Reading The Remnants

Chapter 11: In my whole life, it is hard to find peace (1)


Tianjin Wei is the most peculiar. The foreign atmosphere of opening a port and hunting for the sea is combined with the crosstalk of the cross talk. The aroma of the twist is pasted by Fatong, and it is served with fried golden and crispy sugar cakes. The old Jin Weis squatted on the street. Bian'er is too early, depending on whether you recognize it or not, laughing a lot is a "sister."

After a long visit, A Yinyang took Li Shiyi and Tu Lao Yao to live with her in Tianjin Wei for a few days, rented a small western-style building, and took a sip of fragrant black coffee every morning, and Tu Lao Yao lined up halfway. Goubuli Baozi, which was bought an hour ago, and then leaned on the balcony to listen to the opera, so comfortable that Ah Yin sighed at the Fairy Goddess.

Mr. Tu was not used to coffee, not to mention the entrance, he couldn't even smell it. As soon as he approached, he complained of a headache. Li Shiyi bought a can of Guzhang Maojian. He liked it very much. Sucking her eyes, she looked at Ayin, for fear that she would be poisoned by the black soup and accidentally poisoned again.

After three or five days, everyone returned to Beijing, and Mr. Tu took a sniff when he stepped into the four-nine cities. The familiar smell evoked his never-before-seen homesickness, and he sighed several times.

Li Shiyi rented two rickshaws, and wanted to lead A Yin to the restaurant with Mr. Tu, but Mr. Tu said that he was thinking about his mother-in-law, and parted ways halfway through.

He paid for the car himself, but he didn't go home, he just walked around, and squatted on the side of the road with his hands in his hands, worrying.

He could see it clearly. Li Shiyi's behavior was not ordinary wealth. In the past, he guarded the cigarette stall in a sullen autumn, and he had an ugly appearance. He looked like a commoner, but Followed carefully, but it was not the case. This time, there was no harvest. Instead, dozens of Ocean's tickets and house money were posted, as well as that cat's shitty coffee.

Li Shiyi didn't care about Ayin, but his youngest Tu was so poor that he didn't earn a few bucks when he went out, but... He covered the ticket that was still in his pocket and didn't know how to get home. I told my mother-in-law that I would give Li Shiyi the money for the car.

Mr. Tu looked at the passers-by for a while, and was screaming with hunger. After thinking about it, he should go home and earn money.

When I got home, it was still a short fence, and the yard was still leaking. The mother-in-law was drying clothes in the yard. Seeing him, she didn't look surprised, she just said to him: "Go, wash your hands. , put the burden down, and the rice is in it."

The youngest Tu made an "Ai" and stepped forward to look at his daughter-in-law's belly. It seemed that it was smaller than he remembered. After speaking a couple more times, he went into the house for dinner with her.

He took two bites and didn't want to procrastinate, so he said straight to the point: "My visit this time..."

"What did you do this time? How much did you earn so much?" The daughter-in-law said while scooping up the soup.

"Earn, earn?" Tu Lao Yao stammered.

The daughter-in-law smiled and said, "The girl from the Li family sent someone to send the settled wages. I didn't dare to move it. I put it on the stove, but after weighing it, it was actually Shen."

Youngest Tu had a mouthful of rice stuck in his throat, turned his face and stared at the squares wrapped in newspapers on the stovetop, startled.

The alleys of Sijiucheng are always noisy, the storyteller is shocked, and the absurdity goes from the Tang and Song Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. When the Xuanwu Gate changes, it has been talked about seven or eight hundred times, but it is still crowded with people. Porters carrying poles, and mothers-in-law holding young children, crowded in and looked inside. Said that there was a tea shop with hot soup on the opposite side, and Ayin disliked the tea soup in the restaurant, so he took Li Shiyi to the restaurant again.

The thick bench with wide thighs is one foot short, swaying back and forth, the calf on the cotton shoes is slightly slender and slender, and the fair ankles are inadvertently exposed. The ankle bone and the concave Achilles tendon on both sides fit very beautifully, shining brightly in the warm sun.

He grabbed his half-sized hands on the side of the bench, Song Nineteen swayed from side to side against the missing corner of the bench, the old lady from the tea stall rushed forward and said with a smile, "My girl, don't shake it, beware of falling. on."

The girl in front of her was about ten years old, with thick braids tied with red ropes, her dark face as if smeared with soot, her facial features were very marked, her nose was raised, her eyebrows were raised, and she had a pair of sandalwood powder. More than those eyes, the round almond eyes, but the ends of the eyes are lifted up like a phoenix, the clear eyelashes cover the full and bright black eyeballs, and there is an uncivilized style in innocence.

Ayin on the opposite side smiled and said, "Sister Qing, it doesn't matter, if it breaks, someone will pay."

She looked at Li Shiyi with a smile, a jade hand resting on her cheek.

Li Shiyi didn't answer, and raised his hand to hold down the swaying bench.

Sister-in-law Qing said, "It was originally a girl from eleven families, but I've never seen it before."

Li Shiyi said, "My cousin's sister, Nineteen."

"It sounds like it's a family." Sister-in-law said with a smile, wiping her hands on the apron, she turned to look at the tea, and just after she moved her steps, she remembered something else, and asked Li Shiyi, "Eleven, Haven't you been out for a few days?"

"There's something going on in the past few days. The cigarette stand is closed. What's wrong?"

"I heard from my man that there is a young lady who is looking for you and is waiting by your cigarette booth every day." Sister Qing said.

Li Shiyi frowned. Sister-in-law Qing was used to observing words and expressions. Ordinary people called "girl". Li Shiyi thanked Qingsao, exchanged a few glances with Ayin, and then led Song Shijiu to the alley where he usually set up a stall.

Song Nineteen followed behind. In order to prevent her from getting longer, the shoes were too large to hang on the heels, and they dragged them as they walked, making her follow very reluctantly. Seeing that Li Shiyi walked very neatly with long legs, she was unhappy, she simply stopped and bit her lip aggrieved.

When Li Shiyi heard that there was no movement behind him, he turned to look at her. Song Shijiu raised his face and asked her, "Are you not holding me?"

A Yin leaned against the lamppost on the street, shaking the silk to watch the excitement.

Li Shiyi said: "It's ten years old, so don't hold me anymore."

But she only lived a few days. Song Nineteen was not convinced: "Who said that?"

"My mother."

Song Nineteen had no choice. He stretched out his hand to grab Li Shiyi's sleeve and followed her step by step. I don't know if it was an illusion. Li Shiyi seemed to slow down, making her walking less difficult.

At the entrance of the alley, far away, I saw a girl waiting there. With just one glance, Li Shiyi understood why Qingsao's expression was so complicated. This girl was holding an ivory-bone umbrella on a sunny day in winter. The handle was full of carved peonies, and the top was pure black satin. There was nothing else. She was wearing a light blue dress with a fine cashmere overcoat, her pale wrists protruding from sheepskin gloves.

Li Shiyi walked forward slowly, the young lady seemed to recognize her, turned around and put down the umbrella: "Mr.

She wore a fashionable foreign hat diagonally, and the black grid covered half of her face.

Li Shiyi has seen many people of all shapes and sizes, and her beauty is not new, but there is no one as graceful and luxurious as the person in front of her. A shadow is drawn on it, with a sense of taboo that seems to be taboo.

But her lips were bloodless, and even her pupils were as indifferent as they had faded.

"I have something on my mind," she said.

Li Shiyi thought for a while: "Go to the tea shop, sit down and talk."

The small water column washed the tea soup and changed its color. Before the change of Xuanwu Gate was finished, the girl listened quietly and said, "My name is A Chun."

Her unvoiced voice is very pleasant, with the old Fei Li and Wen Shu.

"I have a knot in my heart that makes me toss and turn and feel depressed all day long. I can't remember what it is. All I know is that it's underground, in a coffin."

A Chun spoke slowly, which made the sadness between her brows even more disturbing: "I have searched for local masters and warlocks, but they are all to no avail. I heard that the descendants of the North and South Schools are all in Peiping, so they came here from thousands of miles away. Begging Mr. to go down to the grave and open the coffin is something on my mind."

Li Shiyi's fingers circled unconsciously on the table, A Yin moved the tail finger next to A Chun's hand, moved it back silently, turned over to grab a cup of tea, the edge of the cup rested on his lower lip, and turned to Li Shiyi. Eleven's eyes flew, and there was no voice: "Ghost."

"I am." A Chun whispered slowly and nodded.

"People are not real people, money is real money." A Chun took out a house deed.

"You said it's not far away, where is it?" Li Shiyi asked her.


A Chun looked at the crowd listening to the book in the restaurant, his eyes were long and deep.

"Chang'an, my... homeland."

The author says:

"Da Ming Palace Ci": The world is ups and downs, impermanent and ruthless, and in my life, it is difficult to find peace.