Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 57: It was indeed Lu Ming who made the first move



The meeting with Luo Yun went smoothly, and the three of them sat together after a long absence. Luo Yun was still sitting opposite Chi Qiu, but now, she was no longer Chi Qiu's psychologist. The two talked easily and talked about a lot of interesting things.

Knowing that Chi Qiu had a happy married life, Luo Yun was deeply moved: "I never thought that I would be a matchmaker once." She recalled the past, narrowed her eyes with a smile, and put down the red wine glass in her hand, "Lu Ming just came to me. At the clinic, he was unwilling to say anything to me. He always kept a friendly smile, like wearing a mask, and seemed to decide to deal with me casually."

Chi Qiu gently put down the chopsticks in his hand and listened carefully to Luo Yun's words.

Luo Yun noticed Chi Qiu's movements, and continued: "Until one day, he suddenly asked me what the name of the boy sitting in my garden was."

Luo Yun was overjoyed to see that Lu Ming was willing to speak.

She made a bold decision and told Lu Ming: "Since you want to know, you should ask yourself. If he wants to be your friend, he will tell you."

Lu Ming looked at Luo Yun in disbelief, as if the person in front of him was talking about the Arabian Nights.

You know, Chi Qiu's attitude was cold, and he didn't mean to tell him at all. Otherwise, why did Lu Ming ask Luo Yun for help

Lu Ming was particularly embarrassed. He said awkwardly, "He didn't tell me, and he didn't want to talk to me..."

Luo Yun looked at his expression and asked seriously: "Do you really want to be friends with him?"

"If you want to, you have to work hard, talk more, and use this place to talk sincerely." Luo Yun pointed to his heart, with a gentle expression, "Lu Ming, making friends is a happy thing, right? Don't treat it as Just deal with the pressure sincerely.”

At the very least, take off your mask.

Lu Ming's cheeks were unusually red, he was restless, extremely shy and restless, and the throbbing of his youth occupied his whole heart. There was a person inside beating a drum, reminding him with a "thump-thump-thump"—to be brave, to be cheerful, to be sincere.

He nodded and realized something: "I see."

These pasts were slowly revealed in Luo Yun's mouth, which made Chi Qiu blush.

Chi Lanyan frowned, feeling complicated. It turned out that there was still such a relationship between Chi Qiu and Lu Ming, and it was thanks to the child that he kept silent.

She sighed, and said to Luo Yun: "After talking for a long time, I am the outsider."

Chi Lanyan pointed to Chi Qiu: "He, it wasn't until a few years ago, after the Lu family reconnected with us, that he came to ask me if he could help him contact the young master of the Lu family. I want to find Lu Ming. Even if we met in the clinic before and have a good impression, it is not possible to still want to find him after so many years."

The emotion of first love, once ten years have passed, most of the things are different.

However, for Chi Lanyan, Lu Ming was quite ignorant at the beginning.

"I talked to Mr. Lu about this matter again and again, but he was always speechless. He said that he had contacted Lu Ming, but the other party refused to go back to China. I thought to myself, this is all their own family business, we can't wade through this muddy water, so I didn't ask any more."

Seeing that Chi Qiu day and night wanted to see Lu Ming day and night, Chi Lanyan had a headache. She thought that no matter how bad it was, when Lu Yinliang and Chi Xia got married, with Lu Ming as his own brother, they would always have a chance to meet.

Unexpectedly, the funny thing is that this marriage turned out to be unexplainable, and Lu Ming returned to China as scheduled.

And his precious son, Chi Qiu, jumped into the muddy water himself without even discussing with her.

Chi Lanyan laughed: "I thought it was my silly son who fell in love with Lu Ming at first sight, and he rushed forward wishfully, but he couldn't stop it. After a long time, it turned out that Lu Ming made the first move."

In a few words, there were many things that made Chi Lanyan dumbfounded.

If she had known that Chi Qiu and Lu Ming had this relationship in the psychological clinic, she wouldn't have been worried for so long, suspiciously thinking that Lu Ming was just fighting for family property, and that Chi Qiu would be led by the nose by Lu Ming.

With Luo Yun's assurance of Lu Ming's character, her knots were untied a lot.

This meal, Chi Lanyan ate comfortably, couldn't help opening another bottle of red wine, and clinked glasses with Luo Yun. Before the end, she called a surrogate driver in advance, and made a phone call while going to the bathroom.

When it came out, there was a second serving of dessert after the meal, and it was still packed.

Chi Qiu carried the paper bag given by the waiter: "This dessert is delicious, I'll pack one."

Chi Lanyan disliked the desserts in this restaurant, she thought they were too sweet: "Do you think it's delicious?" She glanced at most of the desserts left on the table, and said inexplicably, "It's not that you don't like too sweet things ?"

Luo Yun hit the nail on the head: "Should Lu Ming want to eat it?"

Now, Chi Lanyan was even more puzzled: "Lu Ming likes sweets?"

Luo Yun and Chi Qiu spoke in "different voices".

Luo Yun: "He likes to eat."

Chi Qiu: "He doesn't like to eat."

For a while, they sat down in silence, and the three looked at each other. Chi Qiu was in a dilemma, clutching the bag and thinking about how to hide it from Lu Ming.

Fortunately, Luo Yun opened her mouth to break the embarrassment first, and said embarrassingly: "It's been so many years, maybe I remembered it wrong." She said so, but she probably never forgot it in her heart—the year when Lu Ming sent it to her. The cup of full sugar milk tea on the table is so greasy.

Half-believing and half-doubting, Chi Lanyan decided not to tell the truth, she told Chi Qiu: "Don't always eat such sweet things at night, it's not good for your health."

Chi Qiu nodded quickly, squeezed the bag tightly in his hand, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them walked out of the restaurant. Chi Lanyan's surrogate driver hadn't arrived yet. She opened the mobile app and checked, and it looked like it would take a few minutes to arrive.

The car that picked up Luo Yun came first.

When Chi Qiu saw the expensive car, it stopped firmly in front of them. The window of the driver's seat was lowered, and it was a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

Chi Qiu took a closer look, and searched in his mind for a long time before he remembered that this man was called Luo Xu. There were advertisements for him in the streets and alleys of Xingxi City, and he was a well-known star.

This time, Luo Xu didn't wear a mask and didn't get out of the car. In front of Luo Yun, he no longer avoided Chi Qiu and Chi Lanyan, but greeted him politely, and even waved to Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu was taken aback for a moment, and almost responded.

At the same time, another young man was sitting on the co-pilot. He shouted cheerfully to Luo Yun through Luo Xu: "Auntie, Luo Xu and I will come to pick you up."

Chi Qiu heard the reputation, his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He knew this man better than Luo Xu.

It's not that I recognize it, it's just that I've seen it on TV.

Four or five years earlier, Chi Qiu accompanied Chi Xia to "watch" several TV series in which he participated. Although his acting skills are terrible, he can barely be considered an actor. Chi Qiu remembered that this person was called Bai Yan, he was a typical showbiz vase, he couldn't sing or act, and he always made mistakes in his work, he just had a pretty face.

Chi Xia was obsessed with Bai Yan's face when he was in high school, and he chased after every drama.

But her star-chasing time didn't last long. As a vase, Bai Yan got married early and retired from the circle. After that, she lived abroad for a long time and hardly appeared in front of the media.

At that time, the news of Bai Yan's withdrawal from the industry was overwhelming, even those who didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry knew a thing or two. Because, Bai Yan retired to marry actor Luo Xu.

At this moment, Luo Yun was so teased by Bai Yan that she couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear, and briefly introduced them: "This is my nephew Luo Xu, and his partner Bai Yan."

It seemed that Chi Lanyan knew that Luo Yun had a nephew who was a star, so it was not surprising.

On the contrary, Bai Yan in the car was extremely excited after seeing Chi Qiu. He got off the car and said hello to Chi Qiu. He held Chi Qiu's hand familiarly and said, "You are Xiao Qiu, I often hear your aunt mention you, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome. I'm Bai Yan, you Just call me Xiao Yan, luckily meeting you."

Chi Qiu was very surprised by Bai Yan's enthusiasm. As a "blind person", few people would take the trouble to greet him. One of Bai Yan's actions made Chi Qiu feel very heartwarming.

He didn't know how to respond, so he said jerky: "Hello."

Bai Yan's character is straightforward, and he doesn't care about Chi Qiu's restraint. Knowing that Chi Qiu married a man just like himself, he couldn't help being a little more curious.

Seeing Chi Qiu right now, Bai Yan was pleasantly surprised. Chi Qiu is as good-looking as many celebrities in the circle, but it's a pity that Chi Qiu can't see it.

On the way back, Bai Yan said regretfully: "It seems that after God opens a door for you, he will close a window. The Xiaoqiu that my aunt remembers is also very good-looking. If he is not blind, he wants to make his debut. Not a problem at all."

Luo Xu, who was driving, held the steering wheel, stopped in front of a red light, and teased him with great interest: "Then what is the window that God closed you?"

Bai Yan patted himself on the chest and said solemnly: "It's my acting skills!"

Luo Xu added for him: "And your singing and dancing?"

"..." Bai Yan glared at him angrily, "I'll give you a chance, within three seconds, to say something about me."

Luo Xu thinks it is simple, he can say two things in one breath without using his brain: "Clearly understand my shortcomings, and the speed of retreating is top-notch."

Three seconds, exactly three seconds.

Bai Yan almost gnawed on Luo Xu's arm, and said with itchy teeth: "Concentrate on driving your car, don't talk."

Luo Yun in the back seat was a little bit drunk tonight. She watched the two chattering cheerfully, and interjected: "You guys, it's nice to be young, and love is so sweet."

Bai Yan liked to hear this sentence, so he turned around and flattered her, professionally slapping her: "Auntie, you speak so nicely, it's a pity that Luo Xu doesn't have such a mouth."

Luo Xu: "..."

The author has something to say:

I am editing the draft and will update it the day after tomorrow.