Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 3: I can't trouble you



Chi Qiu listened carefully to the other party's introduction, and had a general impression of the desserts displayed on the counter. He clenched his guide stick tightly and nodded slightly to show that he understood.

He was a bit introverted towards outsiders, and asked softly, "Is lemon mousse a new product?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'd like a lemon mousse and a lemon torte, and two boxes of lemon cookies."

"Okay, I'll wrap it up for you now, please wait a moment." The clerk looked at Chi Qiu who was waiting obediently, and said with a smile on his face, "You really like lemon-flavored desserts, and we have some lemon-flavored desserts in our store Nougat, let me give you some to try."

Xiao Yan wondered, when he came before, he never sent a sample.

Chi Qiu thanked the clerk. His humble attitude made it impossible to see that he was a rich second generation from a wealthy family since he was a child. Afterwards, he stood silently and waited, without speaking again.

This time, choosing desserts personally made Chi Qiu feel happy.

He sniffed the rich sweetness in the air, and couldn't help pursing the corners of his lips. Chi Qiu, who didn't know how to store emotions, was as happy as a child.

From childhood to adulthood, the number of times Chi Qiu went to a dessert shop can be counted on one hand. It's not that he doesn't like to come, but that he doesn't have much chance.

Usually, what he wants to eat, his family will buy it for him, or order it to be delivered to his home. Chi Qiu will hardly let him go out to the store to choose.

Chi Qiu understands that as a blind person, less going out and less chaos are what his family wants him to do most. For a long time, Chi Qiu had a deep self-knowledge.

And this boring life started when Chi Qiu became completely blind at the age of 11.

Until now, 25-year-old Chi Qiu, under the protection of his family, is still a blind person who cannot live independently.

Of course, there were also people who gave advice to Chi Qiu: "You should go out for a walk and get some fresh air." But those who said this often just mentioned it casually, just talking.

The only difference is Lu Ming.

During their first month of marriage, Lu Ming suddenly said to Chi Qiu who had been waiting for him at home: "I hired a driver for you, and I have checked your character and history, so you can go out to relax when you are bored. "

At the same time, Lu Ming put a card into Chi Qiu's hand. The moment the temperature of the fingertips touched Chi Qiu's skin, it spread like a wildfire. Chi Qiu held the card with a blushing face, and at the same time held Lu Ming's hand suspiciously: "This is it?"

"Bank card, you can use it when shopping."

Chi Qiu paused, then declined politely: "I can't see, I can't buy anything. I haven't used the money my family gave me much yet."

"When it's useful, take it." Lu Ming squeezed his hand, let go, and said again, "Don't stay at home all the time, go out for a walk, and you can also meet friends."

The meaning in the words is: don't always wait for me.

But it fell into Chi Qiu's ears, and he actually felt a little more distressed about himself.

On that day, he hesitated and grabbed the corner of his clothes. After he was overjoyed, he thought of something, and then asked blankly: "But if I go out...will I cause you trouble?"

Lu Ming's indifferent brows twitched, he didn't understand: "Why?"

Chi Qiu couldn't tell the specifics. He was taught not to go out all the time since he was a child. Even if he did go out, it was at the place and time arranged for him by his family. If something happened to him, or if he got lost, everyone would be troubled.

Even the day before the wedding, Chi Qiu's mother specifically told him: "Since you insist on marrying him, you must be mentally prepared."

Be prepared that Lu Ming's patience is limited.

After all, the current Lu Ming and the Lu Ming that Chi Qiu liked when he was young are not 'the same person' in the final analysis.

Thinking of this, Chi Qiu was extremely embarrassed. Facing his excellent newlywed partner, he lowered his head in low self-esteem.

His worries were not superfluous, his marriage with Lu Ming did not have a long love affair as a foreshadowing. A hasty proposal, a hasty marriage. In less than a month, they have lived under one roof. In fact, they don't know each other well enough. Before that, any trouble will add obstacles to the relationship that needs to be warmed up.

Lu Ming looked at Chi Qiu whose expression had changed to lonely, reflected for a minute, and then tried to slow down his tone: "I'm not blaming you."

Chi Qiu shook his head: "I can't trouble you."

Lu Ming frowned, and didn't have much time to understand Chi Qiu's behavior in detail. There was no expression on his face, as if he was born with a lack of behavioral ability, and he treated people too coldly.


"I used to seldom go out at home, and I'm used to it. In fact, you don't need to care about it."

Lu Ming disagreed: "If this is the rule your former caregiver asked you to follow, then from now on, you don't have to follow it."


"I don't think this is giving me trouble." He said, "I hired the driver for you, and you can decide how you want to use it."

Lu Ming didn't talk much, but every sentence could reach Chi Qiu's heart. He no longer refused Lu Ming's kindness and accepted the card. Then, he stretched out his hand, as if looking for Lu Ming's direction.

Seeing this, Lu Ming took a step forward and let Chi Qiu's hand touch his arm.

Gradually, Chi Qiu didn't know what he was thinking, and his whole face turned from light to reddish. He groped and hugged Lu Ming, and took the initiative to rest his head on his shoulder: "Thank you."

Lu Ming was 3 years older than him, so he patted his head like coaxing a child.

Chi Qiu closed his eyes very contentedly, smiled shyly and unfamiliarly, and said with a little happiness in his voice, "I can come and deliver meals to you when you work overtime in the future."


God knows, Lu Ming didn't mean that.

At this time, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in Sweet.

The clerk put the packaged dessert into a bag of suitable size and handed it to Xiao Yan politely.

To Chi Qiu's ears, her voice was as sweet as the smell of butter: "Please hold it well, welcome to come next time!" The dense sugar smell is mixed with enthusiasm and vitality.

Chi Qiu felt that even himself was tainted with sweetness during this trip. He smiled and sat in the back seat of the car, touching the bag beside him from time to time.

"Xiao Yan, I still want to buy the milk tea from last time, two cups."

Xiao Yan said: "This restaurant usually has to queue up, and it doesn't support delivery at this point."

Chi Qiu pursed his lips regretfully.

Xiao Yan understood: "Don't worry, I'm placing an order on my mobile phone now, and I can pick it up in about an hour and a half. I'll send you back first, and then I'll come out to pick it up later. Do you think this is okay?"

"Okay! Xiao Yan, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It should."

At a red light, Xiao Yan stopped to wait, and then ordered two cups of milk tea, one with three-point sweetness and one cup of whole sugar with pudding, according to the preferences reported by Chi Qiu on his mobile phone. As soon as he thought about it, he knew that the three-point sweet one must belong to Mr. Lu, and the full-sugar one must belong to Mr. Chi.

Every time Chi Qiu wants to drink milk tea, he will definitely order a cup for Lu Ming to keep.

Xiao Yan shrugged, maybe this is love

Anyway, he doesn't like to drink full-sugar milk tea, and every time he happens to drink full-sugar milk tea as a treat, it seems to kill him. Xiao Yan can only accept three to five points of sweetness at most, but for a serious person like Lu Ming... wouldn't it be better to order sugar-free

Looking at Chi Qiu's reserved three-point sweetness, Xiao Yan fell into deep thought.

It was already half an hour later when Chi Qiu was sent to the villa.

Aunt Zhang, the nanny in the villa, waited in the front yard early after receiving Xiao Yan's call. As soon as she saw the car stopped, she hurried up to meet her, opened the door of the back seat, and said eagerly, "Sir, why have you been gone for so long? Boss Chi has been here for a long time. I said to call you to urge you, but she also No. I'm probably in a bad mood right now, so I'll just sit and wait for you."

Chi Qiu was taken aback, and got out of the car quickly.

He did not forget to say to Aunt Zhang: "Please refrigerate these desserts for me first."

"Hey, good."

With the help of Aunt Zhang, he quickly walked to the living room on the first floor of the villa. Right now, an elegantly dressed woman is sitting on the sofa in the living room. She was in a bad mood at first, but after seeing Chi Qiu, her expression changed 180°.

The distressed look on her face made Aunt Zhang speechless.

Those who didn't know, thought it was Lu Ming who treated Chi Qiu harshly.