Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 80: You kind of person



Countless despair fell on Chi Qiu's thin shoulders. He seemed to have made a huge mistake, and various reasons made him unable to breathe properly. He took a deep breath slowly, the hysteria in his heart didn't break out after all, the loud voice just now was his limit.

He has always been used to forbearance, and he has long been unable to lose his temper normally.

Tears fell from his lifeless left eye, and even though the eye couldn't see, it was still sad and weeping.

Chi Qiu broke down in tears and became without dignity in front of Lu Ming.

His palm loosened, and the ring box rolled onto the bed sheet, alone. Since it was something he couldn't grasp, he didn't want it.

He admitted that he came here overnight just for a chance. He didn't take away Ji Feining's evidence, let alone being aggressive towards Lu Ming. But Lu Ming's indifference, one sentence after another, was enough to sentence his feelings to death.

Chi Qiu struggled to prop up his arms, his tears were all dried up, just like his empty heart, Chi Qiu's whole body was empty.

He got up and wanted to leave here.

Lu Ming pressed Chi Qiu's shoulder and said nothing. He grabbed Chi Qiu's shoulder and didn't dare to use force, nor did he dare to let go.

He was afraid that if he let go, Chi Qiu would leave.

In the face of the truth, Lu Ming's lie was vulnerable, so he had to admit it. But now, he regretted admitting it. He has always been thoughtful, but at this moment, nothing but distress is guilt. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but when he saw Chi Qiu crying, his heart swelled and felt uncomfortable.

Chi Qiu's voice was hoarse: "Let go."

Lu Ming didn't move.

Chi Qiu raised his head and stopped crying. He started to become cold, and looked at Lu Ming motionless. The hot fire in his eyes was extinguished, leaving no trace of sparks.

After a long time, until Chi Qiu's voice was no longer stained with crying, Lu Ming still grabbed his shoulder.

Chi Qiu whispered: "Lu Ming, let go, I'm tired."


Lu Ming had no choice but to let go of his hand slowly. Just like when Chi Qiu came, Lu Ming's hands were shaking slightly. He held down his right hand restraintly, breathed heavily, and anxiously said, "Don't go!"

Chi Qiu couldn't hear the change in Lu Ming's tone, so he pushed him away indifferently.

Lu Ming lowered his head, his head was numb, he eagerly held Chi Qiu's hand, and repeated: "Don't go..."

Chi Qiu stopped still, but he might not know that his cold expression was scratching Lu Ming's recovering heart. Lu Ming was dull, thinking hard, his sentence to keep Chi Qiu seemed ridiculous.

With his heart about to burst, Lu Ming clenched his molars in pain, and said with difficulty: "In this marriage, I will never betray you, we will—"

To grow old together.

The unspoken four words were interrupted by Chi Qiu's note: "I don't need it."

Not everyone can indulge in false love to the fullest, nor can everyone accept the feelings of pity. Chi Qiu yearns for love, but is not a beggar.

He didn't want to say: "Lu Ming, since you have investigated me, you should know that I will never forget you for ten years. To me, you are as precious as a star in the sky."

There was a trace of cold sweat on Lu Ming's forehead.

Chi Qiu lost his expression dully, and he said: "Even if you explain to me why you are here... I may not refuse to help you, or I may not refuse to play a play with you."

"I like you so much, as long as you open your mouth, I will definitely help you."

To help you avenge, to help you fulfill your wish. If he had been facing each other naked from the beginning, Chi Qiu would definitely help him.

"Lu Ming, why did you lie to me?"

It's too late now.

Lu Ming's whole heart was throbbing, and the pain caused his facial expression to twist involuntarily, and he twitched slightly. He tilted his head, trying to hide his unnaturalness. There seemed to be a mouthful of sweet blood stuck in his throat, and he couldn't even cough to his heart's content.

He turned his back to Chi Qiu.

Outside the bedroom door, Ji Yanchen's voice came.

Chi Qiu has been in for too long, and Ji Yanchen became more and more anxious as he waited outside, he couldn't sit still anymore. He didn't care about the three seven twenty-one, thinking about coming in first. As a result, as soon as they arrived at their bedroom, they ran into this scene by accident.

Chi Qiu seemed to be a different person. The person who used to be so gentle that he couldn't even utter half a word of cruelty now looked coldly at Lu Ming, who was as dull and silent as a stone, and said with sharp words: "Actually, people like you , it doesn’t matter who you marry. It’s just because I can’t see, it’s the most convenient for you, right?”

Apart from the fact that Chi Qiu looks very much like his grandfather, there is another point that Lu Ming's emotional apathy can only deceive a blind man like Chi Qiu to be his companion.

Chi Xia, or anyone with normal eyes, would not be able to bear his iceberg-like indifference. It is very likely that the five-year marriage period will not come to an end at all, and the success will fall short.

So Chi Qiu could imagine how happy Lu Ming would be when he learned that he hadn't regained his sight.

So Chi Qiu could understand why Lu Ming refused Lu Fengshen's kindness.

Only as a blind man can he stay by Lu Ming's side.

Having said that, Chi Qiu's meaning is fully expressed, every word is heartfelt. Lu Ming couldn't help but hunched his back, unable to move an inch. He couldn't stand up anymore, and sat weakly on the edge of the bed. He opened his mouth, closed it again, and repeated it many times.

He couldn't refute it, because the facts were exactly as Chi Qiu said.

But time and time again, he was speechless, killing Chi Qiu's last patience.

"But Lu Ming, do you know? You will lie to me, and I will lie to you."

Chi Qiu smiled silently, seemingly "satisfied with revenge", but rather sad and riddled with holes. Chi Qiu didn't expect that in the end he would use this method to tell Lu Ming his secret: "My right eye recovered early, and I can see every time you perfunctory."

"..." Lu Ming's face became paler, his eyes were bloodshot, and he covered them tightly.

Chi Qiu was still chattering, as if this was the last time he and Lu Ming spoke: "I used to think that I was too greedy. Your illness doesn't allow you to love me too much, and your job doesn't allow you to love me too much." Allowing you to have too much energy to accompany me. So as long as you do something for me, I will always be very happy and feel very happy."

Every word he said was the death penalty for Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was frozen in place by these few words.

And seeing Lu Ming who had nothing to say, Chi Qiu almost had nothing to say: "You think I'm ridiculous, too?" He lowered his eyes, trying to pretend to be cruel, but couldn't continue.

Ji Yanchen hurried forward, and angrily wrapped his arms around Chi Qiu's shoulders: "Stop talking, let's go, a person like him deserves your fart!"

Chi Qiu shook his head and looked at Lu Ming again.

Lu Ming in front of him was not only silent, he was even panting heavily, looking like he was having difficulty breathing, in extreme pain. His sweat dripped down drop by drop, wet the carpet like tears.

Chi Qiu knew that he was ill, but this time, Chi Qiu didn't go up to hug him.

Ji Yanchen glanced at Lu Ming impatiently, thinking that he was pretending to be in pain, and said again: "Chi Qiu, let's go."

Chi Qiu brushed away Ji Yanchen's hand, went to the drawer without hesitation and took out a bottle of medicine, unscrewed it, poured out two and put them in Lu Ming's palm. Seeing that Lu Ming was not moving, he held Lu Ming's hand and asked Lu Ming to swallow the medicine. Until now, although Chi Qiu said cruel words, he still couldn't bear to leave.

He clearly knew that Lu Ming's illness would not kill him, at most he would suffer for a while.

But that's all, Chi Qiu thought: I won't be able to help him in the future.

On the other side, the Chi family villa.

Chi Lanyan got off work late today and got home late too. She opened the car door, holding an umbrella. Because of the divorce, she has been in a much better mood recently, and entered the house gracefully.

As soon as she got home, she was greeted by a familiar smell. It was the aromatherapy that Chi Qiu bought her last time. She took off her high heels and shouted loudly: "Aunt Su, prepare dinner for me and open a bottle of red wine." She sat down on the sofa with ease and crossed her legs.

She looked around: "Xiaoqiu?"

Normally, as soon as he arrived home, Chi Qiu would definitely be the first to greet her.

But now the entire villa is empty, and no one can be seen with the lights on. There are cameras installed in the public areas of Chi's house. Chi Lanyan turned on the mobile phone monitoring and found that Aunt Su was in the kitchen, she was relieved.

Chi Lanyan guessed that Chi Qiu was probably going to deliver food to Lu Ming again, and was about to ask Aunt Su. Behind her, a familiar voice suddenly came to mind.


Chi Lanyan's cell phone fell to the ground.

Chi Lanyan turned her head abruptly, seeing the person in pajamas in front of her, her eyes gradually became moist. Then, the man rushed over crying and hugged her tightly.

Chi Xia's hair was still wet after taking a bath, and when she saw Chi Lanyan, her tears couldn't stop falling, and she cried and admitted her mistake like a child: "I was wrong, Mom, I shouldn't have listened Your words."

Chi Lanyan froze in place, looking at Chi Xia in disbelief: "Xiao Xia, you are back..."

The author has something to say:

Finally finished the Broken Mirror! ! !