Reading The Remnants

Chapter 85: Ten Nights Long Pavilion Nine Dreams (10)


"Beyond the Northwest Sea, to the north of Chishui, there is Zhangwei Mountain. There is a god, a man's face and a snake's body are red, his eyes are straight, his eyes are dark, his vision is bright. He doesn't eat, sleep, and wind and rain. It is Zhu Jiuyin, it is called Zhulong."

Li Shiyi noticed the difference in Song Shijiu's eyes opening. Usually, when she opened her eyes, she opened her eyes like a curtain. She pulled the thin covering away with a swipe, and her shy and smiling eyes popped out. Cry like, howling, expecting you to see her. But at this moment, she seems to be pushing the door with both hands, her drooping eyelashes are preparations for trimming her cuffs, and the eyes that land on the ground are the cracks in the door that she knocked on. Finally, she opens a door, and her eyes completely meet the person in front of her. people.

Comfortable, lazy, and offended when I wake up from a deep sleep.

She quietly swept her eyes from the surroundings one by one, and finally stopped at Li Shiyi.

Wei Yu laughed first, and she said in a hoarse voice, "Eleven."

The lights of Wanjia rekindled when these two words fell from her, and so did Li Shiyi's heart that stopped and recovered.

She stood up and hired Tingting's white snake that stood by the tree. The white snake slowly walked towards Li Shiyi, folded her ring finger with her middle finger, and tucked the words on her palm into the palm print.

After walking a few steps, she stopped again, and suddenly frowned, her eyes swept over the lantern that A Luo was carrying, and she tilted her head and asked Li Shiyi: "It's not difficult to subdue, and it's not dangerous, you I knew it earlier, didn't I?"

She flashed her eyes, revealing a little familiar innocence.

Li Shiyi said: "I checked the ancient books for a few days and knew its habits."

"Then," Song Nineteen lowered his head and raised his head again, "the lantern in her hand, and the gloves you wear for fighting, are not because of it."

Holding the ripples of the lake, she quietly looked at Li Shiyi: "It's because of me."

My name is Zhu Jiuyin.

- The god of Zhongshan, who regards it as day, sleeps for night, blows for winter, calls for summer, controls spring and autumn, and controls time.

Zhongshan is huge, and so am I. I often lie on the undulating mountains in my original form, looking at the world from a distance.

The breath I exhale is the clouds of Zhongshan, and the saliva of dreaming is the condensed lake. When I close my eyes, Zhongshan falls into darkness, and when I open my eyes, it is another day.

I slept on the top of this mountain where all the beasts gathered for many years. Later, I turned into a human figure and descended into the mortal world.

I listened to stories from the Tang and Song Dynasties, ate old wine from the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, walked through the Baigu Pit when the Five Husbands were in chaos, and sat on the highest eaves of the Epang Palace.

I have met all kinds of people, and have grasped all kinds of desires.

In 1912, on the day that Empress Dowager Longyu's abdication edict was published in the newspapers, I entered Taishan House.

The reason is because I received a letter from Yu Shi's concubine, saying that Zhu Yan was sentenced to be reincarnated as a domestic pig by Taishan Prefecture.

Zhu Yan is a very well-behaved beast, with a white head and bare feet, like a monkey.

I lost traces of it during the Qianlong period. It is said that I was killed and returned to Mount Tai. Because I lived for too long, my past was mixed, and it was carefully examined for one or two hundred years before the case was closed.

Taishan Mansion is very deserted, and even the tea shop is open every day, but the streets on both sides of the Bian River have been repaired according to the "Qingming Shanghe Tu". The dense shops are half closed, and the crows on the bridge Dozing off, the jujube red horse and the old yellow ox looked at each other boredly, and even wearing a dragon robe couldn't steal a little bit of the traffic on Bianliang Avenue.

Two words: contrived.

Even more pretentious than this fake market are the people walking on the bridge. She is carrying a glass-covered lantern in the clear sky, her long skirt with a cross-collar like falling snow brushed over the stone steps, and her black hair is combed in a homely style. A bun, with a red mole like cinnabar around the neck.

This is Ling Heng.

This is Ling Heng, the demon girl who used her accent as a U-turn.

I sat on the edge of the tea shop, lay back, put my legs on the table with my knees, and shook them crossed. This action is what I have learned from the man, and it should be enough to frighten the ghost.

At that time, I disliked Tartar's clothes as ugly, and I was wearing a crimson boy's suit from the late Tang Dynasty. My hair was loose and half tied. I looked at her with a slightly surprised expression, and I knew that she took me as a disciple. .

In fact, I came to find her for a koan case.

Hearing that three hundred years ago, the ruler of the palace, Lingheng, was greedy for Ksitigarbha, and he wanted to find a little pet.

Yes, yes.

I suppressed the anger in my heart, just one thing at a time, and debated with her about Zhu Yan's path.

She has a hideous face, but her speech is very pleasant. Have you ever heard the rustling sound hitting your heart when the snow melts? It's that kind of sound.

She told me that Zhu Yan is a vicious beast, the main soldier is Xian, and when he sees it, there are soldiers, and he has committed wars.

I answer that I was born this way, how can I go beyond that? Is it also a sin to eat and drink, eat chickens and hunt rabbits in life

She also said that Zhu Yan made the emperor have the heart to fight.

I laughed and asked, how can the emperor's original heart be blamed for foreign things? If it is all the fault of Zhu Yanshuo, who is the master of success? Why is the Lord of Huairou

After the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Zhu Yan was executed, and there was no more war. What is the situation now? Foreign enemies are difficult to defend, a hundred years of humiliation, and internal divisions are divided and torn apart. Who is to blame

She obviously couldn't tell me, so she just said lightly, others have reasons, Zhu Yan may not be blameless, the decree has been issued, and there is no need to say any more.

She frowned as she spoke, as if she was very tired, and she was about to go after me.

I reached out to stop her, and I touched her.

I fought with her from dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn, so that the wandering spirits passing on the ground all looked up, and the girl called Jambudi wanted to mobilize their souls to control the army, but Ling Heng carried The lamp stepped back and said: No need.

No, must.