Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 45: loose the temper



Lu Ming was deeply impressed by this suit, it seemed to be a gully separating Lu Ming from a happy life.

He remembered that once, he went crazy over this matter.

It was a cloudy day after Lu You's death, and many people came from Lu Rongtian's side to attend the funeral. Lu Ming stood under the shade of a tree, motionless. He was very emaciated and stared blankly at the ground. His face was dark, and his bangs had not been cut for a long time, covering his empty eyes.

"Lu Ming."

His uncle Lu Fengshen, who was eight years older than him, called him and led him forward with a tired voice: "Go and say goodbye to your mother."

Lu Ming followed blankly, every step was an infinitely long torment. He has been unable to eat for many days, and every time he eats, he has to suppress his nausea before he can swallow a little.

There was cold sweat on his forehead, and he felt cold all over on a hot day. Staggering, he knelt and sat on the ground.

Lu Fengshen's voice sounded vague in Lu Ming's ears: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay, Lu Ming? Lu Ming?"

The cemetery was very deserted, with the wind blowing past his ears.

Lu Ming shook his head, his heavy breathing echoed in his mind. He struggled to raise his head and saw that one of the relatives attending the funeral was wearing the suit that his mother had made by himself.

This person is not Lu Rongtian.

The 17-year-old Lu Ming stood up abruptly, he didn't know where the strength came from, and rushed over like a mad dog. Without warning, he punched the relative in the face.

The surrounding screams startled, and everyone didn't know what happened to him, and avoided a few steps in horror.

Only Lu Fengshen was not afraid of him, hugged him from behind, and shouted: "Lu Ming, what are you doing?!"

Lu Ming seemed to be crazy, he knocked Lu Fengshen away, and grabbed the man by the collar. He panted like a red-eyed wolfhound. His throat was hoarse, like it was full of blood and sand: "Don't touch my mother's things."

The man was dumbfounded, and explained tremblingly: "I, I didn't move..."

Lu Ming didn't want to listen to his nonsense, and shouted: "Take it off!"

Only then did the other party know that this dress was made by Lu You, he took off his coat unluckily, his legs were so frightened: "This, this was given to me by your father before, and I said that the dress looks good and he gave it to me! Don't blame me, who knew it belonged to Lu You!"

There was a thunderclap in the sky, and heavy rain poured down.

Lu Ming hugged the suit jacket that the man had taken off, bent his back, and turned around to look at Lu Rongtian. That look seemed to swallow Lu Rongtian alive.

This is not a good memory, and Lu Ming will never lose control like this again.

Lu Ming said to Lu Fengshen: "No one will cherish her heart." He also didn't want to see someone trample on this heart again.

"Lu Ming..."

"She's dead."

"She's dead, uncle."

When Lu You died, her things should be buried in the dust with her, rather than being laughed at for her infatuation and mispayment.

The tea on the coffee table was already cold, Chi Qiu looked at the spring tea in the porcelain cup and sighed slowly.

Marriage is not like love. The interpersonal relationship between the two families is difficult to deal with, and the relationship between the Lu family and the Chi family is even more difficult to deal with. Although Lu Ming often told him not to care about these things, Chi Qiu still didn't want to neglect those relatives who had cared for Lu Ming.

Lu Ming's emotional indifference is a fact that cannot be changed for a while. But Chi Qiu's emotions are normal. He thinks that as Lu Ming's partner, he needs to share some things together.

He turned around, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he saw that Lu Ming, who had his back turned to him, was talking to Lu Fengshen.

Lu Fengshen's expression was no longer gentle, the two seemed to have an argument, but it was only a few words. Seeing Lu Fengshen trying to suppress his emotions, Chi Qiu pressed Lu Ming's shoulder helplessly.

Chi Qiu understood what Lu Fengshen said: You have to come out.

Chi Qiu pursed his lips, depressed. He probably knew why Lu Fengshen said this, and also knew that Lu Ming didn't want to confess the past to himself.

He didn't doubt Lu Ming's love for him, but he knew that he hadn't become someone Lu Ming could rely on to confide in. He should give Lu Ming more love, as the psychiatrist said, Lu Ming's heart has been frozen into ice, and those who warm him will inevitably encounter the cold winter first.

Chi Qiu is willing.

Gradually, Chi Qiu turned sideways and stopped staring at them. Because Aunt Zhang had already walked in front of Chi Qiu, she bent down to clear away the extra teacups: "Sir, what's wrong with you, are you in a bad mood?"

Chi Qiu said casually, "No, I'm just a little tired."

"It's probably because you haven't had a good rest in the hospital for the past few days. You can take a nap later and have a good rest."

Chi Qiu thanked Aunt Zhang for her concern. He thought of the roses in the bedroom, and suddenly said, "I'm not sleepy, Aunt Zhang. If you have time, can you teach me how to make dried flowers?"

Aunt Zhang saw the bouquet of roses one step earlier than Chi Qiu, she said with a smile: "I told you that Boss Lu will give you new roses soon." She asked, "Should such a large bouquet be made into dried flowers?"

"Just try to make a few." Chi Qiu smiled shyly, "Lu Ming said that he would often send me flowers in the future, and the family may need to buy more vases."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Ming had already walked in from the outside.

His complexion is not very good, the conversation just now seems to have broken up unhappy.

Aunt Zhang is a smart person. Seeing that Lu Ming was in a bad mood, she said something casually and walked away with a teacup. Chi Qiu was left alone, standing up silently: "Lu Ming?"

Lu Ming walked over and passed by Chi Qiu, his tone indifferent, he didn't even look at Chi Qiu: "I'm going to take a shower."

Chi Qiu followed immediately, but was in a hurry and tripped over himself. Fortunately, no one saw him, so he patted his knee and entered the bedroom regardless of the pain.

But as soon as he entered, the bathroom door closed.

Chi Qiu took a "closed door" and stood there at a loss.

The sound of water soon came, and it drowned out Lu Ming's chaotic thoughts.

Lu Ming kept rubbing his face, trying to wake himself up. The accident in city C was a fuse. Recently, he frequently thought about the past, which made him very uncomfortable.

Lu You was his nightmare and also a bomb he buried in his heart.

He loves her, hates her, and pities her even more.

Lu Ming stood under the shower, the warm water seemed to turn cold. Lu You's funeral, Lu You's death, Lu You's smile, everything is vivid in my memory. He saw that his hands were covered with blood, and when he closed and opened his eyes, his eyes were still bloodshot.

At some point, Lu You's voice bit his ear, pulling him painfully.

"Why are only our mother and child so unfortunate?" She whispered, covering her face and crying, "What's the use of just taking away their property? Is their pain one-thousandth of ours?"

Lu You's shadow "appeared" in front of Lu Ming, complaining endlessly.

"No, they don't have it!" She grabbed her long hair, squatted under the shower, and the warm bath water wet Lu You's whole body. Gradually, Lu You stood up, just like the day she died, she was covered in blood, and the stench spread silently.

Lu Ming had difficulty breathing and clenched his teeth. He was silent, leaning against the wall in pain.

Time began to move slowly, and Lu Ming didn't know how long it took him to regain his calm. All he knew was that Lu You disappeared again, and there was still the noisy sound of water in the bathroom.

He looked at the clear water in his palm for a long time.

It had been so long that Chi Qiu called out several times, but he didn't hear him.

The bathroom door was opened, and Lu Ming turned around vigilantly. At this moment, his eyes became surly, extremely strange. He saw Chi Qiu standing anxiously at the door, and while hesitating, Chi Qiu's lips moved: "Are you okay?"

The warm voice was like good medicine, and suddenly woke up Lu Ming.

Lu Ming lost his voice and stood there in a daze. Then, he turned his back to Chi Qiu.

Seeing that he did not speak, Chi Qiu wanted to take a step inside: "You have been washing for a long time, I am very worried about you."

But Lu Ming turned off the shower all of a sudden, and said in a cold voice, "Get out." He is not used to showing his weak and incompetent side to others when his mind is clear, which will make him feel very insecure.

His voice was not heavy, Chi Qiu clasped his hands together nervously, and said sincerely, "Lu Ming, I want to help you."

"Lu Ming, I'm coming in." Chi Qiu touched the wet wall and approached Lu Ming slightly.

But what he got immediately was Lu Ming's irritated growl: "Get out!"

Chi Qiu was frightened, his whole body shook, and he almost fell down.

Lu Ming quickly realized his gaffe. He covered his face and rubbed it hard: "Can you leave me alone for now?" He didn't turn around, "Chi Qiu, I need to stay by myself for a while."

Having been rejected twice, Chi Qiu had to take a step back, and closed the bathroom door with trembling fingertips.

This was the first time Lu Ming lost his temper with him.

The author has something to say:

Get well soon, Lu Ming! (Updated on Tuesday ~ Thank you for your comments! Starfish jade pendant! Kowtow! orz