Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 51: A family of four



The Chi family villa has lived in it for a long time, and the restaurant has a more family atmosphere.

Chi Lanyan is very particular about life, and Aunt Su will change the bouquet on the dining table every day.

Today when Chi Qiu came home, Aunt Su specially used Chi Qiu's favorite gardenia. Since gardenia has a strong fragrance, it is not necessary to put a lot on the table. Aunt Su changed to a smaller round vase, and inserted the three gardenias she had just picked up from the front yard into the small mouth of the vase.

As soon as Chi Qiu sat down, he was attracted by the gardenia fragrance: "The gardenias at home are blooming really well."

"I know you like it." Chi Lanyan was arranging Chi Qiu's favorite dishes according to the clock positioning method, and the scallion fish that Lu Ming liked was put in front of Lu Ming intentionally.

Afterwards, Chi Lanyan personally brought out the last bowl of hot soup from the back kitchen, sat down with a smile, and looked at the empty seat beside her: "Sister Su, go to the study and call him."

"He" refers to Lin Yuming.

Chi Qiu hurriedly said: "Uncle Lin has something to do at school and has already gone out, so we don't have to wait for him to eat."

Chi Lanyan paused with the hand holding the chopsticks, showing an extremely impatient expression, and disappeared in a flash. In front of Chi Qiu and Lu Ming, she quickly restrained herself, and only said to them: "Eat quickly, the food is going to be cold."

When eating, the whole table is relatively quiet. Usually Chi Lanyan asks a question and Lu Ming answers. In order to liven up the atmosphere between the two of them, Chi Qiu would say something from time to time, which was quite harmonious.

With Chi Lanyan around, Chi Qiu's bowl is never short of food, and he doesn't need others to bring food for him. But Chi Lanyan picked it up and down, but didn't touch the scallion fish with his chopsticks.

Meanwhile, Lu Ming asked Chi Qiu, "Do you want to eat fish?"

Chi Lanyan was startled, and said first, "Xiaoqiu doesn't like fish."

Lu Ming was puzzled, but his reaction was quick: "Sorry, I don't know."

Chi Lanyan thought that Lu Ming didn't care about Chi Qiu, so she was in a bad mood. She told Lu Ming repeatedly: "Xiao Qiu got stuck in his throat with a fishbone before, and since then, he doesn't like fish very much. And, even if Xiao Qiu When Qiu eats fish, someone has to carefully pick out all the bones from the fish, it’s not something that can be caught just by asking.”

Lu Ming has a good temper, and he fully accepted Chi Lanyan's criticism: "Got it, Mom, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Chi Lanyan is a person who accepts when he sees it. She understood that her tone was serious, and explained: "I know that many blind people can eat fish by themselves. You may think that my words are a bit exaggerated. But Xiaoqiu's situation is special. He was blind the day after tomorrow, so he was overprotected by me. You still need to pay more attention to many things."

Holding the chopsticks, Chi Qiu just swallowed a mouthful of beef: "Mom, I eat fish now." Afraid that Chi Lanyan would continue nagging Lu Ming, he defended, "Especially scallion oil fish, I like it very much." .”

Chi Lanyan opened his mouth, but before he said anything, Chi Qiu continued, "The scallion fish doesn't have many thorns, and Lu Ming will pick them out for me every time."

But Chi Lanyan really couldn't imagine Lu Ming picking fishbone for Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu was afraid that Chi Lanyan would not believe him, so he hesitated for a while, and said embarrassedly: "He will feed it to me after picking, he is very careful."

Chi Lanyan: "?"

Chi Lanyan was greatly affected by this meal, and her attitude towards Lu Ming improved a lot, and she even wanted to keep them overnight, selfishly wanting to observe whether the facts were as Chi Qiu said.

Chi Qiu saw through Chi Lanyan's mind and took the initiative to reject her "kindness".

After the meal, when the three of them were sitting in the living room chatting, Chi Lanyan's secretary sent a document. Chi Lanyan, who juggles family and work, is a busy person. While talking about her annoyance, she obediently took the secretary's documents, and said, "You really know how to pick your time."

"I just think that Chi is always praising me." The female secretary Lin Lan smiled generously, handed the cake she was carrying to Aunt Su, and invited Chi Lanyan to the study.

Lin Lan has worked with Chi Lanyan for more than ten years, and he is considered an old acquaintance of the Chi family. Knowing that Chi Qiu was at home, on the way here, she bought a whole strawberry cake, which was not too sweet and was Chi Qiu's favorite.

And with cake, how can we lose a cup of black coffee

Chi Qiu, who has a limited tolerance for sugar, used to eat cakes at home with black coffee. Aunt Su didn't even ask Chi Qiu, and went to the kitchen to prepare the cake with her.

She cut the cake into pieces, brewed two cups of black coffee without sugar, and placed it in front of the two of them.

Lu Ming picked up the coffee calmly and took a small sip: "..." He put it down silently.

He couldn't drink it, it was too bitter.

Just when he didn't want to touch the cup of coffee again, Chi Qiu asked intimately: "Lu Ming, do you want to go to my room to see?" After getting Lu Ming's consent, he said to Aunt Su, "Aunt Su , help me replace the coffee with juice."

"Master, do you want juice to go with the cake?" Aunt Su thought, how sweet it is...

"Well, I suddenly want to eat like this today." He told Lu Ming, "The mixed fruit juice made by Aunt Su is delicious, why don't you try it too?"

So, Lu Ming managed to get rid of that cup of black coffee.

Chi Qiu's room is relatively spacious, maybe Chi Lanyan is afraid that Chi Qiu will stumble, so everything is arranged neatly.

The Braille books that fell on the floor before the meal hadn't been picked up yet, so Lu Ming walked over to pick them up and helped Chi Qiu put them back in the bookcase. What caught my eye was a neat row of books. Leaving aside the Braille books, the rest are publications.

Lu Ming had seen these publications before, and he knew that Chi Qiu had published many manuscripts.

He even read every one of them carefully.

Chi Qiu thought that Lu Ming was curious, so he called out, "Lu Ming." In the bedroom he was familiar with, he walked forward with ease, and reached out to touch Lu Ming's arm.

Lu Ming asked Chi Qiu to hold his arm, turned slightly to one side, and saw Chi Qiu touch the books in front of him.

According to the order in which they were placed, Chi Qiu took out his favorite one: "When I was bored, I would write and submit fairy tales. Every time it was published, the other party would send me a sample magazine, and I had accumulated so much without knowing it. too much."

Lu Ming looked at the thick row of publications and said, "There are indeed many."

Chi Qiu handed the weekly magazine to Lu Ming, exerting some force on his knuckles: "If you don't mind, do you want to read it?"

The question is like this, but if Lu Ming refuses, Chi Qiu will definitely be disappointed. He hoped that he could understand Lu Ming better, and that Lu Ming could understand himself better.

Chi Qiu hopes that one day, he will be able to share all the secrets with Lu Ming without reservation.

Naturally, Lu Ming took the publication in his hand.

For the next time, the room was very quiet, except for the sound of flipping papers.

Lu Ming sat at Chi Qiu's desk, flipping through every word Chi Qiu had written page by page. Chi Qiu sat beside him, sipping the greasy fruit juice, it was so sweet to his heart.

Lu Ming looked up, and the photo frame on the desk was facing him.

In the photo, Chi Qiu was very young, he looked only eight or nine years old. He obediently stood on the left side of the chair where Chi Lanyan was sitting, showing a cheerful smile. The young Chi Xia was sitting in Chi Lanyan's arms, looking at her brother happily with her big beautiful eyes. She stretched out her hand and happily grabbed Chi Qiu's fingers.

In this photo, even Chi Lanyan is not as serious as usual. She wears light makeup and has a gentle smile. Her husband Lin Yuming on the right stands upright and puts his hands on her shoulders with a slight smile.

It looks like a happy family of four.

Lu Ming remembered that the investigation materials said that the relationship between the Chi family was not harmonious, but he never heard Chi Qiu say that Lin Yuming and Chi Xia were not in front of him. On the contrary, every time Chi Lanyan talked about Chi Xia, Chi Qiu would chatter about things from his childhood.

Lu Ming asked: "You, your stepfather, and your sister, are you on good terms now?"

Chi Qiu noticed Lu Ming's gaze, and never thought that Lu Ming would ask such a question. He remembered that he had told Lu Ming about the situation in his family ten years ago, for fear that Lu Ming would be unhappy and unable to get along well after seeing Lin Yuming.

He hesitated for a while, and lied: "Uncle Lin is okay with me now, and so is Xiao Xia. There was a bit of a conflict before, but it was quickly resolved." He said lightly, "It's just that Xiao Xia and I have grown up now. , Each has its own friends, and it’s not easy to go together.”

With such an unrealistic answer, Lu Ming could only express his understanding.

Chi Qiu asked: "You... have you seen the photo on my desk?"


"That was taken when I was 10 years old. Xiao Xia in the photo is only 7 years old, and she is very attached to me."

Lu Ming looked at Chi Qiu in the photo again: "I thought you were only 8 years old."

"Maybe it's because of my height. I haven't been tall since I was a child, so I look smaller than my peers." Even now, Chi Qiu's height is only 173.

Compared to Lu Ming's big and tall figure, Chi Qiu standing beside him is indeed a small one. Coupled with the fact that Chi Qiu was thin, if Lu Ming wanted to pick him up, it would be easy and effortless.

Fortunately, Chi Qiu has gained weight now and looks healthier.

Chi Qiu guessed: "I heard from Aunt Su that my biological father doesn't seem to be very tall. Maybe I inherited his height?"

Chi Lanyan is tall and tall, but Chi Xia is very similar to her.

Chi Qiu blinked: "Before I was born, he left us because of his own affairs. According to Aunt Su, he may not even know my existence."