Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 29: Lu Ming and I are already married


The dishes were served quickly, and the waiters brought in each dish one by one. After announcing the name of the dish, they placed it neatly in front of Chi Qiu, and it took only two minutes.

One dish of scallion oil fish, one dish of crispy lotus root, one dish of fried egg with shrimp, and one dish of tofu with crab powder. At the end, there is a large bowl of shepherd's purse cod soup.

As Lu Ming had just instructed, there was no need to keep anyone in the box, and the waiter went out after serving the food.

Without Aunt Zhang by his side, Chi Qiu didn't know where each dish was placed, so it was difficult for him to start. He knew that he had stepped on Lu Ming's taboo just now, and he really didn't know how to ask Lu Ming to help him pick up the food later.

Fortunately, the table was not wide, so he moved forward quietly with the back of his finger and touched a dinner plate.

Before Lu Ming came over, he carefully touched the outside of each plate.

Among the three identical plates: the one with a small plate is scallion oil fish; the one with a slightly cool body is crispy candied lotus root; Another warm dish should be Shrimp and Egg. Going further to the side, the taller and larger bowl must be shepherd's purse cod soup.

After figuring out the location of each dish, Chi Qiu heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he had heard about Lu Ming's mother's death for a long time. Although he didn't know the details clearly, he knew that Lu You's death was not decent. Perhaps for so many years, Lu Ming has been unable to accept it, so Lu Ming hastily ended this topic just now.

Knowing that he had said the wrong thing today, Chi Qiu reached for his bowl flatteringly, and filled a bowl of shepherd's purse and cod fish soup for Lu Ming.

A few minutes later, Lu Ming came out of the bathroom. He washed his face in cold water, answered a phone call, and wasted some time.

When he saw Chi Qiu serving soup by himself, he walked over quickly: "I'll come."

"It's ready." Chi Qiu was not afraid of being hot, and held the bottom of the bowl to Lu Ming, "I'm serving it for you. The waiter said this soup should be served hot."

Lu Ming quickly took the bowl from Chi Qiu's hand, and after sitting down, he filled Chi Qiu's bowl with his own: "Be careful it's hot."

It's time for meal, Chi Qiu is really hungry.

He lowered his head to drink the soup, and was amazed by the taste at the first sip. He didn't care about the heat, so he finished half a bowl of cod fish soup in a short time.

At the same time, his ears heard the small collision sound of Lu Ming's dinner plate and chopsticks. If he heard correctly, Lu Ming was picking fish bones for him.

Soon, the fish on Lu Ming's dinner plate dipped in the sauce and landed in Chi Qiu's spoon.

But what Lu Ming didn't know was that the reason Chi Qiu wanted to eat scallion fish was because he wanted Lu Ming to feed him a mouthful or two. But in today's situation, Chi Qiu decided to eat honestly by himself.

Fortunately, the food in this restaurant was delicious, and Chi Qiu was very satisfied. The delicious food took most of his worries away, the noon sunshine outside the window was just right, and the breeze brought the fragrance of spring flowers.

Lu Ming still cared for Chi Qiu carefully, and the insignificant conflict between the two quickly disappeared.

Chi Qiu began to talk to Lu Ming without saying a word, and Lu Ming replied every time. From time to time, Lu Ming would follow the questions Chi Qiu threw, and also ask some things about Chi Qiu.

He didn't ask many questions, and his tone was blunt, but Chi Qiu answered happily.

Lu Ming asked him casually, "Is there anything you don't like?"

Chi Qiu thought about it, whole sugar milk tea counts as one, but he couldn't say. He thought about it and offered up the coriander.

Lu Ming really didn't expect Chi Qiu to like food, he thought Chi Qiu would say: I'm not picky about food.

Lu Ming put down his chopsticks, and it was the first time he knew that Chi Qiu didn't like coriander. He recalled the usual times: "Aunt Zhang occasionally puts some coriander as a garnish when cooking, and mixes some in cold dishes, but I haven't seen you mention it. "

"I just don't like it, it's not that I can't eat it."

In the Chi family, everyone except Chi Qiu liked to eat coriander. Chi Qiu can't let the whole family stop eating with him just because he doesn't like it, right? At most, when there is coriander in one dish, he will eat two less bites. Chi Qiu doesn't think this is a big problem that needs to be mentioned.

He still remembered that Lu Ming praised Aunt Zhang's cold salad. Since they all boasted, Lu Ming liked it.

Chi Qiu smoothed things over for the coriander: "There are a lot of dishes, and it will taste better with coriander."

Lu Ming took a deep breath, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a shrimp for Chi Qiu. He watched Chi Qiu eat it with gusto, and then said, "I will tell Aunt Zhang to pay attention not to buy coriander in the future."

"...but don't you like it?"

"It's just one ingredient, if you don't like it, I don't have to like it either."

Lu Ming agreed with what Chi Qiu said: I don't like it, but it's not that I can't eat it.

Because Lu Ming has this attitude towards many things.

It's just that he feels that at least Chi Qiu is with him, so he doesn't need to have such an attitude, he will try his best to satisfy Chi Qiu's needs.

But this time, the only way to make Chi Qiu happy is to abandon the coriander, which is dispensable in his life.

It's a pity that Chi Qiu's heart is so small that just because of Lu Ming's words, it overflows with honey. The shrimp in his mouth became sweeter and more delicious, and he couldn't help asking for more.

Chi Qiu grew up in a wealthy family. He looked harmonious and warm on the outside, but actually fell apart inside.

His mother Chi Lanyan loved him, but was always busy with his work before he lost his sight; his biological father left before he was born and never came to see him once; his stepfather Lin Yuming drew a dividing line between him and him , Silence is lonely cold violence; younger sister Chi Xia avoids him more and more as she grows older, her eyes are full of estrangement.

The seemingly sheltered greenhouse can't fill Chi Qiu's empty heart at all.

It wasn't until he met Lu Ming and fell in love with Lu Ming that Chi Qiu realized that he had something in his heart and began to look forward to the future.

Just like now, Chi Qiu suddenly doesn't hate coriander so much.

It was still early after dinner, so Lu Ming paid the money and took Chi Qiu for a walk in the unique garden of Quyuan Nanfeng to digest food.

After staying in a big city for a long time, even a blind person will feel comfortable when occasionally coming to a secluded area covered by green plants. When passing by a bamboo forest, Chi Qiu smelled the refreshing aroma of bamboo leaves.

Chi Qiu thought it smelled good, so he stopped for a while.

After a while, a familiar voice appeared in the quiet environment: "I didn't expect that this restaurant actually has its own viewing area, which looks decent. Walking a few steps here makes people feel much more comfortable."

Accompanied by the orderly sound of high-heeled shoes, Chi Qiu "looked" in the direction of the sound.

Walking in front of her was a middle-aged woman dressed in elegant clothes. Along with her was a tall young man. The man was wearing a peaked cap and seemed to be holding a black mask in his hand.

The moment he saw Chi Qiu, the man quickly put the mask back on his face.

Since the middle-aged woman was concentrating on talking to the man beside her, she didn't notice Chi Qiu's appearance and Lu Ming beside Chi Qiu.

A long corridor is not too spacious. When passing by, Chi Qiu suddenly called out, "Aunt Luo?"

Luo Yun, who was summoned, turned around and saw Chi Qiu head on. She was stunned for a few seconds, and then said pleasantly, "Xiao Qiu?" The petite woman raised her head and saw Lu Ming beside Chi Qiu. She thought about it for a while, and with a fairly good memory, she immediately recognized Lu Ming: "Lu Ming?"

Lu Ming frowned, and had no impression of the lady in front of him.

He thought hard for a moment, and finally dug out Luo Yun's identity in a corner of his memory - she was a doctor in the psychological clinic where he and Chi Qiu first met ten years ago.

Before returning to China, Lu Ming glanced at her profile.

Lu Ming stretched out his hand politely: "Doctor Luo, long time no see."

"Lu Ming is really getting more and more handsome." Luo Yun stretched out her hand and shook it, and then she excitedly held Chi Qiu's hand, "It's been so many years since you've grown up, Auntie almost didn't recognize her .”

Chi Qiu was equally happy to see his old friend. Speaking of which, without Luo Yun, he and Lu Ming would not have known each other.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. I remember your voice and recognized you right away."

"Good boy." Luo Yun touched Chi Qiu's shoulder affectionately.

Luo Yun squinted her eyes when she smiled, and her face was kind. She looked at Chi Qiu left and right, her eyes full of love, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the relationship between you and Lu Ming is still so good. Back then, you two liked to get together Chatting in my little garden, I remember that Lu Ming would make you happy at that time."

Only then did Chi Qiu smile embarrassedly: "Aunt Luo, Lu Ming and I... are married."