Raising You This Small Stuff

Chapter 72: May the prince!


Andrew's father passed away ten years ago and ownership of Abel and Anne passed into his hands.

Andrew still remembers that what he was most curious about when he was young was the secret compartment in his father's study. At that time, no matter whether it was him or other brothers and sisters, they were strictly restricted from entering the secret room.

Andrew was naughty when he was young, once he made a bet with his sister, he planned to sneak into the secret room secretly. To his surprise, there was nothing special in the secret room. From the layout and decoration, it was just an ordinary study room.

When Andrew went in, the TV on the table was turned on, and that was the first time he saw Abel and Annie on the screen.

At that time, Abel and Anne had not degenerated into the Q version of the skin. They were an elegant middle-aged couple walking and chatting in the yard on a warm and breezy morning.

Andrew thought it was just an ordinary TV program at first, so he didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, the two people on the screen were taken aback by the sudden appearance of this little guy, and the little Andrew was also shocked when they looked at each other. The "weird" feeling frightened Andrew, who was still a child, when he rushed out of the secret room on all hands and feet, he was caught by his father.

Andrew was sentenced to confinement for a week and promised not to reveal any details of the secret room.

The secret room where the old TV is placed, and the people who can look at me on the screen, all these are nourished in the young heart like a mysterious fairy tale.

Until he became an adult, Andrew never told anyone about this matter, and then remembered that this was probably one of the reasons why his father gave him the elf.

Half an hour later, Yuan Suo came out of the room with a serious expression, which made both Mo Yicheng and Andrew nervous.

"Grandpa Abel is not in a good condition now. If cell reorganization is performed, the chance of success is only about 50%." Yuan Suo expressed his own judgment. Abel is getting old, and the advanced stage of the disease is not the most serious problem. , the most serious, after a detailed inspection, Abel has a lot of old injuries, and there are even a lot of shell fragments in his body, which will be a very big resistance to cell reorganization.

Andrew felt sad and happy for a moment, with a 50% chance of success and failure.

"So, may I see Abel again before your elf heals?"

Yuan Suo said: "Yes, I can take out the phone."

"Thank you." For more than ten years, although Abel has existed as a "two-dimensional" character in the game, he still gave many elders' advice in Andrew's life, and he continued to encourage him when he was frustrated and difficult. He moved forward, and to him, Andrew was already an existence similar to his father.

In the game, Yuan Suo has sent Abel to the public medical area provided by the system, and the ward is independent. Abel was lying quietly on the bed, with a short stature and a Q version image, but the deep wrinkles on his face, the raised blood vessels on his hands, and the dry skin all showed that he was an old man who was dying.

"Abel, Annie is waiting for you to come back from the museum...Me too." Andrew's voice choked up, he raised his hand to touch the screen, but he didn't fall, forcing himself to close his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Suo's eyes became watery and the tip of his nose turned red.

The relationship between the player and the elf is always very special, whether it is friendship, family or love, there is an extra layer of fate in it.

Mo Yicheng stepped forward, put his hands on Yuansuo's back, and gently comforted him.

"Don't be nervous, you... and Dudu will be fine. No matter what the result is, we have done our best."

Yuan Suo's trembling body gradually calmed down under the comfort of Mo Yicheng's warm and firm palm.

"Mr. Andrew, we will do our best, because Abel is also a very important person in Dudu's life."

Andrew stared at Yuan Suo, and solemnly handed over the phone to him.

The "cell reorganization" skill that Yuan Suo obtained in the second space is a unique method of cell repair. He can replace or renew all the cells in the human body in a short period of time, similar to the restoration of the system to its original state.

Before that, Yuan Suo helped many soldiers recover their physical functions in the second space, including regeneration of limbs, repair of organs, and restoration of vision and hearing. His skills are already very proficient.

However, Abel's operation of this level still requires a lot of effort.

More than three hours was unbearably long.

From time to time, Mo Yicheng stepped up to the room where Yuan Suo and the others were, stopped, and listened to the sound inside, but there was no sound...

Andrew was even more anxious, with his hands interlaced and raised between his eyebrows, his thin lips moved quickly, as if he was praying silently.

"Mr. Mo, can I have a cigarette?" Andrew asked.

Mo Yicheng nodded. He doesn't like smoking, but he can understand Andrew's mood at this moment.

Andrew took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed one to Mo Yicheng. Mo Yicheng took it and held it in his hand, not intending to light it. Andrew silently lit one in his hand, and took two deep breaths.

The room was immediately filled with the smell of smoke.

"Mr. Mo, are you afraid of parting?" Andrew asked with a shiver in his mouth.

Mo Yicheng was taken aback for a moment, turned his gaze towards the door, and said, "I'm afraid."

Inside the door, two mobile phones emitted dazzling light at the same time. Yuan Suo was sent directly from the "hospital" and was still wearing the medical uniform from the operation.

The smooth and plump forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and the fair skin on his face was even paler. The high concentration of spirit caused bouts of dizziness.

Standing firmly on the table, Yuan Suo reconfirmed the various physical indicators of Abel in the mobile phone with a solemn face. After a few minutes, he breathed a sigh of relief, his legs were weak, and he sat on the leather chair beside him.

"Ahem..." A cough came from the phone.

May Suo hurried over, "Abel!"

Abel heard someone calling himself, but his eyelids were heavy, and he struggled for a while before raising his eyelids, "Doo... beep?"

"Grandpa Abel, it's me!"

"Cough cough cough... why are you here? Where am I now?" After all, it was "healed from a serious illness" Abel's voice was weak.

"You are in the hospital now, and I have helped you complete the cell reorganization. You only need to rest for a while and you will be cured." Yuan Suo couldn't wait to tell Abel the good news, and then choked up, saying: "Grandma Annie is waiting Are you going home?"

"Annie..." Abel called out in a low voice. He would be a couple for the rest of his life. He thought that he could no longer accompany her, but he unexpectedly had a turning point.

"Grandpa Abel, I will take you out now, and Mr. Andrew is waiting outside. But... I hope you can keep it a secret that I am the elf Dudu, just ask me to ask for it in front of Mr. Andrew."

"...Okay, just..." Abel stopped Yuan Suo, "Let's go out later."

Yuan Suo wondered, "What's the matter?"

Abel hesitated for a moment, his eyes were complicated, and even his deep and resolute face couldn't conceal the fierce inner struggle.

"Doo... would you like to ask?"

"Well, I'm here, what do you want to say?"

"Will you ask for... a prince?"

May Suo be shocked!

It's been a long time, and no one has called himself that. This strange and familiar title instantly awakens all the memories deep in Yuan Suo's heart!

"You... you... how did you know?" Too surprised to forget to use honorifics.

Abel struggled to sit up, his expression became serious and solemn, "Did you use cell recombination technology to save me?"

Wish to nod.

"It was made in the second trial space."


"I have been to the second trial space before. I have known this technology for a long time, and I even tried to operate it, but... Although I come from the interstellar space, I also have a part of the blood of the royal family, but it is not orthodox after all, so in the end Nothing."

Yuan Suo was even more surprised, and said in disbelief: "Abel, you... are also from interstellar space?"

Abel tugged on the collar of the hospital gown, sat up as straight as possible, and said, "The commander of the nine interstellar warships, General Canglang Wei Yue."

"You..." Yuan Suo was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He never thought that Abel was also from StarCraft Nine, but he just said... "What do you mean after StarCraft Nine?"

Loss and pain flashed across Abel's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Interstellar 2307, the Ninth District fell, and the subjects of the Ninth District retreated to the barren Planet X, panting for a while. It is called the Back Nine District by other interstellar regions."

Although he had expected it, but when he really heard such news, Yuan Suo still suddenly felt a chill on his back, almost unable to stand up. An interstellar empire of…

"Yes, the last nine districts established a political power on Planet X, but it was already at the end of the battle. I was only 6 years old at that time. Although the harsh living environment of the barren planet did not kill our fighting spirit, after all, the general situation is gone, and in the next 20 years There have been constant attacks from other countries. Invasion, the minister died in the last war in Interstellar 2327." Abel has already called himself a minister, and he recognized the little prince.


"Prince May Suo, I... have thought about going back to StarCraft, but in such a situation, there is absolutely no way for me to return to heaven. And there is Anne... I have lost the empire." Abel mourned.

"No... I don't blame you." There was nothing wrong with Abel's choice. The Ninth District has fallen, and even if he goes back, he can't recover.

"But!" Abel raised his voice suddenly, with a strong hope shining in his eyes, "But prince, if you can go back, before the fall of the Ninth District, as long as you prevent the civil strife in the empire, become emperor and lead the nine The region resists foreign enemies, I believe it will definitely change history!"


"Yes! After hearing the news of your sudden death, there was chaos in the Nine Districts, and the struggle for royal power between the clans fell apart." Thinking of his homeland, Abel couldn't bear the grief and anger, "Then General Han rebelled and the clan was slaughtered. He registered with the arrogance, but It has always been unpopular, and during the war... the Ninth District will naturally lose. But if you can go back, maybe you can change everything!"

After listening to Abel's words, Yuan Suo fell into silence for a long time. He knew that Abel's words made sense.