Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 28: Eye



Chi Qiu still couldn't believe that he would bite his own tongue at such a critical moment—stuttered. Obviously in a very ambiguous atmosphere, what Chi Qiu felt was extremely embarrassing.

He froze, momentarily confused.

To be honest, if conditions permit, Chi Qiu would want to dig three feet into the ground on the spot and bury himself in the soil decisively. To exaggerate, he wants to live on another planet.

Chi Qiu's entire face was hot, and even his head seemed to be smoking. He couldn't care less about being ashamed, and explained aloud: "I said 'do', and it's the 'do' of 'doing' things!" He anxiously tried to make amends, but the more he talked, the more confused he became.

Lu Ming obviously understood what Chi Qiu was saying.

It was just a wrong pronunciation, and he didn't think it was a "fatal embarrassment" at all.

Lu Ming's face was flat, looking at his partner who was blushing in front of him, there was no wave in his heart. He calculated the time in his mind, and the two hadn't had close contact for about three months. As a pair of normal newlyweds, it has indeed been a long time.

Although Lu Ming's body is very healthy, but due to lack of emotion, Lu Ming has never been active in this matter.

If he hadn't noticed what Chi Qiu meant, he would hardly have mentioned it. Every time before when he saw Chi Qiu in a daze, Lu Ming would always cover up his actions to avoid the other party's suspicion.

Anyway, Chi Qiu couldn't see it, even if he showed no interest on his face, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Listening to Chi Qiu's endless explanation, Lu Ming seemed a little tired. He bowed his head and kissed Chi Qiu again, and his voice stopped abruptly.

After the kiss was over, Lu Ming carefully helped Chi Qiu rearrange his collar: "Okay."


half an hour later.

Chi Qiu, who was sitting in the co-pilot of the car, put his hands on his face, trying to cool down a little. Lu Ming, who was driving, thought he was hot and asked him to take off his coat.

Chi Qiu stammered: "No, it's not hot." He pressed down on the car window, "It's too stuffy in the car, I'll blow some air."

At the entrance of the familiar street, the park in Xingxi City is full of blooming apricot blossoms. Chi Qiu smelled the fragrance of flowers in the wind, and "looked" at the window like a child, as if he could see.

The spring breeze was slightly cool, gradually blowing away the heat on his face. Chi Qiu felt a lot better, thinking silently in his heart to let himself forget about today's embarrassment as soon as possible, and just keep the happiness between the two of them.

When he closed the window again, they had arrived at the restaurant recommended by Lu Ming.

Lu Ming drove the car into an area that looked like a garden. He followed the instructions and parked under the shade on one side. There are not many cars around. Compared with other restaurants in Xinghua City, this restaurant named "Quyuan Nanfeng" has a relatively quiet environment.

Lu Ming got out of the car and led Chi Qiu into a dark brown door.

As soon as the two took a step, a waiter in a black and gold peony pattern cheongsam greeted him and politely asked if there was an appointment.

Lu Ming showed the reservation code, and the waiter scanned the code with a small machine in her hand. After confirming which box she was in, she nodded slightly, with an elegant manner: "This way please, gentlemen."

Under normal circumstances, whenever Chi Qiu went out, he would inevitably bring his guide stick with him.

But today, because he was too excited, he left his guide stick in the car.

Lu Ming saw it and didn't remind him. He let Chi Qiu hold his arm the whole time, and when he reached a place with steps, Lu Ming would remind him in advance. After the waiter discovered that Chi Qiu was blind, he deliberately slowed down his pace of leading the way.

The boxes of Quyuan Nanfeng are located in different courtyards of the garden, and each room has a different viewing point.

Lu Ming wanted to reserve the "Bamboo" box at first, but it was too temporary, so there was only "Lotus" left.

Soon, they arrived at "Lian" through many corridors.

The wooden carved door is pushed open from the outside to the inside, and what comes into view is a bright and delicate low wooden teahouse, with neat brushes, ink, paper and inkstones placed on it, and lotus-themed calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall. Outside a window, there is a large lake full of water lily leaves that have not yet bloomed.

The waiter said warmly, "Please be careful with the threshold."

She walked in with the two of them, and opened a bead curtain on the right: "Please take a seat, both of you."

Only a long table was narrow, just suitable for two people to sit opposite each other. The soft cushions are spread on the hard wooden chairs, and there is no trace of dust on the dining table.

Chi Qiu turned sideways, squinted his eyes: "Is there a window here?"

"Yes, sir." The waiter replied.

If it was normal, she would have to explain: If you come to this box from June to September, you can see the lotus flowers blooming all over the lake from here.

Since Chi Qiu is blind, she didn't mention it, but asked: "It's sunny and windy today, do you two want to open the window, or close it?"

Chi Qiu was already seated with the help of Lu Ming. He was in a good mood and smiled at the light outside and said, "Let's drive."

The waiter responded, and two more waiters in light-colored lotus pattern cheongsams came in outside the door. One brought tea, and the other handed two menus in front of them.

Chi Qiu didn't bother to flip through the menu. He heard Lu Ming say, "I'll ask her to report all the dishes to you. You can see what you want to eat."

Chi Qiu shook his head: "No need, just fish with scallion oil. You can order the rest, I like everything you order."

Lu Ming knew that Chi Qiu was not picky about food.

Seeing that Chi Qiu had said that, he flipped through the menu by himself. Within a few minutes, the dishes were ordered.

Two of the three waiters went out, and one waited beside him, who was the person in charge of this box, and would pour tea and water for the two of them at any time. Lu Ming didn't like having strangers around when eating in private, so he let her out specially.

Only then did Chi Qiu ask: "You ordered quickly just now, do you come here often?"

"Yeah." Lu Ming took a sip of tea, which was a fragrant lotus leaf tea. "Sometimes when I meet clients, I make an appointment for the 'Peony Room' here."

The Peony Room is the most magnificently decorated among all the boxes, and it is more suitable for businessmen to meet and discuss business. Naturally, the price is also the most expensive.

"Is this where Secretary Xu is looking for?" Chi Qiu was curious about everything about Lu Ming.

Lu Ming held up the teacup and put it down safely: "My mother used to like to come here."

The scallion fish that separates the fish from the scallion sauce is what Lu Ming tasted here.

His mother, Lu You, was a rich lady since she was a child. She didn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers, and she couldn't cook at all. The meals at home were all cooked by the nanny.

Occasionally, she would bring Lu Ming to this restaurant for dinner and order some special dishes. Scallion oil fish is a dish that the mother and son must order every time they come here.

This almost became a special taste memory of Lu Ming's mother when he was a child.

Lu Ming said, "She always orders scallion fish."

Chi Qiu heard Lu Ming mention his mother for the first time, and he suddenly understood why Lu Ming liked to eat scallion fish so much.

Everyone will have the unforgettable taste of his mother when he was a child. For example, Chi Qiu, the most unforgettable thing for him is when Chi Lanyan personally cooked the scallion egg custard when he returned to sick.

Chi Qiu pursed the corners of his mouth and approached shamelessly: "I like scallion fish just like my mother." He naturally called Lu You "Mom" in an intimate tone, as if the two had a good relationship.

Lu Ming was startled.

Obviously Chi Qiu is his partner, and they are already married. But at this moment, when Chi Qiu called out the word "Mom", Lu Ming suddenly became unaccustomed to it.

If a family is an empty house, then Lu Ming is the one standing alone in the empty house, and Chi Qiu is the one standing outside the door.

Today, Chi Qiu seemed to have knocked on that door.

The sound of "dongdong" echoed in Lu Ming's empty heart, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

Chi Qiu picked up the tea and took a small sip. The temperature of the tea is just right, and when Chi Qiu is in a good mood, he talks more: "Lu Ming, besides scallion fish, does mom have any other favorite dishes? It's rare to go out today, can I try them all?"

Maybe, after this meal, he can understand Lu Ming's childhood better.

As a result, Lu Ming didn't follow his words, but ended hastily: "After she passed away, I don't remember many things."

While Lu Ming packed and hid dark memories together, he also accidentally buried many happy memories. His intentional evasion made him unable to remember, besides this scallion fish, what else does Lu You like to eat

Regarding the topic of Lu You, Lu Ming didn't want to talk more with Chi Qiu, which made him uncomfortable.

He got up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Before Chi Qiu could react, Lu Ming had already entered the bathroom on the other side of the curtain.

"Lu..." Chi Qiu said, but before he finished calling his name, he accidentally knocked over the teacup on the table, and the round cup rolled towards the edge of the table.

Chi Qiu panicked, quickly reached out to the place where the cup fell, and caught it firmly.

At this time, the little waiter who came in with the first dish looked at him in surprise.

Chi Qiu also "looked" at her, and then slowly put the cup back on the table, his eyes were as dull and helpless as ever. He said awkwardly: "Sorry, I can't see, I accidentally knocked over the water glass, can you clean it up for me?"

"Okay, wait a moment." The waiter glanced at him quietly, and found that Chi Qiu's expression was indeed blind.

She tilted her head, thinking that she must have read it wrong.

After all, many blind people can tell where objects are by sound.

Lu Ming's tall figure was particularly eye-catching, and many people cast surprised or envious glances. And Lu Ming held the rose in his hand, unmoved by the eyes of others, he strode towards Chi Qiu.

Stop, squat down. Lu Ming maintained a half-kneeling motion and pushed Rose into Chi Qiu's arms.

"Lu Ming?"

Chi Qiu touched the clusters of soft petals, and he heard Lu Ming say, "Send your roses."

Bigger bouquet of roses than last time, more showy. Anyone can see them at a glance.

Chi Qiu, who has been alone for many years, has not been watched so intensely for a long time. He is not used to attracting attention in public places, so he lowered his head shyly.

Looking at the rose in his hand, Chi Qiu's voice became astringent. In order to conceal his emotion, he deliberately asked: "Do you want me to hold it to the concert?"

"I bought three tickets." Lu Ming stood up, glanced at his watch, and waited for the ticket check to enter. "You can put flowers on the empty seat next to you."

It turned out that Lu Ming had already made preparations, and he didn't buy flowers on a whim because of Ji Yanchen's stimulation.

Chi Qiu couldn't help pursing the corners of his mouth, unable to hide the smile in his heart. He hugged the rose, sniffed it cherishedly, and said softly, "Thank you, I like it very much."

He wished he could take this bouquet of roses with him when he returned to Xingxi City the day after tomorrow.

There were very few listeners who bought tickets for this concert, and the theater arranged was also a small and old theater in City C. However, the name of this theater is "Grand Theater", which will inevitably cause misunderstandings for non-local people.

When Lu Ming came to the theater, he realized that it might not be worth the two of them coming to City C from Xingxi City. It was just that they had bought tickets and people were here.

He was lucky that Chi Qiu couldn't see, otherwise this dilapidated theater would inevitably make people unhappy.

After entering the arena, Lu Ming led Chi Qiu to find a corresponding seat and sit down. Chi Qiu carefully handed the flower to Lu Ming, and Lu Ming put it in the third place they bought, a little recklessly.

Chi Qiu is anxious: "Be careful with my flowers."

Lu Ming: "..." He handled it lightly, the bright roses did not match the shabby theater very much.

A concert lasted only two hours, so Chi Qiu listened carefully. His concentrated appearance looked particularly good under the not-so-bright light in the auditorium, as if the lights on the stage had sprinkled on Chi Qiu's eyelashes, illuminating his eyes little by little.

As the violin music sounded, the sound of the piano fell like raindrops, pattering on the ears of the audience. Lu Ming felt like a spring thunderstorm, he leaned back a little and closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, he saw Chi Qiu gently gazing ahead, as if he was "watching" the stage where countless musicians were playing.

Lu Ming opened his lips but did not make a sound.

The music on the stage has gone from fierce to tender, and now is the moment of relief.

Chi Qiu didn't say anything, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, his profile was as beautiful as in the morning. Lu Ming was stunned and remembered the scene when the two first met in the garden many years ago.

Lu Ming vaguely remembered that he was the one who greeted Chi Qiu first.

Not for anything else, just because the 15-year-old Chi Qiu is very delicate, with a gentle aura exuding from his body, without the restlessness of a teenager at all. Lu Ming, who was full of exhaustion, was attracted by him, took a step forward unconsciously, couldn't help talking to him, and forced the milk tea he just bought into his hand.

Lu Ming heard a voice talking in the distance in his mind—

"If only we could be together forever, I will always like you very much." The voice asked unwillingly, "What about you?"

Will you always like me too

In my memory, the voice seemed vague and urgent.

Lu Ming couldn't tell whose voice it was. is his? Or Chi Qiu's? He couldn't remember.

Indistinctly, he saw his 17-year-old self in the garden raised his head, and on that lonely face, there was unexpected agitation of late adolescence.

And the boy's simple and pure wish is the seed of the future flower, which was planted early.

Lu Ming's head suddenly hurt, and he couldn't think about many things in the past. The trauma of the accident, along with the scars inside him, came together to tear his memory apart.

Whether it was about his mother, Lu You, or about Chi Qiu, fragmentary memories made him sometimes good and sometimes bad. It's best not to think of it, it always hurts when I think of it.

Lu Ming restrained his emotions and clenched his back molars. Perhaps under the hypnotic hypnosis, Lu Ming grasped Chi Qiu's hand like a drowning man begging for help.

Chi Qiu, who was listening to the music intently, was taken aback by him, turned her head hastily, and met Lu Ming's deep gaze. Looking at each other, Chi Qiu forced his vision to become empty, and he whispered: "What's wrong?"

The piano sound that spread like a tide rose and fell in the whole place one after another, drowning out Chi Qiu's insignificant voice.

Lu Ming didn't let go of Chi Qiu's hand, he forcibly regained his composure hastily.


That's what he said, but he held Chi Qiu's hand even tighter. Not only that, but his fingertips were rubbing Chi Qiu's fingers, intertwined with them. The rubbing made Chi Qiu's face burn, and his heart felt numb and slightly itchy.

The author has something to say:

Tuesday update.