Re-engraving the Spring

Chapter 89: When I wake up from a nightmare, I will never forget it




Lu You tilted her head unnaturally, she looked at Lu Ming as if she was looking at a stranger.

She approached with light steps, stood on tiptoe, and gently stroked Lu Ming's cheek. Her fingertips were terribly cold, laying a layer of ice in the autumn.

Lu Ming trembled the moment she touched him.

Lu You paused in a daze, trying to comfort the trembling child. Her lips were dry, and she said pitifully and at a loss: "I, I didn't torture you. Why do you think so... Did I do something wrong?"

Lu Ming didn't dare to answer.

Lu You shook his head and said sadly: "I just want to be with you and live a new life with you. But every time I, but every time I tell you, you are not obedient. You used to be very obedient, and my mother called you Whatever you do, you do."


"It's okay, Xiaoming. Tell your mother again, you are not leaving, you are lying to me, and teasing me. We have been together all this time, why are we going to separate?"


Seeing that he didn't speak, Lu You's eyes were sad.

"Xiao Ming, Mom loves you so much." She lifted off the clothes covering her wrists, her expression was empty, and the inside was full of dead maggots, "Look, these are all proofs of loving you."

She laughed, like tenderness like water, like a thousand knives. Her wrists were covered with marks of self-abuse, and every scar was a merciless destruction of Lu Ming.

She was going to drive him crazy.

Lu You smiled: "Who can do this for you? Chi Qiu, whom you have been missing, will he?"

When she mentioned Chi Qiu, Lu Ming was shocked: "Why are you..."

"Silly boy, your mother has already read the letter you hid in the box. It turns out that you like Chi Qiu so much. It doesn't matter. If you like it, my mother will definitely like it too!" She laughed out loud, for her tolerance He Wenrou felt proud, "I didn't destroy your letter, am I very good? Xiao Ming, it's good to have a friend at your age. Don't be like me, no one cares about me... Lu Rongtian doesn't care either. Me, he is a liar, he abandoned me after using me."


"That Zhen Zhen is also a vixen, what's so good about her." After going around, she circled back to Lu Rongtian and Zhen Zhen.

Lu Ming knew that Lu You was going to die, he looked at Lu You in despair, tears dried up on his face.

"Mom, please..." Don't do that again.

Lu You didn't take it seriously, she took Lu Ming's hand like a little girl: "How about it! Xiao Ming, you go and pick up Chi Qiu and let's live together, okay? Break your computer and mobile phone It's my fault, don't leave me, okay? Let's live with Chi Qiu!"

She fantasized about the future and shook Lu Ming's hand wildly.

Dangling, she changed her face: "No, no! Chi Qiu is disgusting... He is just like that Zhen Zhen, he wants to take you away! You will all leave! You will all leave me alone! What did I do wrong, you guys To do this to me—"

She went crazy with rage and broke the vase on the table, scaring Lu Ming.

She stepped on the fragments of the vase and screamed to kill Chi Qiu. Lu Ming picked her up and carried her away from the fragments of the vase.

Who can bear Lu You in this situation? But Lu Ming endured it like this for 17 years.

He gritted his teeth, and while listening to Lu You's scolding, he treated the wound on her foot. Lu You slapped Lu Ming's head, and continued to slap her. She asked Lu Ming to answer herself, and asked Lu Ming to say that she would never go to Chi Qiu again.

Just one sentence is fine.

Lu Ming bit his lip hard, his neck flushed red.

Finally, Lu Ming said: "Mom!!"

Lu You became quiet for an instant, shrunk her shoulders, and looked at him tremblingly.

Lu Ming said painfully: "I have already contacted grandpa, they will come to pick you up soon, don't be crazy." He took a bottle of medicine in hand and forced Lu You to take two pills.

Lu You refused, so Lu Ming forcefully poured it in. He is already very proficient in the matter of dosing. Fortunately, after Lu You took the medicine, he quickly calmed down, even a little sluggish.

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and just got up.

Lu You knelt down for him.

"Don't leave me..." Lu You's face was full of tears, her movements were slow, her forehead hit the floor, "Xiao Ming, if you leave me for him, I will die."

I must die.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die... I'm dead, it's you who killed me, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..." She kept repeating.

And Lu Ming stood there in a daze, as if he had suppressed it for too long. Under Lu You's repeated attacks, he finally couldn't restrain his furious emotions. He grabbed Lu You's shoulder suddenly, making her look up at him.

Emotions are a torrent of collapse, breaking down the defenses in the heart.

Maybe Lu Ming didn't expect that he would say such a thing.

"Then die."

Lu Ming lost control, his eyes, emotions were passing, his head was about to burst, he shouted: "Then die—"

Lu You widened his eyes and looked at Lu Ming, as if he had received an order that could not be violated.

Lu Ming grabbed her, cried and shouted, "Let's die together!"

Why is it so painful

Memories are disgusting fluids that burst out of Lu Ming's stomach.

The 27-year-old Lu Ming knelt on the ground, vomiting violently. He seemed to be suffering from convulsions, with blue veins in his neck, hands and feet. He convulsed painfully and vomited everything he ate that night.

He yelled out in horror, and the yell was the echo in the box, with frequent impacts. Lu Ming held his head in horror, stepped back, and closed his eyes tightly.

He seemed to see something, they all rushed towards him, tearing Lu Ming's heart hard, biting into thousands of pieces before giving up.

Lu You stood in front of him again and told him: "Did you forget?" Her fingertips touched Lu Ming's chest, and she pressed it in, bleeding, "You locked Chi Qiu here with me. "

Lu Ming stared at her with wide eyes, his heart was covered with blood: "I... I didn't..."

Lu You laughed: "You love him so much, why did you throw him away with me? Lu Ming, in fact, you don't love anyone, anyone can be abandoned by you."

"No!" He didn't, he just hurt too much.

"Remember now?" Lu You patted his head, gradually losing sight of his face, and was rare and gentle, "Remember everything, it will be very painful... Open the box, and I will come out."

But this time, Lu You didn't torture him.

She squatted down, but persuaded him gently: "Forget it. Forget me, and forget Chi Qiu." Don't continue to suffer, what memory brings to Lu Ming is always scarred and deprived.

Lu Ming breathed hard, heavy sleepiness oppressed him, Lu You's voice was a long-lost lullaby, she hugged Lu Ming, and sang softly in this room where they tortured each other.

Just forget and everything will be fine.

"Xiao Ming, my mother was sick at the time, and she did a lot of things to apologize to you. Forget about me and Chi Qiu."

Start living again and live well.

Forget everything and put an end to the painful past.

"Ten years, forget about us."

"No, no, no..."

Lu Ming shook his head in pain, and hit his forehead on the floor weakly, trying to use the pain to relieve the rainy night that could not go away in his mind.

How should he tell Lu You, tell her that he can't forget.

He clutched his heart, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't forget it no matter what.

Once forgotten, Chi Qiu will never come back. In every letter of his are his tears every night. How can he forget the person he likes so much? How could he lock Chi Qiu into that black box again

He curled up on the ground, cold sweat all over his body.

Lu Ming stubbornly confronted and hugged Lu You, hating and loving each other. But Lu Ming never pushed her away like he did ten years ago.

He had to face Lu You squarely in order to save Chi Qiu from the bottom of his heart.

He slapped himself one after another, hoping to stay awake. This time, I will definitely not lose. He thought to himself, mouth full of blood.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down, staring blankly at every corner of the room. Everywhere has his countless nightmares. These nightmares had come to consume him in his dreams, and he remembered them all.

After a difficult nightmare, he finally remembered.

It turned out to be like this... It turned out that he was the one who called Lu You to die, and he was the one who ruthlessly abandoned Lu You for Chi Qiu's sake. He was responsible for the crime, but he lost Chi Qiu for no reason, and sentenced the young man in his heart who was like a spring day to an unknown prison term.

That's why he forgot about Chi Qiu.

It's all his fault, that he wasn't strong enough or persevering enough. It was him who angered the innocent Chi Qiu...

His tears fell drop by drop on the floor, the water stains swayed away, his longing, his helplessness, his desperation back then, all became a bomb. He was blown to pieces, and the pain was unspeakable, so he ran away blindly, and even wanted to throw himself into the river.

Because he couldn't die, and because of his subconscious desire to survive, he managed to drag himself out to this point, and even cruelly hurt others.

He locked Chi Qiu and Lu You together in a box in his heart.

He pushed the two people he loved the most to the cliff.


Lu Ming finally roared out, trembling, hiding in the endless night.


At one o'clock in the morning, the night abroad is dark.

Lu Fengshen and his mother Gao Yun, led by the old woman, boarded the renovated elevator.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this point. My nephew is not in good health, and I'm really worried that he will come here alone. He didn't notify me in advance when he came, so I arrived a little late today." Lu Fengshen agreed with him in a good temper The old woman said, "I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still young."

The old woman's face darkened, facing Lu Fengshen's deliberate compliment, she said indifferently: "You were hired by an agency, and this is the first time we met."

"..." Gao Yun squinted her eyes, quite speechless towards this son.

Lu Fengshen laughed sarcastically, thinking that it would be better for him to speak less.

Fortunately, the elevator door opened, and the old woman handed them the key, expressing that she did not want to get too involved in other people's housework. After finishing speaking, she pressed the elevator door and left with the corner of her mouth hanging down.

Apparently, it was because Lu Fengshen interrupted her sweet dreams, and she was not happy.

Lu Fengshen was wronged, threw the key in his hand, and said to Gao Yun: "Mom, it's hard work, let's go into the house and rest."

Gao Yun snorted coldly: "It's a ghost to be able to sleep in this room. You're really interesting too. You can't even look down on anyone. If something happens to Xiaoming here—"

Lu Fengshen interrupted her again and again: "Mom, the crow must stop! Lu Ming will definitely be fine, and the ghosts in this house are acquaintances, we can sleep well."

"..." The corner of Gao Yun's mouth twitched, he was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

Lu Fengshen didn't open the door directly, he raised his hand, trying to knock on the door to see if Lu Ming was asleep. After all, in this "haunted house", honestly, who can sleep peacefully

But what he didn't expect was that before he knocked for the first time, the door opened from inside.

Lu Ming's face was pale and he was wearing a dark windbreaker. He was dragging a suitcase that had not been packed for a long time in his hand. When he saw Lu Fengshen and Gao Yun, his expression began to loosen, and even surprise appeared, his shoulders sank: "Grandma ,uncle?"

For the first time in the past ten years, Lu Fengshen and Gao Yun saw so many expressions on Lu Ming's face at the same time.

Lu Fengshen thought it was because he stayed up late and his old eyes were dim, so he almost needed a pair of reading glasses.