Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 44: What, do you want to break?



This moment.

Lu Fengshen, who was waiting outside for dinner, waited left and right for almost half an hour, but they still didn't come out to eat. He was embarrassed to knock on the bedroom door of the young couple, and repeatedly looked at the classical clock hanging on the wall.

He regretted what he said just now, he shouldn't let Lu Ming take his time.

It had been a busy morning, and he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

The good education since he was a child prevented him from putting down his chopsticks before his tablemates came over. He couldn't help but drink half a bowl of soup made by himself, which relieved his hunger.

Lu Fengshen waited longer and longer. Seeing that the table of delicious food was almost freezing, he got up helplessly and planned to call for someone.

But when he turned around, he saw Chi Qiu stumbling over from the bedroom. Lu Ming followed closely behind, holding Chi Qiu's arm, for fear that he would fall.

Chi Qiu whispered "annoyed" to Lu Ming: "Why didn't you tell me earlier when uncle came?" If he knew, he would definitely not procrastinate like this.

When can't you blow your hair, when can't you shave your beard, and most importantly, this is Lu Ming's uncle who takes care of him.

Lu Ming looked devastated, obviously just now Chi Qiu was hugging him, rubbing his chin, and talking flirtatiously...

Why is it that I am wrong now

Also at a loss, there was Lu Fengshen holding chopsticks. He never thought that his nephew, Lu Ming, who seemed to have no interest in anything, would have such a colorful life now.

It can be called a must.

The flustered Chi Qiu apologized again and again: "Uncle, it's because I moved too slowly, I'm sorry."

"No, it just so happens that the dishes are not hot anymore." Lu Fengshen called out kindly, "Chi Qiu, are you starving? Come and eat."

Lu Fengshen's attitude was mild, and he didn't mean to be angry at all. He put a bowl of soup in front of Chi Qiu in a good-tempered manner, signaling Lu Ming to take the initiative.

Seeing this, Lu Ming grabbed Chi Qiu's hand and touched the edge of the bowl: "This is uncle's soup, you have to taste it."

The bone soup sprinkled with chopped scallions has an attractive aroma, which relieves the short-term embarrassment caused by the long-awaited reunion at the table.

Chi Qiu really didn't expect that Lu Fengshen could cook soup. He once thought that an artist like Lu Fengshen would not have time to study cooking skills on weekdays, and would be a nanny cooking, or fooling around a few times.

"Thank you, Uncle." Chi Qiu searched for the fragrance of the soup, lowered his head and took a sip of the warm bone soup, his eyes immediately brightened up a lot.

This soup is better than Aunt Zhang's!

Chi Qiu drank most of the bowl in one go, so happy that Lu Fengshen picked up a pair of clean chopsticks and put some boneless meat on his dinner plate. Lu Fengshen was not very old, and looking at Chi Qiu's expression was full of the love and affection of an elder looking at a younger generation: "Drink slowly, there is not enough in the pot."

"I've never had such a delicious soup." Chi Qiu said sincerely, but it sounded a little exaggerated, like flattery. After he realized it, he hurriedly explained: "It's really delicious! Uncle, your cooking skills are really good, did you learn it on purpose?"

Lu Fengshen regards Chi Qiu as his own, and is not too polite: "I am quite talented in cooking. I can read some tutorials and figure it out on my own. When Lu Ming lived abroad with us, he also loved Chi Qiu. Drink my soup."

As soon as he heard that Lu Ming liked to drink, Chi Qiu took the bowl and asked for half a bowl more.

After a meal, Chi Qiuguang drank two or three bowls of soup, and his stomach was full of water. The rest of the dishes were barely eaten. Fortunately, Lu Ming and Lu Fengshen had a big appetite, so they lived up to the results of Aunt Zhang's hard work all morning.

After the meal, the three talked and laughed and drank tea in the front hall.

The aroma of the newly added spring tea at home was overflowing, Lu Fengshen took a sip, and the aftertaste was sweet. He liked it very much, and said: "It's better to make domestic tea, and I'll bring some for your grandma to taste when I go back later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ming stopped holding the cup.

Chi Qiu answered the words cleverly: "My relatives picked these spring teas themselves, if you like them, uncle, I will prepare some for you later." He hesitated, squeezed his hands, and then asked, "How is grandma doing recently? "

Lu Fengshen replied: "She has always been in good health, don't worry."

Chi Qiu nodded, thinking that when Lu Ming had time, the two of them must go abroad: "Lu Ming's company was too busy before, I thought, if there is a chance, Lu Ming and I will visit her together."

Lu Fengshen waved his hand and said a few polite words: "She travels with a few sisters every now and then, and you might not be able to find her when you go."

Lu Fengshen appreciated Chi Qiu's kindness, but he might not be able to see Lu Ming's grandmother.

At the beginning, Lu Ming's purpose of returning to China was too straightforward, and his grandmother persuaded him many times for this, and she didn't want him to be involved with the Lu family here. It's a pity that it's impossible to talk about it, Lu Ming is determined to go back to China.

Seeing that Lu Ming was so stubborn, she was so angry that she didn't even attend their wedding.

For more than half a year, she was even more reluctant to see Lu Ming and Chi Qiu.

Poor Chi Qiu always thought it was Lu Ming's grandmother who didn't like him, and was very sad about it. Seeing that Lu Fengshen paved a step for himself, he silently stopped being attached.

"Then when you are going back, let me know in advance, and I will prepare spring tea for grandma."

When Lu Fengshen returned to China this time, besides work, he had another important matter to ask Lu Ming.

This matter is about Lu You.

Because of Chi Qiu's presence, Lu Fengshen was not in a hurry to explain. Time passed by, and when it was around three o'clock in the afternoon, he claimed that he still had a job and hinted that Lu Ming would send him to the door.

Chi Qiu understood, knowing that they had something private to say, so they stayed in the living room peacefully.

Lu Ming sent Lu Fengshen to a black car, and Lu Fengshen took out two tickets from inside the car: "I have an art exhibition later, Chi Qiu was here just now, so it's not convenient for you. If he has this intention, you You can bring him with you."

Chi Qiu is blind and can't see the show at all. Lu Fengshen wasn't sure whether Chi Qiu would want to go, he didn't want to embarrass each other, so he specially picked a suitable time and handed it to Lu Ming: "If you are free, you can come to the exhibition."

Lu Ming took the admission ticket handed over by Lu Fengshen, folded it and put it in his pocket, he didn't intend to go.

"By the way, do you remember that college classmate of yours, Xia Zhiyan who used to come to play with you often. He also returned to China, and happened to meet me at the airport, and now he is a well-known fashion designer. He He even asked me about you, and I gave him a ticket." Lu Fengshen said, "You haven't been in touch yet?"

"Something happened at that time, and I didn't contact him again."

Lu Ming didn't want to mention the past between himself and his old classmates. He didn't wait for Lu Fengshen to speak again, but said in a low voice: "Uncle, grandma's matter, no matter whether you intend it or not, don't mention it in front of Chi Qiu again. .”

"Why, you still want to break up with your grandma?" Lu Fengshen frowned, his appearance was somewhat similar to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming didn't want to break up with his grandmother, he just thought that the conflict between them should not make things difficult for Chi Qiu.

Seeing Lu Ming's silence, Lu Fengshen couldn't help but have a headache.

He acted as a peacemaker, and said unabashedly: "Your grandma has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, you don't know her yet? When I take the spring tea back, I will say it was given by Chi Qiu. She must be happy to accept it." .”

"Grandma is not a person of this character."

"That's because you don't know her well enough." Lu Fengshen shook his head, "Actually, Chi Qiu often asks about your grandma on the phone. Since he wants to ease this relationship, don't keep thinking too hard."

Lu Ming frowned.

Lu Fengshen deliberately said: "He married you and helped you so much. You won't be stubborn about such a small matter, right? Didn't you say that you would treat him well and make him happy?"

"It's different."

"Why is it different? Lu Ming, don't fail to do what you said yourself."

After a few words, Lu Ming was dumbfounded. He often couldn't argue with his eloquent uncle.

After a moment of silence, Lu Ming looked back at Chi Qiu who was sitting in the living room through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, and replied, "Got it."

Lu Fengshen was relieved, and he slowly raised the corners of his mouth, which explained the real intention of coming this time.

"Lu Ming, do you still remember what I told you, when your mother was in college, there was a fashion design exhibition?"

How could Lu Ming not remember that it was in that fashion design exhibition that Lu Rongtian fell in love with Lu You at first sight, and countless nightmares were also the prelude to that day.

Even if Lu Ming only heard about it from Lu Fengshen, he could subconsciously feel sick.

If time could go back, probably everyone would want to prevent that wrong encounter.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Lu Fengshen tentatively said: "In that exhibition, there was a first draft of the design of a black suit. It was not made into an exhibit, but it was kept in the school as an excellent homework display. After that, this design draft was passed on by my sister. Repeatedly improved and gradually perfected, she made a unique suit for your father."

Lu Ming knew about this. That suit was designed and made by Lu You himself for Lu Rongtian. Wearing it, Lu Rongtian attended a major press conference of the Lu Corporation for the first time with his beautiful wife and young son, stealing the limelight.

Afterwards, Lu Rongtian excitedly asked someone to take a photo of the family of three.

This photo was once hung in this villa, but was torn to pieces by Lu You himself.

Lu Fengshen said: "After that, this design draft came into my hands. Now, a friend of mine wants to buy it at a high price and make it into an exhibit. After all, this is my sister's hard work. I hope it can shine brightly, but this This matter still needs to be approved by you. Of course, I will transfer the selling fee to your card as well."

"Not for sale."

Lu Ming refused without thinking.

The author has something to say:

We sincerely invite everyone to watch Lu Ming lose his temper tomorrow (top the lid and run away (the latest updates were written in the middle of the night, sorry for typos, and the proofreaded version will be replaced later.