Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 112: My Chi Qiu



Of course Bai Yan doesn't understand, he has only heard of "marry first, then love", how can there be such a thing as "divorce first, then love"

Just when Bai Yan couldn't understand this urban love story with many twists and turns, Chi Qiu suddenly stood where he was, and the cake box in his hand fell to the ground with a "plop".

Ji Yanchen complained about it, but his reaction was the most sensitive.

He rushed forward at the first time, and put his arms around Chi Qiu's shoulders, for fear that Chi Qiu would fall: "Chi Qiu?!"


Chi Qiu subconsciously covered his right eye and shrunk his shoulders.

"Are you okay? Are your eyes uncomfortable?!" Ji Yanchen was anxious, "I'll take you to the hospital!" He almost picked up Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu grabbed Ji Yanchen's windbreaker tightly, and stopped him: "No!"

Ji Yanchen hugged him, and it's not right to leave, or not to go. It was Luo Xu and Bai Yan who arranged a place for them on the unopened first floor and asked them to sit down first.

Bai Yan poured a cup of hot water and looked at Chi Qiu with concern.

And Chi Qiu was in a daze, his eyes blinked involuntarily, and then blinked again. From closing eyes to opening eyes, and from opening eyes to closing eyes again, doing an action repeatedly.

"My eyes seem to be able to see blurred shadows..." He looked at the few people in front of him uncertainly, feeling that he couldn't see who they were. It can only be judged from the figure, the one directly opposite is Ji Yanchen, the shorter one on the left is Bai Yan, and the taller one is Luo Xu.

"Sit down and relax, we'll go to the hospital again."


Chi Qiu stood up, and Ji Yanchen supported him: "I'll contact Lu Ming first." Although Ji Yanchen liked to confront Lu Ming, at critical moments, he would never be childish.

"No, didn't the doctor say it? It's not a big problem." Considering that Lu Ming hasn't called him back yet, Chi Qiu must be busy. He thinks it's okay to take it easy on such a small matter.

As soon as he finished speaking, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed from blurry and dark to bright. For a moment, the glare of the light made him unable to stand still.

Chi Qiu covered his right eye again, trying to make himself comfortable by avoiding the light. But the change of the eyes is a momentary dredging, and it is also a momentary dizziness.

At this moment, it seems that everything is walking according to irregular rules.

Chi Qiu's fingertips were slightly numb, and under the concerned eyes of everyone, he put down his hand. The figure in front of him gradually became clear, he recognized Ji Yanchen, Bai Yan and Luo Xu as well. Looking around, it was the decoration style praised by Ji Yanchen, and a bunch of brightly colored hydrangeas on the counter.

Chi Qiu moved his lips and said uncertainly: "I... I saw it?" He narrowed his eyes, "But..."

Ji Yanchen almost held his breath.

In Chi Qiu's sight, too many things broke into it, from nothing to something, it was a mere half an hour's leap. He frowned and rubbed his eyes nervously: "But I seem to be a little uncomfortable."


Ji Yanchen almost swears: "Fuck! Bai Yan, your cake is a panacea!"

Taking advantage of the early time, Ji Yanchen packed and "robbed" the rest of the cake, and then hurriedly took Chi Qiu to the hospital again.

Because Chi Qiu had been under the name of that doctor for a long time, they didn't have to wait long before they got the chance to enter the consulting room. The doctor was amazed at Chi Qiu's recovery speed. He performed two simple examinations on Chi Qiu, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Chi Qiu's right eye, he said: "I prescribed the medicine for you, and you continue to take it for a week. After a week, If there is no problem, there is no need for follow-up consultation.”

"Thank you doctor."

Walking out of the consulting room, Chi Qiu's steps were much lighter, and he was still holding his blind-guide stick in his hand habitually. Ji Yanchen snatched the blind-guide stick from his hand, and said happily: "You don't have to pretend not to see it anymore, should this thing be retired?"

"En!" Chi Qiu pursed his lips.

Ji Yanchen raised his hand: "Then I will confiscate it."

When Chi Qiu thought that he was going to really start a new life, his whole heart was filled with joy. When they got back in the car, Chi Qiu took the lead in calling Chi Lanyan.

Chi Lanyan on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then there was a soft cry in her tone. Hearing the sound, Chi Qiu comforted Chi Lanyan in a gentle tone, said many good things, and promised to go home for dinner tomorrow night.

Chi Qiu speaks in a clear tone, as if he has returned to before the age of 11, he is a sun that brings spring.

Ji Yanchen happily sat in the driver's seat, smiling like a silly husky. He is not idle, and he is also announcing the good news to his relatives and friends. He didn't care if the other party knew Chi Qiu or not, he always dragged people to tell him that his friend had regained his sight, completely recovered!

After Ji Yanchen finished singing, Chi Qiu also ended the call with Chi Lanyan.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Ji Yanchen raised his eyebrows: "I'll take you to Lu Ming's place right now, why don't you give him a big surprise?"

"Let's go!"

Unfortunately, in fact, Lu Ming did not give the two of them this chance.

Just a few minutes after the car left, Lu Ming's call back came. Before Chi Qiu could say anything, Lu Ming's side was filled with the voices of Xu Ling talking with other people, as well as Lu Ming's words: "Chi Qiu, I'm sorry. I have some problems at work. I may have to work overtime tonight. Don't wait for me for dinner. , you go to bed early." He did not forget to ask, "By the way, what's the result of the examination?"

As soon as Chi Qiu's words uttered a syllable, Xu Ling on the other end was already urging Lu Ming.

Chi Qiu swallowed the words back, he didn't want to end such an important matter in a few words on the phone, and he didn't want to make Lu Ming inattentive to work, so he said: "The test results are all normal, you can concentrate on your work and don't worry about me. Bye."

Ji Yanchen in the driver's seat widened his eyes and asked him, "What are you doing?"

"Take me home. He must be busy until late today." Chi Qiu said that he was not depressed, but he was not in a hurry. He looked forward to Lu Ming's happiness when he saw his eyesight again, and he also looked forward to now What kind of expression will Lu Ming show

Thinking of this, Chi Qiu's mood brightened instantly, and the dark clouds dispersed.

As soon as she got home, Aunt Zhang covered her mouth and looked around Chi Qiu back and forth, as if meeting a new person: "Sir, is it true? Are you really going to be able to see him from now on?"

"Well, I will be able to see in the future." Chi Qiu said with a smile, "But only the right eye, but basically it doesn't affect anything."

"Only the right eye is fine. There's a big difference between being invisible and being able to see." Aunt Zhang got excited and insisted on staying with Ji Yanchen for dinner, saying repeatedly that the kitchen had prepared a lot of dishes.

Ji Yanchen saw that Lu Ming was going to work overtime, and he couldn't make light bulbs anymore, so he relaxed a little: "Then I won't be polite."

He sat on the sofa with his legs spread apart, eating the fruit brought by Aunt Zhang and drinking the black tea newly brewed by Aunt Zhang, enjoying himself leisurely.

Ji Yanchen was a little hungry, took a bunch of grapes, and ate half of a bunch in a short while: "Chi Qiu, there is something I wanted to say a long time ago, I feel like Lu Ming is a different person after recovering his memory? "

Chi Qiu is canceling the visually impaired assistance function on his mobile phone. His eyes can't be overused these days, so he quickly put away his mobile phone.

He took a sip of tea and was in a good mood: "Actually, Lu Ming was always like this."

Ji Yanchen has never met the 17-year-old Lu Ming, so he can't understand: "I'm not used to him being nice to you now. It's a pity that you didn't see his jealous expression at noon today. I remember a Things can describe him now, tsk, I think about it... "

He patted his thigh and remembered: "Slimy fart!"

Hearing Ji Yanchen's "address", Chi Qiu almost choked on the tea and kept choking.

Ji Yanchen actively patted him on the back, but Chi Qiu blocked him.

Chi Qiu said slightly annoyed: "Why are you like my mother...don't give Lu Ming weird nicknames." Then, Chi Qiu continued to defend Lu Ming, "Lu Ming ten years ago That’s it, she loves to talk, she’s good at making me happy, and she also likes to cling to me.”

After amnesia, except for his love of sweets, everything else has changed. Now that things have changed back to the past, it's no wonder everyone feels uncomfortable.

Ji Yanchen was so sweet by the grapes in his hand, he shook his head and sighed: "It's good, I wanted to beat Lu Ming to death a few months ago, but now I have to get along with him."

Otherwise, Chi Qiu would have to protect his shortcomings.

Ji Yanchen was still thinking about Lu Fengshen's enemy, and he didn't forget to add, "But I really don't get along with his uncle, and I hate it when I look at it."

When he learned that the painting he wanted to buy was already in Chi Qiu's house, Ji Yanchen was furious. He clearly remembered that Lu Fengshen not only set the dog to scare him, but also lied to himself that the painting had already been sold.

Thinking of this, Ji Yanchen's teeth itch with anger.

Speaking of this painting, Ji Yanchen thought of a recent incident.

"Do you still remember the person we saw at the art exhibition, called Xia Zhiyan?" Ji Yanchen reminded him, "The eyes are very similar to yours, but not as good-looking as yours."

Chi Qiu didn't have a particularly deep impression of Xia Zhiyan, but he remembered those bright and confident eyes: "I remember." That night, Chi Qiu had a conflict because of it, how could he not remember.

Chi Qiu drank his tea with his head down, and tried hard to recall what Lu Ming told him when he was drunk, but he couldn't remember everything. So, he asked casually, "Why are you talking about him all of a sudden?"

Ji Yanchen didn't mean to talk about Xia Zhiyan. When he first saw Xia Zhiyan and Lu Fengshen knew each other, he wanted to ask Chi Qiuzhi if he knew about it.

"It's nothing, just saw his news recently. It is said that his plagiarism has been exposed, and many people want to sue him. I glanced at the Internet, and someone sorted out the timeline, saying that he has copied a lot over the years. other people's work."

Xia Zhiyan is very smart. He specifically picks up the works of those poor and unknown people to plagiarize, and he does not copy one by one, but integrates elements and turns them into his own.

Whenever something goes wrong, he will deal with it privately, or threaten to suppress it. Using this method to deal with the poor is very effective and has been tried and tested.

Xia Zhiyan is not without a reputation in this circle, and spending a little money to maintain his reputation is not a big deal to him at all.

However, recently, Xia Zhiyan seems to have been walking by the river all year round, getting his shoes wet and offending others.

When Chi Qiu heard this, he couldn't help being shocked: "He plagiarized?"

"Well, his mentor recently received someone else's manuscript and a report letter. It seems that Xia Zhiyan changed his life by plagiarizing someone else's old manuscript at first."

Seeing that Chi Qiu couldn't believe it, Ji Yanchen immediately flipped through his phone and found the original words: "Xia Zhiyan remarried with his mother and went abroad when he was a teenager. Although his stepfather apparently let him go to a famous local school , but he is not good to him in private, and he is also very harsh in life. So he is often bullied at school, and his personality is quite distorted."

After Ji Yanchen finished reading, he frowned.

Obviously he was also bullied before, but later he bullied others. Once the luxurious life is contaminated too much, the desire will be endless.

Chi Qiu lost interest immediately and didn't have much to say. It was a pity for him to lose such beautiful eyes.

At this time, Ji Yanchen accidentally turned to a new page on his phone. He stared at the screen for a while, clicked on a photo inside, and frowned: "Chi Qiu, Xia Zhiyan is from Lu Ming." classmate?"

Lu Ming never concealed this relationship from Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu replied: "It seems to be, but Lu Ming is not familiar with him."

After hearing this, Ji Yanchen was confused. He looked at the photo on the phone again. Although the picture was blurry, Xia Zhiyan followed Lu Ming closely, as if he was not familiar with it.

In line with the mentality of "one more thing is worse than one less thing, try not to add trouble to Chi Qiu", Ji Yanchen put down the phone embarrassingly, and did not immediately inform Chi Qiu of the photos he saw.

However, Ji Yanchen has never been a person who can hide words in his heart.

He pretended to be casual, and sent a screenshot of the photo to Lu Ming without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming responded to this message in seconds, which was simple and clear.

[It was I who reported him. But I'm busy, and I'll explain it to Chi Qiu myself when I get home. ]

At the end, another one: [Thank you for caring about my Chi Qiu. ]

This "my family" is very subtle, and it is clearly "declaring sovereignty".

Ji Yanchen stared at the news for ten seconds, and said in front of Chi Qiu speechlessly, "What kind of jealous Lu Ming is reincarnated?"