Reading The Remnants

Chapter 52: Who sent Acacia to Du Heng (1)


Li Shiyi's long legs turned over and quickly followed.

The streets are terribly cold, the small shops with their doors closed, the road ahead in the misty mist, the more exposed stone slabs, and the intermittent car bells.

Yun Niang carried her skirt and got on a rickshaw, and drove out of the city with three bumps.

Without any hesitation, Li Shiyi and Song Shijiu summoned a car, looked ahead and said softly, "Follow from a distance."

Her hand rested casually on the armrest beside her, and it was cold and rusty. She stopped and held it a little harder.

Darkness always tends to magnify people's inferiority. In the past, the most down-to-earth driver was overdrawn in the long night, and his legs were weak and sleepy, and he was as frightening as a wandering spirit. Nineteen shivered involuntarily.

It was so quiet that she was afraid of the wind in her ears. She leaned against Li Shiyi, lowered her voice and asked her, "What is that just now?"

"Snake." Li Shiyi moved his lips.

And unlike A Yin, it is not a spirit, not even a soul, but - "the body of the snake."

Song Nineteen took a deep breath: "Under Nuwa's seat, why should the ancient divine beast be attached to Yunniang?"

Li Shiyi pondered and shook his head.

Song Nineteen was inexplicably happy, and smiled Jiaojiao, "Is there something you don't know about?"

Li Shiyi glanced at her, everyone said she was calm and self-controlled, and Taishan collapsed in front of her without changing her color, but she felt more and more that Song Shijiu was the one with the real inner strength. In her short life, there were very few real A sense of emotional weakness, such as fear, anger, irritability, jealousy, and self-pity. If it appears, it will be a very short moment.

Usually people's senselessness comes from ignorance, and fear comes from half-knowledge, but Song Nineteen is not. She clearly knows what is waiting for them ahead, and she still has the mood to bend her eyes to observe Li Shiyi's feelings.

In her heart, the words "Li Shiyi doesn't know" are more eye-catching than "Ancient Divine Beast".

Maybe not six words, but three.

Thinking of this, Li Shiyi lowered his eyes and smiled faintly.

Before the smile faded, Song Nineteen asked her again, "Although Yunniang is a ghost, if a snake is attached to her body, how can your talisman paper easily restrain her?"

Li Shiyi thought about it for a while, and vaguely guessed: "Although it is a divine beast, it is also a pet on the top. On weekdays, he can keep one eye open and close one eye. If there is a commotion, there may be guilt, so let's take it easy for the time being."

She still has doubts in her heart. Once the talisman paper is useful or not, she can't feel it anymore. The snake was really restrained by her, but she didn't want to tell Song Nineteen.

The car got farther and farther, and stopped at the foot of Sheshan Mountain. Sheshan Mountain was extremely short and hidden in the darkness. Even the ups and downs carried the shyness of a little Shanghai girl. The lights of the farmhouse have no other colors.

Yunniang got out of the car and walked up the mountain path on her own, while Li Shiyi led Song Shijiu and followed slowly. The mountain road was difficult, Yun Niang walked very fast, relying on the familiarity of the terrain, and disappeared around the corner in three or two strokes. Li Shiyi moved the branches and stepped on the soft leaves to speed up the pace.

Everything was quiet, except for the intermittent cicada chirping, the flapping sound of the birds' wings, and occasionally the dog in the farmyard barked a few words, and then fell asleep with a whimper. Li Shiyi patiently walked around the mountain road a few times, carefully observed the footprints below, and finally found a large cave halfway up the mountain.

Drops of water were dripping on both sides of the cave, smashing the ground into a long-lasting puddle. At the entrance of one person tall and two people wide, a few bushes of dwarf shrubs grew chaotically. For half of the time, it seems that people do it intentionally to get in and out. Li Shiyi was not in a hurry to go in, and put a small paper figure to explore the way. When he saw it crept through the gap, it crept out again, wearing a straw clothes like an ambush soldier.

It nodded with Li Shi, clasped its arms in a circle above its head in a safe gesture, and consciously burrowed back into its pockets.

Li Shiyi held his breath, and the two of them went in, leaning against the wall.

Originally, the mountain was dark, and the inside was even more invisible. I closed my eyes to adjust to the light, and groped my way through a narrow corridor. In front of it was a barrier made of boulders. sound.

Li Shiyi took a tentative step, but heard a loud noise, bats in groups above her head fluttered their wings, and the rebuttable gravel fell down, she instinctively turned around to protect Song Shijiu , crouched with her behind the boulder.

She pinched the talisman paper and touched Song Nineteen's wrist to signal her to get ready. Perhaps it caught Tengshe's attention. She pursed her lower lip so white that she turned her ear to wait for a while. There was no movement, she held her breath, poked her head out, and spied covertly.

The sound of Yunniang's moaning was heard earlier than the picture. She was lying on the ground, her cheongsam was half faded, her long legs were twisted unbearably, and her hair was wet like a cloud of sweat, and it was stuck to her face. , halfway along the shoulders and neck into the plump breasts.

The bracelet on Hao's wrist was smashed on the ground. She grabbed a clump of dead withered grass, drew her neck in an arched arc, and wailed out of breath.

Her white clothes are the most eye-catching candles in the dark night. At this moment, there is a faint light, wrapping her from top to bottom like a firefly. She twisted her body and turned over, and finally showed her pain. Ugly things.

It was a snake tail as thick as one person, blue-grey, with hard scales, protruding from Yun Niang's body, twisting and sweeping back and forth like earthworms, the tail was whipped to the stone wall, whipped out a spark, and then swung it. On the ground, sticky traces were pulled from the withered grass, and there were sparks of fire all around.

The snake, the main fright, the fire.

Li Shiyi let go of the talisman paper he was holding, and finally understood why the snake didn't pay attention to their disturbance. The place where the firelight disappeared was stacked with something as black as a silkworm chrysalis—it was shedding its skin.

When a snake sheds its skin, it is the weakest, and its spiritual energy is greatly reduced. Therefore, it has to attach to the ghost body, so it has no time to take care of other things.

Small flames jumped into Li Shiyi Bo's bright pupils, like the hope of involuntarily growing hair. If the snake chooses to shed its skin here, then this cave should be its current residence.

She exhaled a long breath, and when she looked back, Song Nineteen was staring at her with twinkling eyes, and asked if she should come forward. Li Shiyi shook his head and pointed his hand out, signaling her to retreat.

The two carefully left the cave, and only dared to let out the sound of footsteps after walking for half a mile. Song Nineteen saw that Li Shiyi's forehead was densely sweating, and hurriedly took out the silk and asked her to wipe it. He grabbed his sleeve and wiped it at will, and asked her, "Aren't you looking for a snake? Why did you leave?"

Li Shiyi shook his head and explained to her, "What I'm looking for is the statue of Bai Chen, which is hard to find in the world. Bai Yan and the snake live and overcome each other. The snake usually hides around the statue of Bai Chen, so I searched for it. whereabouts."

"Oh," Song Nineteen nodded obediently and added, "I thought you were going to kill it."

Li Shiyi was about to step up, when he heard the words, he paused and looked at her in disbelief: "Me, Zaizhe?"

Nuwa, the beast. She gave a meaningful snort, shook her head and passed her: "You really value me."

"What does this have to do with being contemptuous?" Song Nineteen jumped up in two steps, his voice as light as his steps, "If you want to kill, I will do it."

Li Shiyi tilted his head to glance at her serious profile, and involuntarily raised the corner of his mouth.

"It's very capable, isn't it?" She was looking back at her feet. She didn't want to speak again, but she made a funny joke.

"It's not very big either." Song Nineteen was modest.

Just as he was about to show off his skills with Li Shiyi, he suddenly turned his eyes: "What is this?"

As far as the eye can see is a dilapidated courtyard, and the appearance of the former temple can be vaguely recognized. In the courtyard with two short walls, there is a broken-headed golden Buddha. The gold foil on the surface was dug by the nearby people, and the stone piers inside are left. Under the pitted hoe print, the weeds passed through the hands of the Buddha smiling, showing a sense of desolation.

Li Shiyi's mind moved, and Song Shijiu looked at each other and stepped forward.

The temple is very small, with only two rooms in the front and back. The first one has only a few Angry-eyed King Kong left. The incense has been lacking for a long time. The offering table lacks arms and legs. Song Nineteen looked carefully one by one, crouching down and not letting go of the gap. After a while, he asked Li Shiyi, "What does the statue of Bai Qian look like?"

Li Shiyi took his hand back from the offering table and brushed off the dust on his fingers: "Bai Jin's appearance is rarely recorded, and it is not commonly seen, but it is the same as the snake, with the body of a snake."

Song Nineteen made a "uh" signal to understand, and slipped his skirt and ran back.

Li Shiyi looked at her dexterous movements and felt a little apprehensive. He stepped forward to follow her in three or two steps, and almost tripped over the threshold. She stood still holding on to the door frame, looking up at Song Nineteen's back.

She tilted her head and stood in the center of the second room, still holding the skirt with one hand, and reaching out with the other, trembling with a search for fruit. The curly hair bounced happily on the back, and then flung it quickly, the girl's flower-like smile bloomed in the midnight, she said excitedly: "Eleven! Is that this?"

Li Shiyi's pupils dilated rapidly, his breathing stopped for a moment, and his head pounded, as if someone had knocked it down vertically along the Tianling cover with a hammer.

She watched Song Nineteen pick up the statue of the snake and knocked it a few times. She watched the simple altar table creaking, and the dust on the ground rose rapidly. In the whistling wind, the spider webs on all sides were torn by the waist, and the spider anxiously Climb through the cracks in the ground to avoid a sudden storm.

The door flaps open, and the wind crackles, and the wooden house can't stand the destruction, and it swaying to the verge of collapse. Song Nineteen accidentally dropped the statue, Li Shiyi reached out to pull her, but saw that the statue rolled on the ground several times, the broken tail bounced up, and smashed with a loud crash.

The blackened prayer flags that flew, the shattered and rotten beams, the pale and helpless Song Nineteen, and a wisp of black-green angry spirit born from the statue.

The spirit condensed into the shape of a snake's tail, whipped fiercely in Song Nineteen's eyebrows, turned a disgusting roar, and then disappeared very quickly.

Everything went too fast, so fast that Li Shiyi didn't have time to spit out the words - it wasn't the statue of Bai Chen, it was the offering table of the snake.

Her brows were burning, and Song Nineteen dazedly pressed her palm against it, her mind turning over and over again, and even the whites of her eyes could not be turned over. She tried to keep her mind still, and wanted to turn back to Li Shiyi, but suddenly felt her wrist tighten, and the sky was spinning. into an unfamiliar but familiar embrace.

Li Shiyi pushed her to the ground, covered the back of her head with one hand, and supported her shoulder with the other. Without giving Song Nineteen a chance to raise his eyes, his cool lips covered the corner of Song Nineteen's mouth.

She began to kiss her, and the kiss was so eager and hasty that she didn't even have time to taste the sweetness of the girl's mouth fat. She just sucked her lower lip, poking her soft tongue in between the messy breaths, and probing her strongly and tentatively.

Song Nineteen's eyes widened, but he couldn't bear the weight of his eyelids. His heart seemed to be trampled by thousands of troops. The rumbling noise made her ears hurt. She seemed to be back when she was a child. , she firmly held the palm of the back of her neck, pinched the fingers of her shoulder, and her lips with a cool fragrance that evoked a lot of imagination, but had never been touched by anyone.

Her lips are sometimes indifferent, sometimes slightly upturned, and only rarely is she willing to show her beautiful teeth, and even smiles are avoided.

But she is kissing her at the moment, asking and giving, giving, and accepting.

Song Nineteen raised his hand and embraced her, ending the kiss when the flowerbed in his heart was soaked wet, her face blushed unbelievably, she even wanted to cover her hands to block the heat, her eyelashes were wet, like a sweet dew.

Her gaze trembled three times before she raised her eyes to look at Li Shiyi. She looked at her, her lips were so fresh and beautiful, and her nose was moved in a small way, but her eyes were repressed and heart-wrenching. The fear and panic, she looked at Song Nineteen who looked like a flower, swallowed softly in her throat, and squeezed the trembling fingers with her hands.

She said to Song Nineteen earnestly and desperately, "Remember, if you need anything, find me."

This was the first time Li Shiyi made a promise that she couldn't keep. If she was really hit, she would be powerless to get the essence of the opposite sex. But even so, she still wanted to give it a try, to suppress the possible desires and depravity of the people in front of her. She could give her everything she had, or she could satisfy her in any way, just in exchange for a chance not to repeat the same mistakes. .

She hugged Song Nineteen and lowered her eyes to block the suspicious moisture inside.

The author says:

"Sending a Monk to Hunan": Say goodbye to the sorrowful willows, and send Du Heng in lovesickness.