Reading The Remnants

Chapter 68: It is not allowed to see white heads in the world (5)


The night in the mountain city is dark, the sky is very low, it is hugged by the black clouds like ink, the noise of the day is swallowed up by the treacherous, and the threat is hidden in the paper-cut mountains. It is a complex anticline mountain range, with towering ancient trees hidden among the cliffs, which is steep and beautiful.

In the swirling bamboo shadows, the four of them climbed up the mountain range, with a rippling stream beside their ears, and a fragmented moon shadow in front of them, lining the brisk footsteps of the four of them, it was as wonderful as an outing.

Li Shiyi walked at the front, holding a kerosene lamp with a glass cover, stretched out his hand to block the bamboo branches, and habitually slowed down when he held the cool branches, Song Jiujiu also stretched out his palm and inadvertently touched it. The back of her hand was pulled up and down, and she shook her little finger and was reluctant to let go.

Her girlfriend was holding the oil lamp in one hand and opened the way with the other, so she couldn't take her hand away.

Li Shiyi turned his head, smiled knowingly, and handed the oil lamp to Song Jiujiu. He held her back with the other hand and stuffed it between her fingers.

For some reason, Song Nineteen always felt that the action of interlocking fingers was more touching than having sex with fish and water. The latter was always a secret entanglement, but the former was able to put love in broad daylight and down to the smallest details.

For convenience, she changed out of her cheongsam and wore the black gown that Li Shiyi used to wear. The wide cuffs were rolled up, and the thick braids were turned to one side, making her look very petite, as if she had just grown.

Being held by Li Shiyi, she paid little attention to her feet, looked up at the moon, and lowered her head at the stream.

Suddenly, he leaned towards Li Shiyi, his chest next to her arm, and whispered, "It's so romantic."

The word romance was learned when she was studying Western books, and it was also translated as romantic. She didn't know how to describe this full and sentimental mood, and she remembered such a word when she spoke.

"What?" Li Shiyi looked down at her, his words warm and his expression warm.

Song Nineteen didn't speak, just leaned his head against her and recited a poem: "Why should we cut candles at the west window together, but talk about Bashan when it rains at night."

"Teach me again." She raised her head and looked at Li Shiyi with bright eyes, "What kind of mountain is Bashan?"

Li Shiyi smiled: "Jinyun Mountain."

It is now that she is with the mountain under her feet.

Song Nineteen was extremely satisfied, biting his lips with flashing eyes and smiling.

A Yin, who was half behind, took A Luo's hand and looked at the backs of the two in front of her. He heard the words in pieces, which made her puff out her cheeks. The acid was not the usual kind of acupuncture that stabbed his heart, but the acid that soaked his cheeks with vinegar and poured his teeth.

A Luo turned his head to look at her, saw A Yin raised his brows and looked at her: "How about you read a couple of sentences too?"

Aro is funny: "What do you want to hear?"

Originally, Ayin just stabbed it, but it came into A Luo's serious eyes, and she became uneasy. She wrestled her hand from A Luo's palm, cleared her throat and walked on the bamboo pole.

Aro snorted, bent the corner of his mouth, and retracted his empty hand. Since the detox of the snake, Ayin has always treated her like this: one step further, two steps back, three days and two days. When looking at her, he is always thinking, and when he is not looking at her, he is always startled.

She no longer has the openness, the generosity, and the indifference.

A Luo was a little lost. She had never been in love before, so she didn't know much about these detours, but A Yin knew it all too well. She was only like this when she was carrying Li Shiyi in the past.

She sighed boredly. She had only been crying beside the Naihe Bridge for a few days, and the Taishan House remembered the account so much that she fell on these ghosts over and over again.

In the middle of the night, I was talking about ghosts in the mountains, and the well-informed Grandma Yin couldn't help shivering, but the footsteps in front stopped in agreement, and the whirring wind took the opportunity to make trouble.

"What?" Ah Yin knew about Li Shiyi, and without looking at her frown, she stepped forward in three or two steps.

"Not quite right." Li Shiyi pursed his lips.

She turned her ears and listened carefully, there was the sound of wind, trees, streams, and the four ups and downs of their breathing. But there is no other side.

There was no howling of wild dogs and cats, no rustling of snake-bellied parades, no owls that stayed up late, and even the sound of wooden fish in temples—in short, there was no breath of living creatures.

She was a little nervous, grabbed Song Nineteen's hand, and was thinking about whether to go back, but saw the shadow of the lamp in Song Nineteen's hand flickering, picked up the oil lamp and lit it in the distance, she wondered: "We've been walking for a long time, then Why does the temple still seem so far away?"

Aro's uncertain soft words came from behind: "This road... Have we walked through it?"

The stream on the left had a bend like a dragon's mouth, a tree with a crooked neck jumped onto the road on the right, and there was a pit two or two palms large under the gravel two or three meters ahead. , and then instinctively handed her hand.

A Yin tossed the handkerchief, folded her arms and bent her back, but she was in a good mood: "A ghost hit the wall?"

She winked and looked at Arolo: "Aren't you a ghost? How did you build the wall, do you talk about it?"

A Luo lowered his eyes and didn't answer, A Yin hooked his neck and chased after her: "You don't?"

The neck swam around like a water snake twice, and then came back, "tsk tsk" was very disappointed.

Aro understood, she was disgusting herself for being bad.

On the contrary, an elusive male voice said: "This third-rate, adults don't have to learn."

A Yin shook his shoulders, covered his chest and looked back at Wu Qian, as if he had seen a ghost: "When are you here?"

"I've been here." Wu Qian was helpless.

A Yin laughed dryly, and was about to say a few words when Li Shiyi asked Wu Qian in a soft voice, "Is it convenient for you to pee?"

"Pfft!" Ah Yin couldn't hold back, and the branches trembled with joy. A Luo and Nineteen looked at each other, Wu Qian turned pale, and looked at Li Shiyi in disbelief: "Fu... Eleventh sister?"

Li Shiyi explained: "In a cemetery or in the mountains, it is not uncommon for a ghost to hit the wall. If a villager encounters it, it can be broken by smoking a cigarette or peeing."

She raised her arms, with a long cigarette stick in her sleeve: "Although I have it, I don't have regular shredded tobacco. If I light this cigarette, I'm afraid it will be even more evoking."

She landed her eyelashes coldly and politely: "You have a job."

It is rare for Li Shiyi to say these many words. If you count the identity of Lord Lingheng, it is even more humiliating. How dare you not obey with five dollars. Luo glanced at each other, his face was as shy as a boiled shrimp, but he nodded respectfully with his identity, turned and walked into the depths of the bamboo forest.

There was the sound of unraveling the fabric of the clothes, and then there was the sound of water splashing. Song Nineteen was a little embarrassed, and buried his head in Li Shiyi's neck.

After waiting for a while, steady footsteps sounded, Wu Qian came over from the other side, squatted down to the creek to wash his hands.

Li Shiyi was about to ask everyone to follow her, when suddenly there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and in the old and majestic scolding, the wind removed the shell of tenderness, and a sharp blade struck through the bamboo shadow. The fallen leaves were rolled up and scraped on the face like a blade, and the air-dried corpses of snakes, insects, mice and ants were wrapped in them and passed over their ankles.

The chaotic wind knocked the alarm bell, and several people secretly said that it was not good. A Yin looked at Li Shiyi, but saw that she gently pushed the shoulder of Song Jiu, and shoved her into A Yin's arms. Then he lifted his heels with his toes, jumped up as lightly as a swallow, and rolled back and half-knelt on the ground.

There were traces of sweeping across the ground, and a shocking blood mark was carved on Li Shibai's ankle like a cold jade.

A Yin's heart shrank, and when he saw the place close to the ground, a long white wooden pole came swiftly. The head of the pole was a curved hook with a blade. It was just stolen from Li Shiyi.

"Alo!" Li Shiyi didn't care much, and only whispered.

Arrow's eyes and ears are clear, he carefully discriminates the long pole that stretches and retracts on the ground, and directs a few people to avoid sneak attacks.

Li Shiyi moved to the front of the boulder, put his back against it, took out the pipe at the right moment, put a pestle on the ground while the hook was attacking, stuck in the arc of the iron hook's rotation, and then slid it one by one and deflected it. Leaving the ground, he leaned forward, grabbed the bamboo pole with his left hand and pulled it hard, and a long spear as tall as two people appeared.

Li Shiyi's move seemed to catch the sneak attack by surprise, and there was no movement in the bamboo forest for a while.

As soon as she dropped her hand, the long pole hit the ground, making a dull sound. Song Nineteen took the lamp and looked up. It seemed to be a pole made of ash tree, but at the end of the pole there was only a pool of green leaves. Very unhappy.

Li Shiyi was able to drive the paper figurines, so he naturally knew that such imperial tricks were not new, but Qi Queqi was well-trained in this Green Leaf Soldier, benefited from advancing and retreating, and was extremely powerful. It is also difficult for ordinary soldiers to control this long pole, let alone leaves that are as thin as paper.

She was thinking about it carefully, but she saw that the mass of leaves moved as if it had been revived, as if some divine consciousness had been injected into it, she quickly stood up and took the shape of a human, grabbed the long rod and pulled it back, turned the gun head and smashed it desperately, Li Shi As soon as he took two steps back and protected Song Nineteen, A Yin and A Luo quickly dispersed, the mud shook faintly, and a bowl-sized nest appeared.

When Li Shiyi looked up, the other end of the spear was an iron ring the size of a fist. It was as hard as a hammer.

The retracted hook locked the corner of A Yin's clothes, and it was cut with a "thorn" sound. Then disappeared without a trace.

A Luo wrapped A Yin in his arms, the long gown covered the spring light that broke out of the encirclement, and lowered his eyes to Li Shiyi: "Are you calling Mulan?"

Li Shiyi returned his hand subconsciously and touched the Shentu Ling on his waist, thought about it but didn't move, and shook his head.

She raised her eyes to look at the sky, the clouds and fog were cleared, the moon and stars were clear, and there was also the sound of birds fluttering in her ears, so she whispered, "The action of only five coins seems to be effective, let's go down the mountain first."

There was something strange in it. Although Ye Bing was ruthless, he acted in a well-organized manner. His intuition was not that of a demented evil spirit. Moreover, this world was related to the nineteen-year-old hunchback, so she didn't want to use the soul army.

A Luo nodded, supported A Yin, and signaled Wu Qian to open the way.

Li Shiyi quickly explained: "Go north along the stream, turn right at the intersection, turn three times back to the original spot, and then walk backwards, you can break the formation."

Wu Qian was ordered to lead everyone down the mountain. Song Nineteen leaned against Li Shiyi's arms quietly, blinked slowly, and suddenly turned his head with a feeling, and looked into the depths of the bamboo forest.

The author says:

"Night Rain to the North": "You ask that the return date is not yet due, and the night rain in Bashan rose to the autumn pond. Why should we cut the candles in the west window, but talk about the night rain in Bashan." There are many theories about what mountain "Bashan" is, one of which is The seed is Jinyun Mountain, and this is the saying here.