Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 33: do you mind?


But at this time, Chi Xia's love affair was blocked, and she insisted on leaving Chi's house before Chi Qiu... You know, Chi Qiu has repeatedly pretended to be blind. In the final analysis, one of the biggest reasons is Chi Xia.

Back then, when Chi Qiu's eyes were diagnosed by the doctor as having a chance to recover, the distance between Chi Xia and Chi Qiu became more and more distant.

There were constant quarrels at home. Even though Lin Yuming and Chi Lanyan did not divorce because of their daughter, they had already slept in separate rooms for many years, and their relationship was as thin as paper.

Years of repression made Lin Yuming feel remorse or disgust, all fused together.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and sternly reprimanded Chi Lanyan: "When he was blind, you forced Xiao Xia to be the heir, and you forced Xiao Xia to do things she didn't like. You always complained that Xiao Xia was not as smart as Chi Qiu, but you didn't Way, now the Chi family only has Xiaoxia..."

He took a deep breath and complained like pouring water: "Okay! I understand that your family business needs someone to inherit it. I also admit that as a mother, although you are strict, you love Xiaoxia, and you also love Xiaoxia for Xiaoxia. , and I maintain this marriage in name only. But Chi Lanyan, ask yourself, is your love comparable to your love for Chi Qiu?"

As a father, he tried his best to complain for his daughter.

Chi Lanyan looked at him condescendingly, his silent cold violence was like a dagger.

Lin Yuming couldn't bear Chi Lanyan's appearance, he panted, with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead: "Since you have confirmed that Xiao Xia is the heir, then all this should belong to her! Now... Chi Qiu is better now You want to kick Xiao Xia away? Yes, I know that Xiao Xia is not as smart as Chi Qiu, and not as important as Chi Qiu in your heart!"

He laughed, which also seemed to be a wry smile: "But Xiaoxia has worked so hard all these years, can't you see it?"

Chi Lanyan didn't want to talk to him too much. Facing the out-of-control Lin Yuming, her tone was extremely indifferent. After thousands of words, she only left one sentence: "If it wasn't for you back then, Xiaoqiu wouldn't be like this."

"That's right! Chi Qiu's eyes are due to my negligence. Over the years, I have tried my best to treat him well, and I have made amends to him. I am trembling in this house... But Xiao Xia is innocent, why do you treat her like this? Did she Isn't it your daughter?!"


A cup on the table was dropped to the ground, making a harsh cracking sound.

The estrangement between the couple is no longer as secret as it was in the past few years. With the news that Chi Qiu's eyes can recover, it was openly placed in front of the two children.

Along with the one who collapsed, there was Chi Xia who had been depressed all the time.

She stopped talking to Chi Qiu, and always locked herself in the room without saying a word. Every time Chi Qiu showed his kindness, all he got was silence from Chi Xia.

After many days, she finally took the initiative to speak to Chi Qiu: "Because my father did something wrong, I can only be your substitute."

Chi Xia lowered her head in a daze, and when she and Chi Qiu were alone, she said at a loss: "Mom and grandma both like you, no matter how hard I try, they won't recognize me. As long as you see See, they will definitely choose you without hesitation."

Her efforts will eventually be in vain, and the childhood she lost together will become a business that loses everything.

As she grows older, Chi Xia is no longer the little girl who was only thinking about her brother. Once she grows up, she will know how to care about her own gains and losses.

At that time, Chi Qiu could already see it, it was the light he suddenly felt this morning, and he hadn't had time to tell anyone.

Chi Qiu stood up in a panic, not knowing how to speak.

He hoped that his sister could stand by his side, and he hoped that his sister would smile at him as he did when he was a child. But people grow up and change. Chi Xia has changed, only Chi Qiu has been trapped in the darkness for many years and has not changed.

Chi Qiu moved his lips. Under the embarrassing situation, he couldn't make any sound. He saw Chi Xia's reddish eye sockets and her tears falling down drop by drop. It was hot, even if it didn't fall on his body, he still felt pain.

The tears were crystal clear and beautiful, but Chi Qiu wished so much that he was blind at the moment.

It turns out that seeing is such an uncomfortable thing.

Chi Xia choked up and said, "If Mom and Dad continue to quarrel, they may really be divorced. I don't want them to divorce at all, I don't want Dad to leave, and I don't want to leave Mom..." Only this time, she said that sad sentence Tou Chiqiu's words were light and vicious, "It's all because of you, if only you couldn't see it all the time."

If Chi Qiu continued to lose sight of him, their family would not be separated, and there would be no outbreak of quarrels.

Chi Xia will follow Chi Lanyan's original steps to become the heir of Chi's company. She will also follow Chi Lanyan's advice and take care of her poor blind brother for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, Chi Qiu clenched his hands tightly, his nails sank into his palm, leaving a pale mark.

Ji Yanchen on the other side of the phone couldn't help sighing heavily, quite dissatisfied with Chi Xia: "Chi Xia has indeed suffered a lot of grievances, but at the beginning she wanted to be the heir, and now she elopes..." He was afraid of saying the wrong thing , with a tactful tone, "If she knows how much you endured for her, she must regret that she lost her temper with you like that."

Ji Yanchen complained that Chi Xia didn't even know what a good brother Chi Qiu was.

But there are some things, as an outsider of the Chi family, Ji Yanchen can't speak for the silent Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu probably heard similar words several times, and he didn't take Ji Yanchen's regrets to heart.

He had been really blind for several years, and he was used to the life of a blind person. For him, there was nothing uncomfortable about continuing to live like this.

Furthermore, because he couldn't see, Lu Ming could still take good care of him even if he was indifferent. In many actions, the relationship between the two has been drawn closer unconsciously.

Chi Qiu no longer responded to Ji Yanchen's words, but said: "Yan Chen, don't be angry for me, I'm fine now. And the eye matter, no matter what, will be resolved in the future."

He was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "There is no obstacle in the world that cannot be overcome."

City C.

The airport is not far from the hotel, but there was a traffic jam on the road. The driver drove for an hour for a not-so-long journey.

Chi Qiu was so bored in the car that he felt sleepy and a little dizzy. For Chi Qiu, who rarely travels far, today is too busy.

After finally arriving at the hotel, he couldn't wait to get off the car.

As soon as he opened the car door, he was greeted by a faint fragrance. He sniffed it carefully and asked Lu Ming curiously, "What is this smell?"

Lu Ming replied: "Maybe it's camphor trees, there are a lot of them planted here."

City C and Xingxi City have different climates, with camphor trees all over the road, and early summer comes very early.

Chi Qiu felt hot and took off his thin coat. He checked in with Lu Ming. During this time, Lu Ming took a mint lemon candy from the candy plate at the bar, tore it open and handed it to Chi Qiu's lips: "I think you are a little motion sick, this candy is refreshing."

Chi Qiu took a bite, and the cool taste immediately took away a lot of his fatigue.

He raised his head, sucked the sugar in his mouth, and puffed up one cheek: "It's delicious." It's not sweet, Chi Qiu likes it.

Lu Ming had no resistance to candy, so he took the opportunity to give Chi Qiu some candy and ate one himself.

Not sweet, he doesn't like it much.

Not far away at this time, Ji Yanchen rushed over in a hurry: "Chi Qiu!" He had just finished a meeting, and he was wearing a neat suit. He looked good, like a successful person. Speaking of which, Ji Yanchen's appearance is really good, and he is extraordinarily attractive to customers when he stops in the hotel.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time, but they insisted on calling me to a meeting. My brother just knows how to toss, I don't know what the wind is, and he just threw me here. I lost a few pounds Already!"

Ji Yanchen took them in personally, kept saying "bad things" about Ji Feining, and never regarded Lu Ming as an outsider.

After all, Ji Yanchen was sure that Lu Ming was "facially paralyzed and dumb", and if Lu Ming could sue, pigs could climb trees.


Ji Yanchen enthusiastically helped them swipe their cards, opened the door, and inserted the cards.

At the moment the lights came on, there were no roses in the room as promised. Chi Qiu blinked, and looked at Ji Yanchen while Lu Ming was not paying attention. That look seemed to be asking: Where is the promised rose

Ji Yanchen avoided his gaze, pretending not to see it at all. I don't know whether he forgot or what, he sat on the sofa calmly, with his legs crossed, like a husky that is both handsome and silly.

"Well, the room is nice."

Lu Ming nodded and expressed his gratitude: "Very good, thank you."

Ji Yanchen was not provocative for a day, but his bones were itchy every day: "Lu Ming, I think you are quite tired, why don't you take a rest? I take Chi Qiu out for a walk, do you mind?"

Not surprisingly, Ji Yanchen's provocation failed again.

Lu Ming put the suitcase aside and unbuttoned a shirt button on the neckline: "I don't mind."

Just as Ji Yanchen was about to get up, he heard Lu Ming deliberately say, "But I'm going to take him to dinner first, it might take a while." He asked back, "Do you mind waiting?"

Inexplicably, Ji Yanchen sensed Lu Ming's deliberate...very deliberate.