Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 113: I want to give you back the spring



Chi Qiu looked puzzled, thinking that Ji Yanchen was talking nonsense again: "What's the matter? You are both at this age, can you stop teasing like children."

Ji Yanchen felt aggrieved in his heart, and didn't know what to say when he was suffering.

Chi Qiu couldn't figure it out, so then, he picked up the cake packing box they had left on the table: "I forgot to put it in the refrigerator, I'll put it in now."

"Wait, this is what I packed back, I'm going to eat it all now." Once Ji Yanchen's childish energy came up, no one could stop him. Chi Qiu had no choice but to take out a portion, and watched Ji Yanchen swallow it in two or three bites.

Then, Ji Yanchen ate the second piece, the third piece...

That posture, it seems that he doesn't want to leave a piece of it to Lu Ming.

Chi Qiu poured him a glass of water dumbfounded, and didn't really mind his behavior. Anyway, it's just a few pieces of cake. If Lu Ming wants to eat it later, he can go to Bai Yan's shop to buy it.

Now that his eyes are healed, it is very convenient for Chi Qiu to go anywhere. Therefore, Chi Qiu thoughtfully took out the fourth piece for Ji Yanchen, and said kindly, "Eat slowly, don't choke."

"Can't slow down!"

After hearing this, Chi Qiu took the initiative to help him take out the fifth piece of cake.

"..." Ji Yanchen was so greasy that he wanted to vomit, he thought that Chi Qiu would stop him, but he didn't expect Chi Qiu to hold him to death.

Chi Qiu took out all the cakes, and said thoughtfully, "Aunt Zhang is preparing dishes tonight, including your favorite boiled pork slices and small stewed meat. But seeing you like this, you probably won't be able to eat dinner, so I told her not to prepare right?"


"Come on, eat all the cake." Chi Qiu smiled, "You can't leave until you finish eating."


A few minutes later, Ji Yanchen obediently packed the remaining pieces of cake and delivered them to the refrigerator in person. He let out a creamy full belch and almost threw up.

Sometimes, he couldn't figure out why he was so naive? This kind of harm to the enemy is not enough, but there are eight thousand things to hurt oneself, why does he keep doing it

In addition to being sad, Ji Yanchen couldn't eat anymore. He drooped his head, rested on the sofa for a while and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Chi Qiu went to the kitchen to pack boiled pork slices and small stewed meat for him: "The cake is not enough to fill you up, so you can eat these as supper at night."

Ji Yanchen stretched out his hand angrily, and took the insulation box handed over by Chi Qiu. He raised his hand and said in a low tone, "Let's go."

Chi Qiu sent him all the way to his garage, calling to stop him: "Yan Chen."


Chi Qiu looked at him, raised the corners of his mouth, and said cherishedly: "Thank you for helping me and taking care of me all these years. I am very glad that you came to our house to play and became friends with me that year."

Ji Yanchen paused, he didn't expect Chi Qiu to say this. But he thought before, if he didn't know Chi Qiu at the beginning, would Chi Qiu's life not be so rough.

He blamed himself.

Now, Chi Qiu thanked him.

Ji Yanchen's eye sockets were wet, causing a fog. He gritted his back molars, touched his arm deliberately, and pretended to have goosebumps all over his body: "Damn, what are you doing? It's like saying goodbye, don't talk about it, you know I don't like you and me the most Say thank you."

Chi Qiu opened his mouth, and Ji Yanchen was afraid that he would say something earth-shattering again that would make him cry, so he interrupted him quickly: "I'm your best friend. Friends should help each other."

Chi Qiu couldn't help laughing, showing a nice smile.

Ji Yanchen's heart softened a lot. He glanced at the insulated box in his hand and said contentedly, "I'm going back. I'll come to play with you in a few days." He sat in the driver's seat, with sweet and greasy cream in his mouth Wei, "It's cold outside, you go in!"

He closed the car door.

Chi Qiu was still standing outside, Ji Yanchen touched his full stomach, smiled involuntarily, and suddenly felt relaxed. The tragedy caused by him back then seems to have disappeared.

Once night falls in winter, even the wind is biting.

After seeing off Ji Yanchen, Chi Qiu entered the room and closed the door. He exhaled and rubbed his hands together. He saw that it was almost time, and wanted to go to the kitchen to help Aunt Zhang serve dishes.

Before walking a few steps, Aunt Zhang, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out in a hurry.

As if she didn't have time to say anything, she trotted all the way to the study. Not only that, but Aunt Zhang was holding a spoon in her hand, and she seemed to be in a hurry.

Chi Qiu saw her and followed her: "Aunt Zhang?"

Without raising her head, Aunt Zhang held the spoon in one hand and rummaged through Lu Ming's drawer with the other. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at the stacks of documents in the drawer, and said anxiously: "Mr. Lu forgot to bring a document, ah... how can I understand these documents. Mr. Lu said that he has asked his assistant to come over I took it, but I can't find it."

"Didn't he tell you exactly where it is?"

"Just say it's in the lower drawer of the bookcase. Let me look for it. It's a project file called "xxxx"?" I can't find it.

Chi Qiu used to come to Lu Ming's study when he had nothing to do, and he knew exactly where Lu Ming put his files.

Now that his eyes are fine and he doesn't need to pretend to be blind anymore, he can't be idle.

"Aunt Zhang, let me look for you."

Aunt Zhang was stuck in the same place, because she couldn't control her boss, let alone a boss like Chi Qiu. Her attitude towards Chi Qiu remained blind for a while and did not change.

"My eyes are fine." Chi Qiu kindly reminded her.

Aunt Zhang stood aside for a while, seeing that she was really useless, she said embarrassedly: "Sir...then I'll go get the last dish, I'm really sorry for your inconvenience."

"It's okay, I will do these things in the future."

Chi Qiu understood that Aunt Zhang was not good at it. He lowered his head and opened drawers one by one to search. After opening three in a row, I finally found the document in the last one.

Aunt Zhang was quick with her hands and feet, she had already cleaned up the kitchen, and went back to the study again: "Sir, Mr. Lu's assistant has arrived."

"I found it too." Chi Qiu handed the document to Aunt Zhang, "You go and give it to him, and I'll clean it up."


The door of the study was closed by Aunt Zhang's passing wind, and Chi Qiu carefully sorted out the messed up documents. At this moment, Chi Qiu glanced at the drawer on the other side. That drawer should be used by Lu Ming frequently, but it was accidentally not closed properly, and a corner of paper was caught in the gap.

Chi Qiu squatted down and opened it, trying to organize things, but accidentally saw a stack of letters with their envelopes torn open.

His eyelashes trembled, and what he saw in his eyes was his own name.

On the top of the envelope, the words "Chi Qiu (Harvest)" were impressively written. Chi Qiu was stunned, and he flicked it with his hand, but what surprised him was that every letter below said "Chi Qiu (received)".

He hurriedly took out the stack of letters, there were dozens of them.

The weight of each letter was so heavy, as if a stone had fallen into Chi Qiu's palm.

That night, Chi Qiu couldn't even eat a bite of food.

He sat in his study and read them one by one with tears in his eyes.

The gentleness of the night spreads over the Milky Way, and when it falls within the reach of human vision, it becomes a starry sky, and tomorrow will be a sunny day.

Lu Ming, who came back late, drove the car into the front yard of the villa. When he got out of the car, the oncoming wind was as cold as a knife. He glanced at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning.

Chi Qiu should have fallen asleep.

Lu Ming felt cold all over his body, even if he missed Chi Qiu again, he couldn't bear to disturb Chi Qiu's good night's sleep. He tiptoed into the house and went directly into the guest bedroom where he had slept for a while. He was afraid of waking Chi Qiu up, so he didn't plan to go to the master bedroom to rest tonight.

He turned on the light conveniently, and the guest bedroom was not as cold as he had imagined. He mistakenly thought that Aunt Zhang was careless and didn't turn off the heating in the guest bedroom, so he didn't pay much attention.

Until he saw a lump of "something" on the bed in front of him.


Startled, Lu Ming walked up quickly and saw Chi Qiu huddled under the blanket. He saw that Chi Qiu's eyelashes were still stained with water, and the corners of his eyes were reddish, obviously he fell asleep after crying for a long time.

Lu Ming's heart ached immediately, and he couldn't help but frown, trying to wake Chi Qiu up to ask. But looking at Chi Qiu's sleeping face, Lu Ming withdrew his hand and squeezed his palm awkwardly.

He didn't know what happened to Chi Qiu, so he began to blame himself for not arranging his work properly, and for not being able to accompany Chi Qiu to the hospital.

He was afraid that Chi Qiu's examination result was not good, so he lost all sleepiness.


Just when Lu Ming was in a state of confusion, Chi Qiu was "noisy" woken up by the light of the lamp. Suddenly, Lu Ming stepped back and turned off the light. Surrounded by the heater, Lu Ming's hands and feet warmed up, but he still didn't dare to touch Chi Qiu.

It was Chi Qiu's hoarse voice that called him over: "Lu Ming?"

In the guest bedroom with no lights on, Chi Qiu's throat was very soft, and the sound of crying lingered for a long time. Chi Qiu sat up, and helplessly shouted again: "Lu Ming."

Lu Ming didn't care about anything else, he stepped forward and hugged Chi Qiu into his arms, his tone was gentle, like stars falling in many nights: "Why are you crying?" His fingers caressed Chi Qiu's warm skin At the corner of his eyes, between light touches, Lu Ming dropped a kiss, "Why are you crying? Is there something uncomfortable? Or..."

Or is the test result bad

When Chi Qiu heard Lu Ming's voice, his nose became sour all of a sudden, and tears splashed onto Lu Ming's suit. He pressed his head against Lu Ming's chest, sucking his nose, sobbing like a child.

"Lu Ming, Lu Ming..." Chi Qiu called him over and over again, calling him as if reunited after a long absence.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lu Ming stroked Chi Qiu's head, "Chi Qiu, I told you that no matter what, I will be with you."

When Chi Qiu heard this, he cried until he was in tears.

Lu Ming couldn't get away to turn on the light. He simply leaned on the bed, hugged Chi Qiu tightly in his arms, let Chi Qiu rest on his arm, and hugged each other in the soft bedding: "Stop crying, good boy. You don't want to cry anymore. Keep crying, your eyes will be swollen tomorrow. I... I won’t go to work tomorrow, I’ll take you out for a walk, let’s go for a walk. Or where do you want to go to play, or what do you want to do?”

Lu Ming started coaxing Chi Qiu in his own nagging way.

Now, as long as Chi Qiu said a word and stopped crying, even if he wanted the stars in the sky, Lu Ming had to find a way to pick them up. If you can't pick it up, just draw one in your heart and give it to Chi Qiu sincerely, so that Chi Qiu can hold it in his palm and touch it.

But Chi Qiu doesn't want anything.

What he wanted, what he wanted the most, was already in front of him.

Chi Qiu pressed his lower lip hard, rubbed up against Lu Ming's arms, and bit Lu Ming's chin, leaving a tooth mark. He spoke out with crying, anger, and accumulated grievances.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What?" Lu Ming's jaw was aching, and he didn't dare to touch it.

Chi Qiu shed tears, the salty liquid was bitter in the mouth, and after the emotions changed, only distressed: "I always thought that you would forget me easily, I have always misunderstood you, I don't understand you, I think You must like me a lot less than I like you... why didn't you tell me?"

Lu Ming's hands were stiff.

Chi Qiu whimpered and said, "I know those letters. The letters you wrote to me...why, why didn't you send them to me? If I don't know, are you going to lie to me forever? Why, Lu Ming?"

He has too many whys, can Lu Ming answer them


"You wrote 'Chi Qiushou', but did Chi Qiu receive it?" Chi Qiu touched the tooth marks on Lu Ming's chin, and suddenly regretted his effort. He kissed Lu Ming, and tears rubbed Lu Ming's cheeks, "You were a full ten years late to 'send' the letter to me, and you didn't send it willingly."

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he began to curse: "You big liar, big bastard! You promised to come back and look for me, but you didn't look for me, and you wrote me a letter but didn't send it to me! But you are sick, I shouldn't scold you. You, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

It's not some damn emotional apathy, it's a sick heart with a bloody hole in it. Lu Ming sewed it up and ripped it apart, and endured the pain when it ripped apart.

Step by step he drove himself to sickness.

"Lu Ming, you are sick... do you know that you are sick?" Chi Qiu cried loudly, his heart hurt like being pinched, it swelled and then tightened, "You have suffered so much alone, you Don't tell me anything, so I can't help you. You're stupid, really stupid..."

Lu Ming's throat was dry, and his Adam's apple was a blunt instrument fixed in one place.

He couldn't make a sound.


Language has become the most useless thing, and every sentence is justification and ego. He understands what Chi Qiu wants, but he will never be able to say it in person, just like those letters, he will never be able to send it.

"Chi Qiu."

He listened to Chi Qiu cry, and the crying made him uncomfortable.

Chi Qiu closed his eyes, hugged Lu Ming tightly, and pressed against his neck, eager for Lu Ming to say a word.

After a long time, Lu Ming stroked Chi Qiu's head, and finally said in a deep voice, "I don't want to share the pain with you, I want to give you back the spring."

Just like what Lu Ming wrote in his letter back then: You are the most beautiful sun in spring, I hope happiness will always belong to you.

And Lu Ming's own wish is very simple, he just wants a hug from Chi Qiu, just like now.