Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 42: I don't stink



The life of the two of them in the hospital in City C was neither completely satisfactory nor bad.

As the wounded, Lu Ming and Chi Qiu were unable to move. Not only Xu Ling took pains to accompany them in City C for several days, but even Ji Yanchen ran to the ward on time twice a day, sending this and that, sending care, and posting He asked Lu Ming why he didn't use the urinal he bought.

On the same day, Lu Ming asked the nurse to throw away the urinal because he couldn't use it.

Looking at the urinal taken out by the nurse, Chi Qiu remembered the day when he accompanied Lu Ming to the bathroom, and immediately blushed and warmed up on the spot.

Lu Ming looked at Chi Qiu's flushed face, sometimes he couldn't understand what was going on in his head.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, the bandages on Chi Qiu's hands were removed. The doctor glanced at it and said casually: "The wound is recovering well, but scars are inevitable. However, as long as you pay more attention, the scar will not be too obvious."

After hearing this, Chi Qiu didn't care too much and said, "Okay, thank you doctor."

Instead, Ji Yanchen took the mobile phone, memorized a lot of points to be noted by the doctor, and sent them to Lu Ming's mobile phone one by one. When he asked Lu Ming for his contact information, Lu Ming hesitated for a second, and finally gave it.

Looking at the dialog boxes that kept popping up in the message interface, Lu Ming said helplessly, "I remember everything the doctor said."

Ji Yanchen: "A good memory is not as good as a bad pen."

Lu Ming didn't bother to argue with him: "Understood, thank you."

This made Ji Yanchen very upset, and secretly reported to Chi Qiu, saying with a firm mouth: "He must not have remembered, seeing me send it to him, he must be secretly happy."

Chi Qiu couldn't stop the smile on his face, and obediently followed Lu Ming.

After a few days of rest, Lu Ming could move freely. He held Chi Qiu's hand and walked to the gate of the hospital, politely thanking Ji Yanchen for his care in the past few days.

Chi Qiu thanked them together: "Yan Chen, we will treat you to dinner after you finish your work and return to Xingxi City."

"Okay, wait for me to go to your house for lunch." Ji Yanchen didn't want to continue eating dog food, "Lu Ming, where's your little secretary, I'll take you to the airport."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Ling ran over from a long distance, panting: "Mr. Ji, I have already arranged the car, so I won't trouble you." Then, he reported to Lu Ming, "Boss Lu, the nurse's account It's over, according to your request, the extra money has also been credited to his account."

Chi Qiu was puzzled: "Give me more?"

"Give me a tip." Lu Ming made a random reason.

Chi Qiu didn't think much about it, his right hand was still holding his guide stick, tapping the ground lightly. Facing the glaring sunshine of City C, he heaved a sigh of relief and was finally going home.

What he didn't expect was that when he got off the plane, he was not only greeted by the familiar smell of Xingxi City, but also the big bouquet of red roses in the living room at home.

And their uncle whom they haven't seen for a long time - Lu Fengshen.

Xingxi City, Lu Family Villa.

Aunt Zhang learned that Chi Qiu and Lu Ming were injured in City C, and planned to prepare a nutritional menu for the next month. Starting early this morning, except for going out to buy some fresh ingredients herself, she almost stayed in the kitchen busy making medicinal meals.

When Chi Qiu arrived home, the first thing he smelled was the rich aroma of bone soup, and then the big bouquet of red roses on the table caught his eye. He was overwhelmed with surprise, but the smell of the soup overwhelmed the smell of the large bouquet of roses on the table, Chi Qiu could only try his best to conceal it, and involuntarily grabbed the corner of Lu Ming's clothes.

"I..." He pretended to be hungry, moved his Adam's apple up and down, and said, "I'm hungry."

Chi Qiu showed an expression of wanting to drink a bowl of hot soup immediately, and successfully deceived Lu Ming.

Looking at the roses on the table, Chi Qiu couldn't bear to approach them. He took a step forward, making an excuse to check the kitchen.

Lu Ming stopped him: "Go take a shower and change clothes first."

"I don't stink."

Lu Ming didn't say that Chi Qiu "stinks".

Chi Qiu loves to be clean so much, how could he be "stinky"

Lu Ming knew in his heart that Chi Qiu must be too hungry and started talking nonsense.

Chi Qiu was thinking about his roses, turned his head and asked, "Can I have a bowl of soup first?" As long as Lu Ming let him go, he had already figured out what kind of surprised expression he would have in a while.

And Lu Ming looked at the clock on the wall, and asked seriously: "The soup is probably still simmering in the pot, it's very hot, are you sure you want to drink it now?"

"Go take a shower first, I'll have something for you later."

When Chi Qiu heard this, there was a slight light in his eyes. He is an extremely cooperative and good partner, even though he already knew what the gift was, he still nodded expectantly and quickly compromised.

With the help of Lu Ming, Chi Qiu put a wound waterproof sticker on his arm, and walked into the bathroom with ease. The sound of water quickly drowned out the slight movement in the bathroom.

After relaxing, Lu Ming stood in front of the bedroom window and opened half of the curtains. He saw that most of the apricot blossoms in the front yard were knocked down due to the heavy rain last night. The two hourly workers were cleaning the petals on the slate, their movements were skillful, the atmosphere was harmonious, they were talking and laughing softly.

Everything is the same at home, the only difference is that after a rain, a lot of gardenias in the front yard bloomed.

Lu Ming fixed his eyes for a moment, closed the curtains, and walked back to the living room. He slowly took off his suit jacket and put it on the sofa. Listening to the clock ticking in the living room, he bent over and sat down with a faint pain in his back.

He raised his eyes and saw that the roses on the table were gorgeous. Lu Ming looked at it and fell into a short thought.

I don't know if it's because Aunt Zhang's soup is so fragrant today, or because the scent of this bouquet of roses has disappeared strangely, Lu Ming feels that its current presence is equivalent to zero. In order not to lose its meaning, Lu Ming deliberately put it in the bedroom.

He hoped that Chi Qiu could smell it and find it as soon as he came out of the shower, and he also hoped that Chi Qiu could show a particularly happy smile to himself.

Bright as a fleeting spring day.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming was left speechless. But this kind of childish expectation, after the death of his mother, he had for the first time.

Since the two of them had been in the hospital for several days, Chi Qiu was currently taking a bath hard, which took longer than usual.

Remembering that Chi Qiu wanted to drink soup, Lu Ming thought he should fill a bowl first and let it cool down. Unexpectedly, he had only stepped half a step into the kitchen when he bumped into his uncle who was wearing an apron.

"Uncle?" Lu Ming was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Aunt Zhang spoke first with a smile on her face: "Mr. Lu, you are back! Mr. Lu knew that you and your husband are coming home today, so he came here specially to make soup for you. Look, the fragrance is so fragrant that I'm so hungry, Lu Your cooking skills are really good, sir."

She was full of praise, and it could be seen that she and Lu Fengshen chatted very happily.

Lu Fengshen lowered his head in embarrassment, and wiped his hands on the apron: "Because of work, I returned to China early, and I arrived yesterday. I thought I hadn't seen you for a long time, so I came here to have a look. I didn't expect you to go to City C." He Shen Shen's shoulders, "Sister Zhang told me everything about you."

He looked Lu Ming up and down carefully, and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Lu Fengshen's rather young face does not have the sense of deja vu of elders at all. He was only eight years older than Lu Ming. He said he was an uncle, but he was actually more like a nagging brother.

"It's okay." Lu Ming frowned, and said rigidly, "It stands to reason that the guard should notify me when you come in."

Lu Fengshen hooked the corner of his mouth, thinking he was forgetful: "You forgot that I was the manager of this villa before?"

Before Lu Ming returned to China, he would occasionally return to China to take care of the villa. He was considered one of the managers of the villa, and he could come in without the permission of the owner, unless the owner removed him from the system list.

But Lu Ming would not do this, he welcomed Lu Fengshen in his heart. During those years abroad, this little uncle took good care of him.

Seeing Lu Ming's haggard face, Lu Fengshen turned around and filled up a bowl of soup: "There is an old saying that goes well, eat whatever hurts, and make up for what you eat."

He brought the soup over: "Try it? I remember you used to like my soup the most."

No, in order for Lu Ming and Chi Qiu to have a sip of fresh, hot bone soup, Lu Fengshen got up early today and went to the market to pick out meat and bones.

This stew is most particular about the heat, the fire is not fresh, and the fire is not transparent, so it has to be controlled from time to time.

For a whole half a day, Lu Fengshen was patient enough to hide in the kitchen.

The author has something to say:

Update on Friday.