Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 35: Lu Ming, don't scare me



Chi Qiu couldn't sit still anymore, and quietly leaned closer to Lu Ming, resting his head on his arm.

Lu Ming didn't push Chi Qiu away, and the ambiguous atmosphere was concealed and revealed by countless notes.

Chi Qiu rarely saw such an active Lu Ming. Before the concert was over, Chi Qiu's mind had already flown thousands of meters away and landed in the hotel's bathtub for two. Chi Qiu understood that what made him most intoxicated was the time alone with Lu Ming, and Lu Ming's whispers in his ear.

It's not greedy, he told himself. They are partners, and rightfully so.

The concert became difficult, and Chi Qiu clung to Lu Ming tightly, unable to indulge in the world of music anymore. He was worried that his behavior was too strange, so he secretly looked forward and found several couples sitting scattered in front of him.

Every pair is just like them, sitting close together.

For people in love, this is not surprising, and no one will find them strange.

For a moment, Chi Qiu's shy mood was relaxed. Instead of being obsessed with his behavior, he closed his eyes comfortably, not wasting the concert that Lu Ming had chosen for him.

Time passed by every minute, and accompanied by sparse applause, the performers stood up and bowed to leave the stage together.

The two-hour concert finally came to an end. In the auditorium, Chi Qiu got up in a daze, and almost forgot the rose next to him. He and Lu Ming walked to the gate, then turned back to get it.

At the same time, a mother and son came back.

The eight-year-old child dropped his hat on the seat. The seemingly gentle mother turned around and pushed the child's back. The force was not heavy, but it made Lu Ming disgusted as if he had stepped on a minefield. looked away.

He picked up the big bouquet of roses on the seat, put his arm around Chi Qiu's shoulder: "Let's go."

Chi Qiu looked at Lu Ming who didn't say a word and still had a sullen face, thinking that Lu Ming didn't like the concert and felt bored, so he quickly followed Lu Ming's pace.

Speaking of which, Chi Qiu likes to go to concerts, and Chi Lanyan took them.

When he just lost his sight, Chi Qiu was not interested in anything. But in order not to worry or quarrel at home, he always forced himself to do something positive and optimistic. As time went by, Chi Qiu became more and more exhausted.

Chi Lanyan racked his brains to enlighten him, and under the advice of a psychiatrist, Chi Lanyan tried to buy a ticket for a piano concert and took him there to adjust his mood.

When the notes fell into the darkness, the whole world seemed to brighten up, and Chi Qiu's heart was relaxed for a moment. From then on, Chi Qiu regarded the concert as a psychological adjustment, and also regarded it as a regular habit.

However, he did not want to turn his habits into a burden for others.

Chi Qiu said apologetically, "Is it too boring? Actually, you don't have to come with me. If my mother is free in the future, she will accompany me to listen." In order to avoid misunderstanding, Chi Qiu explained, "My mother likes music very much. Yes, I used to listen to it with her often."

Lu Ming answered very succinctly: "I'm not bored, I'm just a little tired."

Behind them, the mother and son followed them through the long corridor and walked out. The child clutched his lost hat and sobbed, crying to buy chocolates.

His mother tugged at his hand, and the disturbing voice pierced Lu Ming's ears: "Don't cry! I'll take you to every concert, I'm exhausted. You are so tired. Tooth decay? You are not allowed to eat it, you are not allowed to eat it, cry and cry, you know how to cry, you are not good at all. You are like your father, you will not understand me... "

Lu Ming's frown deepened, and he quickened his pace.

Chi Qiu was at a loss and had no choice but to follow him quickly.

However, while they were walking away quickly. The wooden ceiling, which had been in disrepair for a long time, made a "creaking" sound, which caused the four people to stop and look up.

In the next second, with a scream, a huge ceiling lamp fell, collapsing most of the narrow corridor.

Lu Ming subconsciously protected Chi Qiu and fell forward. Suddenly, dust was everywhere, and there were constant sounds of things breaking.

Chi Qiu was stunned, opened his mouth to choke on the dust, covered his mouth in discomfort and coughed.

"Chi Qiu?!"

For the first time, Lu Ming's voice had a huge ups and downs.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air, mixed with the surrounding broken wood and steel bars. The theater at night is like a fully enclosed cellar, without a trace of light, and even taking a breath, it is full of heavy old-fashioned smell.

Chi Qiu's arm was cut open by something. The wound was not deep, but after being numb, it began to tingle. In a panic, he opened his eyes, and it was pitch black, just like the day when he woke up after being blind.

The pain was also accompanied by endless loneliness. He opened his mouth dumbly, and fear spread silently in his heart, piercing every blood vessel in him like a needle, causing it to continuously lose temperature.

Suddenly, a muffled hum broke into his dull world.

A child beside him suddenly cried loudly, and the mother of the child frantically turned on the light of the mobile phone. Obviously only lost the light for a few seconds, but Chi Qiu felt that he had spent a century.

He finally saw the scene in front of him.

Lu Ming blocked him, his back was hit by something, and he gritted his teeth and supported Chi Qiu: "Are you all right?"

Chi Qiu froze for a moment, then shook his head vigorously. After confirming that Chi Qiu was safe, Lu Ming let go of all his strength and fell directly on Chi Qiu's body.

"Lu Ming?" Chi Qiu propped himself up on his arms, feeling pain like a tearing wound. Before he had time to take a look at his wound, he anxiously helped Lu Ming up, his fingers numb: "Lu Ming... what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Lu Ming didn't respond to him.

Chi Qiu trembled, touching Lu Ming's back over and over again, not daring to use force, let alone make a sound.

After a while, Lu Ming closed his eyes: "I'm fine."

A group of people gathered noisyly outside, listening to the sound, it should be the staff of the theater. Due to the large area of the collapse and the dire situation, it is impossible to rescue those trapped by the strength of the staff alone.

Under the dim light, Chi Qiu heard the woman holding the child talking to the staff outside—

"Yes, there are four of us!"

"Can you hurry up, my son's leg is bleeding!!"

"Hurry up and get us out, is it too late to wait for the rescuers to come?! You hurry up and think of a way, my son's leg is injured—"

The woman was accusing the child of being ignorant a moment ago, but at this moment she broke down and hugged the injured child, crying. It could be heard that she was trembling all over, and she kept using all the first aid measures she could think of to temporarily bandage the child's wound to stop the bleeding.

She hugged the child in her arms and apologized to him over and over again: "It's my mother's fault, don't cry, it's all my mother's fault, it's my mother's waywardness that insists on you coming to the concert with me... "

The child was in so much pain that he couldn't listen to any words, and cried loudly, shouting: "Mom, mom—I'm in so much pain."

The sharp cries kept pouring into Lu Ming's ears, irritating his nerves, and he smelled the smell of blood mixed in the damp again.

Lu Ming turned sideways in disgust, and pushed Chi Qiu away involuntarily. He gritted his teeth and leaned against an intact wall, fine cold sweat constantly oozing from his forehead. His back hurt so badly that he couldn't feel it, he couldn't open his eyes, and his whole body was shivering with cold.

"Lu Ming, Lu Ming, don't scare me..."

No matter how Chi Qiu called him, he remained indifferent.

Chi Qiu panicked. He hugged Lu Ming closely, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes uncontrollably, dripping on Lu Ming's neck. Lu Ming frowned, and responded with a painful moan from his throat, proving that he was fine.

Chi Qiu wanted to take out his mobile phone from his pocket and turn on a light, but found that his mobile phone had fallen somewhere. He had to fumble in Lu Ming's pocket, and finally got out Lu Ming's cell phone. He turned on the light and placed it in front of the two of them.

At the same time, Chi Qiu saw that the wound on his arm had already stained his clothes red. He didn't care about anything and continued to take care of Lu Ming, who was in serious condition.

Chi Qiu bit his lower lip, sobbing softly, which seemed insignificant in the child's crying.

Lu Ming closed his eyes tightly and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His throat seemed to be as heavy as lead, making it difficult to speak. His consciousness gradually began to blur, and when he was finally able to open his eyes, what he saw was Chi Qiu with tears all over his face.

Those tears kept falling down Chi Qiu's chin, very much like Lu Ming when he was a child.

Also in such a dark room, in such great pain, and in the same heart-piercing cries—mother Lu You grabbed his hair, pressed him to the ground, and slapped him repeatedly .

The author has something to say:

The reason why Lu Ming got sick will be explained slowly with the plot _(:з"∠)_