Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 40: False, all false



The sentence "I believe in you" broke all of Chi Qiu's rules and scruples.

Chi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, thankful that he was pretending to be blind.

He really couldn't screw Lu Ming, if he really couldn't see, and Lu Ming insisted on asking him to help him go to the toilet, then if Lu Ming fell down, Chi Qiu couldn't forgive himself.

In Chi Qiu's heart, he always cared about Lu Ming.

Afterwards, following Lu Ming's command, he pressed his uninjured hand on the back of Lu Ming's shoulder, and pushed Lu Ming's body forward with great effort.

Lu Ming held the guardrail of the hospital bed with both hands. Enduring the pain, he sat up with a tense expression. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Chi Qiu clung to his side tightly, wrapped his arms around the part of Lu Ming's back where there was no wound, and cleverly turned himself into Lu Ming's "stand".

"Lu Ming, are you standing still?"

"Stand firm."

Chi Qiu smiled happily, he was very happy that he could help Lu Ming.

The two have a tacit understanding like the kind of partners who have been together for many years. Lu Ming directs the direction, Chi Qiu follows, and the cooperation goes smoothly. From the hospital bed to the bathroom, it was just a few steps, and Chi Qiu walked with excitement.

However, Chi Qiu was too happy. After entering the bathroom, Chi Qiu knew what it was to face embarrassment face to face.

Lu Ming was probably also a little uncomfortable. He said, "Go out first, and I'll call you when you're done."

Chi Qiu didn't move: "I won't leave, I'm afraid you will fall."

"I'll hold on to the wall."

"… I do not go."

Lu Ming fell silent.

Chi Qiu said hesitantly, "I can't see it, so you don't mind."

Lu Ming replied, "That's not what I meant." He stopped urging Chi Qiu away, and slowly, with Chi Qiu's support, he stretched his hands to the waist of his trousers.

It was not the first time that Chi Qiu and Lu Ming met naked, but every time they had in-depth exchanges, they were carried out under dim lights. Speaking of which, this was the first time Chi Qiu saw Lu Ming under the clear light.

Suddenly, he couldn't pretend anymore. The rapidly rising temperature made his entire face flush. At this moment, even if others say that Chi Qiu is a smoking tomato, it is not an exaggeration.

Chi Qiu caught sight of Lu Ming from the corner of his eye and swallowed hard. His heart was stuck in his throat, and he was very nervous.

Big...that's really big.

Chi Qiu couldn't believe that the difference between the two men was so big. He glanced furtively at his crotch, and there were only four words in his mind: Lost completely.

But in another sense, Chi Qiu is a passive winner.

The more Chi Qiu thought about it, the more something went wrong, he really didn't dare to think about it. Finally, he simply closed his eyes and heard the sound of splashing water.

Lu Ming noticed Chi Qiu's flushed face, and silently turned his head away. But even if he didn't look at it, he could still imagine that Chi Qiu's face was probably "burning" now.

Lu Ming also felt embarrassed. He quickly resolved his normal physiological phenomenon and pressed the button of the water tank in one go.

"Okay," he said.

Chi Qiu stammered back: "Ah, yes, yes."

With Chi Qiu's support, Lu Ming went to the sink to wash his hands, and slowly sat down on the edge of the hospital bed again. Chi Qiu was thin, and his weight was far less than that of Lu Ming. After he helped Lu Ming lie down with one hand, he was already sweating profusely.

During this time, Lu Ming touched the wound on his back. In order not to worry Chi Qiu, Lu Ming remained silent.

The afternoon sun outside the window is dazzling, but fortunately, it is covered by camphor trees, mottled and shaken off. Today's weather is not too hot, the air conditioner is not turned on in the ward, only half of the windows are open. The breeze blows in through the screen window, carrying a faint fragrance of plants.

Chi Qiu wiped off his sweat indiscriminately, sat down quietly on the seat beside the bed, and accompanied Lu Ming without saying a word.

In order to alleviate the weird atmosphere, Lu Ming coughed lightly.

Chi Qiu raised his head and blurted out: "Do you want some water?"

"Don't drink." Lu Ming dared to drink water, he refused.

Chi Qiu nodded when he heard the words, and stopped talking.

Chi Qiu might be used to taking the initiative on weekdays, but once he calmed down, Lu Ming didn't know what to say.

Time passed extremely slowly, and Lu Ming looked at the files in the mailbox with his mobile phone. From time to time, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at Chi Qiu.

Sensitive Chi Qiu noticed Lu Ming's gaze and raised his head curiously: "What's wrong?"


"I always feel... are you looking at me?" Chi Qiu was worried that he was being self-indulgent, but he also thought that nothing he did in front of Lu Ming could be regarded as self-indulgence.

Lu Ming couldn't answer. He thought he was a little abnormal today, probably because he hit his head last night.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, secretary Xu Ling finally arrived at the ward.

The first thing Lu Ming did when he saw him was to ask him to arrange a nurse, the sooner the better.

"Nurse?" Xu Lingqi had no time to catch a breath, so he had to do another thing non-stop. He came in a hurry, he was still wearing his work suit, and he was terribly stuffy in the temperature of city C.

Chi Qiu listened carefully to the exhaustion in Xu Ling's voice, got up and took a new cup, and poured Xu Ling a glass of water. Xu Ling was so grateful that he raised his head and drank.

Lu Ming looked at Xu Ling who was drinking water "gudong gudong", and the dryness in his throat inevitably increased a little.

"Boss Lu, you scared me this morning." After drinking a glass of water, Xu Ling's tone became clear. He repeatedly confirmed that Lu Ming was fine, and gradually let go of his worries.

Xu Ling is young, and he has not been out of society for a long time, but he is very responsible in his work. In this case, he still remembered his work, and asked uncertainly: "Next week's meeting is related to the Lu Corporation, should you be able to go?"

"You can go." Lu Ming told him, "Xu Ling, don't spread the word about my injury."

Xu Ling nodded, and continued: "I have already sent the proposed contract to your mailbox."

"I saw it." Lu Ming mentioned, "Some things need to be changed, and I will tell you later."

"Okay, I'll arrange the nurses right now." After completing the task, Xu Ling felt much more relaxed.

Turning around, he saw a bunch of crushed roses beside the other bed. I don't know who hid the roses here. If it weren't for his sharp eyes, almost no one would notice this ugly bouquet of roses.

Xu Ling walked over in confusion, bent down and picked up the bouquet of roses.

Chi Qiu, who has a keen ear, stood up abruptly the moment he heard the bouquet being picked up, without even thinking about it, he shouted directly: "That's mine!"

Xu Ling: "..."

Lu Ming: "..."

Because Chi Qiu was in a hurry, he yelled loudly, which scared Xu Ling so much that he almost lost control of Rose. Fortunately, he stabilized. He glanced at Chi Qiu in surprise, then looked down at the rotten rose in his hand, and misunderstood.

Xu Ling understood that Chi Qiu couldn't see, and explained kindly: "Mr. Chi, your bouquet of roses is crushed, and it may rot if you continue to store it. The weather in C City is hot, and it won't smell good if it smells later. Take it out and throw it away."

Chi Qiu didn't have the nerve to say that he was reluctant to throw it away. After all, he had received this bouquet of roses in less than 24 hours, and he didn't want to throw it away so soon.

He watched Xu Ling holding his rose, feeling anxious and annoyed, unable to think of suitable words.

Although Chi Qiu liked yesterday's concert, he liked the rose that Lu Ming gave him even more.

However, he was ashamed of being discovered by Lu Ming for such an insignificant thought, so he secretly hid the rose on the side of his bed, thinking that if it was a day, it would not be a waste of time for them to come out.

Unexpectedly, Xu Ling discovered it.

Chi Qiu pretended to be calm, and said politely: "No, I can throw it myself, so I won't trouble you."

Xu Ling was careless for a while, but didn't notice Chi Qiu's strangeness. He had had a lot of afternoon tea with Chi Qiu in the past, and he didn't feel that it was a troublesome thing for him to throw away trash at all. Instead, he said enthusiastically, "No trouble, I'll do it for you!"

"..." Chi Qiu suffered from being dumb.

He had no choice but to comfort himself in his heart: the rose was broken, and sooner or later he would throw it away.

Chi Qiu pursed his lips tightly. He couldn't say anything in front of Lu Ming.

It was Lu Ming who spoke up immediately and stopped Xu Ling mercilessly: "Put the rose back to its original place, you don't need to worry about this matter."

Xu Ling was dumbfounded, not knowing what he had done to make Lu Ming's tone so serious. He was in a trance for a few seconds, and when he suddenly came to his senses, he wished he could slap himself twice. He hurriedly put the rose back in place, turned around and left the ward, not daring to delay a single step.

Xu Ling finally understood. According to the rumors, "Boss Lu doesn't like to go home, because his partner doesn't get along with him"—fake! That's all fake!

The relationship between these two people is so good that even a bouquet of rotten roses can't bear to lose!