen Sheng was touched by the story of the Longbow, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and said, "Thank you for your honesty and trust. I will try my best to become a qualified player."