Raising You This Small Stuff

Chapter 41: birthday present!


Today is Mo Yicheng's birthday.

May Suo come back from the park early, hand over the little wooden horse to his grandfather, and carefully store it in the bottom of the cabinet on the bookshelf.

Putting the little wooden horse away, Yuan Suo wrapped the photo frame he had made with colorful wrapping paper, and put a small sticky note inside. Then, before Mo Yicheng entered the game, he quickly took out a piece of cake he made at school and put it on the table. The candle on it was given to him by Anne.

Moreover, today he won the first place in the class in the art quiz, and one point was credited, which means that the system has opened the permission to freely enter and exit the game, and Yuan Suo quietly deleted the notification information... Know if that counts as a surprise!

Ten minutes later, Yuan Suo prepared everything, rubbed his hands and sat on the sofa, waiting anxiously and expectantly for Mo Yicheng's return.

Will Mo Yicheng like his gift? Does the photo frame I made by myself and the cake I have practiced for so long suit Mo Yicheng's taste

Just sitting there holding the marshmallows and waiting for more than ten minutes, Yuan Suo became anxious. Mo Yicheng was going home to have dinner with his family first today, but he promised to come back earlier. After thinking about it, Yuan Suo stood up from the sofa, walked to the screen and turned around, then ran to the window and looked outside, and found nothing abnormal, maybe there was something wrong with the system

Just when Yuan Suo was about to sit back on the sofa and wait for Mo Yicheng to log in to the game, there was a slight sound of the engine running behind him.

Yuan Suo turned around subconsciously, and saw a remote-controlled indoor aircraft hanging in mid-air, more than one meter away from his position. A piece of blue colored silk was hung on the white aircraft, and a small box was tied underneath.

Yuan Suo was stunned for a moment, then realized that the beautifully packaged small box must be a gift from Mo Yicheng! "Wow, woof!" Marshmallow jumped up and bit the gift box. Yuan Suo ran over in surprise, reaching out to take the gift, but stopped suddenly before touching the box, and then began to look around.

"Mo... Mo Yicheng, are you there?" Yuan Suo suddenly realized that Mo Yicheng was not logged in on his side, so who is controlling this machine

Suddenly, the standby screen glowed, and Mo Yicheng's doting and gentle smile appeared on it. As expected, Mo Yicheng was holding the remote control of the aircraft in his hand.

Mo Yicheng will control the aircraft to make it closer to Yuansuo, and said: "This is the stealth function of the game."

"Hidden... stealth?" May Suo was shocked!

"It was there a long time ago."

"Well..." Doesn't that mean that Mo Yicheng sometimes appears, but he doesn't know about it? Yuan Suo immediately became nervous, and quickly recalled in his mind whether he had done any embarrassing things before.

Mo Yicheng smiled slightly, "Don't think about it, there are many." For example, squatting in front of the refrigerator and watching the ice cream drooling, and finally dug a small spoonful and smoothed it out. mouse...

Wish Suo was blushed by Mo Yicheng's words, and finally stammered to retort, "It's wrong to peek..."

Mo Yicheng looked at Yuansuo for a while, then nodded, "Yes, so today is the last time to use this function, and I will respect Yuansuo's privacy and your choice in the future. This is the first gift today. "

"...Thank you." This was the first time that Yuan Suo heard Mo Yicheng say that he should respect his privacy and choice, and his eye circles felt slightly warm.

"Then let's look at the second gift of today." Mo Yicheng signaled his willingness to open the small box.

Yuan Suo untied the box nervously, Mo Yicheng landed the aircraft aside, watched Yuan Suo intently, waiting for him to open the gift.

Yuan Suo opened the box and found a very beautiful key lying inside. Yuan Suo took out the key and was looking at it carefully, when a box half as tall as a person suddenly appeared behind him, and the box was locked.

"Open it and have a look." Mo Yicheng said.

Yuan Suo walked over curiously, carefully inserted the key into the keyhole, turned it open, and looked back at Mo Yicheng, Mo Yicheng nodded and signaled him to open the lid. Yuan Suo used force to open the lid, and was surprised that his mouth could not be closed, because the eyes were full of little stars.

Mo Yicheng even gave himself... a box full of comic books! Many of them are rare and extremely rare collector's editions on the market, and such a large box piled up here shows the intention.

Yuan Suo stretched his arm into the box and lightly brushed the book with his fingertips, which was a heartfelt love. He loves painting, but no one supports him in the interstellar world, even if the queen mother loves him so much, it is only a pastime.

"Thank you, Mo Yicheng."

"You're welcome, there is one last gift waiting for you to unpack." Mo Yicheng pointed to the bookcase with his chin.

It was only then that Yuan Suo discovered that the box was not only full of comic books, but also a coffee-colored envelope on the upper right corner, which said "Dudu, happy birthday." The signature was Mo Yicheng, and the handwriting was magnificent.

There were so many surprises today, Yuan Suo's hands were trembling a little, he picked up the envelope and opened it, only to find a paper shell the size of a name tag inside.

On the paper shell was written the name of a person whom Yuan Suo didn't recognize: Ming Zhao. There are two strings of numbers of different lengths below.

Seeing the confusion on Yuan Suo's face, Mo Yicheng explained: "Ming Zhao is the editor of Fengyun magazine, and he is responsible for the illustrations of articles. Below is his contact information. If you want, you can contact her by number. .”

May Suo be stunned, can I work part-time? Won't... won't cause trouble again

Mo Yicheng saw worry on Yuan Suo's face, "This is the third gift today, you can go after what you want, even if you really get into trouble, and there is me."

May the emotion accumulated in Suo's heart be nothing to add, tears are rolling in his eyes, "Thank you... Thank you, Mo Yicheng."

"As long as you like it." Mo Yicheng said.

After seeing Mo Yicheng's gift, apart from being filled with excitement and happiness, Yuan Suo suddenly became a little nervous. Compared to Mo Yicheng's hard work, isn't his gift too ordinary

Unexpectedly, after taking out the small photo frame of Yuansuo and transmitting it, Mo Yicheng couldn't put it down, and kept praising Yuansuo's power.

"It can be placed on the bedside. There is a stand behind the photo frame." Yuan Suo habitually grabbed the corner of his clothes nervously and introduced in a low voice.

"Really?" Mo Yicheng looked at the delicately folded small stand at the back, cherishing it even more, and suddenly hesitated whether to put it on the bedside or in the safe.

"And...there's a cake." Seeing that Mo Yicheng liked the photo frame, Yuan Suo's confidence was greatly boosted. He took out his second gift and opened the lid on the cake.

The cake is not big, only the size of a dinner plate, with three layers of chocolate cream, superimposed milky white mousse, and authentic Belgian dark chocolate on the surface. Mo Yicheng could feel the strong smell through the screen.

"Is this also made by Dudu himself?" This was the first time Yuan Suo brought back a school work.

"Yeah." School cooking ingredients are usually not allowed to be brought back by elves without authorization, because they are birthday gifts for players, so I wish to apply in advance and bring back the materials only after getting approval.

"Thank you Dudu."

"No...you're welcome."

"Then now, are we going to eat the cake and make a wish?" Mo Yicheng decided not to take out the cake he had prepared.

"Well, okay!" Only then did Yuan Suo realize that the birthday candle Annie gave him was still in the schoolbag, so he turned to get it. When the candle is retrieved, he still has a third gift to give to Mo Yicheng, which is that he has upgraded again, and now he can freely enter and exit the mobile phone, although he is not yet proficient in controlling it!

Just as Yuan Suo left to pick up candles, Mo Yicheng's cell phone remembered the notification sound of the video. After a glance, it was Mo Yixu who was studying in France. Mo Yicheng hesitated for a moment, then picked up the phone and connected.

"Second brother! Happy birthday!" On the opposite side of the screen was a young man with handsome eyes. His eyebrows and eyes retained the handsomeness of the Mo family, but he was a little more casual than the two brothers, and he seemed to get along better. It's still noon in France, I just finished playing, I'm wearing sportswear, and there are still beads of sweat on my forehead.

Mo Yicheng smiled, and hadn't seen Mo Yixu for some time, "Thank you."

"Second brother, I originally set a time to remind you to send you a blessing message at home at twelve o'clock, but my mobile phone fell into the toilet a few days ago, and the records were destroyed..."

"Cough, cough..." Yuan Suo, who took the candle and came back, heard that the phone fell into the toilet. He was so startled that he choked on his saliva and coughed several times.

"Hey?" Mo Yixu heard the movement from Mo Yicheng's side, suspiciously scanned the corner of the screen, and asked, "Second brother, are you at home?"

"Hmm." Seeing that Yuan Suo was choked, Mo Yicheng frowned slightly, but he couldn't show it in front of Mo Yixu.

"My mother called just now and said that you had a meal at home at noon, and then said that you have important things to do at night and you can't stay at home. Second brother, this is the first time in these years. You used to As long as you are in S city, even if you are celebrating your birthday with the crew, you will come back to stay at home overnight." Mo Yixu looked carefree, but actually his mind was very quick.

Mo Yicheng paused, "There is something very important."

Mo Yixu narrowed his eyes, "Brother, do I have a sister-in-law?"

"Cough..." Mo Yicheng couldn't hold back, and gave Mo Yixu a cold look, "No."

Mo Yixu refused to give up, "Then second brother, are you alone now?"

Mo Yicheng hesitated, "Yes."

Mo Yixu was now more sure that something was wrong, "No, second brother, I seemed to hear someone else's voice just now."

The forehead in the phone was startled, and he quickly covered his mouth, not daring to breathe.

"No." Mo Yicheng denied it simply.

"Second brother, you don't know... You can also take the route of the golden house, and you can't be the Lin Mengxue that is widely rumored on the Internet?" Mo Yixu has been abroad for a long time, and he knows little about the things at home, so he just messes around. guessed.

May Suo frowned when he heard Lin Mengxue's name, Mo Yicheng would not be with Lin Mengxue, those news were all fake!

Mo Yicheng naturally denied it simply, "There is nothing, don't guess, I have received birthday wishes, you take care of yourself over there, and call home if you have nothing to do." He was about to hang up the video,

"Hey, hey... brother, I haven't finished yet, actually I think that Lin Mengxue looks really good..."

Yuan Suo bit the fork, that's... No, Mo Yicheng said that Lin Mengxue was not a very good friend... The more Yuan Suo thought about it, the more angry he became, and for some reason he felt as if he had lost control of his body.

It may be that he has just reached level 20, and has never entered or exited the mobile phone independently, so Yuan Suo himself cannot control this function very well, so after his emotions reached the peak, he followed his subconscious mind and turned on the main body to leave the game. operate.

Yuan Suo was "thrown" out by the system unpreparedly, and jumped straight at Mo Yicheng who was about to hang up the video. Mo Yicheng was unprepared, and was immediately thrown into his arms by Yuan Suo. He fell to the ground with the seat.